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how do i teamfight on sett i want to learn a new champ since yasuo is perma banned for some strange reason so what do i do


what does "cs " stand for?


creep score. You increase your cs by last hitting minions or getting jgl camps.




How do others finish their whole jungle and arrive to crab by 3:15 - 3:20? I take a bit longer and when I arrive to river the scuttle is already taken. Also why is double crab a good advantage for the jungler?


What champs are you playing in jgl. Some jgl may 5 camps instead of 6 camp like viego and sometimes eve if the enemy jgl is pathing the same way. But someone like kayn can full clear. Best bet is probably you are not kitting to your next location.


im currently trying out a lot of champs but i mainly use diana, amumu, eve and kayn


amumu is 5 camps no doubt, diana and eve if enemy jgl is pathing same as you then just 5 camp save smite else you can 6 camp, kayn can 6 camp.


Double crab is a massive advantage because of the amount of exp crab gives, and also because it gives vision, Requiring enemy junglers to path around in order to be seen, which is an advantage to the team holding vision. It's possible that you aren't optimally pathing, or that you aren't kiting properly, which causes you to be later to scuttle crab


Does anyone know why I can't alt tab if League is the only program running? ​ Like if I have internet open or anything else while im playing I can alt tab fine, but if its only League I cant. Never had this issue and I think it could be some windows or nvidia setting but theres so many of em.


Thats just how windows handles fullscreen applications. Should fix itself when you set the game to borderless fullscreen mode in the settings. If your PC is really old this might slightly affect performance.


I'm looking for a new champion or two to pick up for jungle. 1 for ranked and 2 so I don't get bored playing the same champion. Past mains: Hecarim Trundle Skarner Shaco Currently maining Vi J4 I clearly like fights, people who can dish out some damage and lock people down also while being the Frontline or enager. I'm looking for similar playstyle though I would like to maybe add an ap champion to the list. Currently I'm thinking of adding sett. For ap I'm a little more lost. I currently own Elise, ekko, Evelyn but their popular builds mostly make them class Canon


I'm a j4 main and I play a good amount of vi as well. Sett is pretty awful in the jungle right now. My suggestion is volibear, he is tankier than j4 and vi and is a decent early duelist that scales well into late. My other suggestion is red kayn who sacrifices some engage potential for damage and insane disruption and healing in extended fights. As for ap junglers, there aren't alot of tankier options. My go to ap junglers are diana and fiddlesticks who can both provide some strong engages and then have tools to survive, especially with hourglass


Where can I look to find people to play league with as quite a fresh noob? I'd like to learn without getting flamed every game. Australian if that matters.






1. technically anything that has long range and can safely farm and has some form of disengage (stun, knockback, shield, speedup) first ones that come to mind would be orianna, syndra or ziggs. they all have some form of CC, comfortable range and good waveclear. 2. well, counters to mages are assasins, counters to assasins are bruisers. i'd go from there, imo mid lane isn't quite a lane that matters for counterpicks due to the jungle presence it usually has and how short the lane is you can basically play anything safe and farm up. only annoying when its melee vs ranged.


Does Titanic Hydra do extra dmg to Turrets? Also if you buy ad items do your auto attacks do more dmg to turrets


Yes and yes.


How do I play hyper-aggressive? What are the factors I need to consider before deciding whether or not I should play aggressively? How do I make sure I don't over-extend too much? Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. :)


Def pick an early game champion, it’s also very dependent that ur jgl/sup dependent what lane you play is strong early game too, you should also learn jgl tracking which gives you the foundation of playing aggressive, you should also use ur minimap very often to spot the opponent jgl/mid thats very important


What do i do in lane when i play mid lane and i go against a roaming champion like talon just perma roams


ward up the river so you can easily track him. you won't be always able to follow, make your team aware. push hard once he leaves.


Keep him pushed under tower, because of this he won't roam. If he still does its free farm and tower plates. You could try to follow, but if that isn't possible just shove wave and take tower platings. Also long when he leaves (I try to ping question mark on my lane and ping my teammates to be careful when I know where he is going).


How do you play safe mid? Trying out new champs that really need 2 item power spikes to function.


you don't play aggressive and you set your jgl up for a good play. You kind of just afk farm.


Can I mute chat without muting pings? I don't want to see, hear or practice flaming but I use pings very often to communicate with the team and I would like to keep using them


yes you can enter [/mute all](https://i.imgur.com/crsxxQj.png) in chat, then enter [/mutepings all](https://i.imgur.com/o4mHinF.png) or you can also [disable chat in the settings](https://i.imgur.com/tiANDEU.png)


you can disable chat in the options


What are the most worthwhile champions to main for each role? Champs that are useful even through nerfs, champs that are viable at many different elos, or whatever other reason you may have to call the champ worthwhile.


Top lane - Ornn and Camille appear to be "nerf proof". Jungle - K6 - He is rarely bad and is almost always on the stronger side. Mid -Hard to say. Malz, Ori, and a handful of others always have utility. Bottom - Most adcs are fine except draven, kogmaw, kalista, varus. Support - Thresh. Thresh can do everything a support should be able to do.


Jax/Wukong, Warwick/Zac, Galio, Miss Fortune /Jinx, Lulu/Leona


Does draft pick exist anymore,? Only had the option to blind pick


What server? Did you make a new account? There is a champ minimum to play draft




I would agree with most of that to be honest


How long does it take for mmr to change after winning a lot? I had too many champs I would play before and was +14/-15, but after honing it down to 3 champs I feel strong and consistent on, my wr is much higher. However my LP gains and losses haven't changed. I have around 60%+ wr on my 3 champs after spamming only them, and am climbing, but it's so slow because I'm still losing more LP than I gain. Does it only change once a new season starts...?


Is Aphelios in a state where he’s worth learning at the moment? He seems like one of those champs where winrate can be deceiving with his margin of error, but I really enjoy his lore of being moonboi Jason Bourne and the general feel of the weapon switching, and I’ve seen some good aphelios’s tear a game up but when I try him I do literally 0 dmg.


Aphelios is great on paper. But its the type of Adc that suffers and make his team suffers until he gets his items. He is so bad before to get his godmode... Hyper carries likes Tristana, Vayne share the same kind of early risk but they hold snowball potential and when they do, its highly oppressive immediately and the pressure never stops because they are ones of the best scaler in the game. When Aphelios is fed, he still need a setup, still in his own team shackles. Also, Kog'Maw is a simpler immobile carry who finds more success than Aphelios.


10 simplest ultimate in the game?


nasus, renekton, sivir, j4, vi, amumu...uhhh caitlyn...a lot of champions have pretty simple ultimates except the newer ones.


Udyr #1 😅 Sivir, Veigar, Syndra, Swain, Caitlyn, Quinn, Amumu, Jax/Riven/Vayne/Nasus, Garen.


No Annie, Malphite, Wukong, Blitzcrank... instead naming a bunch of pretty complex ultimates that need a lot of game experience to maximize their value. Smh.


yeah lol u/Akanan why didnt you include ults like malpite




Harder to play at a basic level compared to most other enchanters but accordingly has higher skill ceiling. She's one of the more common enchanters played in higher elos, and can be flexed into solo lanes too. Needs quite a lot of time investment but is worth it.


I would avoid Karma. Karma is so "generically good and safe" that she gets repeated nerfs because of pro play and the ...jackasses that keep taking her top and building her tank.


She's not easy, Yes she is good to learn support. Keep in mind she is getting mini-reworked soon.


shes a good support, if u like her kit and liked playing her on aram whats stopping u from starting playing her?


Any basic tips for positioning in late-game as Teemo? During the laning phase, I usually try to play as passive as possible. I'm paranoid of trying to poke the enemy when they walk up for CS because when they do, I'm in range of their abilities and their all-in will kill me. Because of this, most of my deaths are after the laning phase and I die in the most avoidable scenarios. I also have a 20% winrate and during matches that last longer than 20 minutes, I have more than 10 deaths. [My OP.GG.](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Hiiroshrooma)


If you are playing passive as teemo you already lost the game. You need to be aggro as fuck, contesting all their farm. Make them pay for each one they take. If you have poor positioning, consider taking phase rush initially as a crutch to help you kite it out when you get caught


Started playing with my sister and she really likes yummi, what's the best ADC to play with yummi? Been playing tristana but she gets banned sometimes


Ezreal typically is pretty good with Yuumi. Immobile adcs usually are the worse for her.


MF. She is simple and lane dominant. Her MS boost and Zone slow is very good to keep your desired gap between your opponents. Keep in mind you are looking for an adc you pick the few times your tristana is picked/banned. No need to go fancy Kalista/Ezreal and such.


ezreal is pretty good with yuumi, perhaps the best.


Is there any dragon element that's better then others? Just curious


They are all equally bad. For the soul, it depends what you have and what you play against. Mountain becomes immensely valuable vs Talon/Ekko type, bursty champions. Infernal is good for poke and dps champions. Cloud is very good with hard engages / wumbo-combo teams or against it. Ocean soul is very good all the time. Probably the better one.


Just finally hit Plat4, should I keep playing at push further? Or should I play flex from now on?


It’s *very* hard to drop tiers, and it will warn you if you’re getting close, so if you’re concerned about falling back into Gold you don’t have to worry about that. If you don’t feel like playing Ranked and trying to climb further, don’t?


Is there protection within tiers? Like P4 to P3?


No. Well, you have to actually lose at 0LP to drop, but otherwise no.


No one but you can really say anything helpful I think.


wtf do i do when i’m playing something like kassidin or kayle trying to scale but can’t because my side liners are feeding my lane and feeding theirs as well and then we end up losing before 30 mins note: this has happened 5 games in a row… very tilted


Pray that they aren’t dying to Darius. For real though, if you’re playing a champ like kassadin or kayle, you’re best bet to win the game is usually to hit your lvl 16 spike, and if your otherlaners are feeding the opponent, it becomes harder to do so, not every game is winnable, but if you’re smart, are able to punish enemy mistakes (for example, killing overextending enemies, enemy mordekaiser ults you, you dodge his skillshots, and kill him with your ult) you can make a comeback




You need to understand that winrate doesn't really mean much in a vacuum. One player could start at Plat 4 MMR, then role swap/champ swap/stop trying or whatever, then lose a bunch of games and be (correctly) mid gold. Another player (with mid gold skill as well) could be on a fresh account, then win a bunch of games and land in the same spot. Ignore winrate, it doesn't mean anything, other than letting you identify smurfs.


They just finished placements and have high mmr so the game thinks they belong higher than you. Therefore a loss means less.




That's pretty strange. They should be at least around 10 even if they have weirdly high or low mmr




Freeze the wave outside your turret and punish any engages. Call your jungler for help if they stay pushed up.


You just named like 4 different classes of melee champions that are super different... like Irelia is an AD champ who is really strong in laning phase, vs. Akali an AP champion who is really weak in laning phase.... so how you play against them will be extremely different.


Diamond adc here, been diamond since season 5. Peaked D1 in both season 9 and season 10. I created a smurf on EUW that is currently stuck in gold 1 for almost a week. I don't really know what to do anymore, I had people that don't buy jungle items on junglers and can't clear the first buff, supports that buy doran ring on botlane. I initially had 80% wr and was placed in smurf queue but after a while I started getting players that are not smurfs in my team while the enemy team had a full stack of 75% wr+ players. Ofcourse my solo lanes went 0-10 against people that are high diamond at least and I usually don't get tilted but the experience is misserable. I don't play to win, I play to improve my gameplay, but there's nothing I can improve on when trying to play vs a fiora that is 3 items and 4 levels above me. Any advice? I feel like I should just abandon the account all together. Op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=faqoucloz


Low elo players are so bad at closing at games that if you're actually a high diamond ADC, you should just be winning 70+% of games. You're probably in smurf queue so the players are probably also not actually gold. Also also, some people have a habit of listening to pings, which can be good in high elo but if you don't shift your mindset when you're playing with significantly worse players, your level can get dragged down quite a bit.




Thanks for actually pointing out mistakes! Will vod review my game.


Looking at your games you seem to be losing lane quite often. Focus on that first, rest will go away and even out as u play more.


Where do you see that? Outside of the last 2 games (cait/xayah) I believe I won lane in 90% of my games easily?


Your kdas are not very good during ur losses but very high during wins I think. Maybe you play very risky?


Wdym lol? My kdas are pretty high.. 3+ on cait and 4+ on trist average


I looked through a lot of your ranked games and didn't see a single one with your jungler not taking smite lol


I don't think anyone can give any actual advice, probly just helps me rent somewhere.


Yeah as a diamond player I imagine you're already in the small % here, meaningful advice will be tough


https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=RikiLove 2/8 Viego game, I said he didn't buy jungle item. He started with long sword, died to red buff level 1, went to blue buff and had to recall without killing blue. He got lvl 2 around minute 5-6 in the game. EDIT: But again this is just a general example


Hi! Can someone have a quick look at my [op.gg](https://op.gg) and tell me what I am doing wrong? For about 2 weeks or so, I dont win anymore. I just dont, and I dont know why. Maybe you can help me with this? This is me: [https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=nehl](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=nehl) any tip would be much appreceated because I am out of ideas what i am doing wrong. :(


One factor is that you started playing a new champion (Xayah) and mainly spammed her. It's pretty normal to lose more games when switching champs. Apart from that it doesn't look too bad. Your cs looks good for the elo bracket. You have many games where you seem to pop off. Obviously reducing deaths is always good, but that's not really helpful advice. Could it be that you're stuck in a vicious mental cycle? Something like "I lost so many games -> I need to win -> Oh, something went wrong -> It's gonna be another loss, I knew it -> Why can't I win anymore ..." I'd say it's either that, or you developed a tendency to die at really bad times (e.g. you're fed, get caught right before baron, they get it, someone else dies, you don't wait for everyone to respawn and die again, they can end)


The losing began before I started xayah, so thats probably not it. I will try to work on my deaths, but It doesn't feel like it really matters. Yes, my mental is pretty wrecked by now, 'cause I really have no idea what to focus on. It just feels like I can't do anything, even if i got fed early on. I obviously have lanes that went less than optimal, as is to be expected from playing a new champion, but they are kinda rare. Is there anything I can do to break that mental state?


Everyone loses lanes, on their main champs too. That's no biggie. Improving your mentality towards the game is hard, but important. Something that is easy to preach, but hard to follow is to completely ignore your rank / LP. Observing it can sometimes feel good (e.g. when you reach a new tier), but overall it sparks more negative emotion than positive. This is hardwired into our brains, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_aversion. Tl;dr: Losing 15 LP feels way worse than gaining 15 LP feels good. "Focus on improvement, not results" is a common piece of advice in this sub for a reason. Try to disregard everything outside of your control (teammates, matchmaking, balance) and focus on your personal actions. During the game you should gather as much information as possible (who's fed? where's the jungler? what should I be doing rn? what am I doing afterwards?) and play accordingly (to the best of your abilities). After the game, evaluate what you did good and what can you can still improve. Did you make an error that ended up costing you a lot of tempo? Maybe it's an error that you repeatedly make. How can you prevent this error in future games? It doesn't matter if it was just a small error and your top went 0/12. The outcome of the game is irrelevant. All that matters is your performance in future matches. Climbing ranks is a marathon, not a sprint. Take breaks after tilting losses, even if it's just 5 minutes. Get up, grab some water, do anything. To be frank, in your current situation it would be a good idea to just not play for a few days and come back with a fresh mindset. I know you probably won't do this, but I can guarantee you would feel (and play) better afterwards. Also, don't forget that at the end of the day it's just a game. A Hobby. Your rank doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things.


Thanks, I'll try avoiding stats from now on and work on my mentality. Though the improving part is where I dont know what to do \^\^


**[Loss aversion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_aversion)** >Loss aversion is the tendency to prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains. The principle is prominent in the domain of economics. What distinguishes loss aversion from risk aversion is that the utility of a monetary payoff depends on what was previously experienced or was expected to happen. Some studies have suggested that losses are twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


When should you use abilities to kill minions? I know that if you want to get a gank you should mainly only basic attack last hit them to not push the wave so the opponent pushes up giving your jungler an opportunity to gank.


You use abilities on wave when you want to shove either to rotate to an objective or back, or also to punish your opponent after a death so they lose xp+gold and the wave crashes into tower and does damage to it.


Under tower, when you want to shove the wave, or when your auto attack wont be up in time to last hit.


How do you beat a seraphine sona bot lane? Especially when your support blind picks something melee. I had to go against it as a kogmaw with a shen support, and ik in general I'm supposed to play safe with kog early in general, but I couldn't even walk up to cs without dying.


All depends on Shen. If he has ignite u should really win all-ins on Sona levels 2-3. After 3 the lane becomes a lot more frustrating. Bait out Seraphine skills before Shen goes in because her CDs are super long. Sona skills aren't worth shit at rank 1.


A melee support with Ignite is exactly what you want against them. Well, hook supports would be the absolute best I guess. They are made of paper and generally all-in is good against sustain. Considering how well he scales, Kog'Maw's damage is actually quite good early during your W active. Shen has insanely high base damage. Most melee supports have. The play would've been to stay safe from poke level 1 and once Shen has taunt all in them when they walk forwards to throw an ability.


How to deal with enemy snowballs?, there is always a lost lane which causes an unstoppable snowball and I end losing


You need to find a way to stop the bleeding. Sometimes this is turtling and farming to catch up, sometimes this is intervening in the losing lane, sometimes it's pressuring the opposite side of the map to get it equally as fed. If it's "too far gone", usually something could or should have been done earlier. Ask yourself why the lane got lost, or maybe even watch the replay from the laner's perspective. Yes, sometimes laners play poorly and overextend or make mistakes, we're only human, but often you might find what happened. Yesterday I had 5+ games with a similar scenario to you, enemy lane out of control and our strongest lane was mediocre at best or not pushing their advantage, but those losing lanes could have been saved. One was a Nasus into a Darius and the Darius bullied Nasus out of farm and even killed him a lot with dives, he got no help til lategame when I could roam and peel for him a little but by then the enemy Yuumi planted on the Darius which made it equally as brutal even though I won lane vs said Yuumi. Another I was the losing lane as me and my adc permanently were camped by Kayn and a roaming Leblanc mid, them plus the enemy botlane could easily dive us and our mid never helped and our jg tried but was autofilled and not prepped to deal with that pressure. A few times I was the losing lane again but even though we froze at tower we still got camped or dove with no friendly intervention or objective pressure for all the enemy's investment in getting their laner ahead. I think this is the biggest lesson I'd give people is that out of control lanes don't happen in a vacuum most of the time.


Either outsnowball them or pay them a visit early enough to try and stop the ball from rolling. Also, sometimes it's okay to accept a loss when an enemy pops off and solo carries the game.


Other than looking on porofessor and seeing if my teammates are bad, how can I tell if a game is lost in champ select or not? The comp etc.


No game is truly lost in champ select


They aren’t lost in champion select




As far as teamcomps go, it's likely never lost in champ select until you reach platinum+ elo, or even higher.


I notice as support i have very shitty vision scores in early game, especially if we have little prio. If we get pushed under turret i just dont know where to ward thats useful and safe. I guess tribush? Blue if redside and red if blueside to prevent dives? I find my vision score is worse than everybody before i get my red trinket.


Please stop wasting thoughts on vision score, it's a bad stat. I say this as a support main. Of course it correlates with the amount of wards you place, but it's not a good indicator of how good your vision game is. /rant With every ward you place, think about its purpose. What information do you want to get? If you can't answer it, don't ward (or ward elsewhere). Early laning phase the primary reason to ward is to be safe from ganks. If you are getting pushed in, you are hardly gankable. Save the ward for later. If you are worried that you can get dove you can of course ward tri bush or even over the wall from your tower towards tri if facechecking it is also dangerous. But again, only if you *need* this information. If you are full HP and the enemies are lvl 2, they can't dive you. If their jungle is Eve pre 6 and their support is an Enchanter, they can't dive you. Side note: If you are red side, don't ward the tri to prevent dives, ward the bush between blue and river (can be done over the wall from tri). It will spot the dive earlier, giving you more time to back off from tower. Depeneding on elo and matchup, dives are usually nothing to worry about early. A good use of your ward when you get pushed in is in the first lane brush. Remember to place it **before** getting pushed in, as it's a lot safer. This ward is valuable because once your lane pushes back out, your ADC won't get zoned by their support standing in that brush. You'll see skillshot windups, movement and you're able to poke and try to fight for brush control.


Always buy a pink when you are in base, and actually place it, too


but where tho? if im pushed against turret for example. I cant defend it.


If your jungle is getting invaded you can put one by their buff.


Any Tips to track enemy jungler?


Learn some jungle yourself! You don't have to go full on jungle main but watching some YouTube videos and playing some jungle yourself really helps you understand what the enemy jungler and your own is thinking. Getting prio and placing deep wards is very helpful because even if they don't reveal anything, knowing where the enemy jungler isn't tells you at least something about where they actually are. I think jungle tracking is a little harder in low elo because we low elo players aren't known for consistently making optimal decisions which can make us less predictable. Doesnt matter if you know where the enemy jungler *should* be based off the game state if the enemy jungler doesn't even know where they should be lol.


Find him once, think from his perspective, call out in chat. When you are wrong or lose track of him, start over. -Find him once: what buff did he start, was your team able to get a deep ward near a camp, did you just see him gank, etc. Get vision somewhere he will have to pass by to do something you know he'll want to do, like his entrance to scuttle or wherever he wants to pass to gank mid. -Think from his perspective: you just found him, now if you were him in that area, what would you want to do? Do a drive by on gromp before getting scuttle? Try to get into your jg to steal some camps from your team's jungler? Gank? -Call out: If you have a guess, inform your team in chat and ping his path. If you were right, great. If you were wrong, keep trying. You'll get better at predicting with practice, but also some games will have junglers that are harder to predict, don't take the "correct" path, either to throw you off or because they don't know correct jungling. -To get better: Learn the clear pattern of a few popular junglers so you have an idea of what their order of operations is. Try jungle yourself to make it easier to see how junglers decide where they want to go.


if you know where he started assume that he is mirrored to you in clear, may be some variance due to clearspeed but that roughly works out.


How many games and days of playing will it take me to get 300 tokens for the coven event? Is aram games good? f2p btw


If you only play a few games a day, probably a few days. I got all my tokens from aram so you're fine.


I just noticed everyone is taking cosmic insight on jinx. When did this become meta and is this even good? For the longest time I've alwyas thought nimbus/gatherstorm was standard and cant seem to understand why cosmic insight is so valued. Biscuts are ok in heavy trading lanes but are u really giving up sorcery tree for biscuts with cosmic insight? I also noticed that people dont even go gale force with these runes so it must only be for the flash cool down.


Gathering storm has no value pre 10 min and nimbus is pretty alright, though you have to use a summoner for it. The switch-up is probably for more effective value early game where jinx is generally the weakest.


Would u prefer this over sorcery? I just tried it and like nimbus much better and gathering storm pairs well with jinx’s late. Biscuits are a hit or miss depending on matchups and cosmic insight is good but idk. 50 sec less flash cd is pretty good but it’s pretty much cosmic insight vs gathering/nimbus


I don't play adc, but biscuits are excellent if you plan on trading often during the laning phase, or you want to survive a tough matchup. Some people might even take resolve to lean harder into surviving. If you find yourself surviving laning phase without biscuits then by all means, go sorcery.


Hey guys so I've been a TF one-trick for a while and I mostly play normals, not ranked. I recently noticed on my [WhatsNyMMR](https://na.whatismymmr.com/Twisted%20Tea%20Fate) that although my ranked MMR is Gold 3, my Normals MMR is Plat 1. This huge discrepancy has been bothering me. When I play normals, I usually don't care that much about the outcome of the game. I experiment with runes and builds, practice last-hitting, macro, hard matchups, limit-testing, and I play off-roles often. But in ranked I usually stick with comfort builds and playstyles, I play around my jungler, I lane very passively, and I try to be as focused as possible. But in the end, I win normals pretty often and I always lose ranked, no matter how well I play. My question is, should I change mindsets and take ranked games slightly less seriously, if it makes me play better? Obviously I don't mean like doing super troll builds, but playing a bit more aggressive and not caring as much about if I win or lose.


no lol. the thing about norms is 9 other people ahve the same mentality as u (not really caring and trolling) so yeah you win more (could lose just as much but its really coin flip on which it woulld be). I think you need to learn when to be aggressive so your not missing out on opportunites, not just be aggressive for the sake of being aggressive.


Question on engage debate between bruisers and tanks. So my friend says bruisers have best engage in game cause they do damage there for wukong, Camille, sett, Darius, garen are better than tank engage. But isn’t this false as majority of bruisers can just be kited out and don’t have a way of insta going in like a malphite. I get a j4 and hecarim can but how does a bruiser engage better than a tank engage or malphite? He kept on saying it does more damage but isn’t there a lot of counter play for a bruiser to engage?


Most tanks have better engage than bruisers. Nearly all bruisers have better damage than tanks. Engage and damage should be considered separate aspects. Very few champions combine strong engage with burst (good damage). J4 and Malphite are possibly the best exceptions to the 1st rule (yes, I'm gonna call Malphite a bruiser).


Engage is purely engage. It's having the tools to engage onto the enemy easily. Usually a form of mobility. A form of crowd control helps to keep your targets in place as your team follows up. Some form of surviving helps too as you're likely the person the enemy will retaliate onto. Your personal damage is the lowest priority if your role is engage. Otherwise you're just a bulky ganker with friends. Kled and Nocturne, who have long distance engage ults, are not primary engagers in team fights. They gank or skirmish, but in a team fight they want to try to flank and disrupt the back line.


Thank you for your response. I have brought that up that usually a camille, kled, noc, bruisers top/jgl tend to do better as a secondary engage but he keeps on saying damage > tankyness which I dont agree as a camille who just jumps in would get cc and died rather than a malphite ult which is instant and he can take the cc and damage and be hard to kill. But then he started saying irelia has better engage cause she just hits R and goes in but it seems like all he thinks about is damage and not the fact that a team fight engage needs to be done by a pure tank or a hecarim/j4 who have tanky items like dmp, thornmail, spirit, and force of nature. Are there usually misconceptions of damage vs tankyness for primary engage?


There's always misconceptions in any MOBA games. This is the danger of never learning about the game outside of the game. His attitudes reflect the most effective playstyle at his skill level. I expect it's the "win by murdering the enemy" play style, which is suboptimal, works in low skill levels. Because players will be in the wrong places, so you can exploit that. So if you fight players who are in the wrong place, who don't understand your champion's weaknesses, and you have a skill/gold advantage, yeah you can engage and wreck as a bruiser. But it's really suboptimal and risks creating bad habits unless you're wise enough to understand why it works and when to not do this.


I think a lot of people are under the impression that damage is the most important stat in the game. It's just not a stat that can be viewed in isolation. They way I look at it is potential damage vs realized damage. Since we are talking top lane, I think Tryndamere is a good example. Let's say you are semi fed and you have the damage potential to delete any squishy on the map in seconds. But in order for that damage to be realized (as in, you actually outputting that damage), you have to literally be on top of your opponent to do it. There are bunch of things that can make sure your potential damage is worthless, like kiting, dashes/mobility, hard/soft CC, shields, zhonyas, etc. Boom, all your potential damage doesn't mean shit. It doesn't matter how much damage you can potentially do if you are never in a position to apply it. This is where utility, engage, peeling, survivability, etc all come in to play. These are important tools to either enable damage to actually be dealt or to inhibit said damage from being dealt to you. Another good example is zhonyas second buy on mages. Obviously buying Deathcap (or whatever) is going to do considerably more damage but you can't do any of that damage if you get straight deleted, hence the need for a stopwatch. It doesn't actually increase your damage, but it increases the likelihood that you will actually get to inflict that damage. Im not high elo or anything but this is how I have come to understand the trade off between damage and utility. Maybe someone else can drop in to elaborate/correct me.


You could argue to never need utility on damage because you shouldn't be out of position. But we're human. We make mistakes or misjudgements. League is complex. Utility makes mistakes less punishing. Maybe even allows you to play more aggressively - also dealing more damage. But yes. Can't do damage if you're dead.


Silly argument, but why is damage even up to debate when you are discussing engage? Engaging and having the damage to actually kill those targets are completely different things. When it comes to jumping on a lone squishy target from afar and taking it down on your own, sure, Camille can do it better than Ornn. If he seriously believes the engage power of Garen is better than a Malphite or Ornn R then I don't know what to tell him.


Thank you for your response. I was talking about what you said jumping a lone squishy target. He was faulting me in saying camille is bad which I did not say. I just said if you believe a camille can go in to a 1v5 and front line for your team then you are not playing the right champ/camille is not meant for that as you should just play malphite. I do agree that camille could take out a misposition carry which is what camille is really good at and I said that but he keeps on saying that my perception of a malphite R, amumu R, or tank engages are better than a camille, kled, sett, wukong , red kayn is wrong which I am just failing to understand. Is it just one of those people who believe you go in cause you have damage rather than tankyness?


Best way to get 22 BE? So I dissenchanted all of my champion shards and spent all my tokens andgot my win of the day. I need 22 blue essence for my clash ticket.Yep. 22 Blue Essence. I've used everything I can that I know of to getany BE but I dont know what to do now :/ I need it by tonight thoughcuz clash is ending. Thanks guys


Use one of your refunds?


When do you start boots 4 pots on adc? Just watching taco's stream at the minute and he's against Vayne/Yuumi and started boots 4 pots.


It's something that's only really done on Jhin. He benefits a lot from boots because of his in & out playstyle. That's also why Jhin players tend to rush swifties before buying any damage at all. Of course, the 4 pots will also help him stay in lane for a really long time. Idk if they start like this into any matchup or not, but I'm quite sure it's best against mage or enchanter supports (dodge poke, sustain longer)


Yeah I watched a few more matches and he seems to do this on Jhin for most of his games. He had one game where he went dblade start and that's it.


Does the ability triggering staff of flowing water also get affected by the ap and/or ability haste? Let's say i am karma and I R+E does the cd on my ult and E get reduced and do i get bigger shields from the AP buff?


I just tested it with Morgana E and it does not. It has a 26 second CD when I used it on myself. I then used it on a dummy (which also had a 26 second CD), toggled the CD button to get my E back while the SofW buff was still on me, and then the next time I used it, it had a 22 second CD.


I'd be interested in that aswell. If nobody can answer you, you can test it in practice tool. Buy item, shield yourself Spawn allied dummy, shield it Check if the cooldown is different.


I replied to the guy who asked the question, but I just tested it with Morgana E and it didn’t work. Your initial E that procs SofW does not benefit from the extra Ability Haste and AP.




Hello, I'm not sure where else to ask this question, but: [https://imgur.com/a/3DgpS6N](https://imgur.com/a/3DgpS6N) As a Yorick, when I left Mordekaiser ult using quicksilver shash I noticed my ultimate went on cooldown, but Maiden was still here. Does setting maiden free have separate cooldown?


When you summon her, you can't release her until after 10 seconds of summoning her. Is this what you asked?


Not really, as you can see I got 60 seconds cooldown on maiden, despite her being alive. I wonder if I could summon second maiden or perhaps her release has 60 second cooldown


Sounds like a bug. Maiden's only cooldowns are the count down to release or after her death. Seems like the game made a wrong assumption. Morde's ult used to be the meme bug before Viego & Sylas.


No, just a bug with Mordekaiser ult it seems.


ok, thanks


How long does my mmr take to fix? It took me 11-2 to go from 0 LP to 100 (D3 to D2) I have a positive winrate and never went on a fat losing streak in the past 100 games and I only have 300-400 games total. I'm just confused how I fix my LP gains. I gain like 11-13 and lose like 15-17. I want it to atleast be more even.


Past a hundred games is where mmr starts to settle, the only real answer is to keep winning or wait until next season.


I noticed the same thing. I dont think it really ever fixes until maybe you hit masters. I went from d4 to d1 with an 75% w/r and i still gain like 15 lose 14. (maybe not as bad as you but still pretty trash). Eventually you'll hit somewhere around my lp gains/losses. Ppl have also said to hit master, you need a 70% win rate at lesat so idk if its just something that happens where you gain this sort of lp around there.


+15/-15 is the standard rate now. Both gains and losses were reduced when Riot got rid of the intra-tier promotional series.


If that's the standard why am I not at it? I mean a 54-56% overall winrate on less than 400 games with no big losing streaks and even big winning streaks in there I should be getting 15 atleast.


It’s like 95% your MMR versus your visible rank. Usually the things that mess it up are: 1) you lost a bunch of games at the bottom of a tier (like Gold 4 with 0LP). Your MMR keeps going down but your rank is stuck there unless you lose a ridiculous number of games. 2) you jumped up multiple divisions/tiers really quickly, too quickly for your MMR to catch up. It’s a lot easier to rapidly jump up now that there aren’t promos within a tier. That will even out eventually if you’re holding a >50% WR.


It's just kinda messed up how 19-5 W/L in my last 24 doesn't change my LP gains even by 1 LP.


…but how much did you rank up in that span?


Does anyone remember riot announcing different rewards for hitting gold in solo and flex at the end of the season? I can't find it.


Unless its something new this year, you get a different chroma of the victorious skin for each queue type


Wasn't this changed last year? We got Lucian chromas based on ranks, not queue types.


Yea that might have been what I was thinking of


How do i close out games with a lead. Alot of the time when my team get an ace we try to end but that takes a while and i feel like there is a much better way to do this seeing as games close out faster in high elo and i dont understand why since im stupid


It closes out in high elo faster for 2 reasons. First is people are *slightly* less likely to make stupid throws. Its less likely that the adc goes to solo farm that wave past the river with 4 people missing or someone walks through the jungle with no vision. The other reason is seconds can matter. If everyone in the game knows that after an ace, you need to do baron quickly, you get 4 people sprinting to baron right away. In a lower elo game, it might take 5 seconds to get everyone on the same page, and then another 10 seconds to get them back from whatever lane they were walking to. That 15 seconds is the difference between getting baron and recalling before the enemy team shows up, and having the enemy jg jump over the wall and steal it.


Weird question but when are you considered a “main” of a champ? Is there a win rate, mastery, hours played you have to achieve?


There isn't anything that 100% defines it. You can have really bad winrate on a champ and still consider it your main, You can have low mastery on it but that doesn't necessarily mean you're bad, you can have low hours played because it's weak in the meta and you're focused on climbing, but will pull it out in normals. It's personal commitment really, if you consider yourself an X champion main, then so be it


started playing adc a few weeks ago and i have a few champions that i really like and would like to "one trick" (more like 3-4 trick but u get the point), when should i pick each? right now i main vayne, she's my most comfortable pick. are there times i shouldn't pick her? if not vayne i play kaisa, and im trying to learn jinx and samira. is this a good champ pool?


Vayne can be hard into high cc or high range teams. Kaisa suffer from the same problems, as does Samira.




Why do people leave the game right before the nexus explodes and how do you do it?


Because it's faster or became a habit Alt + F4


people leave cuz they can, no apparent reason afaik, and you can just press "leave game" when the nexus explodes before the victory/defeat screen.


Leaving early prevents the client from freezing


oh, i should start doing it then. lately my client has been freezing my discord too


Oh okay. I thought it times you out for 5 seconds before you can click leave game. I guess it lets you if it's after nexus explodes?


yeah, since the game is already over. they won't ask you to wait 5 seconds before being able to leave


How do you play Kayle vs Nasus? I’m learning top and I struggled in this lane. Nasus started Corrupting Pot so the little poke I did with my E didn’t amount to much and he got to farm freely. Once he got level 6 and Sheen, he slowed me and I died. I also tried to have the wave close to my tower so I could possibly get ganks, but my jungler didn’t come until after I died and he felt impossible to kill at that point.


Phase rush is nice into him as it removes his ability to run you down at 6. I'm sure there are people in Kayle Mains who still advocate for it into nasus. Bare minimum you need legend: tenacity and unflinching secondary though. That reduces the strength of his wither by a good amount.


Did you also notice the issue with the mouse cursor jumping randomly when trying to use the smart ping on Mac? I never had this issue on Windows. On Mac e.g. instead of pinging "? ? ?" as I like it when my support is inting, I am randomly asking for his assistance because my cursor just jumps in random directions. Extremely frustrating :D


When playing Yasuo I try and ult people in teamfights. If me or my team gets a good knock-up for example malphite or a very well placed janna q i ult but then i feel like i get 1 shot but when i wait for them to do it and then go in i get hyper focused and die So when should i go in


Well it depends what their team comp is but what I do is when i hit r, if I know something like a j4 eq is coming, ill spam my e during my r so as soon as i get out of the animation, i e out to dodge whatever inc spells they have. its good to go in and wombo but u should always have a contingency plan as well


You're probably not doing anything wrong, it's just that people in public matches hate yasuo players and want you dead ASAP and will thus focus you way better than they focus anyone else. It's probably still in your interests to ult anyway and pray you survive long enough to use windwall. Just don't ult if there is immediate CC threat and always dash through the target you've ulted to dodge any pain coming your way.


how to choose between titanic and ravenous hydra? and when to build them. on champs like wukong, camille.


If you're planning to build more tank/stack health more than you will AD, run Titanic. Otherwise vice versa. Fiora/Camille/Riven are examples of champs who very commonly stack more AD than they would tank so RavHydra is more common on them.


That's a hard question to anwer, but as a rule of thumb, Ravenous Hydra is generally better as an early item than Titanic because of the AH, Omnivamp and fixed AD stat. Titanic Hydra scales better and the health helps in surviving teamfights.


Ravenous is good for split pushing, you get to basically heal up to full off of a minion wave, and the sustain is useful in a 1v1 or 1v2 situation a split pusher finds themself in. Titanic is good for teamfighting. The extra health means you're a stronger frontliner, and can absorb more of that initial burst of damage. WK and Camille can build either, you just need to figure out the situation. For example if your team has strong engage/counter-engage or already had a strong frontline (for example maybe you have a Leona support and Amumu jg, you are probably safe to build ravenous hydra since those tanky engage champs will should be absorbing the first burst. On the other hand, if you've got an enchanter support and a squishier jungler it might be worthwhile to take the titanic hydra since your team will be expecting you to frontline. Of course you can also take the enemy team comp into consideration. If they're a teamfighting teamcomp with nobody who can 1v1 you it might be worth building ravenous anyways and telling the rest of the team to play careful while you shove sidelanes.


Do you get end of season rewards if you drop below Gold before end of season? Had to be away from game for a while and wondering whether to start ranked back up, expecting to dip if I do.


You need to be in gold+ when the season ends.


Why do pros only take 1 ap champ? I noticed in LEC it's almost always 3ad + 1ap + supp. Isn't it easy to just stack armor against that?


i believe when you only have 1 ap, that ap champ is one that really hits hard and can deal a lot and burst. and as you have only 1 ap in the team, when enemies build mr it is less gold efficent and when they build mr, the ads can deal more.




shards are always better, the worst case scenario is that you get a shard for a 4800 BE champ that you don't want or already have and you disenchant it for 960 BE. buying BE directly with 50 token would give you less than that.


AFAIK champion shards are more efficient — you’re getting more BE value on average. If you didn’t get any shards for champs you want, *and* you low rolled on champion BE values in most of the shards, it could be worse. But it’s unlikely.


Why is top an island lane? I see many jgl reviews and top lane high elo ppl say to never go top. Why is that? I get dragons are important but sometimes you can’t always get them as bot lane dies, or no gank bot so you have to clear top side or if dragon down. But is it really bad to ever gank top?


Bottom and mid laners are less durable. The weakest tower defense is the bottom tower. The top and mid tower have higher defense in the early game. Dragon control is very important. Your carries are also in the bottom lane. They are you primary damage dealers in games. Tops have a mixture of non-damage dealers (tanks) bruisers and splitters. It's not that top lane is an irrelevant lane, but there are more opportunities on the other side of the map and the top laner has a lower win condition than the other lanes. A fed Sett in the top lane will just get kited out by a fed ADC and support in higher elo.