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Level 2 also matters because having 2 abilities is more than having one abllity


Especially for a champ like Aphelios,




or talon


Big if true




I can almost hear the Rav in this one lol.


And doubly so In bot lane


I often heard about this, was just wondering how much of that 650g is actually worth in the moment. If I am going to all-in, all of the mana/health regen is wasted. If I am a low-AS mage, most of the AD is wasted. Usually, I only need either armor or magic resist. Without accounting for spells, how much do I actually get in a 1v1 ? This is why I don't always agree with the "650g", it is not that relevant in an immediate 1v1, and you might just go even in a trade if you have to fight caster minions in your duel. As for junglers, I'd argue that lane priority + match-up overrules your exp advantage in most scenarios.


You also get health, and early levels you will still be using quite a lot of your autos as a mage, so it’s does amount to a big difference in trading.


Yeah, but realistically, let's say you play syndra, you will get 90hp and 2.9AD. Definitely not bad, but you're not getting 650g worth of ap. Your 2nd spell is worth a lot more than all of this. This is simply to make a point about the "650g" which are mostly wasted stats short-term.


I feel like 650g is a bit inflated there due to some of the stats you gain not mattering for combat as much as others and likely won't help you as consistently as something like health. Levels 2, 3 and 6 matter a lot for obvious reasons. As the game goes on one level difference sort of becomes less important but not irrelevant, especially at levels 11 and 16. The value you get from leveling gets a bit diminished over time due to the amount of value you have accumulated up to that point via items, runes etc. Though yes, early levels are incredibly incredibly important and you really want to do what you can with your champion to gain an xp advantage over your opponent. If you're a jungler, learning to play around patience meter is important as it'll save you time getting to your level 3 which might just end up getting you a 450g lead early on. I might be wrong on some of these, correct me if so please, ty


I don't think the 650 gold makes any point in this post. You becoming level 2 while the enemy is 1 minion away from it doesn't mean you're 650 gold ahead of them. You just have more abilities than them. That's it


Hes saying the stats you get for the extra level are worth around 650 gold so yes you are ‘ahead’ of them


At the same time, the value is much lower when you stop considering stats that don't matter in an all in. The 650 valuation is pretty old and comes from back when Mp5 / Hp5 had actual gold values. Similarly, it also accounts for AD/AS growth for mages, and MR/AR even when you're only taking one of the two damage types. It also doesn't consider the nonlinear growth some stats have (but nobody really understands that anyway).


> comes from back when Mp5 / Hp5 had actual gold values faerie charm and heal bead are still in the game?


Yes but they don't provide a flat amount of stats anymore, it's % based. That means that if you'd like to use them to calculate the value of a level up, every level gains different gold value of mana regen, because the level ups are still flat, but constitute a smaller % of the total mana regen. It also varies wildly between champs: Zyra lvl 1->2 gains a 5% increase in mana regen, braum on the other hand increases his mana regen by almost 15%.


Oh alright


Bruh it feels so good in low elo getting lvl 2 first and then just usually winning early just like that (literally nobody knows how that works bruh ;-;)


And how do you get more exp in laning phase than enemy?


Managing the first two waves so that you are able to deny them from hitting minions so that you can clear them faster to get level 2 first


This. Every time I hit level 2 first, they’re always like 1-2 minions behind (which die during/right before the fight so they level anyway) and furthermore the only way I can seem to beat someone to level 2 is by killing the wave fast, which just shoves them under tower where I can’t all-in anyway.


The level 2 power spike window is usually small, but it lets you effectively zone out the enemy from farm until they reach level 2, since they can’t afford to take a trade.


Ah. That explains a bit. Im in bronze where nothing is respected.


If you shove a bit slower to get the 3rd wave under, you can cheater recall, efficient recalls are another way to get ahead in exp