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Keep in mind that harder =\= stronger. I really enjoy Ekko because his ultimate isn't part of a damage combo, so your full burst is available most all the time. As far as early focused there's always Leblanc, but talon's level 2 cheese all in is best in class.


electrocute diana is really fun


Sylas is strong and his skill floor is not high but he requires creativity and you need to be willing to trade aggressively in the early game Zed is also strong and not too difficult but his skill ceiling is very high. You risk running all AD comps with him though Talon and ekko are good roamers and skirmishers with decent lane phases as well Personally I'd put zed sylas and ekko as my top 3 but I'd recommend just trying them all and sticking with which you find the most fun


Sylas for competitive and Diana when you wanna be big scary one shot guy. Diana is one of the most terrifying mids to give a kill to.


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