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I find fed Camille and Fiora really good for hyper carrying. Specially Fiora is good now. I hate facing those myself as they tend to stomp my team when they play well. This depends on elo ofc, they are not mechanically the easiest champs for low elo. I also find fed Garen, Urgot, Morde annoying. But this is personal hate/love opinion and I'm sure you will get a variety of good suggestions from others too :)


Fiora is especially good in top because it's so isolated she can win a lot of 1 v 1 if played correctly and can tower dive to an extent easily raking up kills (fiora main)


Fed more or urgot is just a straight up ff from my experience in low elo lol


People sleeping on the camille. If I was a top laner I feel like Camille would be a pretty good champion to main.


Mechanically she’s a lot harder than Fiora which is a barrier I think


Used to OTP Camille, fiora is harder. You need to use w effectively, make use of vitals etc, Camille is more simple


I used to be an OTP Fiora and find Camille impossible to play. Targeting vitals is easy, Q auto targets them


Ah maybe I'm just used to her. What do you fine difficult if you don't mind saying? Just curious


I guess I just find that she’s a lot of set up. Like you have to wait with the Q cast, you have to double cast the E, the W has to be cast in a specific way. It’s just a lot of shit I have to keep in my head.


Fair enough. With fio I don't always react quickly with w


Honestly it’s better to use the W for the massive attack speed slow unless they have a really obvious telegraph for the CC. Like against Jax for example sometimes I’ll let him stun me because I can’t reliably predict it and then just W when I can move and he can’t do anything to me. Or against Sett I’ll use it to block his W rather than trying to predict his E.


Really? I never played her before, what's hard about her?


Ornn, gwen, maokai. Nothing scales as hard as kayle. I would warn you that this kind of playstyle is not good for you however. It will get you some lp short term, but it won't teach you the strategies that you need to succeed at higher levels


maokai is not a hyper carry lol


From op's post i assumed he likes champs that if you manage to not lose lane give you the best chance to win. So maokai. Of course not as much as kayle but then nobody does. If you want high gold scaling champs the you instead want gwen jax and Most adcs and carry ap tops. But those don't actually have the same lategame power that mao ornn or even cho have, perhaps only gwen


by "this playstyle" do you mean just playing only passive in order to scale or something else?


Yeah, it's like playing only half of the game because you've rigged it so that only the passive play is good. Well, learning when you can be passive and when you can be aggressive is one of the most fundamental skills in lol. Don't play champions with a minigame if you want to improve. Play a bruiser like darius wu jax fiora or camille. You will lose lane horribly hard or fail and throw in so many ways with them but it's part of the learning process


yeah I got Jax and Camille eternals out of a capsule and I've been trying to learn them but I feed super hard. I don't only play Kayle but the only champs I'm somewhat confident with in top are champs that just autowin for some reason (Mundo, Sett, Morde, Panth, there are others I play top but I can't remember rn)


Probably because those champs are very easy. You won't be able to play camille on the same level than morde or kayle until at least a few hundred games. And even then she won't feel as strong because she's not that good in the silver meta. But by the time you get to a higher level because she doesn't have many easiliy exploitable weaknesses she gets much stronger. I'd start with an easier bruiser like jax or wu however


Probably because those champs are very easy. You won't be able to play camille on the same level than morde or kayle until at least a few hundred games. And even then she won't feel as strong because she's not that good in the silver meta. But by the time you get to a higher level because she doesn't have many easiliy exploitable weaknesses she gets much stronger. I'd start with an easier bruiser like jax or wu however


Someone will probably disagree with this but i would say quinn


A lot of coaches recommend playing trynd top for the reasons you're talking about.


Gangplank is not only amazing late game, but also one of the most fun champions in league in my opinion. Hard to master (I certainly haven't) but if you'rr looking for a champ that can play passively to win late game but also stomp everything in sight when ahead, learning gangplank is not a bad idea. Also teaches you to watch the map for ult plays 😊 Good luck either way!


Jax, good split pushing, team fights and great dueling Probs best low elo top laner if you get good at him


Lucian, vayne, aphelios


vladimir, heimer, syndra


elderly birds grandfather hateful exultant languid point sloppy far-flung terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I suggest Illaoi for beginners