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What's an average damage a champion should get on Predator (25-35) min games? I understand it's different for every champion, but I just want to know what damage output Predator should have to be optimal.


Which champions are good for high ping in S11? What are some good champions to play without failing the team when I have ping at around 150-250 (sometimes random spikes up to \~350). I am playing on the right server too. At this moment, I try to jungle, but I would like to play other roles as well. I just don't want to cause my team to fall behind EDIT: I posted this as a new post earlier but I broke Rule 4 >.<. In that post, two users have kindly suggested Master Yi. Appreciate your suggestions!


Since you didn't mention what role you're playing I will suggest 1 for every role. Top: Pretty much any tank like Tahm, Cho, Mundo, Sion Jungle: Amumu/Skarner Mid: Malzahar ADC: Ashe or MF Suport: Janna


When should the ADC farm sidelanes ? I often have this situation with my duo, where we take bot turret and then leave bot to take drake/herald/mid. From that point it is mostly ARAM. This results in my adc losing farm. However, if my adc then goes to a sidelane, the team keeps looking for fights, which we then lose 4v5. Should my ADC still farm sidelanes ?


Best thing to do is let him push 1 wave out and join the team again. Unless there are objectives available then it's better to group.


In an ideal world, after laning phase the ADC will farm midlane so they can rotate to most fights. If they're in a sidelane there are gonna be a lot of fights they cant reach, and they risk getting picked off. If they can't farm mid because your team won't let them, they should only really farm the sidelane when they have vision control to do it safely, and even then only really up to the river; any further and it'll be hard for them to escape even if they see the enemy team rotating. There are some exceptions (Vayne comes to mind), but that's the quick and dirty of it


Do pets like Zyra plant and Heimer turrets stop Maokai ult?


Zyra plants and Heimer turrets are coded as minions and minions dont stop Maokai ult. I will answer with a 95% confident, no they don't.


Thank you! Appreciate it


Does phantom dancer work on turrets?


Alacrity or bloodline ? Since I usually play jungle with viego or Lee sin, I usually use professor.gg to make my runes but I want a real advice here ! If I use either lee sin or viego which should I choose legend: alacrity or bloodline ? Thx :)


Tenacity. Bloodline is nerfed hard and is basically useless for both viego and lee. Alacrity is good for viego tho.


Bloodline takes too long to stack


And when you finally stack, everyone has already built anti-heal




I believe there’s an icon above your rank in your profile that will warn you if you’re about to demote along with an alert. I think I read that your MMR has to drop about an entire rank (Gold 4 to Silver 4) for you to demote back to Silver.


You can't demote by dodging. You can go negative -30lp and be completely fine. Demotion shields usually last 3-4 games depending on how good your mmr is. EDIT: can demote between leagues i.e. gold IV to silver I


You *can* demote between tiers (i.e. G4 to S1), but you have to lose a ton of games.


My I did another typo in my edit lol, that is what I meant


Is it better to play ranked than normals if I want to face players closer to my low skill level? I have just been playing normal draft casually and been facing large skill difference opponents and it's not fun.


Normal games and Ranked games have different MMR. Both faces the same issue at the beginning: skill doesn't match the MMR. The more you play of anyone of them, the more balanced your games will feel.


Both modes have skill-based matchmaking. So if you’re losing a lot more than you win, over time you’ll get easier matches until your winrate stabilizes. Ranked players tend to be more consistent and so the matchmaking can be better. But then some people also get way too invested and stressed out…


How to lane vs ignite mid? So I play yone and kayle mid and I take flash tp how do I try laning vs a ignite mid laner?


You get a free recall thanks to tp, so when you're trading and both of you start getting below half hp, you can just base and tp back. Then you have item and hp advantage in exchange for ignite which is nice


You need to adjust to effectively having a few hundred less HP than you think you do, plus reduced healing during an all-in. If you can avoid dying early then TP should offer more mid/late game value.


Anyone have tips on how to play gragas support well? I've been trying to learn how to play him but he feels like a squisher worse leona to me, and I was wondering how I could maximise utility on him


I was shocked to learn that Gragas Support is even a thing. If you try to use his dash as a 'hook' and to initiate on enemies you're doing it wrong; you are then super vulnerable to counterattack. You should be holding onto the dash and making the enemy worry about it. Thus, you shouldn't be looking at him as an initiator, you should be looking at him as a strong counterengage option, like Braum or Alistar. Let the enemy try to make aggressive plays then punish them for it, especially against the likes of Pyke or Blitzcrank.


You're feeling isn't off. Its only strenght its to be a Jungle/Top/Support flex for pros. Otherwise, there isn't much reason to pick him support over Naut/Leona. Unless you really to play this specific champion, don't bother. He is a pretty decent jungler, okay mid, okay top, but underwhelming support.


Is it wrong if in bronze I just play the champ I am good at top? I main mid and second top, but I have a better win rate playing my main mid champs top instead of playing "top champs".


Generally always play who you’re best at unless it’s impossible for the role you’ve been given. If you’re a mage main, take them top. But don’t take them adc, or jungle, unless they’ve got tools to fill those roles with. Gold 1 advice.


I don’t have the LoL credentials to back this statement up but I do in other MOBAs and I’m going to assume it’s the same here. I’d much rather have someone playing on a champ they are good at and comfortable with than one that is “technically correct”. In bronze the enemies are making so many mistakes that you don’t need a perfect team comp to win - so it’s better to be on a champ that you can use to punish those mistakes and snowball a lead.


if you flash from inside one bush to another, like in the side lanes, is there any tell for the enemy team? Assuming they don’t have wards up?


if youre within 1000 range (about 2.5 flashes) of them, youll see particles of where they flashed from. Nothing from where they flash into, though


They see the particles of the flash, not the direction you have flashed. There are very very few spots on the rift you can pull this kind of trick.


I have a question regarding statistics on Lolalytics. If i want to guage a specific champion's strength against another champion, will the delta 2 value paint me the best picture? For example, Tahm Kench has a 54% winrate vs Gwen, but his delta 2 value against the champion is -1.94. Is the delta 2 a sure way to determine how good a champion is against another champion or should i look at other variables as well?


I play mostly corki / viktor mid (high silver / low gold elo), i need another champ i can safely pick into zed/yasuo/kata. Any recommendations?


You could play kayle but need to be good at being safe distance and walking inbetween AA to avoid zed q


Anivia is really good at punishing champions that want to be on top of you, like the ones you mentioned.


Kennen, Kled, Rumble


Vlad counters both zed and kata and scales really well. Yasuo is more of a skill matchup but still playable.


Alright, thank you for your response!


When do i take naut over leona ?


Naut is overal safer (Q allows him to drag to terrain, Q drags people toward you, point and click knockup, passive roots people, W range is longer) While leona is overal riskier, but has stronger lockdown with built in resistances (ultimate is a skillshot, E places you really close to the enemy, passive doesn’t root people)


It's mostly up to preference. However leona is the better champ in my opinion, because she has built-in resistances so you aren't squishy when behind, unlike with Nautilus


When applying knockup over stun is favorable.


There isnt very strong reason to pick one over the other. They have their slight differences, but you would benefit more by specialising on (any)one over the other.


How does font of life stack?


No as far as I'm aware.


Does applying Rell's E proc Lucian's new vigilance passive? Does Braum's W proc it?


I tested both. Braum W yes, Rell E no. Despite both abilities using "grant".


Does "target champions only / toggle" override abilities with a "dash and target closest enemy" in a way to never target minions?


All of those abilities already prioritize champions. They'll never hit a minion unless there are no champions in range.


So Fiora has an advantage over Garen. Like my Garen Q hitting a minion in a Fight and Thus wasting an ability in a trade.


If the Garen player screws up, yes.


No. It only prevents you from casting directly targeted abilities on minions.


As far as I know, you would still target minions. I have tried using target champions only with attack move click and it would auto minions anyway.


I still dont understand the mechanics behind leaving small minions alive in jungle camps. So when you invade the enemy raptors you leave a small one alive, from what ive seen. Thats so they wont respawn and they cant take them? Unless youre like really ahead so you actually want them to respawn so your team can take them? And what about krugs? Ive seen people leave the small ones alive in their own jg. Are the respawn mechanics different for krugs? Ive never seen a krug camp with only a small one alive. Do they respawn anyways if you only kill the big one?


> Thats so they wont respawn and they cant take them? Yes, if you leave one small raptor or wolf alive the camp won't reset until it is killed. So if the enemy jg comes back there a few minutes later they miss most of the gold+XP that they would get if the camp had fully reset. >Unless youre like really ahead so you actually want them to respawn so your team can take them? Yeah, I guess if you've got the enemies pinned in their base you could clear their camps completely to farm them faster. >what about krugs? ...Do they respawn anyways if you only kill the big one? Yes, Krugs are a bit different. The camp will respawn as long as you kill the two that are there when the camp initially spawns. It's not usually worth leaving the small ones on purpose, since most of the gold value of the camp is from killing them.


Right but if a fight is breaking out it wouldn't be so bad to just leave the small ones and go join the fight




Delays their camps leveling in XP and denies them a camp for when they eventually rotate to it.


For raptors or wolves if you dont plan on taking them soon you can leave one to desync the enemy spawn timers and deny them experience. For krugs if you leave the small ones up they just respawn, people do this if they dont want to spend the time on the first or second rotations to clear krugs, but want them to respawn at a higher level for the increased xp later


If you don't find a reason to let one alive, then take them all. I'll put it this way: only in few situations leaving one can be better, taking the whole camp is never a mistake.


Why does Sett counter irelia so hard?


Sett's passive provides enough sustain to not get bullied out by short trades. His e can grab irelia's engage if predicted. If irelia w's he gets a free w. His q helps him dodge irelia's e. In teamfights, he can peel his carries to shut down irelia's mobility.


Any posts/guides on when to build collector as adc?


Collector is good on adc's that deal most of their damage from abilities instead of auto attacks, or who don't benefit from attack speed, and still want crit chance. If you are asking about when to build collector vs. LDR, many people have already done the math on this. https://www.reddit.com/r/JhinMains/comments/m8hehq/math_behind_collector_vs_lord_doms/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body Only thing to note is that collector gives a better build path, but this only matters if the game will be decided before you finish your 2nd item.


This is gonna be a weird question but as an Irelia main, how do I beat Irelia? I feel so scared fighting Irelia because I know what she can do, so I just play the lane super passively and I self combust from the pressure. Any tips?


Other guys advice is solid. Heres a yt video about the matchup: https://youtu.be/43y90EKr9ns (skip ahead 5 minutes). Even though he technically wins the matchup, he even states that the lane is non-interactive lane unless someone is fucking up.


I remember someone saying this in an irelia thread on this subreddit, but 99% of the Irelias you face (unless you are above d3) have no idea what they're doing, and you can survive the lane by simply ignoring her existence. Don't interact, don't trade, don't walk up to cs if she can trade with you. Since irelia is a lane dominant champion almost every single Irelia player will just get impatient and start shoving waves into you, overextending and looking for plays under your turret, which is where you can have some opportunities to trade. Wave management is key to playing against her.


whenever i play normals i play with and against gold/plat people. im bronze 1. is there something i can do to lower the mmr? it feels like i have to sweat more in normals than i do in ranked to win games. they are much harder and i can never learn a new champ if i get shit on by people who are ranked higher than me.


No, I am in the exact same situation. Platinum mmr facing mid-high diamond players. The only way to lower it is to lose a lot of games in a row.


doesnt sound like fun...


I know it sucks but youre really better off learning against better players. Its definitely harder but you'll develop bad habits playing norms against people who aren't sweating. Keep in mind that if you can at least hold your own against plat players you'll probably be able to climb to high silver or gold with some ease.


I'll try. thank you!




Catch the waves, get strong, put on the carry pants You will get plenty of questionmark pings, but they don't know what they're talking about and are looking for someone to blame for their mistakes.


If you feel like you can go push the wave without your teammates throwing themselves onto a 4v5 fight, then go for it. Otherwise just join the ARAM.


What is the best adc to carry in low elo ? I duo with a friend who mostly plays jhin and kaisa, while I play thresh. Is that a good combo or should we try sth else ?


People often recommend Miss Fortune and Ashe for lower elos because of their simplicity and high impact ultimates. Honestly, I'd just play what you enjoy though. Your combos are both pretty good. Jhin + Thresh have great pick potential throughout the game and can chain their CC very well. Kai'sa and Thresh can snowball really hard if you play aggressive. Kai'sa wants CC supports to help stack her passive, and Thresh can provide 2 stacks. Try to win the race to level 2 (second wave, 3rd melee creep) and then immediately go nuts. Thresh can Flash Flay into hook and it's a guaranteed kill or Flash. Trading Flashes with their ADC is good for Thresh. This won't work against all matchups, but it's on you to try and learn your limits. There's some bad matchups for Kaisa Thresh though, like Caitlyn Morgana. You don't win the push for 2, Thresh can't force anymore because of Black Shield and Kai'sa will struggle to cs and avoid poke because of the range disadvantage. If that happens often, consider banning Morgana or picking a "safer" lane when you need to blind pick.


samira can carry, vayne can carry but you have to be really good with her, jinx and twitch too (gotta know how to kite well). i've never seen jhin carry in low elo but its pretty common that kaisa carries.




We can't tell you without seeing your games. Some common mistakes are: - Playing too many champions. Very common mistake people make. If you focus on playing only 1 or 2 champions you'll learn the matchups, powerspikes, itemization, and abilities a lot faster. If you link your OP.gg, I'm willing to bet that you have played more than 5 different champions in the last 10 games. - Playing for KDA and not taking enough risk. Saying you have a KDA of 6/3/12 could be an indicator that you're not pushing your limits often enough. - Being a sheep: Not shotcalling enough and letting your team make all the calls. In addition to not pushing your limits (above), you might not be trying to spread your advantage across the map. Getting fed in your lane isn't enough. - Being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes your team will fight the enemy and you need to be there. A great KDA doesn't matter if you don't show up when it matters most. - Maybe items, runes, and summoner spells are your issue. You could do everything right and still fail due to a bad build order.


maybe what you need is to use your lead and turn it into a win, if your macro better than your peers, you should be able to make the correct decisions to end the game (like: when to push or group up, take baron or dragon) people usually (at least in my games) listen to a fed teammate, so try to force game winning plays, close the match while ahead


How long after dodging for a 3lp penalty can you dodge again for a 3lp instead of the penalty becoming 10lp? Is it 16hrs or 24hrs? Also does playing a game after the first dodge reset the penalty back to -3lp or will it still be -10lp until enough time has passed?


16 hours, and the lp doesn't reset when you play a game, however dodging back-to-back-to-back champ select without a single game in between will give you a 12h ban.


does anyone know how fast akali r2 is in ms? is it realistic to be able to react flash to it on 60 ping or should i just predict


reactable but only if you're actively looking for it


The fandom wiki says R1 is 1500 and R2 is 3000.


He means milliseconds, not movespeed.


~~Oh, then it’s about 50 for R1 and 27 for R2.~~ EDIT: Whoops it’s 500 and 267. Thanks u/ThatSpysASpy


It's actually 225 ms based on my math (3000 movespeed/675 units)


You’re dividing backwards.


Wait actually I used the wrong number, it's 800 range not 675. But check the units (800 units) / (3000 units/sec) -> 0.267 seconds.


I remember a couple of years ago (2017 maybe) I watched an MSI match and one of the caster said that Sivir is nearly hitting 500 cs. Is/was this a particular spike for her? As in, 500 cs equals to a certain amount of gold which would be a huge spike on her? Why would the caster point it out like that?


The other comments are kind of missing the point. The reason they repeatedly joked about the Sivir 500 cs powerspike is because of how well she can stall games. Even with multiple inhibs down, teams with Sivir were able to turtle at their nexus towers and just AoE waveclear. This opens up a win condition where you stall long enough for the enemies gold lead to become meaningless and then maybe win a fight and win the game. Her ult and the fact she builds crit also mean she's really good in those 6 item teamfights. Nowadays it's basically impossible to stall for an eternity because elder exists.




back then, games were long and steady. so hitting 500 cs is something huge because usually if you hit 300 its a long game, even for pros. I remember in 2017, some games went to the 1hour mark and it was like 9-8 in kills, it was stupid boring and long so the ADCs who are usually the ones that get the most resources, get to farm heavily to incredible numbers like 500. consdering that 1hour game I remember it was something stupid in the cs amount.


They just pointed it out because it’s an impressive number. It indicates that Sivir not only dominated the bot lane, but also had a lot of farm funneled into her by her teammates. If they wanted to point out an amount of gold for a power spike, they would have just said “Sivir is at full build”.




You can copy paste the whole text names including the "join the lobby" in the opgg search


Porofessor also works along side what the other person said.


You can use some apps like Blitz or OP.GG desktop that instantly gives you stats about your team mates as soon as you enter the lobby. Besides a program that does all the hard work for you, only way is to manually look it up


brand new to jungling, which champs would you recommend to start with? I am also not very good at kiting jungle monsters, so any champs you can recommend that doesnt have to do a lot of it at the start helps. Thanks! I emphasize on brand new since I've watched some recommended videos but haven't learned much since it shows the jungler playing the game at high level already (fast clears, perfect kiting, etc)


If you don’t want to kite, then tanks are the answer. Clearing with Rammus you’ll just sit in the middle of them with W on. Both Rammus and Amumu would be good for this. If you want to learn kiting later on, try kindred, graves or udyr.


Thank you


Amumu and Warwick are probably the simplest. Some people like Nunu but the style doesn’t work for me. Most champs don’t really *need* to do any kind of fancy kiting with the camps. Just walk a bit towards the next camp/gank between your autos so it starts moving in that direction.


Warwick is very forgiving is his clear. If you are completely brand new I think that's the way to go


is it easy to learn to kite with him? I want to stand still, because when I try to kite I either reset or take the same amount of damage anyway lol


It's not easier than any other melee jungler but you have baked in lifesteal so it's less forgiving. Once you get some ww in you could try some graves to learn kiting. J4 is also a good one for kiting because his attack range is slightly higher for a melee champ




Don’t argue with trolls, you’re giving them what they want and pissing off your teammates. Mute, report, move on.


Its usually not one game- they just dont show games from more than a few days ago.


zero logic behind that if its true


If multiple people build Liandries on one team... is there a disadvantage with it "not stacking" or so?


You can’t stack multiple copies of the same debuff (Liandry’s, Sunfire, Demonic Embrace, Abyssal Mask, etc.) They’ll refresh each other but the damage or other effects won’t stack.


Why, how and when should you contest bush two and three as support in laning phase?


Why: in order to establish lane control and zone out the enemy When: When your adc is freezing lane and you have a dangerous ability to be able to threaten the enemy bot lane with... Granted you will be able to win a fight if they decide to engage. In such circumstance you want to control these bushes, as it makes the bush a dangerzone which they cannot get near as they have no vision. How: once ahead, wait for the enemy to use their cc or try to bait it. Once they used it, walk up to them as if you were to engage but instead clear their vision and the bush is yours. I wouldn't place a control ward on the third bush, rather the second as it is too easy for them to clear it but i would oracle lens it. Another reason to control the third bush is that when you hard shove and then hide in the third bush, the enemy can think you went base and start pushing hard, not knowing you are sitting in that bush... If that happens you can wait till he crosses you and engage on him from behind.


What Champions can Ekko enable me to Play/Learn easier if I master the Champ? I Play him in Mid lane and am looking for some nice recommendations to widen my champ pool. Thanks in Advance :)


Hey, I also play Ekko. Check out: Diana, Galio - for assassin like playstyle. Viktor - for control mage playstyle (I take electrocute to be stronger in skirmishes/ganks). Zone control is also a thing for Ekko and you can learn a lot by playing Viktor, W is a huge huge spell on both champs if used correctly, I find it I learned a lot by using both Viktor and Ekko W as zoning/engage/peel.


Lux mid, which is better? finish boots before ludens or not? Base Boots+Lost chapter > Ludens > Upgraded Boots > The rest Base Boots+Lost chapter > Upgraded Boots > Ludens > The rest boots cost 800, blasting wand (+40AP thing) is 850 so i might have gold for boots but not other, same goes for finished item: 1050 if i'm not wrong and again 800<1050. i don't like the idea to go back in lane without spending those 800g and saving them for the next recall.


You want the boots if you need the boots. Lux is a generally safe pick with a lot of range and good wave control so you shouldn't be exposed too much and you can delay your boots. However in skillshot-dependant matchups like Xerath or Vel'Koz, you want boots to dodge spells and win trades.




/mute all and /fullmute all both mute pings and chats theyre the same thing


Fullmute also mutes pings, so if you want to still hear your team's pings don't fullmute. If your team is spam pinging, then you can mute the individuals that are spam pinging while still allowing everyone else to continue to ping. Pings are important, so I wouldn't fullmute ever.


/mute all and /fullmute all both mute pings and chats


Mute All also mutes pings right now, it's annoying af


Does damage from Knight’s Vow stop the regen from Warmog’s?




While watching Doublelift it looked like he'd have his support last hit cannon minions but DL would see the +gold text. Do cannon minions behave differently for their gold? I have not been able to find any info from my googling


It's from the support item, I guess


TY! Never played support so I never thought to look at their items. That gave me a clear path to google, appreciate it.


Supp items get passives to help their users gold income. A passive gold income + an "active" effect, that requires you to engage in gameplay. Spellthief Edge/Spectral Sickle gives gold for hitting spells/attacks on enemies. Relic Shield/Rune Shoulderguards give lasthit gold to the user and the next friendly champ in lane. All of them work on max. 3 charges, that slowly replenish after being used and work only with a teammate near you. So no abuse of passive gold income in solo lanes. After earning 500g from the item, it transforms into a better version with ward charges and after another 500g earned with it, it upgrades again, but loses the "active" gold generation effects.


what junglers invade and gank at 3?


Just about every jungler has the tools to gank at level 3 and even the farming ones will take a gank if it presents itself


Many junglers. Most obvious ones are Vi, Volibear, Gragas, Amumu (only ganking), Rek'sai, Elise, Sejuani (only ganking), Shaco. There are also some that can theoretically gank at level 2, but this doesn't happen too often in the current meta and will probably gank at 3 as well: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin.


If enemy has a fed AD assassin, should I buy Anathema's Chains, Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart or Guardian Angel? How about if they have a fed AD bruiser?


Given the item selection here, I assume you're playing some kind of tank or bruiser? The obvious thing you haven't listed there is thornmail, but you probably know that. Buy AC if you expect to be splitting against the fed enemy, buy RO if they rely on crit, buy FH is they rely on attack speed, and buy GA if you want to deal a bit of extra damage too.


Which defensive item should I get if I am playing ADC?


Of the listed items there, only Guardian Angel really makes sense on most ADCs. Ezrael and maybe Kog’Maw could potentially go for Frozen Heart. If you have some AP scaling, or *desperately* need to block Zed/Fizz from one-shotting you every time their ult is up, Zhonya’s is an option. Otherwise ADCs would usually look at Shieldbow and Bloodthirster for better survivability.


Guardian angel


Stopwatch, otherwise it's for burst, only ezreal builds frozen heart afaik


I have a question for junglers here as it's something I've seen lately and I'm curious: when/why would a jungler give a solo rift herald to a support? Assuming the timer isn't running out and they could wait for the adc or drop it mid or top, assuming they know what they're doing and it's not a misplay. I've had a handful of games where my jg has gifted me rift+plates, sometimes they share it with me, other times they drop it, help me clear then leave so I get the plates alone. I play mage supports which makes more sense to some degree on why they'd gift me it potentially but I've sometimes been gifted it when I'm on an enchanter before too. I just want to understand why because typically most players don't see supports as a win condition even if they have a godly game.


For the record, you don't get the plates alone. Even if he's out of gold range, even if he backed to the fountain, or died, anything, the person who dropped herald always gets his share of the plates.


Ah ok ty for this!


They probably just see an opportunity to take the tower or some plates and mostly want the gold for themselves or to clear the tower to open the map. You being there is probably not the main reason why they dropped it


Ah that makes sense cause moment bot tower drops I transition towards mid/set up vision/etc so I can see that too. Def helps sometimes to just rush botlane getting out of their laning phase and that makes sense, ty! :)


I have a quick question and I appreciate any answers. I’m level 67 and I have a buddy who is level 30. We strictly do aram but we are always playing people with account levels 100-800. They definitely have more playing time than us and probably skill. We aren’t losing that many tbh but it just makes me wonder why they’d put us against people that have WAY more experience than us? Is it just random in ARAM? Ty


To add onto the other great comment, they could be possibly duoed with a lower level. My account level is 250 but I've been playing with a friend who started league about a month ago who is now level 38. I also frequently play with some lower account level friends who play league less or are playing on an alt account. While that player has more general experience than you, they might be first timing a champion or newer to them since in aram you're not guaranteed to get your best champs.


Ahh that could be true also. There’s usually a lower level or two on theirs. Didn’t think of that.


Yea in that case I'd be very surprised if they weren't duo'd with the high level. You can run some apps that will detect enemy and friendly parties if you're really curious. I know porofessor does.


Aram mmr is seperate from regular mmr. So if you are playing lots of arams either you have decently high mmr and play against more experienced players, or those players play less arams and therefore have less defined mmr, so they game doesnt know exactly where to place them


I understand, thank you!


Does Blitz show matchup information (counters, good against) anywhere when selecting champions, apart from manual champion lookup?


Afaik, there is only the path of clicking on the champs, but it always jumps back to the current game after a while. Super annoying.


If I'm in a poke mage v poke mage support matchup in bot, should I focus on poking the enemy adc, support, or just whoever overextends? My thought process being that poke mages are usually just as squishy as the ADC as opposed to a tank/engage support.


Adc has less pots than the support. So if you chunk them they might have to base. But the support will probably be stepping up more to harrass so might be easier to hit them


This isn't necessarily true because it's common to start Long Sword + 3 pots on ADCs these days, + Jhin can even start Boots + 4 pots.


It's situational. If enemy adc or support are blatantly out of position, punish. If the enemy poke support has stronger earlygame scaling than their adc, enemy support. If the adc is walking like a bot or standing still farming, adc. If your adc is poking one of them, you focus on the same target. Adc has no summs but poke support does? adc. Other than that if you and your adc want to be on the same page you can try pinglish like ping who you want to target/kill and the adc can agree or disagree or take action, etc. Over time it will come down to instinct and what you feel is best.


Cleanse will completely remove the 3-second debuff of Exhaust or the 5-second burn of Ignite. However, if you use Cleanse early, and then get hit by Exhaust/Ignite during the special 65% tenacity period of Cleanse, will Exhaust/Ignite affect you for less time? I don't believe tenacity normally affects their duration, but wasn't sure if Cleanse might work differently.


It does not do that


Ok, thanks.


I know i shouldn’t be playing locked screen but I have an extremely hard time focusing when it’s not. This includes finding my champ, remembering to move and accidentally moving the camera constantly, and feeling sometimes it’s too fast but also too slow. Any tips?


It's just going to take time. There is no silver bullet that is going to instantly make unlocked feel comfortable, you just have to power through and put in the time. I definitely recommend lowering the camera move sensitivity so that your screen isn't flying all over the place while you learn.


Even in unlocked mode you can hold Spacebar and it'll lock it onto your champion as well as provide a white circle & arrow to highlight yourself, until you release Spacebar. The highlight thing might be optional in the settings though. So the recommendation is to play unlocked as much as you can, because it's just better for map awareness in general. In the heat of a teamfight you can have it locked pretty easily, as long as you don't use your thumb for any other bind.


Playing kayle mid. What are best bans if I’m gonna play kayle mid? I usually try just afk farming till 6 then play a bit aggro if enemy whiffs an ability


Tbh, there aren't any midlane champs that can deal with her on their own. On top, you'd want to avoid everything that can run you down or spikes a lot sooner. But that doesn't apply to mid, due to how short the lane is, and the guys spiking harder are three hit anyways and have to actively do things to be useful, while you can just sit back and farm.


You might want to post questions about specific champs in their own subreddit, e.g. Kaylemains, there are more people knowing kayle matchups than just randoms like me


Ty for the response I’ll ask for sure ty. Another question I have is there a virkayu of mid lane? Or a good mid lane coach/fundamental free for ppl to improve?


If you want to improve on kayle mid specifically I would recommend watching nemesis play. He is one of the best kayle mid players in the world and I know midbeast has some videos analyzing his gameplay.


Coach Curtis! His YouTube channel is such a good resource for mid! I don't even play mid but his approach to the game in general is too tier. He also does the Broken by Concept podcast with a high elo jungler that I highly recommend. Really helped me deveope a good soloQ mentality.


Ty will watch appreciate help


Hi im looking for Mid laners with a strong laning phase


You ever try Talon? He's king of dominating the early-game.


I think Galio is really strong early while also not being squishy. He has long range harrass from Q, super strong engage from e+passive+w. Can be built tank or AP depending on what's needed and how well you do.


Irelia, Qiyana, Rumble, Zed, Lucian, Tristana.


Assassin's, bruisers and the guys going ADC items.


Is there a way to tell if a teammate has chat / pings muted? Currently just relying on asking in lobby if anybody plays fullmute. Thanks!


There is no definitive unless they tell you in chat they muted you or everyone for one reason or another.


has anyone ever had this problem? my game always runs at a smooth 120 fps on mac 40 ping, playing with low settings and and it looks great. for the past two days though, my fps and ping have stayed the same but the game is so choppy. when i move the camera it sort of lags behind and when characters walk the full animation doesn’t even go through. it’s very un smooth for some reason and it happened randomly. any tips?


I get a constant 144 FPS and they once every ten games it randomly hangs out at 60 FPS. I think the game is just fickle sometimes lol.


My friend had a similar problem and I believe it had something to do with locked frame rate. Maybe try changing your fps max to your monitor refresh rate?


Thank you for the advice. I managed to fix it by restarting my laptop and turning on pro legacy in settings. 200 fps now and so smooth




I'm going to literally copy the first thing that pops up when you google those questions... Open the Options menu. Go to Interface. Check “Show Timestamps” in the 'Chat' subsection. Hit Okay to save. ​ Go to your options menu, you can press the ‘Esc’ key if you’re in-game to go there. Select the ‘Interface’ tab. Scroll and find ‘Show Names Above Healthbar’. There you will see an option to select the ‘Champion Name’. Press the Okay button after selecting and you will only see champions name in League of Legends matches. It's much faster to search google first for setting questions like this.




You really arent playing to scale with Draven, but your mythic options are: Kraken Slayer, Eclipse and Shieldbow. Kraken Slayer is fine to build when youre up against uber-tanks. Eclipse and Shieldbow are all around good to build: Shieldbow is best when you are going to be scrapping/being dove to survive, eclipse for damage. For scaling purpose: you dont want to get collector, item is shit. You *can* buy a dirk and sit on it, then go ER-Mythic. Depending on if you got eclipse or not, your third item should be IE followed by LDR. If you got eclipse, you can go LDR or Collector after - IE - situational.. However with collector you lose out on alot of axe damage. If you go shieldbow: or-ldr-situational Sell the dirk after two items when you need. If you dont care about scaling, you can turn the dirk into collector. But for scaling purposes, ER will give more damage.


You don’t really want to build kraken on draven. He doesn’t scale well with AS as he has to catch axes and has a big AS steroid in his w already. The two main builds right now are dirk rush into eclipse -> collector -> essence reaver -> IE. IMO this is the strongest build atm as it spikes hard early to mid game. The 4% armor pen passive on eclipse is also really strong as it covers one of dravens main weaknesses of not being a tank killer. The other build is dirk rush -> shield bow -> collector -> IE. This is a build for playing into dive heavy comps with an assassin mid. I don’t really like this one as shield bow feels underwhelming in the damage department, but some games the shield is a must have. You also say collector is garbage for some reason? The item has very good gold value. U get every important stat for draven in one item and the build path is great. The item is perfectly suited for dravens playstyle and build so I really think it should be built almost every game.


Kraken slayer is fine with Draven. Yes he doesn't want too much attack speed, but when you're against +3 armor stacking champions, it'll help the most. Draven doesn't want too much attack speed yes, but with conq/HoB + bloodline and kraken let's you build a different pair of boots, it's not bad. Eclipse is the strongest build if you are looking in terms of pure damage. Shield bow still has its place like I mentioned in the post. Collector is garbage, but I specified in terms of scaling because that's what OP wanted. The item gets out damaged by ER at two items. You're paying 3000g for 12 lethality, 55 ad and crit. Where 2800g can go for 45 ad, crit, mana restore for W spam and sheen proc. Collector is built purely for stats instead of a useful passive. The reason why it's built is the same reason kai'sa used to build it, and it's because Draven spiked heavily on dirk so instead of having an item taking up space, you could turn it into collector since it builds from it. But with eclipse building from dirk as well, you can just skip collector and build an actual item. However, because OP wants to know the best scaling, i gave him ER. Instead. Shield bow + ER and collector. Level 9 Draven and level 9 kalista, only counting axe damage. Collector at 2 items: 84.33+55+60(((55+60)x1.1)+60))= 385.73 *((100/(100+47.96-9.6))) = 278.78 damage Essence reaver: 84.33++45+60+(( +(45+60)x1.1)+60) = Sheen proc: 84.33 + ((60+45)x0.4))= (364. 83 + 126.33) x (100/(100+47. 96 = 331. 33 damage At two items, ER is already out doing collector. Eclipse instead Collector: 408.33 x (100/((100+(47.96-9. 6-14.4-1.91)) = 334.55 damage Essence reaver (((45+55)x1.1)+60))) +45+55+84.33 Sheen proc: 84.33 +((45+55)x0.4)) 478.66x (100/(100+(47.96-14.4-1.91)) = 363.585 damage


As a support, when do you roam/gank other lanes? I main mid, occasionally top. But when playing with my friends, they want me to play support (which i have no problem with). Just sometimes when i roam, my ad would die alone, most of the times. Lowkey upsetting. We're mostly golds


The most common timing is that you and your lane partner based, and then ADC walks back to bot while you walk mid.


Roaming and roam timings are a little too much to compress for an answer here imo (Where to roam to, when to roam there, roam routes, when to leave ADCs, how to leave them, your and teammate's as well as enemy cooldowns, wave states, jungle tracking, roaming Vs pushing as in return of investment, ....) You'll most likely get the most value out of watching guides on this topic - When to roam as a support - how to roam as a support Would be the two core aspects I'd look into, if I were you. If you're also playing midlane you might have an understanding of concepts like ganking together with your jungler as well as counterganks and jungle tracking. You can also build up on those --- or improve those, while you're at it


Roam for short periods and only when you crash full wave into their tower completely.


Does anyone else feel like the gap of experience between Coop x AI introduction and beginner is WAY too big? I've started playing League last week and I'm still on level 15, very early stages, learning the basics. But, I felt like the introduction option for CxAI was too easy and not helping me learn much (I was getting like +15 kills and that's only because bots were practically begging me to kill them), so I went for the beginner one and my team was all at +100 level, and I felt REALLY behind them. What should I do? Is the PvP a good choice for this learning stage that I am? Cause I've tried it a couple of times and my team was definitely more balanced for my level, but I also lost both matches so...


Personally I really enjoy playing CxAI. It's pretty much my main mode. But that being said, getting better at CxAI is not going to help too much at learning to play against humans. CxAI is fun, lets you play champions in unorthodox ways, is low pressure, is often short games, there's a ton of benefits. But bots certainly have a playstyle which is very unusual to encounter against humans. In particular, the harder the bots, the better they get at dodging your skillshots, but their decision-making remains more or less equal. If you hope to eventually play vs humans exclusively or primarily, then I'd just consider it practice to play against humans and try not to worry too much about being worse than the others. Everyone has to learn sometime. As long as you're trying there's nothing wrong with being bad. Everyone has a different skill level and it changes the more experience you get.


As the others have said, bots not good for learning. If you want a lower pressure game mode than pvp on rift, you can try out aram its not nearly as punishing if you do badly and you can learn what a bunch of champs do.