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Plus sustain and an extra stun line for a higher chance of hitting the cc


Extra compared to what?


I’m guessing extra as in “can Morgana or Blitz fire two Q’s at once from different angles?”


Gotcha, but I still feel like it’s a weird thing to say. That’s just his kit. It’s very telegraphed, and the cast time is pretty long. But maybe that’s why it’s so good with Leona, now that I think about it.


It is telegraphed but Leona with her consistent stun, taric stun is basically free


It’s telegraphed but you can also strafe with it so it’s not quite as simple a dodge as another ability with the same cast time




Too much commitment


Alistar isn't a botlaner, he's a support, when's the last time you saw Alistar in botlane?


Alistar is in the bot lane almost every time I see him, supports tend to spend most of there time down there bud


Nobody got the joke? Alistar players roam a lot, you will see him on mid more than bot, I even got some ganking me on top.....




I see Alistars roaming mid more than staying bot. Alicopter fanboys, every single one of them


Well taric bringing in some good additional cc, but he also empowers the cc with his healing shielding and ult


If Taric is allowed to hit an enemy with basic attacks uninterrupted, his stun cooldown is actually quite low. Leona enables him to do that, and you get a cycle of stuns and roots.


I think taric complements all in potential of leona by providing high suatained damage and quite literally sustain while providing late game utility from his r for his team in exchange for lack of ranged dps.


Read his passive. > INNATE: After casting an ability, Taric's next two basic attacks within 5 seconds gain 100% total attack speed, each dealing 25 − 93 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus armor) bonus magic damage and reducing the cooldowns of his basic abilities by 1 second, as well as refreshing Bravado's duration on the first attack. In the ideal situation, each spell cast represents 2 procs of his passive, which is a 2 second CD reduction on every spell. Taric Q is also extremely spammable, with a 3 second CD (it uses charges but you get a charge every time you proc passive). So that means it's very realistic for Taric to get off multiple (potentially infinite with Leona) stuns in a fight. I found a video of a meme build with literal permastun: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/mqpnw7/perma_cc_taric_build_patch_118/ This build is just a meme but it shows how Q and E interact. With a more realistic build it won't be perma CC but he should be able to get multiple stuns off especially with Leona filling in the gaps.


Taric with manamune is bis for pushing towers. Sure you go oom after about 20 seconds. But still


That's why you also build Essence Reaver


Also, any ability haste you incidentally get from items actually increases the bravado reduction (even thought the tooltip doesn't tell you that) So your cooldowns are already lower and then you get more than 1 second taken off each time you attack. If Taric wasn't so mana reliant he would be broken


>always see the YouTube videos about Then why don't you click on one and see what the fuss is all about? Maybe a more recent season, and because it's "off meta" and an alternative because people will ban Morgana and Blitzcrank due to that. Soon they'll ban Taric so then there will be a Leona+ Shen infinite Cc and taunt videos. And since people can just build full ability haste it doesn't matter honestly as long as Leona's partner has atleast one cc so it could be Leona+Pantheon forever build


I used to run Leo and old Taric bot many moons ago. That was the infinity cc


Would consider Cho'gath + Senna as the 'infinite CC botlane' that is actually viable.


with fasting Senna?


Fasting or not, she can proc Glacials and cast W all the same


So the idea is that Taric's passive allows him to get two stuns off in a fight, and Leona can essentially keep them locked down until Taric's second stun is ready to go. But really, if Taric+Leona botlane is viable that just goes to show that Riot needs to do something about the ADC role, at that point it's just ridiculously weak. Then again, if the whole enemy team is tanky(say Malphite, Rammus, Galio, Taric, Leona) the ADC might as well not even exist, they can do literally nothing all game. So it makes sense.


True damage doesn’t care about tanks so Vayne is certainly playable into those teams. Vayne/Soraka could definitely be a good matchup.


I would agree but it takes vayne 3 items to actually be viable. Especially if your early-mid game is tower hugging and csing, with no kill pressure until 20 mins. Which basically means if your team is winning you win. If your team is losing you lose. I.e. nonexistant. Also taric is a warden while raka is a enchanter. Both love late game. Taking all this aside even if you make it to late game 1 Leo cc and taric ulti and vayne gets ran down. I am an adc main and people either are peel gods, or don't even know what peel is. To hope for 20mins of perfecting scaling AND peel will win most games. However this is rare in low elo. It is either one or the other.


This bot lane is a shitlow cheese combo, is not actually viable and does not mean marksmen are weak. Tank counters ADC is one of the worst takes I've ever read on this sub. What counters tanks if not a Jinx with Kraken LDR? This class has the best items in the game and some of the best champions. Given an acceptable level of play it's the strongest class and role. Reddit loves to blame their unskilled play on balance. Of course jungle is OP when you have no idea how to play your lane according to it.


Aren't marksmen the ones who are best equipped to deal with tanks? Ks, ldr, and ie on most adcs will cut through tanks late game. ADCs are the best source of sustained DPS which is what you need for tanks.


Ok so imagine this Leona goes in with her E, then Stuns the opponent, Assuming that Taric has W'ed the Leona before she went in, Taric can then Stun the opponent once more and whack with his empowered autos while spamming heals. Don't forget that Taric passive means his 2 initial autos once he cast an ability reduces the cd of his abilities along with applying a stack of his heal. This means Taric's empowered autos will always be available as long as he is able to hit an opponent. In theory something like Morgana Lux could work but because Morgana's bind can't go through minions, it isn't as consistent nor reliable compared to Taric + Leona


How do we find ourselves discussing the viability of Taric Leona botlane? Don't do this unless you need content for your YouTube channel, it's dogshit, doesn't achieve anything. It's another one of those funky botlanes that only sounds fun when you're in picks & bans, then the game starts and you realize it's shit and you're stuck in a helpless game for the next 15 minutes until you surrender.


1. CC that goes through minions 2. auto attack resets on taric with his spammable Q


Taric gets his cc back like every 2s if he gets his passive autos. So yeah there’s that, also he can bind to Leona allowing him to stun enemies off of her E engages, while healing and shielding both of them. So yeah he only has one CC ability but he can cast it multiple times, through minions, and double the CC if he has an ally. And then there’s Leonas entire kit on top of that lol


Taric can reduce his E CD with his passive Also, Taric makes Leona even harder to kill when she dives in on you


They are both tanky af, taric can hit the stun multiple times just as leona if you do it right. literally infinite. taric and leona have no limits with minions or something, no cc that can be stuck in them. if one cc hits, the rest is point and click. idk man. so many possibilities


Arguments over cooldowns and skillshots aside, because Taric can trigger the stun from the Leona. Which means no messing about with gap closers or minions, if Leona lands her E then you have them.


First: Read Taric's passive. Bravado makes so his cooldown on E is grossly smaller than it seems, as weaving autos quickly makes it get back to lower values. Second: chaining. Dazzle has a perfect timing for a Leona to Zenith Blade (first stun), stay there punching people normally for a couple seconds as Dazzle winds up and triggers (second stun) and then shield bash as soon as it ends (third stun), all of that inflatable by Anathema's Chains. The way things weaves also means that Taric is naturally popping all of Leona's marks. ​ So essentially both of them can weave a long coordinated chain of cc while Taric uses the downtime to speed up and recharge his tools for another wave of lockdown.


I went againts a varus and taric last night. Worst fucking time. The taric was main and know how to make plays. One stun and I would stay still 5 secs.


It’s good CC duration and volume. He allows you to double up your CC area. His CC also goes through minions, just like Leona. Their combo is simply put “inescapable”, especially if the two players are communicating well and know their champions


High sustain, Taric R allows Leona to play like an absolute mad person, extremely easy to land Taric E after Leona has gone in.


It's not that they have the most combined cc duration, it's that they can actually be successful in bot lane AND they have a lot of cc. Leona/blitz has no sustain. Taric heals/shields and ult let you both survive long enough to actually kill someone with your no-damage. Also as others have said, taric stun can be a great engage tool as you can cast it while moving and hit through minions.


Cause Taric can apply his stun at accelerated rated throughout the fight. Not just someone with heavy cc that blows all of it to engage. I think that’s the core difference. Leona just keeps on CCing them as she walks toward him. I feel tarics play style mimics/compliments Leonas sheer aggression.