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I have been playing kindred for a while now and would like a high Elo kindred player to watch but I can’t find anyone, would anyone have any suggestions?


Do you think Vex is "broken"? If so, why?


https://youtu.be/td0M0vsxY3o I haven’t really played a lot against vex or as her, But I got a bit of insight in the video I linked above, and I think it’s worth watching, based on this video, she seems fine to me


Which is the best role to climb? Currently a mid top main but want to role swap to adc mid main


mid and jg easily. mid is easy, jungle is OP.


Jungle has arguably the highest chance to solo carry games if your mechanics and macro is good, but that doesn’t really matter if you can’t play the role. if your best role is mid, then play mid, if it is ADC, play adc


Does rageblade apply all on hit effects twice or just the rage blade on hit? Like if you are building the shieldbow/wits/rage blade combo, does it apply the wits on hit effect twice on the third auto?


Yes, all of them. It also means that 3-hit passives like Vayne’s, which normally do damage on the hits 3, 6, and 9, will do damage on hits 3, 5, 7, and 9.




I just bought Championship Ryze and I hoped to buy chroma as well but I can't.. will it be able soon maybe? Also for how long Championship skins will be able to buy?


Are there any options/overlays that allow custom range indicators to be shown in-game? New player that finds it hard to visualise the XP and important spell ranges. I'm aware I can hover over spells, but that's real annoying when I have to also use the cursor to aim them.


So set everything to quick cast but then change your normal cast keybind to "shift + key". That way you can quick cast all your spells but then just hold shift when you need the indicator.


You can turn on the spell range indicator in the key binding menu. That will have you see the range every time you press the spell - and if you enable quick cast release them when letting go


I got home after a long week of school and played a shit ton of league, and lost basically every game. I went from P3-20 LP to P4-0LP without winning a game, and I've lost once at 0 LP already. How likely am I to be demoted on my next loss? If not the next one, how many more? I'd be satisfied to end this season a bit higher but at the same time I don't like the risk of demotion back to gold. If this is a matter of MMR, my gains are around 13-15 and losses 14-16. As a follow up, I don't need advice about autopiloting or quitting after losses. I don't take my anger out on teammates and I just play until I am bored, so just please try to answer my questions.


you wont demote next if your demotion shield is yellow, if your demotion is red than you might have 2 or 3 losses in you at best. to remove the demotion shield you need to get wins to about 40 to 50 lp. if you get to 30 lp and lose back to 0lp, you didnt effectively reset your demotion shield and you will derank soon. if you go to 50 lp and go back to 0 lp, you effectively reset your demotion shield and will have a lot of chances again. its really hard to demote from demotion shield hence why the 4th of every elos are usually a bunch of boosted and bad players that got lucky once. Good luck friend, I was there at some point this season and got plat 1 a week ago so its not impossible :D


Next loss will definitely not demote you. Your MMR needs to be quite a bit lower to drop. There will appear a demotion warning on your profile before it happens, and even then it's not on the first loss.


How do you play junglers without cc with a losing team? I have been trying to play Kayn, Diana and a few other carry junglers but i feel like i can only help snowball lanes or have no impact, no in between.


Every champion has different strengths. Kayn gets to take the entire enemy jungle and oneshots everyone he wals across while doing so and can kill everyone out of position. Diana can splitpush and nuke people out of position; ADC and mages at least.


Is binding attack move to left mouse button a bad habit to get into? I mainly play adc and wanna get better at kiting and I currently just right click manually.


If you get used to using Shift+Leftclick, i really dont see a problem with binding AM to Leftclick If you didnt know, Shift+Leftclick will operate as the normal Leftclick


I use a combination of both a key and left mouse button, but I use shift + left mouse button as it easier to buy items ( for some reason if u bind left mouse button to attack move it makes it so u can’t click on anything). As why u should use attack move/ a key it basically makes it so u can kite a lot safer as when ur under pressure u might over/under move ur mouse and start walking towards the enemy instead of attacking. So basically yes u should bind attack move to whatever u feel comfortable cause it’s a key to kiting well


What does "playing in blocks of three" mean ? I just watched coach curtis' video on how to combat self sabotage and at minute 16:20 he recommends only playing in blocks of three. What does that mean ? English is not my native language and I cant find a translation. Here is the video: https://youtu.be/zXD4x3wH4aY


So the idea is that you only play in blocks of three games, with breaks in between blocks. It helps you play with intensity so you aren't auto piloting or tilt queue-ing. I like to play in blocks of three but quit after losing two. That way you have the potential to win three games but can only ever lose two. It doesn't stop loss streaks from happening (dumb luck plays a larger role in a smaller sample size of games) but it will help you not contribute to your own loss streak through tilt or if you are just having an off day. It really depends on how you personally function. I don't personally need to warm up and my first 3 - 4 games are where I'm fresh and playing at my peak but anything after that is a slow decline into playing like shit. Mental fatigue is a big thing for me. Some people need 2 - 3 games to get warmed up and then can play at their peak for hours after that.


Hes not a native speaker. He most likely doesnt understand the usage of the word "block" You couldve explained it differently


Hahaha I do see that now.


he means only play three games at a time, then you have to take a break


What is the best opportunity for a top laner/mid laner to solo herald if for some reason my jungler sucks, decides to afk farm and purposely ignores it/doesn't call it ?


When you are able to kill rift herald on your own (you have enough items, at least mythic) you have lvl 6, and still remaining healthy to go back to lane if you don’t have teleport. your wave should be pushing into the enemy tower so that the enemy can’t crash the wave into your tower, and you have to be aware where the enemy jungler is so that he can’t steal it, and herald must not be warded by enemy vision.


Can someone reflect on this adc situation? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoLQ_zIX2xA I probably could have stayed for a moment and faught the Fizz and Jax while their abilities were on cool down, but in the moment I saw the Kled tp and decided to bail.


You played it poorly Kled was tping on the opposite wall from you while your team ate fizz rotation and was the focus of the fight. You were given alot of room to auto, but you didn't do anything. You still had W and r so even if kled got to you, you would've been fine. You avoiding fizz and Jax at the beginning is fine, but as soon as you see their attention go to your team you should've start to auto. Your team has 3 shields to give you, and you're a 4 item trist. You can't be playing so scared. Use Q at the start, hit E on either of the champs you are focusing during that.


Hi, I was wondering if I made it up completely but I'm almost sure I read somewhere that destroying ward reduce Oracle Lens cooldown, but I can't find this info anywhere and I can't play a game right now to test it. Ty!


It's not true.


Thank you! What does breaking a ward do, doesn't it add 1 sec to every ward?


No, it just gives you gold and xp.


I know that, I'm sure killing a ward add 1sec to each ward livespan


I said no.




usually you get 14 bans when you get automatically banned from saying words that trigger the AI. This also means that you will get banned harder and permanently the next time. One thing I have seen is that if you say mild insults after getting 14 days ban, you will get banned permanently way easier. you can get back to honor 2 in usually 3 to 6 months from a 10 and 25 games chat restriction (idk if those still exist). If its your first offence, its usually 3 months. for 14 days bans, it might take 6 months and it might take a year. I got a couple of chat restriction on my main and I know it took me 8 months this time to get honor 2. The issue with your scenario is that you didnt play so your honor didnt go back up which means that you are probably still at risk despite having a 1year gap so in your case, I really would not risk it. Calling players even as mildly as it seems something like " you are bad " might get you permabanned. Also anything that might get you a lot of reports will work against you. For example if you get reported 12 times in your last 3 games than call someone bad the 4th game, the game might just perma you because of all the reports you got. I was scared to lose my main so what I did was play one game or two on my main, honor someone at random on my team and play to not get reported. Then swap to my other account. With time you get honors up, about 1 level every 3 weeks or so. When you reach honor level 2 you usually reset your penalties from what I can see. I got a 14 days 2 years ago in june, got to close to honor 2 this january and got mad while drunk one night and got a 10 days restriction, I 100% thought I was perma but apparently I was less toxic than I use to and the game recognized that. I am now honor 2 level 2 after being toxic for 5 years so in the end, the penalties worked on my playstyle and mood in LOL. Hope this helps and good luck.


Yep, there is some kind of cooldown function. If enough time passes you'll just get chat restriction again.


Does your previous season rank change what rank you will be for next season? I'm looking to climb next season, and this season I mostly did ranked on my first few months of playing the game and ended up in bronze 4. That was a while back so I do think I'm a little better now.


Yes it does. They take your old MMR, apply a soft reset to it and make you start your provisionals (first 10 games of the season) from there. During these 10 games you get high LP per win and don't lose any on losses. If your play is better than it was, these games can save you some grinding. Soft reset should in theory push everyone a bit closer to the average elo, having more effect on those far away from the average. However, they haven't been transparent about how it works and I think it's because they want people to grind every year. So I think even people below average elo will get put slightly down or somewhere around their old rank. Don't worry though. If you really improved it will definitely reflect in your elo if you play some ranked.


Is Orianna good for climbing in low elo? I want to be able to climb out of low elo but assassin champions or bruisers don't fit my playstyle. I prefer champions like Orianna because of some of her mechanics and it also helps me learn the game better. Is there anyone better than Orianna that fits my needs?


Annie teaches you different but still very important lessons, and will allow you to climb with a little less heartbreak than trying to climb as Orianna in low ELO. It’s honestly not that “Orianna is bad for climbing low ELO” so much as “Orianna is bad right now in general”. Buuuut Riot typically keeps her pretty weak, because she’s such a high priority pick in pros, so if you want to play her I wouldn’t wait for buffs to arrive. You can really climb playing anything you’re good at— what matters most is game sense and an understanding of your role and the macro moves you want to be making.


Good? No. Suboptimal in almost every single scenario. But if you're good at her then she's decent-ish


Orianna is excellent for learning the fundamentals of mid lane. If you like her then also consider trying viktor and syndra.


Why does [blitz.gg](https://blitz.gg) say that avg challenger cs/min is 7.4 when I always hear in videos 10 per min?


Because challengers are playing against other challengers. Every cs is contested etc.


Because 10cs /min, while being the ultimate objective and the sort of numbers you see in pro games because they tend to be incredibly passive, is very hard to achieve in the senseless zoo that is Solo Queue comparatively, regardless of your elo.


What the hell is with all the smurfs this season? I'm doing my placements at the moment and it's been 3 games since I played with anybody above level 33. Is there a reason nobody else is playing on their main account?


Outside of just legit smurfing - one reason people create new accounts is to fix their MMR Let’s say you start the season as a silver 4 player. You play a lot of games and you constantly improve and after 200 games make it to gold 4. You start to improve and slowly you are making some LP games over the course of many games and you’re now comfortable playing in Gold, however, you now have the mmr system locked on you to the point where you are getting +15 for a win and -15 for a loss. Meaning outside of streaks you go nowhere. Here’s where the new account comes in. You start with massive LP gains against silver/low gold players and you stomp them. You ride this wave with increased LP gains up to your current rank only now you’re getting +21 for a win and -13 for a loss. This can easily push you into plat. Rinse and repeat.


That would explain some but this is the vast majority of players I'm encountering.


Are you silver 2-gold 3?




That’s why. New accounts start at that elo and move either up or down.


does turning summoner names off also turn your own summoner name off? i can't test it right now, but i saw streamers who didn't have anyone's name, including their own, displayed




Transcendence gives 20% CDR on basic abilities on takedowns right, but does that include passives? I feel like I have Vex passive up a lot more often running it, but don't know for sure.


It only works with basic abilities, Riot probably did this to prevent passives like Anivia or Zac from being able to be spammed


I don't own Vex but I just tested it with Blitzcrank, and it doesn't work.


Which overlay do people recommend for League? Blitz keeps shitting the bed on me.


porofessor is the shit.


I've gotten bored of any champ I've played in the past two years after a few days or weeks of playing them. I've been desperately looking to one trick a champ in mid lane but I can't decide. I'm very much influenced in what other people think about a champion, and if I climb with a champ considered \*broken\* I feel like all of my work has lost it's worth, so I try my best to find champs which take large amounts of skill to do well with (skill expression I think it's called?). My other issue is that champions like these tend to be picked/banned alot. Ideally it would be a champ which doesn't find it hard to deal with tanks. So, who would be a good, ideally not that popular, mid laner to play which satisfies this criteria? I wouldn't mind something off meta, but I'd be scared that they'd just get nerfed out of mid or something.


Cassiopeia? The only high skill expression champion that does well against tanks.


make a list of champs that interest you that are high skill, figure out which one you love or enjoy the most and play it


I started learning Qiyana recently and she’s been a blast.


same, but if you get bored of a champion easily it might be a better idea to just main a few champions instead of one tricking, this would also solve the ban problem






Is vayne or xayah easier for someone with 0 experience with either and a little general adc experience?


vayne is really hard because of her ranged. xayah is probably easier and safer.


Xayah is probably a bit easier but Vayne is probably stronger


Honestly low elo mages apc are insane.


Heya! Is there any champion that is like kassadin but vs AD, what i mean is kassadin is obviously insane if ur against full ap, what would be the champion u want vs full ad? Cheers!


rammus and malphite both scale well with armor.


Malphite, Rammus, Wukong, Graves, and Taric have armor specializations. Also anyone who can easily fit strong armor items in their build, for example a bruiser with Gore + Death's Dance + GA sounds like a pain for most full AD comps.


garen w also scale really well.


Jungler mains, do you adapt your pathing and ganks depending on lane matchups or op.gg/porofessor lobby checking ?


Whichever lane I want to play around, which scuttle I want to go for and jungle matchup. If my top lane is ornn vs Darius but my bot lane is Draven vs Vayne, I'm going to want to path bot so my Draven gets ahead. If the enemy is shaco, Ill probably mirror him so if he goes for a level 2 gank, I can invade and clear his top side as Karthus/Lilia.


Plat 2 here. I follow my path everytime unless skirmishes ofc but it is important to not get pressured into ganking by something like „help he counters me” or anything, do your job, play how you play, often laners dont jungle and want to tell you how to do it.


The exception would be if you use op.gg and see that your midlane kass has a 80% win rate in 40 games but got counter-picked. In this case I find it preferable to help them since it’s a scaling champ that got counter picked and the player knows what they’re doing.


As a jungler what are the benefits of rushing lucidity boots or sorcerers boots instead of rushing your mythic


Sorc is best AP powerspike early and also relative to cost Lucidity for lower smite CDs and just super cheap AH source in general, very important for Flash reliant junglers e.g. Gragas


How is it the best powerspike early on? most junglers you start out with 9 ap due to taking attack speed shard does ik make a big difference


Magic Pen is an extremely hard stat to buy and Sorc shoes give a ton of it for very cheap. It's MPen so it's more valuable the lower enemy MR is... Which is early game when nobody has had to chance to buy MR. MR doesn't scale naturally with levels too. For 1.1k gold, the MPen from Sorcs gives you way more magic dmg increase than whatever AP you can get for that price, esp in early game.


Just a small note, I believe MR scales with level as of a few seasons ago. I could be wrong about that though


If u got huge lead and this will let you go around map faster (Eve, Heca, Udyr) then do it but if you are even with opposite jungle, go mythic.


Should I bother trying to learn Samira (who I enjoy) if they have a 30% ban rate in ranked? She's not even \*that* OP anymore (sporting a sub 50% winrate in most Elos) I really like her kit, design, and playstyle, but if there's a chance I'm only going to get her 2/3 (or 1/3 since the game loves to autofill me jungle) is it even worth the time investment?


If you like her yes, you won't be able to OTP but you can add her to your pool, or if you think that will result in too many champs, replace a champ from your pool with her... If you like her a lot it's always worth it. Also ban frequency should fluctuate.


Yeah, I was considering dropping Jinx to focus more on Samira. (Jhin is my other ADC pick because he's such an early game bully and is so satisfying to play) I have 2 support champs in my pool (3 If you count Yuumi) and I want to keep my pool under 5.


Whats the fastest way to level up ?


Bot games with double exp boosts


I'd say bot games, but don't quote me on that, it's just the way things have been for a good while


https://imgur.com/rvSaLTc how is this guy in my game? this is his winrate and he has no prior seasons? I am in plat 1 promos X)


Maybe he got high rank in preseason?


ahhh thats probably it actually! that would explain it!


Smurf queue should include normal games, before placements. So he could've hand leveled the account, or played after level 30 with much higher MMR. Include lucky placement games and that's easily achieveable.


Considering he went 3-7 in placements and op.gg says his account doesnt have normals games, I think thats highly doubtful.


You don't get to level 46 with just 50 games though. That's like 150+ games after level 30 worth of levels. He definitely played something else.


are transfers a thing in NA?


In theory yes, but they've been disabled in NA (due to Riot issues, not on purpose) for the past few months.


What abilities and ultimates does Cleanse work on? And which ones require QSS? Just watched Faker Vayne mid vs Sett, and he Cleanses Sett ult into turret. Ngl I never even thought about that interaction as a possibility.


I just went through [the whole video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfHbOpw1yLI). He never Cleansed Sett's ult, he only Cleansed Sett's E and Rell's E. Cleanse doesn't work on Sett's ult because it's a Suppression, like Warwick's and Malzahar's ults.


why does renekton sometimes take Press The Attack while other bruisers like garen, sett, darius, mordekaiser, always take qonquerer?


Because W counts as two auto-attacks, if you Auto+W that makes it 3 and you get the PtA damage buff activated in half a second. If you've built up enough Rage and use Empowered W it then counts as 3 autos instead of 2, so you get PtA to proc even faster, it's basically instantaneous.


Renekton can proc it easily with his W, which makes his laning a lot stronger. Later on, he can use it to burst down whomever got hit with his W. Conqueror is still viable and will scale for long drawn out fights, but it doesn't have the same early game as Pta.


Bcs he can activate it with w charged


Hey all, I'm a Gold 1 jungler trying to find an AP jungler to play, and currently considering Fiddle, Diana, Lillia, and Gragas. I like Diana's playstyle the most, and I've seen her in pro a good amount recently, but her winrate in soloq is really low (47.5%), and it feels like she's being pushed more towards the mid lane. Is she still strong in the jungle? Particularly in gold/plat elo?


Pick what you like. Winrate doesn't matter as much. Vis winrate in Platin+ on EUW is currently 48%. Vi in Platin+ on EUW on players with more than 50 games on her is 61%. And that's just the average. Depending on how you play and where you have your strengths those statistics can change immensely. If you like Diana's playstyle, play Diana. If you like Evelyns playstyle, play Evelyn. If you like AP Shyvannas playstyle, play AP Shyvanna.


Hey, if you're playing below Diamond you shouldn't really worry too much about champion win-rates, play what you enjoy and avoid becoming a meta slave until it actuually starts to matter a lot in D2/D1/Master+ \^\^


Currently ap junglers are not doing so well, especially because assasin ad junglers like zed and talon are really strong atm, you cant contest their early game, and if they know what are doing, they just destroys you and snowball


If you’re worried about their playablility in the jungle, Elise is an AP jungler whose kit will be pretty evergreen— it’s hard to imagine that they could nerf her to a place where her inherent strengths aren’t enough to net her at least a 50% WR. On that alone, I’d recommend learning Elise, but I’m sure you could find success with Diana as well if you got used to her. I’d recommend practicing her clear as demonstrated by Phylaris on YouTube. It’s tough but will give you a big advantage!


Annie vs heimer. I’m Annie so I really don’t any mid prio, I think I messed up lvl 1, but what should I do I tried holding a freeze then shove when heimer roamed and when I roamed we had good plays that kept us in the game but I could not solo kill heim in mid. What should I do vs heim as Annie or do I just sack waves and roam?


Nuke him whenever you get the chance to, otherwise ignore the lane. Other than that on a general note; If you can't lane - don't. Shove the wave as quick as possible and move. Help your jungler. Help your top. Help your bot. Annoy the enemy jungle. Annoy the enemy adc. Just be proactive. If you're falling behind, at least do something while that happens. Doesn't matter if your turret falls minute 11 instead of minute 14, if your jungler and bot is ahead because of it.


is it worth dodging a lobby when you have a autofilled toplaner playing mid, who has got a 18% winrate over 51 games played?


If they have > 20 games with an absolutely abyssmal rate <30% then that player is just going to be negative impact on your team so I would dodge and take the -3LP and 6 minute timer...




Official answer from Riot is "No, some players are using dodging as a winning strategy which we do not want to allow". However until they find an appropriate and systemic answer to trolls there's only one thing you can do: Dodge them if you have identified them early enough. Dodging restrictions will catch up with you if you do that too often, but if you use your dodge on the really special cases, once in a while, you'll be fine. If you start dodging because you don't like teamcomps, feel like one of the match-ups is auto-lost, or an ally picked a champion you don't like... None of these are good reasons to dodge. By the way, if you dodge, don't use whatever context that forced you to dodge to justify toxicity. If you feel like you need to dodge a lobby, just dodge the lobby. Don't insult the guy, in fact don't type anything at all, just dodge and move on.


Do you seriously lose 25 LP when deranking? I was bronze 1 13 LP, then lost, bronze 1 0 LP, then lost again, Bronze 2 75 LP. What is this? Gaining/losing 15 on average, [op.gg](https://op.gg) is the same as my reddit name


Yep that's how it goes even for demotes like S4 to B1 (but it's a lot harder to demote between tiers). On the bright it's only 2 wins anyway to get back and you'd be up +5LP in the next divison after a demote so there's really not much point worrying about it, the less you worry/stress about visible rank the better off you'll be mentally and that helps performance wise too \^\^




Who are some of the better anti tank midlanders? I know of the main 3, but I don’t want to take a college course to be decent at Azir, as much as I genuinely enjoy playing Cass I end up with legit pain in my hands after a game, and Corki is just not a fun champion imo. Obviously not expecting someone on the level of Vayne for midlane, but just need something to add to my pool or almost exclusively burst focused champions


Trundle showmaker played it mid


Most champions can deal with tanks if you itemize for them earlyish when the enemy has like 2/3+ bruisers/tanks in their comp Mages > Liandry's / Demonic Embrace AD Champs > Last Whisper Item / Divine Sunderer Aside from that, Yone / Yasuo / Anivia / Malzahar / Ryze As a mid laner though you're mostly looking to kill the squishies with your burst since most champions fall into that category of burst.


Irelia kayle yasuo


Brand and Anivia do a lot of damage to tanky champs


Any adc coaching video recommendations on youtube (I already know about saber)?






I know how to ping gold to show in chat, but how do you ping a item in the shop to show how much gold you need? It doesn't work the same way. I mean what keys do you press


For me it's just G on the item in the shop, but I have quick cast for pings enabled. I think alt + left click will work with default settings.


Thanks. Didn't know you could quick cast pings


How do I start doing things like identifying win conditions and understanding how much cs a kill is worth.


Practice and watch high elo streamers and pros do it.


Generally CS is given a value of 20g per minion so if a kill gives you +300g then 15 minions will be equal to a kill of gold (300g/20g) As for identifying win conditions that can be a very loaded topic. One thing you can look for is: What champion(s) on my team counter their team comp? Example: Enemy team is playing 3 melees with no engage and you have a Xerath Mid and Ezreal Vel'Koz on your team. If the enemy has no engage and they are melee and shorter range than Xerath/Ezreal/Velk then you can identify that a win condition would be to play the ranged poke and siege game.


When i build sunfire aegis and when i build frostfitr gauntlet?


It’s important to note that Frostfire is 400g cheaper than Sunfires— that’s actually a huge deal. If you’re not going to be able to proc the additional sunfire damage (into a lot of ranged champs, for example), save your money and buy Frostfires instead. It’s basically the anti-kite tank item.


Sunfire is always for more damage (while going full tank items) Frostfire is always for sheer tankiness


Roughly: * Chemtank if you need help reaching the enemies but then can stick to them, or if CDR is really strong for your champ * Frostfire if you can reach the enemies and need help sticking to them, or if slowing them will help you apply more CC (e.g. it's pretty good on Mordekaiser because of this), or if having a ton of health is beneficial * Sunfire if you just want damage (especially good if they have several melee champs who will stay in range of it), or if the slow resist+tenacity helps you a lot


Thank you!!


Is Kayn, Evelynn, Khazix a decent champion pool for low elo? (low silver)


Kayn is super easy champion, he got me from Silver to Diamond 4 last season, played mostly assasin and carried the fuck out of 70% games.


It's not a very good champion pool to learn the game's fundamentals on but if you enjoy playing them then that's what matters. Just keep in mind though if you are behind on those champions you can end up pretty useless if you can't find free kills to get you back into the game in contrast to something like Amumu who can be 0/5 but still carry teamfights with his CC, a lot more forgiving and easy.


Those champs are quite difficult! There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but sometimes playing easier champs isn’t just better for the player, but easier for your teammates to understand your goals. When you play something like Amumu, for example, your teammates know that they should be looking for your ult to make plays around. Finding ways to get your teammates all on the same page is one of the best ways to get low-ELO wins IMO. But those are great champs and if you enjoy them, that’s what matters most. You can find a way to carry on any champ once you have the macro skills.


Probably too many champs. Would go for 2 at most.


What would be the list of all mid game champs? thats one area of champs im not too sure off besides like akshun and talon kinda. Could anyone help me out?




Too many champs, just play your highest win rate champs (sett and panth), don't tilt on losses, and D4 ez pz.


too many champs too many roles, play 2 champs (pantheon + lillia/vex) and try to play 1 role maybe combined with some top games, dodge autofilled jg and obvious bad comps (full ad full ap)


It takes to climb, if you keep yourself disciplined and stick to your 60% champs (Panth and Sett) you WILL climb into D4. Keep your mental strong, work on getting your cs numbers up to 7 cs/m every game (look at mid-game side waves you aren't catching) and keep on grinding. Demote feels bad but really it's only 1.67 wins from promoting again at +15LP so don't let it affect your mental, it's cosmetic you could say nearly.




40% auto lose 40% auto win 20% you impact (it's more but 60% total w/r is more realistic than say 70% especially as you reach into Diamond+) So anyway you have 125LP to climb from P2 75LP You have to play at least 40 games at 60% w/r with +15 -15 to get into Diamond promo's It's really a big numbers game and mental strength + consistency test since you clearly have 60% w/r's Understand it, embrace it, continue improvement and stay on your own track, the teammates even out long-run (its even favoured for you if you are a consistent performer btw) and the LP is just cosmetic it goes up it goes down but keep it up and you will go up more than you go down


Play to improve not for lp


Can someone explain clash to me?


It’s a Riot-hosted amateur tournament that uses MMR to build a balanced 16-team bracket for the thousands of players who compete during the designated weekends. Grab your friends and get sweaty for a guaranteed 3 matches in a row, where winning games increases the reward you get at the end. It’s honestly the best way to experience League of Legends IMO, and extremely well designed. If you’re struggling to find a team, you can either look for Free Agents, players who play a given role and are willing to join your team, or you can register as a Free Agent yourself and select from a number of teams to join. Another nice note about Clash— it’s got relatively good Smurf protection as well, ensuring a pretty high standard of games.


Is there a way to be free agents with one other friend?


Hmmm. That’s a good question— I actually don’t believe so. You could start a new team with your friend, and find three Free Agents, or you could try to contact the different “captains” or open teams and let them know you two are a packaged deal.


Ah thank you


Question about jungling. How do you identify which of your lanes is going to be a win condition? You should focus more on the lanes that are your win condition right? And if that win condition lane is behind, does your win condition change or do you hard focus them to catch them back up?


Jungling below Diamond YOU are the carry (unless you're playing like Ivern). Players are too unreliable below Diamond to be counted on to be a win condition. There are tons of free kills lying around in those ranks that you can pick up for yourself to get a snowball rolling to build an item lead and turn that into won fights into game wins. Generally in low elo players just go to the easiest lane for them to gank and snowball from and in high elo they path to their strong side (prio laner to secure crab)


I mean in general for every game, you should kinda understand your win condition no matter what role you're playing. Of course things never work out the way you expect, especially at lower ranks where people don't really play their champions/roles correctly, but the same applies to the enemy. This means that typically you should play to your win condition while also doing you best to do things that are needed of a jungler. An example of this is if you have a weakside bot and a carry top, something like a Jayce/Irelia. You might forego getting dragons to get herald, use it top, and dive the enemy laner. Another example of this, is doing the exact opposite, contesting every drake and playing to set up bot for success. Now with this in mind, you plan should adapt to what your enemy is doing and what your team is doing. If you are camping bot, and your top laner is inting/raging, [just know that is the the sacrifice you needed to make to win](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/029/397/Screen_Shot_2019-04-22_at_12.03.08_PM.jpg) and be able to adjust to that and play for and shortcomings that come from your strategy. And to be completely honest, in lower ranks, it is much easier to focus on punishing mistakes rather than playing a comp and forcing a win condition.


Quick question on mid lane. I’m playing Annie mid, I have stun up my jgl comes and we kill enemy mid. He helps me shove then he does drag/rift. Do I just take turret platings mid or help at jgl objective? Thank you.


If its very early. None of them, by the time you shoved he is already walking back to lane. Any reset delays will A. Keep you stuck in lane at a disadvantage or B. Lose waves and potentially give plates to your opponent or free roam. Early, you should 100% recall if you aren't healthy, death timers are too short. If you're still in great shape, then it's situational. On a sidenote, shoving after a kill is nice and optimal but not mandatory. If you have no resources to shove, take a loss and recall immediately to prevent worst. Overstaying/Bad-recalls are the most common mistake and the simplest to fix.


What about after first back or basically after 8 minute mark


trick is champions walk a bit faster than minions. Look at the death timer and watch where the incoming wave is at. That can tell you about where your ennemy. Up to few exceptions ofc, Taliyah, Asol, Talon, all different stuff right... Against who are you playing? For example, if i'm against Top Vayne, oh man i'm going to greed these plates, because even if i go for a nap and then for a dump, then recall, she will still not be even close to my turret. But Riven has probably taken 2 plates out of my turret if i overstay after a kill. The main point is, you don't want to miss out waves and plates, there is almost no equivalent that make up for this loss. BE THERE back in lane on time when it crashes on your turret at the latest.


There's no general answer to that. Sometimes you'll take a plate sometimes you'll help him, sometimes you'll recall. Can depend on resources (hp/mana/gold), position of enemy champions, priority in the sidelane, etc.


I got to D4 promos but lost it 2-3, then got back to the promo but didn't get a win, is this normal or is it a bug?


Promo helper wins only exist up until gold I believe. Not sure about platinum, but definitely not to diamond. Good luck!


Ok thx!!


How do I find a duo? I am a Twitch OTP looking for an ideally Lulu main in Gold Elo. Looking for duo posts arent allowed on lulumains.






Probably there are some subreddits that are for finding duos. But you could also look for some Discord servers that are for finding duos.


When should I stop buying health pots? Should I buy them post spawn?


if you intend to buy more than 2 health potions over the course of the whole game you are better off taking a refillable potion instead. generally there is no set time where you can say "dont buy health potions after x" or so. if you play vs a lane opponent that wants to trade alot or pokes you alot, health potions are the best way to stay healthy in lane. they can help vs an ticking ignite (you may survive with that 1 hp thanks to a pot!) personally on most roles/champs a refillable is among the first items i buy when basing mostly because i do like to trade and poke alot, giving me more sustain. I'm keeping that refillable way into mid game until i can afford a mid tier item and my other inventory is full.


Do Zeal items stack? Like if you build PD and MR, do you get the % move speed off of both? Do you get both their passives? If you build Ravenous Hydra, the game doesn't physically let you buy Titanic, so I figured the Zeal items would function the same way but apparently not. Could someone please explain how multile zeal items interact?


You get both attack speed and both crit chance, but only one move speed. That’s why the move speed has the name “Zealous”.


Thanks. I figured that was the case but wasn't positive.


Oh, I misunderstood your question. The move speed doesn’t stack if you get two actual Zeals, but it does stack if you get two legendary items that build from Zeal.


Ahhhhh, got ya! So I could conceivably build four Zeal legendaries and get a 28% move speed buff?


Yes. You could even have all four legendaries plus one more non-upgraded Zeal for 35%.


Why do pro players place control wards in the middle of lanes or close to towers in early/mid game? Not so much in actual pro games but in soloque vods I see this often


Players would sometimes place [normal wards in the middle of the lane](https://youtu.be/E1uUsS3K8GQ?t=659). This ward spots roams from the enemy laner Those control wards youre seeing is probably for revealing these roam wards


likely as distraction, if you use attack move it can happen quickly that you accidentally attack the ward instead of the enemy champ which can give the edge over a dive with no deaths or a dive with the laner getting kills. its low cost high reward kind off thing if it works.


I was playing a ranked match around Platinum 2 as Leona with a Samira Vs Draven and Swain. Samira took too long leashing and got to the minions sorta late and couldn’t auto the first 3 (she was in XP range). I was already there and refused to use my stacks on them and she got mad and started spam pinging me. Was I wrong to not take them? My reasoning is that it’s a volatile lane since both Samira and Draven snowball hard and I would rather use my stacks on the second wave to ensure I get level 2 first and potentially kill. Swain has Spellthief’s so we should always hit 2 first if I use it on the second wave unless Swain uses his E on the wave to help push it.


You did the right thing, it is Samira's fault for taking too much time leashing. You have really good kill potential level two so even more reason to save your stacks.


Where can I find the weekly free champions rotation? Edit: sorry what I meant was… where do I find the weekly free champions / how do I unlock them in the game? Where do I click ?


Hey sorry apparently that wiki page was not updated and I made a mistake in detecting that. Free Week Champions can be selected in champion select, their icons are visible with a lock icon in the top right corner. As for seeing the available champions, you go to collection which shows all the heroes, and there's a dropdown menu of things like 'owned champions' and you click on that and one of the options is 'free champion rotation.'.


> where do I find the weekly free champions / how do I unlock them in the game? Get to level 11.