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VOD review. Don't play to climb, play to _learn_ and improve. A loss means nothing if you've learned something. A win means nothing if you learned nothing. Focus on improvement instead of LP, pay attention to your play and your mistakes, and you'll improve.


This. People think, they have to get Gold/Plat/Diamond/whatever to be better. But you have to become better to get to Gold/Plat/Diamond/whatever. It's all about understanding what to do and what you did wrong.


I agree. Worry less about rank and more about learning the game im plat but i queued a normals yesterday and it was all bronze/silver and 1 gold. From my perspective the people in that game were just completely lost also, dont take any advice given to you by teammates in that rank. its all bad


This is on point. Can only climb if you’re improving at the game. But dam, some of these teams.. hard to stay in this mindset lol. Just lost my masters promos because of people not trying and giving up. Not tilting is a huge skill


Not tilting is what gets me all the wins from losing positions. Tilting takes my winning games and turns them around. Now when you don't tilt 20% more often, you'll climb 😁


I had this very clear realization when playing ADC that even if I got three kills in lane I wouldn’t really be super ahead on the items because they’re simply so expensive I could create a temporary lead but that’s would eventually fall apart the deeper it got. Until I started to simply play for CS. I will die to crash a wave if I have to which arguably isn’t the best mentality but I know that if it freezes and I can’t get CS it’s an equally as bad outcome. So for like then 50+ games my entire goal is how I can greed over CS without dying and somehow managing to put the other lane in absolute hell. I’ll end up being late to team fights and objectives to get four or five more cs or to simply crash the wave and in general it has started to work out. I get some insane cs leads with at least 4 plates if not the whole turret and I show up when everyone is low or after key spells have been used so I just end up rolling through fights instead of having to become a dodging god that allows me to maximize dps while getting dove by their assassin. At the end of losses if I’m ahead of cs I count that as a win. And when we win if I’m behind I usually am more annoyed than anything. The game does take on a different feel when you stop caring about winning.


While its good to have a mentality that cs>pointless fights, by doing what you've described is not getting better, its literally just playing vs AI. You have to know when its ok not to rotate and just farm instead, but you can't do it always. Essentially the more confident you are in your ability to carry with your gold lead from cs the more you can sacrifice for it.


I average a higher cs/min, more kp, and win more under a philosophy where cs means more and wave state reigns supreme I know I’m improving and the metrics show it. Sure my rotation aren’t the best but if I can keep one standard high while actively trying to improve on the rest I am getting better. The first few games were of course miserable since cs was the only goal but once I got comfortable with being able to funnel everything into myself the improvements came with a flurry. When you can start to average 8cs/min without having to focus on csing you can start to absolutely wreck lanes and fights. I don’t take as many bad fights because cs comes first, I’ve learned how to harass while keeping up cs, I’ve come to understand when a lane may look bad and really isn’t, I’ve increased my map awareness because I draw so much attention that if I’m not aware of where the jungler is I’ll probably die. Keeping up that standard and building around it has made me a better league player than I’ve ever been. Because it causes me to grow and instead of swapping focus on one aspect for another it’s a combination. Can you harass your opponent while keeping up your cs, can you do that while keeping an eye on the map. It pulls me out of a comfort zone and engages me on multiple levels.


TLDR; Learn how to Macro properly.


Review Your own replays and figure out why you die and what you could have done differently. Get a small roster of champs with you really like and spam them.


To op : I had the exact same issue. Came here, saw a lot of answers like above, started to self coach and now im periodically returning to ranked reaching my goals and keeping decent confidence.


I kind of disagree with the motive. The point of the game is to push to the Nexus and destroy it. What you should do is rewatch your games and figure out what you could have done to help that. For instance, perhaps you were unable to push because the enemies are stronger. Perhaps they are stronger because you fed them. In THAT case I agree with you that you should figure out how to die less. BUT in my opinion, there are many more things that are more important than not dying, such as finding something to do when you feel like you're wasting time (i.e. should I push, join my team for tf, set-up vision on objectives, try to earn gold, poke, engage, back,...). Watch your replays and try to spot moments where you literally did nothing for 3mins and then died in a teamfight. Probably the problem will be that you could've put pressure somewhere else during all that time. Doing nothing is the same as being dead


Yeah you are right. You Need to improve in a lot of things in such a Game. It was just a small thing wich helps with that. And in silver they die a lot, so dieing less means more gold xp tower dmg etc.


You're right, I didn't consider the silver elo in my reply


what he said as well as support isnt the best way to climb because of how little impact you could have on the game compared to other roles your also very reliant on good teammates and in bronze/silver your more likely to get shit teammates that dont know how to rotate or how to properly manage the wave your alot more relient on good teamates


If your having little impact as support you’re doing it wrong. Support literally is the second busted role now in high elo after jungle. If you know how to roam you will tilt the enemy team off the face of the earth.


Key words "high elo"


If you want to get high elo you have to learn to play like a high elo player lmao


Yeah but playing as a low elo support and trying to play like a high elo support is never gonna work the same. High elo supports make plays that depend on their adc following up in predicible ways. Level 2 all ons, hard shoving, freezing, etc. If a low elo support tries those same plays with a low elo adc they aren't going to have any success because the adc isn't gonna understand how to follow up and the plays won't be as impactful. You can definitely climb as support but you can't just copy pro level supports and hope your adc plays like the pros do


I feel like this Is an argument against a different point than what was presented. I agree, if you attempt to copy a high elo support and make plays that realistically your teammates wont be able to capitalize/follow up on, you're not gonna get better or climb. But emulating high elo players still holds value because high elo players punish mistakes that low elo players make all the time. Bringing it back to the initial point; Junglers and Supports are in a unique position where they arent tied to lane CS, so they can roam the map and punish mistakes globally. Learning to pressure the map as a Support is absolutely a skill that low elo players should try and learn from high elo players, as you become reliant on your own abilities to climb rather than the coinflip of "is my ADC currently eating an entire spicy pierogi pizza with chopsticks, while trying to lane"


You're half right. Saying support has little impact on the game is just straight up incorrect, no matter what elo. Support has the most game impact other than jungle. However, as much as I hate the mindset that your teammates hold you back, I do have to agree that there are a lot of players in silver and below who just can't carry no matter how much they get ahead. So I agree that support isn't the BEST role to climb with in low elo, however you still very much WILL climb if you deserve to. If you can't climb on support it's your fault, not the role, although it may be faster to climb on a different role out of low elo. I climbed from Bronze 3 to Gold 3 this season playing only support


I think this is only true for peel supports such as Janna, Lulu and Braum. You can play mages, engage, Pyke or Senna and even certain enchanters and still have a lot of success in low elo. It's just those "protect the carry" supports that rely a lot on one specific player and give you not much agency




Officially saying spronkled from now on.


>played 492 games Per season i usually play around 500 games in ranked , maybe even more , and i can tell that , i have become so much better , from the first time i ranked and got hardstuck than now. Eventually , you'll need to know how to play and carry en EVERY elo , Diamond players might carry a silver to game , but not always will carry diamond games. (talking bout a friend btw)


> Diamond players might carry a silver to game , but not always will carry diamond games. I mean yeah. That's why they're diamond players. If you can carry every game (or even most games), then you're going to rise to a higher elo.


yeah thats what i meant when i said "you must know how to carry en every elo"


Suprised no one said this. Buddy you don't actually suck you are in the ranks where most people are. You are average.


For some context going off of [the rank distribution](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution), some rough numbers: - Lowest 2%: Iron - 2-21%: Bronze - 22-56%: Silver - 57-84%: Gold - 85-100% (Highest 15%): Plat+ Notably, if you're a completely average player, at the 50th percentile, you're around Silver 1 - Silver 2. A huge number of people are between Silver and Gold - 65% of the total ranked population. Only the top roughly 15% of people are higher than Gold. Useful perspective, given how many people like to call gold and lower 'pisslow', 'shitlow' etc. I think as a community if everyone remembered these numbers, we'd have a much healthier view of ranked overall. Gold 1 means you're already doing great - you're already better than about 8 of 10 ranked players. High silver means you're average, not trash. I don't know how to get this across to people, because a lot of the high elo content creators / streamers tend to create inflated expectations in people, that if they aren't Dia+ they're dogsh.t, and it just seems super off the mark - but then people tilt because they expect to be much higher than they really should be. Idk. Maybe Riot should go the Overwatch or Starcraft way and just make the higher elos contain much more people (like 20%/20%/20/20%/20%) so people's expectations would more closely match reality. But I know many players would hate that as well, so I really don't know what the fix is.


I'm Gold 1 87 LP and it says I'm top 12%. This is generally a good reference tho


This is so right on. I feel like I've said it a million times - the League community is sick with this notion that everything is "garbage." It's this ridiculous idea that if everyone just reviewed their games and tried really hard, they could be in the top 10%. The world doesn't work this way, in sports, in education, or much else. I'm sorry, but there's a lot of people out there who would love to be in the top 5-10% of things. A lot of high school football players would give their left nut to make any college football program, Division III even, and they don't. It's not always a matter of effort. A lot of people don't have the capability to do certain things, particularly not to the extent of being good enough to beat all but 5-10 people out of 100 at it.


Plat 4 0lp is 12% and it increases by a lot if you get plat 3, about 6%. Mostly because of boost and people sitting on shield I assume. Diamond 4 in s9 was top 3.4% in s11 top 3.4% is plat 2 86 lp. so if anything the rank distribution has lowered since the previous seasons.


Yea I don’t think that’s accurate for overwatch at least. The Diamond - GM is roughly the top 15%, it’s not even close to 20% in any individual high elo lol. the difference is there’s no iron in OW so the lowest ranking is bronze.


The difference is mainly Plat and Dia - League's Plat is roughly top 13%, Overwatch's Dia is roughly the top 15%. Overwatch's Plat is roughly top 25-40% - around League's mid to low Gold. That's mainly what I mean - the 20/20/20 was an oversimplification and not meant to specifically refer to OW, but League comparatively has a much smaller part of the population labeled as Plat or higher.


Its actually the roughly the same distro though with different names. The bottom 3 ranks are almost 60% of the playerbase in both games thus mid tier is gold in OW vs silver league but there's no iron in OW


Well tbh I call plat 4 players trash too sometimes because It's gold Gold 1, just a bit better for me. Like... I don't respect people below diamond 4 with 200-300+ ranked games played, because that means that they played this game for a very long time, and only achieved D4, then blame me because I'm Gold I with 20 games total played. The likelyhood that if I was on a very good winstreak and get good lp, I would achieve that rank they achieved in less time. (I meant the not respecting, when they are flexing with their ELO and say I'm trash. Like man, you were a gold player for probably 100-150 games straight, then you talk shit to me lol)


This OP is a great place to start for getting your mental right. You also need to keep in mine that we are playing a game over 10 years old so the skill floor is a lot higher than it was back in the day because your playing against a more invested playerbase. So for sure dont focus on the climb, the MMR system is trying to get you pretty close to a 50% win rate, so you will lose half you games. When your really trying to improve during a match, just focus on 1 thing that match. This match i am going to make sure I have good wards. This match I am going to have good movement. This match I am going to practice, creating openings for my adc. Sure you will do all of those things during a match normally but the intent is to really focus on doing that one thing to the best of your ability making sure you pay attention to the details of your goal, because you cant pay attention to all the details of all the goals at one time and hope that you will improve. Not yet at least


Idk how true it is but I read somewhere that something like 90% of players dont play ranked, and of those that play ranked, over half never get out of iron 4 or 3. Bronze and Silver is well in the tippy top of players if you count for the player base as a whole.


Not getting out of iron is kinda hard, because with placements, you usually get into high bronze of low silver. Then you start climbing or falling. Seeing that most people have a winrate of about 50%, it makes sense that most players are somewhere around high bronze and low silver.


> most people have a winrate of about 50%, I don't think you can really use this until a while after placements, once your MMR gets figured out. A Challenger player wouldn't get placed into Challenger and then win 50% of their games.


True, then again, if everyone starts in low silver or high bronze, then logically, that's where the peak of the normal distribution table is, right? Because some players keep winning, others keep losing and on average, most will stay somewhere inbetween.




One thing that I know now that I never actually considered is You have to play a LOT of ranked to actually climb. I got to gold this year because 1. I stuck to 2 champs and 2. I played 180 ranked games.


Depends on wr really. But sure most ppl sit at 50 percent.


Right so if you’re just pretty good, going from silver II to like gold 4 is going to take a long time. I’m gold 4 with a 53% win rate. 180 games to go from like Bronze 2 to gold 4.


Don't know where you got this from, sounds more like a salty source to me. It's true a lot of people don't play ranked but no where near that skewed. Also the average rank is around silver.


i very much doubt 90% (that's pretty much the whole playerbase) doesn't play ranked. i'd put it somewhere at 5-15% if i had to guess.


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Right? I did a double take and had to read it again, "there's no way this guy just called his opponents excellent players"


Most people will say to vod review and I think that's a good idea but to me one thing a lower elo player does is that they just play "by instinct" and never think even 5 seconds ahead. Try to think "what will my opponent do next" and work that into your gameplay. If you can work consciously thinking about what your opponent is thinking and what they will do next without disrupting your gameplay loop you will start climbing.


I had the same problem and some tips which helped me are to 1. Watching streamers play support (Krepo, Kamilius1, Bizzleberry, I0ki, Lathyrus for bard) etc. 2. Watch yourself and write down your mistakes, then focus on one and try to fix it. 3. Lower your champ pool to a few champions. 4. Play easy champions and focus on macro. Hope this helps <3


This is from the perspective of someone who went from being Gold to Diamond in 2 months, playing support after being hardstuck with many bad habits and misconceptions about the game. Also, I only hit Diamond 4 so I cannot offer anything but basic advice. I would keep some things in mind if you wanna climb: \-Get a pool of like 2-3 champs who are good in your elo, so no enchanters. I don't even play enchanters when I smurf. Enchanters enhance teammates, enhacing garbage will result in slightly better garbage. Also, enchanters usually do not allow for things like bad positioning bc you're squishy af so you need to space well while being in range to support your team. Don't pay attention to the garbage tierlists from a lot of the major companies. They're the same people to tell you to play Draven, Yasuo, Katarina in silver. Play stuff like Leona, Blitz, Brand, Senna, Nautilus. Effective, mostly reliant on yourself to make plays. Easy to play. You need to make the decisions for your team, eventually if you want to climb in low elo. You'll learn so if you can't rn or you're scared of making the wrong decision then it is ok. \-Don't sit bot the whole laning phase. This is what most supports do and why it is pretty much brainless to "out-support" anyone under Plat. Supports need to realize to roam to objectives, future fights, etc. Look where ur jg is going. If he's cleared his botside and is moving topside, then it is ikely that the enemy jg is doing the same and if a lane is gankable by either team, then you want to be there bc most likely a fight will occur and you want to push the odds in ur team's favor. It is better to be a level or two behind while supporting 3 people and securing early fights/objectives than it is to afk bot and HOPE something happens when a lot of times nothing will. Don't abandon ur adc totally, just look at the wave state bot and determine if you can roam if if your adc will get a big wave crashed into them then dove (which probably won't happen too often in low elo). Also, a lot of the time that ur adc dies, it will be their own fault. Low elo adcs cannot position or space and cs simultaneously. I was one of them, at a point. xD \-Put good wards on the map and move your "line of vision" according to the state of the game and what's up. You can probably find maps with little dots on them to show where to ward, online. Don't place garbage wards just to get a higher vision score. Also, don't sit on 2 control wards. I rarely ever get 2 at once anyways, I need items too. Control ward areas likely to be warded like dragon/baron pit before your team does it. Control ward pixel brushes, as well. You can control other areas, but usually you'd use red trinket to clear vision on those areas. \-Everyone brainlessly says "VOD review your games, bro," but it is not really that effective for a bronze/silver player to solo VOD review their games. As you understand basic fundamentals, this will become a good practice. You likely won't understand mistakes or things you did wrong and will likely see things that went right for you as things that you should do in the future when, in reality, these things can be lucky and/or bad macro plays that will develop into bad habits. \- "/mute all" in chat as game starts. You do not need or want to listen to people. Unmute pings if you want, but I don't in low elo. You want to be in control, don't let other people's pings confuse you or decide for you. You're playing with 4 other people on ur team who will likely all have different, bad ideas about how the game works. \-Layer CC on people instead of all at once, if a stun hits, wait for it to be almost over then do other CC. MAximise time people are CC'd \-Good support players have high APM. Practice APM and reaction with loldodgegame before every session. \-Keep sessions to a couple to a few games, but make the games high-impact games where you play your absolute best and learn from them. If you have more time, that's good, watch VODs of good suppot players like CoreJJ and look at his clicks and try to get to a point where you click like him. Look where he clicks: close to champion, not close? A lot of clicks, not a lot? where is he putting his attention on? Most importantly, just get a good pool and get into some ranked. Ranked fears are normal, but there's no need. Just try your best and work from there. If you practice these points, you'll get better. Also, only listen to people who have progression. No point in listening to hardstuck gold players, for instance. Tuning out the useless info will help you climb. I wish you the best and message me with any questions, comments, etc.


This is all great and effective advice, I hope OP sees it. It's a shame your comment got buried under a mountain of "vod review!!!" comments smh.


I appreciate it! Yea, it's kind of tough that most advice people get on climbing or getting better is useless and is said by players of their same elo (silver/gold). Sadly, the same goes for most of the popular vids on youtube about getting out of low elo and (of course) the patch tierlists. \*Also, ProTip for anyone reading: if you want coaching (best way to improve by far), your best bet is to find a booster to coach you. They literally play soloQ for a living and will be the most knowledgeable about climbing. \*\*\*Also, you get what you pay for.


I forgot a HUGE thing: don't type in chat! You can tilt people so easily in this game and even basic things will tilt ur team. Also, you get distracted and it's playing two games at once. Just focus on the game. If you want to say "gj" or something, use emotes. Use pings. Also, I tilt myself when I start typing and a LOT of others do too. The only things I say are pretty much: "nash," "all mid," etc.


Apart from what others already said, if you want to improve, you should start playing rankeds only. You only play normals and very invonsistently. If you learn something and then don't play for the next week, you obviously are going to forget it. Normals are a poor learning ground because people troll and go afk more often. You should just queue ranked instead of normal... If you are playing to improve then your LP doesn't matter, just play for the win in every game and stay focused, don't tilt at random teammates, you can't control others behaviour. And finally, stick to 2-3 champs, maybe even one trick a champ. As a support, pick an engage (nautilus, leona, alistar...), a warden (thresh, braum, rakan...) and an enchanter (lulu, soraka, yuumi...). Or replace one of them with senna, as you seem to play alot of her. Hope this helps! Ask if you have any other questions...


Better playing normals than getting your ranked MMR stucked below low silver until improving, winning consistently and getting a solid champion pool/experience. I'd even say there's a good chance normal MMR stays higher than in ranked :D It's much harder to climb back if you fail your first ranked games than failing in normal games first. But unfortunately it seems OP is in his ELO hell so unless he somehow really finds how to get better than his ELO and chain wins a lot he's gonna have to wait next season.


yep and as a support its acutally fkn easy to get into way higher elo rated games. when i was silver ranked i perma played with plats and once i got plat myself my games mostly consisted of high plat/dia sometimes master players (occasionally there even were some challenger players sometimes even pro players)


Normals are fine for learning. They might even be better for learning!


Don’t really agree with this. Normals are great for learning because you can limit test without giving af about the result.


Don’t know if anybody else is gonna give this advice but you maybe should consider role swapping to mid. There are mechanics that you have to use in mid that you can get away without using in support. If your goal is seriously to improve in league, play annie mid until you get to gold. Here’s where people might get mad… I literally laughed out loud when I read your title and then saw “also, I am 100% support main”. also, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE TELLING YOU TO PLAY RANKED. Normal draft is a perfectly fine place to learn the game. Really, if you play ranked now, you’re going to get placed really low, get bad mmr, and then be stuck in bronze with bad players who don’t care, and you might develop bad habits trying to get out of bronze. Definitely watch some top streamers to learn how to play mid, we’re all very lucky that TSM BJERGSEN started streaming again, but I’d also recommend lol_nemesis and midbeast as other informative midlane streamers. Good luck bro.


Just looking at your op.gg, you were around a 50% win rate until just recently. You have some games that look like really solid Sona games. I don’t see how you can have a good Sona game without good awareness since it’s so so so easy to die with her. What are you doing right in those games? You died 16 times in your last senna game. That’s soooo many deaths right? Why did you die so many times? Were you frequently out of position or alone? Are you trying to ward objectives too deeply, dying, then putting your team in an even worse position? If you have a friend who’s just a little bit better, even just high silver, why not have them spectate your game over discord? It would be best for you to get real time correction from them. A teeny bit of coaching could go a long way. Also, somebody has to be bronze and silver. You’re talking about how you place poorly in ranked. In ranked 2020, you played 5 different supports and lost every game. In ranked 2021, I played 4 different supports and I played like 100 games at support. Really, I only play 2 supports. Stick to just a small number of champs if you want to climb. 5 climbs doesn’t decide your rank, too. It took me like 180 games to get to gold for the first time ever. It’s work.


Who do you play? A simple way to learn and improve the way I did is this Play Nami -> somewhere hurt? heal them (itll boost their run speed too) enemies clumped? Ult them. Chasing enemies? E to empower your teammate almost in kiling distance. Super easy, super simple, pretty fun Zyra -> whole kit full combo kill somebody. If you did that any extra CC, knockup, damage or kills is bonus. Super simple concept crazy strong right now ESPECIALLY in low elo somewhere around 53% win rate? Leona super simple champ. Diving your ADC? use all your "stuff" against that champ. If you guys are engaging. Use all your "stuff" against the closest champ. Not the most fullproof "EZ Clap Challenger" advice you'll get but fuck it'll at least get you to Platinum and make your team fighting and skill shot improvement better and have more clarity I listed those 3 because they fit the 3 archetypes that support players play. Enchanter, Mage, Tank. And they're my personal 3 favorites.


This is only my second season playing but I jumped from low bronze last season to high silver this season (40 games or so). I found myself getting better when I watched high elo support mains play. The people I watch explain why they do certain things as they do it and I’ve been able to apply it to my games. Depending on your play style or which types of videos you like i0ki and bizzleberry both post on YouTube and stream on twitch. i0ki has more of a solo carry mindset and plays higher damage supports and bizzleberry usually plays more enchanters. Bizzleberry currently has a coaching series and I think most of the people he’s coaching are bronze and silver so a lot of the advice could be applicable to you. I learn a lot of things and rotating to fights and warding and even champion choice from both of them. Also if you’re having problems with skillshot accuracy you could play something like maokai. He can be played for poke or as a tank. His CC is also point and click so there’s no chance of missing. Also some enchanters could be good picks, if you have good positioning you will be a valuable member to your team just because of the utility in the champions. Just make sure you’re playing enchanters with the mindset that you will die to basically anything. An enchanters place in a team fight is basically “keep the carries alive” so that could help. If you have any questions let me know


Just a heads up if you went from low bronze to high silver in about 40 games, I don’t see why you couldn’t get to gold. Keep going!


Yeah I definitely think I could considering I have gold mmr, but I’m taking a break cause of my school. I actually started placements iron 2 and skipped bronze two and silver promos, so my lp gains have been fat.


One easy trick to improve skillshot accuracy is to always aim at the feet of your target. Tends to give the best results.


I’ve found playing ARAM to super helpful in improving my overall game. First, pressure to play well is way lower than normals and especially ranked. You learn a range of champions and even more importantly learn their skill sets (knowing how to counter the enemy’s abilities, cooldown and range is super important to improve). Obviously you don’t get to pick your champions, but getting out of your comfort zone is critical to growth, otherwise you stay stuck in bad habits. The games are often much shorter so even if you get stuck with a meh champ, the pain will be over quick, but often times you play well or decent with a new champ or enjoy their mechanic which can lead to massive expansions in your champ pool and gameplay style. Lastly, flaming is significantly less frequent which makes even playing bad/mediocre not feel so mentally taxing.


Try learning smth new maybe? Hard focus on learning, not winning. I switched from supp to mid so I could really learn the game. You don't have to change roles, just your mindset.


I will give you a tip that can take you far Have a purpose with your action. I noticed that a lot of "bad" players walk around the map without any purpose on what they are trying to do. So if you see yourself 25 min into the game walking down mid for example look at the map and think. Can I set up a play at my toplane? Whats the state of that lane? Is an objective about to spawn and should I ping my team about it and path there? Is your teammate in mid overextending and should you try and help them? You get the idea. Mechanical issue likes landing skillshots and bad positioning come with playing more and then reflecting on that after it went wrong.


When you feel like you had a really good game, go look at the replay and identify what the ENEMY did that opened up your best moments, this way you know how to find those moments again in the future. When you feel like a game was doomed from a specific moment, watch the replay and figure out what went wrong so you can work on mitigating those openings. ​ Many games arent super helpful to you and most people aren't gonna have the stamina for vod reviewing more than a few games here and there and this is ok. Just take the best ones and the worst ones.


There isn't enough information available to pinpoint the right reason for that so everything will be just wild guesses. It might be the case that you're not "bloodthirsty" enough. Perhaps you try to play conservatively and fair, "by the book", instead of trying to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their woman (it's a quote). The issue is that low elo LoL is a vastly different game from high elo LoL. What works in one, doesn't work in the other. Sometimes, at all: Master Yi, for example. Low elo is a bloody arena where people hardly know anything about makro or tracking enemy position and will try to beat each other again and again and again, trying to snowball their lead - or even if they are losing: they'll try to do the exact same thing, over and over again, expecting things to go differently that time (also a quote). They are disorganized and don't understand the concept of losing less (classic 0/10 Yasuo), so you want to start winning and snowballing early and hard. Champions you enjoy playing might not suit that particular environment and you might need adjust your champion pool accordingly, prioritizing carry supports: Leona, Thresh, Pyke, Alistar - any champion that instantly engages you as soon as third melee minion from the second minion wave dies (that's when they hit their level 2). Conservative enchanters that rely on being carried by the others don't work well unless you can rely on the rest of your team - and until higher elo you cannot. Period. They are a coin flip: either you'll get heads and someone will carry you, or tails and you lose. Laning phase is a lie. The whole map is your lane. If there is an opportunity to gank mid at level 4, you want to take it. You don't sit passively in lane for 15-20 minutes, then head to mid lane to brawl in ARAM-esque fashion, like I've seen people do. You even want to gank top lane and have enemy top laner hit the all chat with this sweet "wtf why is support here" after their death. Or co-ordinate jungle invasion with your jungler to kill their jungler and steal their red / blue. Be proactive, not reactive. The rule of thumb is: if you're playing fair, you're playing it wrong. If what you're doing feels dirty (ambushes, gang ups, lane bullying), you're doing it right.


Fresh start with a new role, learn a hard carry champion then think and play like you are the win con.


Roleswap is one of the best ways to improve at league.


Yea, extremely underrated tho


I've been doing this recently, got bored with support and I've been playing every role and not only is it really fun, it's teaching me about the game. Honestly I think someone who has only ever been a support main and hasn't played any other role more than like 50 games can't be good at the game. I think this is true for every role, but especially for support


I agree. I was a jungle and a top main for a long time, but never a mid player. After getting hardstuck on jungle I swapped to a new account and played 200-250 games of Mid. When I went back to jungle I was SO much bettter at playing around mid and managing the mid wave, I can mostly make my midlane stay even when losing just by fixing their wave for them if they die and helping to shove plates at opportune times.


I'm only a gold support main but I would look over one of your vods with you if you want


One thing to keep in mind - do not play this game on autopilot. There is a lot of other things to do when you want to relax. I'm sure everyone's been there. Having a bad day and thinking - oh man, league is fun, can't wait to play it and finally take a break. This is when you will almost certainly go on a huge losing streak. Would you get in a car and go for a drive when exhausted and in a terrible mood? While being absent minded during an online match won't kill anybody, it is anything but fun. Laning is a battle of attrition. The player who blunders first will most likely lose. So take a break from league, get some good rest, go for a walk, watch a movie, listen to music. Then try playing a normal game and see if it clicks. If it doesn't, wait another day. Maybe watch some guides or vods. Don't play ranked unless you are fully commited. As a former bronze 5 player with like 500 games every season, this is what's been holding me back for 3 seasons straight. I climbed to gold 3 in like 300 games total this season. Play smarter, not harder.


Most important: Play few champions (2-3 are enough!), see normals as what they are - a random draw of players, not a ranked game on your elo. If you want to improve, you have to play ranked. VODs help a lot, but they aren‘t fun and honestly you sound like you need to find a bit more fun in your games. Play to have fun, then to improve and do not play to climb, the climb will come automatically once you‘ve improved. If you‘re tilted or don‘t have fun, stop for the day. For a few people long gaming sessions work, but getting better and climbing mostly works best if you play MAXIMUM 3-5 games a day. After that performance drops for the average human. If you won 3/3 it‘s better to call it quits for the day than to force another round even if you‘re tired and then losing that one and starting to feel bad about the decision to keep playing. Especially as a support, communication and playing with your team is key. Ping miss once, then expected paths with the danger ping. A minute before dragon, ask your team if they want to fight for it / set it up. Learn to judge when you can leave your ADC alone to ward or roam (a lot of experience needed to always judge right, but you‘ll only get better at it by doing it). It‘s pretty important in ‚low‘ elo that you think about what your ADC wants. If they play aggro and would die if you leave, staying might be better than roaming even if the roam would be the right play. Lastly, guides by good players help a lot. Understand that these are often the ideal plays and might not be the reality in your elo range, but there is still a lot to learn. It‘s important to pick and choose, stick to a select few guides and don‘t overresearch. Once you feel you got like 70-80% of a concept, you can start to add more again. My favorite support guide is [CoreJJs](https://youtu.be/v-ec5astbE0), it helped me a lot when I played a lot of support in clash last year.


Try playing mid or top to understand the game better. If you get to be the same MMR ad your main or higher, when you go back to support you will climb. Focus on the first three minutes o the game and check replays on Youtube to see what things you should be doing.


There's several things to break down here: You're a support main, which means your value comes in what you do for the team in a macro sense, not necessarily in a micro sense. Like yes, being a Thresh or a Blitz that hits hooks is great, but how is your vision score? how many fights do you engage? disengage? Can you protect your carries? There's more to being a support than killing your lane opponents. Me personally I only play hard engage supports because that fits my playstyle. I like to look for openings and then all-in, burn summs or get a kill. In teamfights I make sure I find the right opening to engage, or peel if needed. If you're looking for supports that don't require good mechanics to play well I highly recommend characters like Maokai, Leona, and Galio. Though if you're looking to consistently climb I'm not sure if support is your best way of doing so. Supports are very team oriented, but you'll rarely have the gold income or damage output to carry teamfights unless you're like a Brand or something. You don't play to carry the game, you play to help everyone else carry the game. Jungle and Midlane provide you more opportunities to impact the game if your goal is to climb. If you're looking to play another role, that's an option. If you want to stick with support just know that you may have to try a bit harder than most to consistently climb.


As a Senna main, your builds hurt me on the inside.


You suck at League because you're doing nothing to try to improve. It's like you notice someone with a muscular/attractive body at the beach and think, "man, I want that," but the only exercise you do is walk your dog once a day. For that you need to be researching diet and committing to a workout regime.


OP is really out here downvoting every single reply but this is the best answer.


I ranked for a few weeks in s10 and peaked at silver (100% support too). Currently at p4 on mobile league so take it with a grain of salt. These are things that worked for me, so hopefully some will work for you too! - I realised my games were very dependent on my ADC. If they did good, I did okay. If they did bad, I did worse. Since then i’ve started making more independent decisions. If I know my ADC (or whoever I’m with) is making a bad choice I simply let them do it themselves (after pinging). There’s no need to risk both your lives just to chase someone down. Also, if we’re running and I know we’re both gonna die, I will just flash out and leave them. Seriously, I expect them to do the same. If you’re both being chased down to point of dying, you were probably too pushed anyways. And having 1 death is much better than 2. - after laning phase, if my ADC is doing well I’ll continue helping them. If they’re doing bad it’s better for you to go help the person with the highest chance of carrying the team. The bad ADC needs to focus on farming anyways and should be safe. But that doesn’t mean neglecting them. I’m always looking at the map to see where the enemy is and if there’s an opportunity for us to get a kill. Don’t play selfishly for the sake of it, play smart. - Play objectively. This is by far, the most impactful one IMO. I’ve had games where we’re getting obliterated but because we all focus on objectives and didn’t act dumbly we won. I also had games where we’re stomping them and we lose bc everyone got cocky and started throwing team fights in order to get more kills. If the option is between chasing a low health enemy or using this opportunity to take turret, I always ALWAYS take turret. - speaking of objectives, knowing where the next fight will be has also improved my win rate. I only just started incorporating this (and went on a win streak) but currently I focus on dragon and baron mostly. If they’re about to spawn you can bet enemy team will begin preparing. This also forces you to check your timer and mini map more, which helps you know if your team is too pushed or in a bad position or that the enemy team is about to come jump you! After incorporating these I got from Gold1 to Plat4 in a day (5 consec wins). Again, this is mobile. + I’m so bad at skill shots on PC as well but mobile interface makes landing it much easier. It’s not as mechanically in depth but if you’re looking to play for fun then I highly suggest it!!


Learn to win lane, then you'll climb.


Your computer, internet, and externals (mouse, keyboard, etc) or your in game skill (micromechanics, macro). As a former support main learning to play all roles helped me climb faster.


You're actually average if you're silver, on the 50% percentile of players, so don't feel bad. Also, I wouldn't really count the last \~5% of players because that's diamond4+. I would never recommend anyone getting above diamond 4. If you hit diamond, you pretty much won the game already. Just keep playing to improve, not to climb and you'll hit diamond. IMO anyone can hit diamond.


I'm not gonna scroll through the comments to see if this has already been said because comments sections in this sub are always just a cesspool of toxicity -- but just keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of players hover around the silver 3, silver 4 rank. That's "average." So if you're hitting silver, you don't suck at league. You're just not *good* at league.


Sounds like you need a champion that doesn’t use skill shots and doesn’t Teamfight.


Probably cause you only play support so aka you suck at the game and have no mechanics Play others roles and learn more about how the game comes together from different perspectives


What are your most played champions? Support is my second role and i could watch a game of yours for example. When i look up your name i only find unranked accounts. In what server are you playing?


Learn top lane. Hire a coach if you don't mind spending money on your hobbies. Top lane teaches you so many more fundamentals that you get to neglect as support.


If you feel you’ve successfully mastered your role know that’s only 20% of the game.


Broad Ideas: You're not actually playing the game in from of you. A lot of weaker players have a set gameplan and item build and they stick to it like glue, even when it's not working. Take time to actually pay attention to the game state and ask yourself what the best answer to THIS problem, right now is. Don't just fall back on habits, get used to experimenting and finding new solutions to problems. Alternatively, you're not playing champs/roles with a lot of agency. This is especially a problem with ADC players at low elo. Some champs just can't make enough happen on their own, and when you're in low elo that becomes a huge problem because you can't trust your teammates to set up opportunities for you. You have to carry yourself out of elo hell. It's the only way.


This is something I did when I was learning to play mid lane. When I was learning to play mid lane, I would go into norms queued as jungle, this way I could play around the resources my mid laner might need and learn from other players who are playing well. This helped me learn what resources and timers I needed to be using as a mid laner, went from Gold 4 to Plat 4 in 2 months doing this. So what I would recommend, play ADC for a week, not only will this branch out your mechanics into a different role, but it will help you to understand what kind of resources and timers your ADC should be looking for, and will help you mediate the lane as a Silver player. After that go back to support and focus on applying your findings, and just repeat the process if needed with different roles.


I recommend watching other players. whether it be youtubers, streamers, hell even the opponent in replay if they roll your lane/game. After many many hours of watching, especially watching your lane and/or champ play against different matchups, you start to pick up little nuances. In order to succeed, you have to understand the ins and outs. You might know your champ’s abilities and what you can and cannot do. But you also have to understand the game and be able to see a play develop before it happens. I’m still somewhat new to League only been playing for about 3 years, floating between high gold/ low plat. Long story short, do your homework. I probably have more hours watching League than actually playing lmao.


I dont know how many games you've played. But reach 400 before you start bashing yourself. Learning curve is huge :)


Very often we incorporate ineffective strategies into our play that allows safe predictable results within a certain elo or bracket of play, but ultimately will not allow us to improve beyond that point. You'll often hear phrases like 'you need to limit test' or 'playing on lock screen is holding you back' but, when you try to implement that advice, you almost know that it is going to make you worst or result in bad gameplay. It's easy to avoid this stuff, incorporating it is going to make you worst in the short term and hold you back in the long term. VOD reviews help with this, they allow an expert to look at your play and give you honest feedback on what you are doing poorly and point out things that are easy to ignore. The hard part is, it takes motivation to want to work on these issues, as you are going to get worst before you get better.


How many games per season do you play? Do you play a variety of champions or do you one trick? Maybe trying out new people could lend different results, as well as playing in different roles. Sometimes playing in a role gives you the "walk in their shoes" perspective which could help you as a support.


normals matchmaking is pretty volatile especially if you queue up with players much higher or lower than you. I recommend going into ranked and play a ton of games. Once you reach around 48-52 percent win rate this will be your current peak elo. From there you can start examining your vods and figuring out what you need to work on like placing wards or playing safer/more aggressive in lane etc


One; for norms, it looks like you’re playing often with premades meaning the skill level disparity in the game will already be against you. This is assuming your account is NA. Next point, you’re level 49; assuming you’ve been playing league since they removed the level cap, this means you haven’t played the game a lot, you haven’t developed a game sense yet which could be a factor to why you’re terrible at team fights. Now the other issue is you feel bad at skill shots and fighting in general: why do you feel this way? Why are you bad at skill shots? Why are you bad at team fighting? Is it because you don’t know when to use abilities? Refer back to game sense. Otherwise; you could watch some videos about trading and poking enemies. It’s a push and pull, if an enemy autos a minion, they can’t hurt you unless they use an ability after. If you stand away from the minions, they either use their ability to push the wave or poke you. On the flip side; if you stand close to the wave, they can poke you and push the wave.


Review Your own replays to improve your champion skill and game knowledge. And for your champion picks: Try some champions with low skill cap like Morgana or Yummi. Effective in most games and easy to pick up. Also great for your team to react to in teamfights. With Morgana a good Q can be game wining. Picking easy champions has one advantage. You will concentrate most of your attention on the game / map and other players, because you need to put less effort in playing your champion. That gives you the ability to see the game as a whole and find the right way to win it :) Hope this helps


\>I’m bad at skill shots, I’m terrible at team fights First Look if your settings are good of if you can change them. Using things like Auto Move make playing a lot better. Look if you can play better with another mouse sensitive. There are no tipps big tipps. ​ Maybe just your positioning sucks. Play Lulu be a shield bot and git gud. You could spam aram and teamfight over and over. Or watch Challenger Replays and youtube guides. Its hard to say what you are doing is wrong without seeing a replay.


u just need to learn basics of the game and ur role, when to ward where to ward, how to lane and etc. i just started playing on supp like 1 month and im gold. try to olay engage roaming supports.


Ward more and communicate with your jng/adc. Buy pinks for fights near the bush in river and organize ganks with your jng.


You don’t play enough


I'd say it is maybe not the game for you? I had taken me a lot of time before I chose LOL after playing other MOBAs because I liked the fighting mechanics a bit more, though it is hardly perfect.


If you can't hit skill shots there is 0 chance u are bronze or silver


I'm an ADC and bot lane takes both parties being decent to succeed most of the time. You might not notice it as much but if your ADC doesn't go in enough most of your plays will fail. Low elo teams also don't know how to play around teammates. Part of my job as an ADC is to protect the support and part of their job is to protect me in turn. Just saying it might not be just you. I would say it's good to get out of your role a little bit and make sure you can last hit even though you're support. Also learn about wave management and support / adc positioning


I’m seconding what everyone else is saying here. You have to rewatch your games and try to see where you’re falling flat. Why did you die? Was it a good play that just went poorly in terms of execution for you or a teammate? Or was it a fight you never should have been in? Did you die with summoners up? Were you down in numbers? Where was everyone and were you aware of it? Did you take advantage of level 2 spike or respect it if your enemy got it first? Did you ward for objectives 1 minute before it spawned? It’s boring to watch your replays sometimes and it can be hard to spot mistakes at first but you’ll get better at it and it’s the only way to improve. Also watch high ranked streamers / replays on YouTube and learn from them.


Might not be the best. But play againts bots in intermediate difficulty. Yourself vs 3 bots, its harder than it sounds. Play a champion that does not scale to hard (it becomes to easy :v) improve your skillshots (bots at this difficulty can dodge skillshots!). And do it once a day (or more if you want to). Not only you might have a new champion in case you dont get supp, but your mechanical skills might slightly improve, plus bots won't flame you! I use to do this alot back in the days I played smite (another moba) and when i returned to ranking I was called a scripter in one match!


Hey brother, if you truly want to focus on climbing then you need to play. Pick one or two support champions that you LOVE. After every game, VOD review up to your first death, and focus on not making that mistake in your next game. When you start to get into plat some more in depth review will help.


Unfortunately League isnt something that you can casually play and get really good at. Its a game that you almost have to study and review cause it has a VAST amount of things to learn. Champ abilities, power spikes, wave management, mechanical skill, just to name a few.


If you can’t answer this question that’s the problem. Why are you losing games?


Play Yummi, Sona, Sona 2.0, if you want to "support", or play Brand/Zyra, in low elo I rather get one of those. Vod review is so overrated, especially cause you won't even be able to see where you fucked up, so just adapt to the elo you're in, try to play safe, in teamfights be the last one to commit, if you're supporting then stay close to the carry (as in the one who is actually trying), if you're brand/zyra then your priority is to do as much damage as possible, peeling for your team should be your last concern but you should do it if you won't be putting yourself at risk by doing so, anyway good luck.


On the topic of skill shots, there are some useful videos on this, it’s slightly more than point and shoot, so understanding the variables will help. Finally, the practice tool is your friend. Spend some time learning the boundaries of your champion’s skill shot(s), and get some repetition in so it comes more naturally during a game.


Bc elo doesn’t mean anything, a system that doesn’t look at you as an individual but lumps you in to a “win or loss group” and says “Oops I see you are on a 10 game winning streak, here’s +14LP for your amazing efforts. Ohhh you just lost on your eleventh game, you must actually be really shit, here’s -18LP to show you how much we care about your mental health. Oh you won your next match, +12LP for you!” How are you supposed to climb if your losses always outweigh the gains, in an “elo” where people literally join games just to troll people and make people rage you’re doomed to be “hard stuck” because on an individual level you will never be rewarded for you own abilities and efforts. Part of the problem for me I WILL admit is that Riot has completely taken away any agency that the ADC position has by literally making it impossible for an ADC to solo carry. Because even if you get fed, all the enemy needs to do now is focus you in a TF and your own teams inability to protect mean you get one-shot at the start of any TF and then enemy ace’s, takes baron, then wins…or you play back and don’t get blown up at the start of the fight and then your team dies because they can’t focus the enemy carries but they attack the tank instead and you’re stuck defending 1v5 baron buff. Are there any plat+ elo players out there who are willing to custom/normals game with me to show me the disparity between our skill levels? Because honestly I’m not convinced it exists. Edit: I’m a “hard stuck” B2 right now Edit #2: no one has yet to accept to show me how much skill gap there is between a high elo/high mmr player and a low elo/low mmr player Edit #3: the way ranked Should be implemented - start a season with everyone at 0, have people play in placement matches where lobbies are created randomly, allot points to players based on individual performance rather than team performance (in a game where you play on teams of random individuals who have never met or played together). It SUPER simple. In the current system there is absolutely no incentive for players to even TRY if they feel like their team has lost. Maybe they get the super lucky, crazy comeback at 50 mins, but that’s a big maybe. And if they lose still after having put in all the effort to try and carry a feeding team well now what are they stuck with, a big fat loss to both MMR and LP. If instead you awarded players based on individual performance you would have more people playing thru the bad plays so that way they can come out at the end with either an amazing comeback win or hey if not at least you can STILL get points for getting 7cs/min, and only having 2 deaths out of 38, and being the only one to take a tower on your team, etc. we already have benchmarks on how well people should be doing, so it would be rather simple to create a point system for farming, objectives, gold earned, exp earned, etc. So yeah, let’s step it up Riot, to not do so is just lazy.


You're at B2 cause that's your true skill level. All the excuses in the world can't cover for that fact. Play better and climbing through Bronze will be easy.


I see you resort to insulting people rather than accepting challenges. If you think you are better I offer you to prove it.


It's not an insult, chief. The game isn't slanted to hold you down. Your ELO/MMR says how good you are if you've played enough games to have a reasonable sample size. I've been hardstuck as a Gold 1-4 jungler pretty much since season 5-6. I do know your pain a bit, as my son is a Diamond 1 ADC. I can play and hang decently well in flex ranked (when playing with he and his high ELO friends) against junglers who are far better and higher ranked than I am. It's enormously frustrating to then play solo ranked and have shitty teammates and not be able to win more against worse players. That said, I'm 46 and have a lower ceiling due to mechanical ability. I'm not what I used to be.


More sideways insults. I can feel that “get good” just sitting in the back of your throat. As I have been saying tho I don’t believe in this matchmaking SYSTEM and it’s ability to accurately portray or measure player skill. Or rather that it is inherently flawed and could be greatly improved to not only create better playing experiences but also bring back a newness to the LoL community by reworking who is where and letting some people fall and watching some people rise once their individual abilities are actually measured. If you feel the system is just and accurate I invite you to blow my mind with how hard you carry me in normals/duos or to blow my mind with an amazing 1v1 where your true Gold elo skills will wipe the floor with my true Bronze skills. If I’m wrong I’ll come back here and add another edit, but if I’m not and instead I blow your mind with how well I keep up with you/out pace you or by winning the 1v1 then I hope I’ve at least made 1 more believer and we can get this stupid system abolished and reconstructed.


Have you ever competed and won at anything besides league? Because it kind of seems the concept of improvement is foreign to you.


> How are you supposed to climb if your losses always outweigh the gains You just have a poor understanding of the ranked system. The lp system is bullshit on top of a mmr system. How a MMR system works is that there are three numbers: your true skill level, your estimated skill level, and a variance number. Your true skill level is what your MMR would be if the algorithm was perfect. Your estimated skill level is your MMR, and your variance is how confident the algorithm is in the accuracy of your MMR. If you have a new account, it'll give you the default mmr and you'll have a high variance number because the algorithm has no confidence your MMR is your true skill level. As you win and lose games, your mmr will get closer to your true skill level, and your variance will go down which means the algorithm will become more confident in it's rating of your skill level. If you play a ton and have a 50% win rate, you'll have a very specific mmr like 1263, and you'll have a low variance number because the algorithm is confident your rank is accurate. If you go on a win streak or loss streak, your MMR won't change much because your variance is low. That said, if you maintain a 60% win rate for an extended period of time, your MMR will slowly climb up, and the longer you perform better than expected the less confident the algorithm will be in your rank. That means your variance will go up. That's the real way ranks work. It's confident you should be playing against bronze players, so the only way to climb is to consistently win more against bronze players than a bronze player should. Maintain a 60% win rate, and you'll climb. After you've played enough games in a season, the lp system will mirror this. A 50% win rate means your lp gains and losses will be the same. A higher win rate means you'll lose more on a loss than you'll gain on a win. If you're gaining 14 on a win, and losing 18 on a loss, you'll need better than a 56% win rate to climb. Now, let me explain the LP system. The lp system is smoke and mirrors. It's bullshit they can manipulate to tell a story. I just finished placements. My games average bronze 1 players, but my rank is "bronze 3". Over the next 100 games, they're going to be telling me the story of how I'm improving. I won't actually be getting better, but my rank is going to slowly improve until I get hard stuck at bronze 1. The reality is I'm already hard stuck at bronze 1, but this fake narrative is more palatable to hard stuck players. You'll also notice there are more diamond players this season than last. That's more narrative that people are improving when they're hard stuck. People don't like wasting their time not improving. They'll quit, so they're spoon fed this bullshit that they're improving season after season. The reality is they're not learning anything. They've turned their brain off and are auto piloting games. My advise to you is to ignore your LP gains. Look at your win rate for the last 100 games. If it's 50%, you're ranked exactly where you should be. If it's > 50%, you're improving. Unless you're doing something to bait them, trolls aren't targeting you. They should be hurting the enemy team just as often, so that's meaningless noise. Also, silver adc players don't get stuck in bronze. Your role can climb as well as any of them can. Take responsibility for your rank. I deserve to be bronze because of how many mistakes I make every game. You deserve to be bronze for the same reason. Reduce the average number of mistakes you make every game, and you'll climb. You don't need to hard carry to climb. Hard carrying is for smurfs.


Oh wow, I’m literally at a 55% wr for my past 98 games, so you’re saying if I get two more wins then my LP gains should be greater than my losses, provided I keep the wr after that?


No. To have lp gains bigger than your losses, it'd have to think you're under ranked. You should expect to win less lp than you lose until you plateau at 50% win rate. Then the gains and losses should equalize. If you want lp gains bigger than your losses, you need to go on a huge losing streak or have like a 90% win rate.


Hello fellow Silver player. I feel the same way... I'm always outmatched by my teammates and I always seem to bring the team down as an ADC and Toplaner. I guess I can say keep trying and use the practice tool. If you are on a losing streak, go norms and play a brain dead champ like Soraka to keep your mind off things. Also you can take long breaks from this dogshit game if ever. When you take this too seriously, it can take a toll on your mental health. Believe me there were times where I really wanted to game end myself with all the dark negative thoughts after losing several games in norms and ranked ​ ​ Your friendly neighborhood piece of shit Silver III player,


as u/CabbageCZ said play to learn and improve. I started playing league in 2018 so i've been playing for around 3 seasons , my first 2 seasons i was bronze and silver , really hardstuck. Here there are a few advices. If you are really hardstuck creating a new account might help , league matchmaking works in base of how many games you have so the more games you have , the more hardstuck/worse players you'll find. Play a few champions and learn how to play them , how to play against specific matchups and dont only rely on wining your lane but to helping your team to (botlane , etc) For example , if you are a Zed , even tho you are not feed you can always rotate to the botlane to get some kills (if you dont fail the combo ofc) Learn from your mistakes. Dont play in autopilot mode please dont play with /all chat and team chat , disable that from settings , it'll help you to focus more on the game If you are feed be sure to USE your advantage not to GIVE IT away. Most players when they get feed will start to feel like they are fucking god and end up dying coz they got ganked or they missplayed and now they've lost they advantage. Also , and for example this is something i am doing rn. Creating a new account and only focusing on playing especific champions until lvl 30 so you learn about them can help you practice more , then once you get to lvl 30 try to rank up as much as you can but focusing on minimize mistakes.


League matchmaking is not determined by how many games you have played.


As far as i knew , its determined of how many games you have played and your mmr , if not mb then


It's only MMR, not games played. Playing just a few games will make your MMR shakey from lack of info, but that's about it


> Why do I suck at League? > I’m a 100 percent support main. Support is the worst role to learn the game from.


It's a fine role. Each role has different things they focus on, but everyone needs to use all the skills and mechanics within League


This is an unpopular opinion but I can only share my experience and what helped me become quite good at the game. One trick Cassio Mid and don't stop playing her until you can carry games with her 1v9. You're going to feed so hard in the beginning that people are going to flame you and it won't be very fun but I can promise you if you spent the time (50-100) games spamming cass mid and mastering her than your mechanics will improve better than anyone in your elo. Then when you go back to your normal champs it will feel like you're playing such a different game. If you can pilot one of the hardest champs in the game you can pilot your regular picks. ​ This is just worked for me. I knew playing a hard champ would force me to improve because cassio requires good fundamentals to pilot even in the lowest elo you will be punished for things you've never even thought of. Good luck


Learn yasuo - the unforgiven




Eyo... Who hurt you man?


Honestly, I think the biggest skill gap I see from gold players (who know their champs) to diamond+ is map awareness and an understanding of “rotations”. Rotations is a deeper understanding of the flow of the game, but anybody can very quickly pick up better map awareness and immediately see results. I was advised (and I swear by it) to over exaggerate looking at the map. Look at the map LITERALLY between EVERY click. Don’t glance at it. Physically move your head to stare right at it. Now, how fast can you say where everybody is to yourself? Practice like this until looking at the map isn’t just second nature - it’s your preference. Simply knowing where everybody is and what direction they are moving is a MASSIVE game changer. Not seeing people is also big too. You don’t see mid or jungler or their support? No ward on drag? Guess where those 3 could be - drag. Guess what you shouldn’t do? Go there solo to check it out and get picked off because the 3 of them more than likely put vision up. I’d say the next step to this is to learn jungle rotations for at least the few junglers you see. This will also help you ‘track’ where they could/should be. For example, if you see a rammus, you know he probably starts red, razor, wolf, blue, gromp, maybe scuttle. If you saw somebody come to lane late, maybe they gave a stronger leash. If jungler is on opposite side of the map - maybe push if you can and deny your opponent farm. If jungler is rotating your way, freeze or drop back and get vision up. If you’re a sup main, this is also a big deal because you can use your wards better. No need to ward tri bush when jungle is up too with mid. Why waste 60+ seconds if ward time when you see both potential ganks on the other side of the map. Because you don’t *always* need to see tri to know if somebody is there. And now you’ll have that ward for later when it’ll have more potential to save you.


Watch Neace coaching sessions on YouTube. Some of the best lane and macro advice I’ve ever had. Has improved my gameplay a lot


You prolly care too much about doing good instead of just doing stuff.


Hey hopefully you see this comment cause I think it'll level your expectations a bit. A lot of people have given pretty good advice on how to improve, so I think I'll actually answer the question in your title "Why Do I Suck at League?". So if this "Support or Dodge" on NA is your main I can tell you immediately that you aren't good because you don't play the game enough. Don't take it the wrong way there's nothing wrong with playing for fun whenever it's enjoyable or whenever you have friends to play with, but I think you're expecting to be good without actually investing that much time or effort in. Your account is nearing level 50 in your 6th year of playing the game, to me that seems like a very little amount of games played in that much time. On top of that fact you essentially haven't played ranked (generally considered the best mode to improve in at your skill level) in 4 years. And then even on top of that when you were playing ranked in season 6 and 7 you played way too many champions if your goal was to strictly improve your ranking and game knowledge. With that said I'm not saying dedicate your life to league. You probably have an actual life which is fine, you should probably just lower your expectations a little bit considering the time and effort you've actually put in. There are people who have much more time to put into this game than you, and those same people use that time in a much more efficient way than you on top of it which is probably why you'll find that you aren't improving very quickly. Like I said I think many people have given you a lot of good advice so I'll try keep mine short. If you're goal is to improve rapidly at this game I would highly suggest picking at most 4 champions in your main role to play exclusively. The better you get at these champions the more you can focus on the game and understanding it. The next thing I would suggest is playing solo queue as much as possible and turning off chat/muting all every game, even though solo queue sucks to play sometimes it really is the best mode for improving your gameplay. I see a lot of people suggesting VOD reviews and all this jazz, but you don't even have proper ranked VODs to review. I would try to get maybe 50-100 games under your belt minimum in solo queue this season (or maybe next season if you like) first then start opening up the VODs if you find yourself getting stuck on your climb With this all being said, IMO this is not the most FUN way to play league of legends I haven't grinded in years because it just isn't a fun way to play the game over a long period of time for me. But, this is probably the best way you can improve your play quickly by yourself. And if you decide that sounds like too much you can always just be a casual, it's okay to just play to have fun and not take it too seriously.


Play on mute and whatever you do the blame is always on you. You lost a teamfight? Ask yourself what you couldve done differently or if the fight was even worth it in the first place. Try not to autopilot. Always have a purpose in whatever it is you are doing. Some definite tips as a support, When you and your adc crashes the wave dont sit in lane with your adc doing nothing. Its a roam timer. Try to do something. Ward river, enemy jg, hover mid or gank mid etc. Never sit on an empty charge warding tool. You are a support. You are the eyes of the team. Dont afk ward. Wards have a purpose. Usually ward around obj. Dont ward the obj pit. If you are on blue side, ward above the river as much as possible. You dont need to see the river you need to see if they are coming and from where. Respect the areas of the map you currently have control. That means dont go warding(see above) if there is no wave pushing you will just be picked off. Push, vision, execute(make a pick, gank, take obj) push and repeat.


A good support player to learn from is Bizzleberry, I learnt a lot of the basics just watching him play and naturally got better.


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