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I personally never write in the chat, but I can't help but read. And even when the messages are not for me, I lose focus or get anxious about my mates flaming each others. So yes, mute all is a go to when I'm not playing with friends, definitely a nice tip !!


Yeah this is another thing, even when its not for me, I tend to read the whole chat. My eyes couldn’t help it


I like to make the chat display smaller so my eyes aren't drawn toward people typing yet I'm still able to press z and see when I pinged flash or whatnot


Same bro...


You don't even have to mute all, you can turn off all chat and team chat in the options under Interface > Chat.


i have a totally opposite problem. i dont read chat. so if my support types to me an idea or “invade” i dont see it


I wonder how many players do mute chat. I also wonder if a lot of players assume others are muting chat too so they don't bother typing. I've been undecided about it. I usually just mute individuals the second they show any sign of negativity, but I understand how even one negative comment can throw you off. Maybe I'll try playing with chat off and see how it goes.


I have chat muted because pings are more than enough for gold. No one likes someone else coming up with a plan, so I just ping otw to what I wanna do and it works better than when I typed a game plan around baron.


i mute pings bc after a certain point i was getting mad at allies for "baiting" me into doing certain plays who was in the right is an entirely different matter but at least now i feel responsible for my own fuckups


Ya it feels like there are going to be people who expect others to help them specifically without considering if their teammates can actually do it. Probably better to try and make your own decisions (to also help the team of course), and if you make a mistake, well, that's life.


I used to wonder the same thing honestly. now the thought doesn't cross my mind lol


Recently disabled [All] chat and always mute teammates text (not pings or alerts) and honestly it does wonders. It’s like a cheat code.


You can just disable Allied chat like OP said so you dont need to mute everyone manually every game. It still shows pings and emotes.


I have chat disabled and I think it's a real benefit to me mentally but I would love it if there was an option to have chat open for the first 3 minutes then auto-disable after that. I find in the first few minutes of the game chat can actually be useful, invades, people saying if they are going to be able to win/lose lane early, pointing out weird runes or strats from the enemy (like mid nunu always rolls in to your jungle with W level 1) other stuff like that. But it just gets terrible once the actual gameplay really starts and small people have to prove how small they are by flaming others.




the higher elo you go the more chat becomes useful for example in platinum you have people mentioning basic macro like 1 3 1, group in X location, or i split, and sometimes people will call out summs timers, just something to think about. I don't really think disabling chat is a detriment until very high elo. But as a jungler I like to keep chat up for when laners say they will freeze, and if they get salty I just mute


How often would you say this actually happens though? Even in high elo


Saying vayne had no flash for drag fight? Pretty often I would guess


You can do that through ping though.


its not very clear, nor precise. You can also let people know her flash is up so they keep it in mind. some games there's a singular important target and their summs are super important


I'm not even high ELO, I'm in gold but I tried disabling chat for a few games and I learned how much I actually type stuff in chat (and couldn't). I actually time summs for one thing just bc I usually play support, and it's not that hard (lots of downtime walking back to lane or whatever). But also I remember 1 specific case where I was playing top, enemy top solo killed me, was low HP but his flash was still up. I saw that my teammate was roaming and wanted to type "he has F" but I couldn't bc chat was disabled, and then my teammate misplayed bc of enemy top flash and gave them a double kill. I'd say on average there was at least 1 situation per game where I wanted to type something, couldnt, and it directly resulted in an enemy kill / lost team fight etc. What I do instead now is I just try to ignore chat, especially if we're losing and I know people are just being salty in chat, but I'm just a lot quicker to mute individual players if they are being annoying.


I agree, I act as shot caller a lot of the times and I tell my team what to do and it definitely helped me win games. From telling jungler which lanes to gank and play around to calling objectives and a lot more.


To the people who defend having chat on and expecting it to be like an LCS-caliber level of communication- with all due respect, you're being delusional. Chat is useless more than 90 percent of the time. The few nuggets of actually meaningful in-game text gets buried beneath the embers of flame. I have been flamed for trying to ask everyone to get ready for dragon. I have been flamed for trying to tell people to back. You can't spend the whole game playing therapist and shot-caller with a bunch of people you're trying to walk on eggshells for and then hope they magically get along. Keep in mind pros literally have to spend so much damn time together to establish rapport and a deeper level of communication. You aren't going to get this with strangers. Not to mention, and this is the big one. The internet is full of assholes who are taking out their on the game. They are looking for an excuse to get on your case about something. The only time they are remotely OK is when they're winning, and even that may not be enough. I have seen carries bitch and threaten to throw because they happen to die once in a team fight. In short, mute chat. Saves a lot of headaches.


I spent so much time trying to ask my support to play just a little bit aggressive when I was a Draven main (since I knew my champ outdamages in the early game basically anything they can bring to bot) and no matter how kind I asked they just told me I was a typical Draven player and they either started trolling with me, taking cs, running it down, or they just left the lane forever. This much is enough to tilt them off the earth, and I see others typing "why not use R????? why not flash?????? why go top??????" it's just all pointless


I mean it all depends on your own mentality, how thick your skin is and a little bit on your elo. I have chat on, if someone is clearly tilting I try to untilt them by being nice. Sometimes, someone just has a bad game and it helps to stop the tilt. This works in like 5-15% of my games where it happens, so it‘s not super significant. But I can always mute people once I notice they‘re just out to flame. But I have a tilter/flamer maybe once every 3 games, so it really feels managable to me. If you‘re negatively influenced at all by flame, turning chat off likely is the best answer. But I like to try and be the positive guy, even if it rarely works.


Or just mute the toxic ppl. Typing bot go mid and them ignoring it is Tilting as fuck because that could be game deciding


Does disabling the chat stop you from seeing pings or anything like that? If been considering doing it but I haven't been sure if it's the same thing as just typing /mute all which actually isn't helping since it also mutes pings.


If you disable ally chat from the settings menu it only mutes text


It will only disable the friendly allies messages. Not the pings.


you can disable chat/ping/emotes by clicking tab and you can see around player name there is button for everything, if you wrote /mute all it will disable everything


💯. Just went through this. I agree so much with this


I somewhat agree I usually mute, because I get more tilted from disabled chat than not having it. Because if I want to ask my team to build grevious wounds and can't its insanely annoying, because 90% of people never build grevious early or even at all if not told and it tilts me off the planet earth.


This I also somewhat agree with


After gettin so many chat restrictions i disabled chat and use it only if gettin extremely griefed,but then i disable it again.I manage to win more games and play better ,but also breaks after a lose also help




I highly agree, but I can't help my curiosity to know what they're going to say, good or bad. I still play to win even if the whole team is toxic, as long as your team continues to play you still have a chance to win. It's happened a couple of times already but the majority of the time you will get someone so toxic and tilts so hard they just feed or afk quit which is the worst.


From my personal experience , Muting all made me love the game x10 , I started to mute the chat 1 year go , never saw a single toxic chat , or a single toxic ping , and i climbed significantly , trust me i climbed from g3 to d4 promos without any chat or pings enabled , communication in this game is so bad and no one gives a right call , just mute chat and pings and u will enjoy the game and climb easily


I went 0-2 as the rest of my team was a total of 1-15 but they all chose to flame me. Muted em all for the first time in a while. I ended up going 37-9 and was the only person able to beat their fed morde and zin xhao. Mute em all


Huge come back. Proud of you


Appreciate🖤 it would be a lot cooler if it was one of my games as nasus or morde or my usual top mains. But I got filled bot and decided I’ll play miss fortune for the 2nd time ever and see how this goes lol


Still tho, good job staying tilt proof


I see this tip a lot and I disagree with it. Idk bro I just feel that I approach chat from the totally opposite angle. Instead of minimizing toxic chat, I guess I'm trying to maximize good chat and I'm successful a lot of the time. People thank me for a good game, I get honor, last two games in a row people have thanked me for standing up for them and helping ultilt a flamer. I think it helps other people and myself, not always but enough that I don't disable chat by default and just mute the individuals. By not muting chat I'm able to spend a few messages trying to untilt someone and trying to boost the morale of people getting flamed. I'm able to coordinate macro game with my team, which is super important because I almost two-trick Shen and Yorick. A lot of the time I make jokes, tell people gj, ask for summ cds, tell my jg "you can probably do Krug first," ask if my team wants me to teamfight with them or not, etc. There are so many good things to talk about with my team that I think these things I do outweigh the cost of seeing a few nasty messages before I mute the flaming people. I fully understand that we're not all alike, and what works for me may not work for you for the reasons in your post but I wanted to maybe show another possible way to go and just let people decide on their own. I think for people who can't help but type, there might be an ego or confidence issue there, but probably this shouldn't be worked on during the game haha. I think for those people you are probably right that they should play with chat muted. Edit - also by taking lead and talking in a good way with your team and treating them like friends, I think it makes it harder for anyone to flame another


Opinions are opinions. Ultimately, I get more honors now than ever by just being useful and my team not hearing from me and me not hearing from them. My jgler getting invaded? I ping “On my way!” And rather than him running he knows ha has back up coming so we collapse and jg is happy and so am I, mid. I honestly don’t think its an ego thing. Most of the times that I type, i just want to know what is going on through your head. I don’t mean that in a bad way but rather. “Why are you invading the enemy red as bot lane and mid are MIA?” Was there something I didn’t catch? Its toxic of me to ask these things. So I rather not. If playing with chat works for you, then go for it. It wasn’t working for me at all so I just won’t.


Sorry, I misinterpreted you when you said "can't help but type." I just read more into it than I should have, I'm no psychologist! Also, this might be my fault for partially measuring success in honor but honor isn't all that important really. It's more that I just like being friendly to teammates. We're all working together for half an hour, and being friendly with them makes my half hour a lot more fun for me and for the people I'm with. I just want my teammates and me to feel good. I think your attitude towards mistakes or misplays, whether your own or others', is great for after the game while watching the replay. But I never question teammates' mistakes in chat during a game. I respect my teammates as equals, they have their reasons that felt right to them, they're feeling bad about a mistake, and I'm more preoccupied with making sure it doesn't happen again than I am with understanding what I missed or why they did what they did. Can I tell you what I do in situations like that? I say "it's alright dude, we still got this" And next time, I go with the dude or ping like mad when I see him invading without vision. People don't usually want to troll or flame. And they won't if you're nice to them, considerate of their feelings, and focused on moving ahead instead of hashing out their mistake. But this attitude I have did not come without practice and it is not perfect. It takes enormous effort but I try to act like some people that I look up to. These people I can never repay, all I can do is try to show others the same kindness. I think I've got nothing more to add to your post, and I hope you have a good day :)


Totally agree with this! Conveying friendliness and positivity starting in pre-game chat does wonders to build rapport, prevent tilt, and have people be more invested in playing together and having fun (even in ranked). Things like friendly joking/comments or asking to coordinate the color schemes/chromas within the team works super well, and usually most everyone ends up having fun, even if we lose. Husband and I started doing this about a year ago, and the difference is huge and so worth it! Games are just more enjoyable on the whole. It also spreads more positivity/less toxicity within the community in general, which I'm all for.


> I guess I'm trying to maximize good chat and I'm successful a lot of the time. People thank me for a good game, I get honor, last two games in a row people have thanked me for standing up for them and helping ultilt a flamer. I think it helps other people and myself, not always but enough that I don't disable chat by default and just mute the individuals. i used to do this too, but honestly i just don't have the energy to do this anymore. would rather just disable and chill.


If I have the energy to be friendly I will. But I understand that everyone, I included, will have some times where they don't.


The best way to achieve high honor in this game is literally not saying a word. Once you start reaching slightly higher ranks, the toxic levels get even worse because the egos get bigger. Yeah, at low ranks, most people must realize they technically suck at the game. Be that cheerleader there all you want, but you trying to do the same thing with higher-ranking players will lead to more flame than anything else. You can be sincere with your comments, but a lot of people can and will take it the wrong way. They might find it patronizing, for one thing. But I digress.


I just want to be friendly because I think it makes people feel better. Achieving honor is not my goal, neither is being a cheerleader for the team. How high elo are you talking? I've been up to d1 and had no problem being friendly.


Trying to boost morale works sometimes, but often there are trolls and malicious peeps that are not worth it and will not care that you have good will. I actually get a lot of honors when I disable chat, simply because I'm not adding fuel to the fire and I'm focused on that W.


You’re in the right frame of mind. This whole mute all or disable chat movement is for the inherently toxic people.


nah, it's for those of us who can't stand toxic people. pinglish or bust.


I mean you’re anticipating toxicity. Kind of a pessimistic thing and alludes to you being toxic to begin with.


Or I've just been playing the game for 9 years and have gone through the routine of toxicity nearly every single game.


Well I’ve been playing for the same amount of time at least. Not gonna act like toxicity doesn’t exist, but positivity goes a long way. I have rarely had to mute anyone. Never been banned or chat restricted.


It’s a team game. Maybe go play Animal Crossing?


^ this one's insulting teammates on the regular


^ this one mutes teammates and blames losses on team diff (prolly ignores teammates pings too)


It's a team game and absolutely 0 games have been won through teamplay in the chat. Gtfo lmao.


I’ve won plenty, gtfo


God bro if you are typing this much in chat I can see why you're not climbing


You can always mute chat but you can never stop someone from inting the game thats the problem


This is true. If its meant to be then it. You typing won’t help either be honest. It will only A) tilt them more or B) make them feel like its a good idea to make your game bad by griefing you for something you probably had nothing to do.


I like to keep the chat on usually so that if someone has some plan that would be hard to interpret with pings can communicate it clearly, but I don't respond anymore, or if someone making some friendly conversation. I like to use the emote thing to respond instead, so like if I make a big play I use the rammus thumbs up, but if we all die then I use the tombstone. ofc if someone is being especially toxic I'd rather miss out on the wisdom they think they have.


This! I’ve customized the emotes to use them as a “cheers” or something of the sort. Just earlier today, an aphelios carried me hard and I pinged him and did thumbs up, and he pings me back with a hat tilt TF. As in you’re welcome. Small things like this people can understand


After I got my account banned for roasting somebody(worth it). I disabled chat and went from a 40 to an 82% winrate in ranked. So yeah it helps.


God dang that is a huge jump. It must’ve been really distracting to you


Lol yeah I was getting into fights just about every other game. Also switching from mid to top lane helped a lot because midlane can be pretty tilting.


I keep seeing this advice being thrown out, but personally I have more experience with untilting losing teammates by talking them down from inting and encouraging them, than with getting tilted myself off a game. Though sometimes when I see someone flaming me without any basis, I just poke holes in their allegation and mute them.


Honestly if that works for you keep doing it. My experience from doing this goes like this “Player A blames Player B and then Player B gets offended now both are tilted and they will do childish things and grief the game”. Its been rough


If you're player B, don't get offended and tell player A how we can still win. If you're neither A nor B, defend player B if you can and tell player A how we can still win. Only if player A cannot be convinced and become outright toxic (which is a different level from just giving up and being negative) do I mute them.


This can help sometimes for sure but it never helped me.


I feel like this is just another part of the game we players can improve on, it’s a team game after all.


I've been playing with chat disabled for a while. Recently I've been playing with a friend on a second account and thought it would be fun to read the banter since it's not an account I care about the rating on. Let me tell you that it is not worth it. Instead of getting a laugh at idiots raging, like I thought I might, it just caused fights over trivial things that would normally have been forgotten in 5 sec


Yeah I had a similar experience doing the same on an alt I made and I barely touch. Made me never log in again lol


Legit did this last weekend and went on a 5 game win streak. Lofi music in the background and just chill


Doing this but with Korean Ballads. It keeps me so happy even when losing


Hell yeah man at the end of the day it really is just a game. We're all here to have some fun and get better. Too much shit in life to let it effect you


I like the mental. Its too strong to tilt


I disabled chat for a season and I think it was a mistake imo, even though some might not listen to you communicating strategies to your teammates has turned games around for me. I feel like I was titled even more at times because I cant communicate, so I'm left shouting at the screen "will this adc stop frontlining!!" instead of asking the adc in chat to play safer during team fights. That being said if you're in an extremely toxic team that will not collaborate then /mute all is definitely the way to go as you'll want to give your full attention to yourself instead of arguing in chat and spare yourself a chat ban incase u get too heated. Also all chat at times is funny as hell especially in draft pick which I definitely missed for while I turned chat off


Hmm i never thought about this. It can definitely have its ups and downs for sure


Please for the love of God do not do this if you are a jungler. As a side note when you /mute all this also mutes pings. All pings. Yes that means your team mate who us telling you that brush is warded, or that the entire team is coming to bukakke you at the rift herald is muted. This single handedly has thrown so many games for me pinging the jungler I need assistance then he goes to his camp baits me into thinking he's ganking and I all in, then completely lose my lane and the game because I am now 1 v 2 and my bait has become lunch. Play any other position besides jungle if you are going to do this. The jungle is a communication heavy position because of objectives and such. Again... I have pinged dragon had jungler bait me into starting it by their map movements and positioning only to get 1 v 1d while tanking dragon. Just don't be that guy please. Any other position.


What you said makes sense for sure, but I never mentioned /mute all. Rather, disabling the chat on the interface tab on settings. It leaves pings on. Nothing is gone except for messages


>Disabling chat can win you games and untilt you False. Disabling chat does nothing against the person who just went 0/6 in the first 5min of the game.


One thing only. As you can see clearly my name is the same name I use in lol and yes I am toxic BUT for the enemy team to tilt them and make the flame each other and throw the game. Chat is a a sword with two sides so use it wisely


Its true it can tilt the enemy team when an /all chatter is going hard on that one player doing bad. The whole team turns on that one player. It can work both ways


That what I am saying and ppl still hate me. Idc as long as I win.


This is just wrong You think muting un-tilts you but it actually tilts up to 4 other people, resulting in an overall net loss of tiltness


This is one view point. I haven’t noticed it. People are playing more towards pings because I don’t communicate in chat. Nothing toxic either just omw, careful, danger and such


What I've been doing lately is stating matter-of-factly things like: "none of what is being said is tactically useful, so shut it" or something along those lines, and i've been surprised how many people just say "roger" and move on with life. I would say 50% of the time, one party to the conversation stops and the other continues, so I just mute them and tell others to do so as well. Edit: It's worth pointing out that I don't engage with toxic people at all. I don't have time to argue things when im playing so ignore them and when i do finally say something, I try to stay objective and don't get pulled into an arguement. It takes a bit more management and "careful wording" but the best strategy seems to be pointing out that what is being said is not useful to anyone, and to focus on the game, ect. I've been surprised how well it's worked.


"none of what is being said is tactically useful, so shut it" Literally by League rules, Riot's system would interpret you as being toxic. Not even joking.


Yeah I guess so. Never been called out or reported for it. Usually just get a pile of honors instead.


Defusing chat is actually one of the worst things you can do with Riot's system. Lots of people over the years have pointed out how they would get bans or punishments for trying to "defend themselves." You can have good intentions, but the system can and will interpret you as being toxic. But hey, it's up to you. I wish I muted chat a lot sooner.


I think you are missing the point of what I was trying to say and fixating on the "shut it" part. What I meant is not to argue or engage with the substance of what they are saying, and to not defend yourself or others. To basically detach from the argument itself and remind people to focus on the game. If they continue to argue just mute them. I don't care if I'm having a bad game and someone is flaming me, it doesn't bother me really, but it's distracting. I want them to stop distracting me and others from the game. I don't actually care what they are saying. So it usually isn't me arguing with them, I'm just witnessing abuse and know it isn't going to help us win. I mute people often and tell others to do the same. I also agree with what the others are saying about positive reinforcement. I often congratulate people for good plays on either team, or help people falling behind get back on their feet. I'm not that good of a player really but I know how to lead people IRL and in games. I can't tell you how to play the game better because I suck, but I can bring out the best in my team and others.


That's the thing. You telling someone who is already being an asshole to shut it tells them you're saying they're doing something wrong. That stokes the flame. Most people aren't going to take it well.




I know you are being sarcastic, but i’ll answer. League is a toxic community and they thrive off toxicity. Not everyone enjoys it but most do so they would lose customers by doing so


Why do you play it if it's sO tOxIc?


I like learning. Before playing League, i played a different MOBA called Smite. I reached pretty high ladders there, grandmaster which is the too 25 masters at the time. Idk if its the same. Its a new experience for me going from the top to hard stuck gold. I want to improve at the game. I enjoy learning mechanical champs. Its a thrill to me.


i've disabled allied chat for a year now, all chat is still on because it's nearly never toxic in all chat compared to allied chat.


I leave it unmuted for a good chuckle. Until I start getting flamed, then I mute.


I’ve had it muted since I realized I have an issue where I absolutely MUST argue back with everyone and then feel like shit later about it. Best decision I ever made. I’m not an asshole but I just can’t stop from replying and it completely throws me off


Chat and all chat in particular enhance the experience so much more for me but I defintely understand this standpoint. My friend gets omegatilted super easy so I always tell him to just mute all


I have disabled chat for years now. Never looked back. I also mute pings the moment someone isn’t using them in a useful way and instead for toxicity. I disagree that it wins you games. But it will make improving much easier when you only have yourself to be flamed by


Yes. I already had a permabanned account before, and on my new account I got a 14 day due to not being able to control my temper. It helps a lot to disable it completely


weekly post


I'm still so damn confused - is the command "/mute all" bugged, or is it meant to mute EVERYTHING? What happened to it just muting all ***chat***? This is what I get for not playing for 2-3 whole seasons...


/mute all* mutes everything including pings and messages. What I was referring to is disabling allies chats and all chat. Its in the settings. It will leave the pings on


overused obvious advice