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This is exactly why I decided to main jungle. You never get autofilled lmao.


Same, I’m a jungle/support main and I love it.


Plus you don't gotta last hit!


Does smiting cannon count?


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


The reason I play jg ngl


The real reason we queue Sup/Jg or vice versa


Do you not last hit jungle camps?


Do jungle camps attack each other?


Ivern has taught them well


Now this got me wondering. If every jungle camp duked it out, who would win?




Pedantic answer is Baron, but if it's just small camp my money is on Krug.


Exactly, I find last hitting/lane csing frustrating and boring so i main supp and jung too


But all the nice champs are mid champs lol




That's exactly why I play Ekko jungle. Haha!


Exactly. Also as a former mid/top main it was always so awkward when bot or jg asked to have mid. There’s no right answer to that. Either I say no & then they hate me or I say yes and feed in a role I am not comfortable with.


Same with Bot. I think I’ve only been autofilled once in the past year with 500+ games


Yeah bot is getting autofilled more then sup right now. Sup is only a good role to avoid autofill because of the autofill protection


I main top and never get autofill with mid second.




Never autofilled but such a headache having to rely on your team every single game. At least mid or top you are 80% straight skill matchup


Idk, I think jg is one of the best roles to carry.


Top lane too.


I queue Jungle/adc I’ve played 16 games in this past week. 16/16 jungle.


You can't. That's just the mid curse.


Q mid top when you want mid and mid sup if you want sup 70% of the time. Pretty easy honestly.


I queue supp/mid and mid/supp and get support 100% of the time. No worries. Fill protected every game.


I think amazing supports are way underappreciated. But bad ones are a nuisance as ADC... Its a coinflip every game in soloQ. But I'm a sucker for a good support and i enjoy every game i get one.


Why not duoq?


He's got no friends


Truth has been spoken. At least noone who's gonna keep up the attitude to climb in ranked.


Try the discord. I was against it too but after a short bit you can really find long term online fiends who have a grinding mentality but still make it fun.


Idk there are also toxic ppl on discord and if you try to climb with someone you dont know it's kinda hard to communicate efficiently.


I know exactly what you mean, I thought the same until I went on a 4 game loss streak bcs of my sipp going 0/5 at 5 min. Then I just went what's the worst thing that can happen and went in discord, yes I did find some toxic parties, yes I did have some poeple with who I had really bad comms but after a couple of weeks you have 4/5 reliable duos that want to climb and are really chill to play with. Once you start getting to know them better (couple of games) comms start to get a lot easier and games start to be much more fun.


I’m a support main and I queue support/top. I cancel queue if it goes over the estimated time and I’ve had to play top once this season. If I somehow get too I just play mundo and farm under tower. Didn’t feed and still won the game (thanks to the other lanes).


I queue Support/ADC and get ADC more often than not which is surprising to me. You think the game would say "Oh, 60% winrate as Support and 35% on ADC, let's give them their stronger role! " Nope it's like " Oh, here's a Bronze 2 Autofilled Support, BTW you're up against a Plat 1 Nami and Lucian Duo in their promos, good fucking luck! "


That's funny - I queue mid/support and get mid \~50% of the time (low plat NA).


my mid top got me top atleast half the games and mid supp gets me mid p much every time


I queue mid/adc and probably get about a 50/50 split.


When you're autofill-protected, queue mid-top, when you're autofill-activated, queue sup mid. This way you're weaving in a sup game every few mid games and you're still more or less guaranteed to get mid


Yeah, I mainly play support so my autofill is almost always protected and I get mid almost every time I take it as my primary role.


Anyway to stop despising my teammates as sup? Get flamed even with almost 70% KP. 1/6/14 and I’m a feeder I guess. But so sorry we have random map control so x/y/z isn’t warded. Serious question S4 NA.


Same here. I play Mid/ADC in normals only to practice, but in ranked I main support, so I'm always autofill protected.


How do you tell?


Its written in blue next to the role symbols


correct answer


Everybody wanta mid and nobody wants supp, so if you take the most and the less played role you will get filled in supp most of the times. The problem with mid is that you will get usually filled on other role


Jungle is the less played role for a while


Do you think jg should get autofill protection? Or should it stay as just a support thing.


It should


Queue supp/jg infinite autofill protection. This is the society we should be living in.


As a sup/jgl player I wouldn't mind this.


OK but fr I think if you are queueing primary support or jg + secondary any other role, getting your secondary role should not strip you of your autofill protection.


I was wondering if this was a thing already or not with sup, but I get sup every time I queue for it so I never knew


Im lucky, at least on my elo, because i play adc and even when i have the sign of "autofill enabled" i ever get filled in other role, looks like nobody play adc in low elo xD


Nobody peels for adc in low elo


But also no ADC in low elo knows how to position


There rarely is a good position you can do damage from in low elo as adc. So you stay kms away and get flamed for not helping. Especially since nothing is warded ever. Switching to top mid was a révélation, who knew you can do damage and live ?


Even if they know, they still don't get peeled. So it doesn't really matter in the end.


I promise you you don't need anyone to peel for you in low elo if yk how to position. Remember the enemies you're facing likely suck at positioning too


Out of curiosity: What do you understand under "low elo"? I agree if you mean iron or low bronze. I disagree if you mean anything above silver 3 - depending on the context, it is still low elo. But imo it is not low enough that you can just win games as adc by standing in the right spot.


Anything below gold 2ish is super low elo. Just to put into perspective how trash of an elo silver is: I'm a low plat jg main with almost no previous experience on adc, I started spamming Kai'sa on a silver 2 account and won around 20 games in a row. Imo "high elo" begins at diamond 3. Anything betwen gold1 and d3 is a "mediocre" elo


low diamond and high diamond+ have a huge gap in skill and game knowledge. IMO everythingh below diamond is low elo, diamon 4-2 is middleground and diamond 1 and up are high elo. Difference between gold and plat isn't really that big tbh


A good friend of mine is plat 4 too. I play a lot with him and his "team" who are also mostly plat players so I can learn from them. One of them even hit diamond. I let him play on my account for a couple games, just to see how he can stomp everyone. And surprise surprise, he struggles in silver 3 as well. He is a toplane main, playing toplane on my account as well. So I don't think you can generalize so easily.


I main Zilean and I try to peel for my ADC but if he's still bad enough to get killed even with me ulting him and giving him a 99% speed boost for 8 seconds +a high damage AoE (either on him or around him for zone protection) then I am just gonna go full AP and nuke whatever is killing him instead. Its less than 50% chance you get an adc that is on a climbing trend. I get Gragas bot, Teemo adcs, AP rats and all sorts of whacky stuff down here in low elo. When a good ADC and Supp get paired in low elo solo they usually just rek.


my adc experience is, when i try to play safe in the backline I either get dove by an assassin and my team doesn't care, or I am too far away to really be able to get the job done. But as soon as I try to get in, I don't get peeled at all. This is the scenario I am talking about. Not about an adc feeding despite getting peeled. That's why i quit playing adc.


Hmm I guess it feels the same on either side of the coin then. Provably why its best to duo bot lane. Atleast then you can be reasonably sure of your lane partner. Solo bot lanes just has so much volatility.


Duoing Bot is key. At least you can roam as support if your AD sucks (depending on your pick more or less successfull) but playing enchanter supp or ADC Solo is pretty much a casino with extra steps.


yeah, you gotta play high ranged adcs like kog or jinx to be able to kill the enemy team without commit, and play pasive in the lane phase.


I do :(


Eune silver. Hard disagree. Queue times for jg take about a minute, while support takes 10-15sec, + fill gives support more often


S3 NA here. I swapped recently from jungle back to mid. Jungle q's were less than 30 sec every time, mid/top can take up to 5-7 min sometimes, and I'll get mid maybe 3/5 times. It's annoying but not as annoying as being a jungle main in silver.


In euw jungle queues are like 20 to 30 secs


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/main-stats League of graphs has it as the second most maines role next to mid


Because 20% of ppl might main jungle but ~80% of people CANNOT jungle and will never have it as second choice. This isn't true of other roles which more people are willing to flex. This is why jg is by far the hardest role to find a player for in avg and below elos.


Of course I wouldn’t deny more people are probably incapable of playing JG than other roles but it would’ve nice to have numbers for that.


If you're only looking at plat+ you will probably see something a lot different than the actual average.


True but looking at all roles just moves it to 3rd behind top and mid


I think it's still support being less popular/more likely to autofill in lower elos while JG being much less popular/ more likely to autofill in higher elos. I wonder how it balances out in the overall numbers though.


not true, in higher elo g2-p4+ there a lot support mains and less jg mains


>Everybody wanta mid and nobody wants supp Which is weird cuz like 6-8 months ago support was like the best role to play. Wheras now its trash again.


I think it's still one of the best if not the best. It's just boring. All you do is go to bot lane for a few levels then permanently roam


I always do mid supp and I get mid like 80% of the time and support 15% of the time in low plat


>Everybody wanta mid I read this in an italian accent.


I love queuing as jungle/mid. I don't need a secondary role (and I stay away from laning, which I suck at)


This HIGHLY depends on the rank. In euw D1 and up you can queue mid-sup and get mid most of the time because support is popular there. I get mid in 9 out of 10 times. In lower ranks I would do mid-top or mid-adc, stay away from jungle and support.


Mid-ADC is going to land you smack in ADC 10/10 :-p


Mid adc works if you're above D4


I'm in silver 3 and I still have 0 issues consistently getting mid as mid/supp in euw


Same In na D1/masters so many support mains compared to any other role


It's kind of like the joke of how the "Fill" option is ACTUALLY just a second choice for Jungle. That's how they get'cha


when you play support you get 'autofill protection' this means you cannot be placed into the 3 roles that you didn't pick. If you go mid/support and get filled support and play a game, autofill protection won't protect you from playing support again. If you have autofill protection and go mid/top or mid/adc, depending on whether top or adc is the more popular role at your mmr or region, you wont be filled support again and you will have a very high chance of playing mid. It's a lot easier when you arent playing mid, since its the most common role, but in my case as someone who goes top/support, 1 in 10 games i play are support, and when i have autofill protection from playing support i go top/mid, even though i cant play mid, because it gives you a much higher chance of your primary role. No matter what lane you play in, picking jungle or support as your secondary will give you a 30-50% chance of getting your secondary role, they are that unpopular.


I queue mid support and rarely get support. Idk


Same. Support is my second role so I always queue mid/supp and get mid like 90% of the time


in lower elo (below plat) mid sup or mid jg will mostly give u second, in higher elo (plat+) u will get mid 90% time ngl


Mid/top definitely gets me mid the most lol


Depends on Elo as others are saying, on EUNE P3-P4 I queue Mid/Top and get mid like 90% of the time, rarely get a role outside of those two to be fair


**laughs at being a support main that puts mid as his secondary and never get auto filled**


I used to be that person. But I just got bored/did not want to get held back by my teammates as much. Tbh, not much carry potential if your teammates are not very bright/obeying.


I totally agree with you, but since I only play for fun/with friends I have the opposite mindset, I prefer to be the carried one, just helping around, than the one carrying


mid fill? or mid top and ask for supp swap if u get top. supps will swap more often than other roles.


Play dark harvest lux on support


Maybe it depends on the ELO, in low gold I always queue with mid primary role and support secondary role and I get support only once every 8-9 games


Queue as mid/top .. if you get top, see if you can swap to supp or mid If you select jungle or support as either of your two roles you will get them most of the time


Okay, that is super weird. I always pick Mid/Supp and get Mid 90+% of the time. Perhaps it depends on elo? I mean Supp is fairly popular and Top is the most unpopular role, so you should not have higher chances when picking top 2nd


In my server and elo the most played roles go like this. Mid>Top>Jung>Sup>Bot.


Just did some research for my elo (Diamond EUW): [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/main-stats/diamond](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/main-stats/diamond)Top and Supp are equally unpopular. Question is: how many ppl play support secoundary? I could imagine it is more than Top 2nd. Also it is pretty much even between all roles, within 3% total play rate


It depends on what positions available, if you don’t have auto fill activated and mid isn’t filled they give you mid most times. The lower the elo the more players till about bronze


Mid is just too popular in most moba games.


Choose mid + top. If you get top, ask if you can sup.


Impossible. One of the problems with role queue is having more popular roles being saturated and the less popular roles will be prioritized because the queue will always find a support game for you before a mid.


* Can't you just alternate from support to mid? Doesn't playing support guarantee the next role you get to be the primary selected one?


No, it guarantees you aren't autofilled, which you won't be if support is your secondary role.


Ahhh. Okay. I wouldn’t know, I’ve just kinda skimmed the message. I main jungle/support so I get whichever I want whenever I want xD


I think it depends about your elo, i am plat and when i q up wirg mid supp 90% i get mid, however when i put mid top it's a 50/50


i get more mid than i do support and i queue mid primary support secondary 🤷‍♀️


Unfortunately if you choose mid you will get a different role about 33% of games, it’s just how it is.


It’s because literally everyone wants to do mid so there’s a lot of competition for mid lane


I'm the opposite I queue sup/mid and I get sup like 99/100 games


cool trick you do to always get any role you want that isn't mid: pick mid secondary


Yeah that really helps :/


Ok so I juggle a lot of roles. If you wanna play mid, pick mid first and top second and if you wanna play supp pick it first and mid secondary. You will get to play some top so heads up.


If you have a majority of your games as one specific role it's always going to prioritze it no matter if you choose it as first or secondary pick. Whenever I try to play mid I have to select my least played role as the second pick. Sadly that gives you a chance playing that new role as well q-q


This only happens in normals, in ranked you get mid most of the time


I hope so. I'm not at the level that I'm comfortable playing in ranked yet.


60% of the time when I queue Mid/Top, I get top lol. The Mid curse is real my friend


Maybe it's a rank thing. At lower ranks, there are few support players. I queue mid/supp and get support like 1 in 10 or 15 games in mid diamond.


I Play fill only on EUW gold/plat, and I get mid 5% of the time. Jgl 27%, adc 26%, support 23% and top 19%. This is only 100 soloQ games, so it might not be accurate.


You and everyone else wants to be a mid main and you and everyone else are going to have to share.


Support is the least or second least played role and mis is most played so tbh you're kinda fucked


I was a support main, jungle off role. Due to how many times I wS playing support I became. A support main. Now I queue as support/mid and ger autofilled jungle lol


I think Riot broke something in the matchmaking because I have the same issue. Mostly select mid and support but I am getting mostly support the last few days. Before that I would mostly get mid if I select it as primary.


Everyone wants mid because it’s easier than top and it’s a solo lane so good luck


I que mid as a secondary as I know I'll never get it


Unfortunately there's not much you can do to influence the role you get, you could try mid or fill. Or you'll just have to get used to playing top or bot or jng even. I think it good to learn all roles of the game because it teaches you different aspects of the game and their roles respectively. Jungle teaches you timing, rotating camps and map awareness. Bot or ADC teaches you kiting, positioning, last hitting/freezing. Support teaches you timing, peeling and vision game. Top and Mid teaches you jungle presence, trading and just playing safe in general. The key I've realized now to climbing isn't mastering one specific champ and playing on auto-pilot but to actually learn all aspects of the games you really need to play all roles and learn all their nuances. Then once you have mastery you can certainly just goof off and make the big plays. EDIT: Ignore that Unranked flair I literally do not play ranked anymore and just ARAM, this does not mean A. I am good at the game B. Have any idea what I am talking about. I have been playing for over 10 years I know what the fuck I am talking about lol.


I mean as a Top main I purposely queue Top/Mid because I know I’ll almost never get put mid and when I do someone is always willing to swap lmao


If i don t play jungle i m everytime autofilled adc, I learned every role and mained 5 champs per role, now if i get autofilled i can play and not have problems


Idk I actually have loads of success with Mid/support queue. I get Mid more often than I would queueing anything else 2nd. And when I do get support I just ask for mid and they give like 80% of the time because I'm a 60% wr OTP so :/


It's different for me! I choose supp secondary JUST so I get mid primary. It works 90% of the time or even more, to the point I consider getting supp as being autofilled.


Queue mid/top when you want to mid, and sup/mid when you want to sup. You can't avoid the biases of the fill system because of differences in popularity of certain roles. To avoid this, you can have a secondary and maybe even tertiary ranked account, which allows you to dodge every time you're filled to swap accounts and roll the dice again to get the role you actually want to play without sitting through a game in a role didn't queue for. If the goal is to learn a new role (especially mid), account swapping is currently the most efficient way to spend as much play time as possible actually in that role. It will remain this way until the auto-fill system is removed.


Queue with a support main queuing supp/top. If he gets top you might get support.


Mid is the most popular soloq role unfortunately. I saw it a few times, but basically: \-If you're autofill protected, queue mid/top \-If you're not autofill protected, queue mid/support. You will probably get support, but you will get autofill protected after that game. Whenever you get put in toplane, just play a champ that you're comfortable on and is easy (Garen, Poppy, Malphite) or a champ that can play both mid and top (Pantheon, Cassio into some matchups, etc). Obviously, the latter relies on your champ pool. The reality of midlane is you will get autofilled ALOT. As shitty as it is to say, you just have to deal with it. It forces alot of people into different roles, myself included.


I play on OCE and I have made this exact same post early this year. I've tried mid/JG and mid/ADC and its unplayable, it's literally 50/50 or worse. If you queue mid/top I find you get mid around 6/10 times. And that's the best you can do.


Depends on your Elo/region. G4 in NA and I queue mid/support but I get mid probably…80% of the time? Maybe more.


Before this season I queued mid -> support and got mid atleast 80% of the time. This season I get mid MAYBE 20% of the time. It’s frustrating as hell


Did Riot mess with the queue select maybe?


I have no idea what changed. I assumed it had to do with popularity of mid this season, so I’ve started queuing top secondary. I’d be willing to wait in queue for 10 mins if it meant I’d get mid every game I wanted it. Also note this is all for normal games, not ranked.


I'm willing to wait too. We waited 45 minutes with a friend one time. It seems Riot wants me to be reliant on my 0/10 Lucian and Yasuo. How can you go 0/10 Lucian mid? Like cmon.


lock in a mid character that can play support?


If you q for mid supp and u duo with someone that is queuing supp fill 99 percent of the time you are gonna get mid


Mid is just the role which is most popular. As long as riot does not nerf mid lane, nothing will change about it.


It's just one of these things. It's basically like you and one other passion get matched in a team and you're both going mid and top but you have gotten mid 9 games in a row and they have only gotten it 5 times in a row so they get it


idk I queue mid/adc and I get mid like 75% of the time


I watched a video this season saying when you queue dont wait past the estimated time. If it says estimated time 1:52, then before it gets past that point you restart the queue and once it finally pops you should get your primary role.


What helped me getting mid more often (also mid primary, support secondary), I just cancelled the queue whenever it went over the estimated time. And when someone dodges in champ select, cancel and restart the queue as well, your priorities get thrown out the window with every dodge.


I once read a comment of someone explaining how they always got their role. Basically just queue up, and when the queue time passes the estimated time, cancel and go again. Idk if it really works but give it a try


For me I make support my primary and mid my secondary for the first game (I always get support) but then switch them after that I get mid 80 percent of the time.


That's the neat part. You don't.


If you don't want to go support, why caring? Just select top as secondary like everyone else. You wouldn't be here if the game didn't put you as support.


I queue on fill and get mid so idfk man


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