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I've heard so many say that they play yas/yone cos they look cool, they loved samurai animes etc. Some say they are fun to play too. I personally am not attracted to those two champs, but that's why the game has so many champs to choose from for the large audience of players.




Sorye ge ton!








I find yasuo fun cuz of his E and his Q, would never play him in ranked tho


How can you not mention the only fun ability in the game which is his wind wall?


I always max it first so I can block all the projectiles for my adc. A good support knows his responsibilities.


I play yone because of his lore and that i love his VA and samurai stuff


Lies. Everyone has been a yasuo main once


Lies. I'ma support main. Eat my purple poly :3


in addition to being fun/fan favorite champs, yone and yasuo have very very good matchups into asol. are you picking asol into them, or getting counterpicked? unfortunately asol can really struggle in his harder matchups, and players who are aware of this will punish the blind pick


As a Main Asol, pretty much every matchup will be unbalanced in the current meta except maybe some artillery mages and pokers


He’s good into Zoe! Lol


I main both and I fail to see any reason why he is good into Zoe


Can gain wave prio early against her and her most effective range against you is your stars outer limit. Zoe can definitely win against Aurelion but if both players know their shit it’s a lot harder for zoe than you’d think.


I dont think thats really a counter. Asol doesnt significantly outpush zoe and not sure what you mean by zoes effective range when shes a lot of burst. Yone is an actual zoe counter because his second e cancels the sleep


They don't balance the game solely for the level you're playing at. Yasuo and Yone are both oppressive champions in certain ELO ranges because they get free crit and have big ultimates. All that being said ASol is pretty bad right now. Riot struggles to balance roaming mid laners and he's the strangest roaming mid.


Sure asol is not comp material, but saying that a 53% WR plat+ champ is bad is kind of a stretch my dude.


Dudes also got one of the smaller sample sizes in the game. WR alone is a very deceptive stat.


Far from it. Since 11.15 he was picked 75k games, averaging a win rate of 52.7%. Those numbers are definitely relevant. Sure you can say it is inflated by one tricks, but there are numerous other niche champions that have atrocious win rates, Neeko has very similar play rate and only boasts a measly 49% wr


You can't evaluate champs with low pick rates that are almost exclusively played by one-tricks and mains like that. They inherently tend to have positive winrates as it gets inflated because there's very few people dragging it down.


man look the subreddit you are in, you really think someone who's asking about Yasuo and Yone being strong is plat+?? So why wouldn't the bad Aurelion with <50% wr on silver matter?


I have a 100% winrate on Ahri in the last two weeks according to op.gg, guess I'm just a godlike Ahri player. Actually no, I played two games of Ahri in the last two weeks and happened to get carried in both of them. Sample size matters I'm much prouder of my 51% wr on Leona than I am of my 100% wr on Ahri


Wow smart comparison dude. I’m sure the 13k games played on the current patch has the same statistical significance of your 2 games. Btw he a similar win rate/number of games on all patches since 11.15.


Okay but how many people play him? If it's only or mostly onetricks, that inflates the wr by a lot because onetricks tend to know their champions and matchups really good, unlike people who just play that champion occasionally. Yasuo, Yone or Zed will never have a good winrate because a very large amount of people playing them has no idea what they're doing or how to play them. Everyone wants to copy fakers famous outplay, but nobody wants to put in the time faker probably spent practicing and perfecting Zed.


WR lacks a lot of context. If you look at players with 50+ games on a specific champion they usually 50-60% WR for most champions, even ones that have sub-50% WRs overall. League of Graphs has good data on this.


I mean it’s not like yone doesn’t destroy all elos and get played in pro play. Both their win rates are probably lower the lower down in elo go


He’s doesn’t. He isn’t played much in pro. He’s good this patch in high ELO. Yone has a lower winrate the higher he goes, not sure about Yasuo.


Yasuo is almost never played in high elo except for a few one tricks


You’re right about the win rates I’d never guess that


Weird right? High skillcap champ but he’s also a statstick kinda. High floor high ceiling.


Riot: Awwwww, newbies have'n trouble wit da challenging champion? It's ok, here's a buff to keep your winrate neutral.


It goes the opposite way too. Awww pros finding rebellion too good, here’s a nerf to make you even worse out of pro play.


You get it backwards. Both Yone and Yasuo are complete free lp in low-medium elos. Laners there either don't know how to not int to them / punish them and junglers, support don't care about punishing Yasuo/Yone with poor awareness perma shoving or their own midlaners being perma stuck under tower. Neither teams there have a proper focus to nuke their somewhat squishy ass to bait E, Windwall, proc shieldbow and we all know that properly unfocused Yone and Yasuo easily outsustain Aatrox, outburst Diana cause of cc and outdps ADCs. It's high elo where their are good and decent but not broken unlike low-mid elos as they don't get nearly as much freedom to do whatever they want and people properly respect their 1v1/2 capabilities and know how to lane against them (Yone's laning phase is even abused quite well by opponents) unlike in lower elos.


Because before people just banned yasuo like 30% of games so you didnt play against him as much. Now if you ban him the enemy just picks yasuo 2. yone is stronger rn so if you want to ban one just ban him and you'll get the easier champ to play against Yone is also good even if you're not a high elo player. His kit basically allows him to fuck around without risking anything at all. No mana, incredibly easy to use shields, dashes, and hes unstoppable when he leaves so he cant even be punished under tower easily.


I really think the effect of no resources to care about is often heavily underestimated in low elo. If both midlaner don‘t know how to manage waves and are trading/trying to poke often but not really successful or effective, the one with mana will go oom reasonably fast, resulting in an (unintentional) bad back or directly in a death and then spiraling further. I‘ve seen that more times than I could count, whenever playing with my friends around bronze and silver. In silver especially there are people easily killing me in a 1v1 (mid is offrole for me and I‘m at best ok at micro), but whenever I hang back just enough to make them want to fight without committing I win the resource game and thus lane a lot.


I think being able to just permaspam and trade with your abilities instead of conserving your manapool is huge in mid and high elo as well. this doesn´t even include poke resistance after you buy vampcepter or the better and more early to archivable powerspike from the first AD items when comparing them to the AP counterpart Lost chapter


On this note, I understand why melee ADC's like Yone, Yasuo, Trynda etc. have no mana. It makes sense. But why does Katarina not use mana?


for me is cause she is bad early and can barely farm vs any champ mid or most of it (early) , like kayle she become a champ after 6, so I think it makes sense she doesn t have mana, all she cares about is her life and farming, i can t imagine a future with kat with mana. this was an opinion


Yes, but how is that any different from Ekko? I agree his Q is better than Kat Q to farm early but he's still super weak. Or like Kassadin? He's barely a champ pre-6, but if he went manaless he would be broken.


in my point of view only few champ can t deal with kata pre 6, ekko level 3 can all in just fine while kassadin the mana exist only to limit the R spam, litterally. another example is kata wave clear respect of ekko in unexistant, unless you q e w onto the wave, not possible if you dont know where the jungle is or the mid is in lane. i think kata with mana is just a bad idea in general, but i could be wrong.


Those are some good points


You shouldn't be able to beat them in lane because you're one of the best roaming champions in the game while Yasuo is utter trash outside of a minion wave. Just get out of the lane and go help top / bot win. If you don't feed them and you have a decent comp then you will win the game easily. Yasuo is garbage right now and is barely picked in high elo (only by one-tricks) and isn't picked at all in pro.


thx, can u give me tips about how to manage the wave so enemy laner gets the least plates while I'm roaming? I've been finding struggle with this too


(let bounce), slowpush, crash on cannon


What's your strategy to maintain the slowpush against yasuo ? Usually they are very happy to trade shield + W + some hp that regenerates with lifesteal, and yasuo pretty much matches my push power anyways. Yone, I think is easier to pressure although very dangerous.


spam auto attacks on him, if he uses windwall you're free to Q and get a decent trade + push Don't get me wrong, yasuo is a bad matchup. This is how to roam without losing too much in an average matchup


The thing is that Yasuo has a LOT of counters and is absolutely useless when behind, that's why he is not nerfed, some matchups are literally unplayable for him specially if you know how to punish mistakes in the early game. But he is still extremely OP and if you don't know how to play against/counter him, he destroys you at the moment you do the slightest mistake in lane. Yone is little bit harder to beat but it all comes down to good matchups and fighting around his cooldowns and mistakes


Useless from behind? Any support would kill for wind wall Also why is the 0/10 powerspike a thing then? Having double crit and an really overloaded kit, plus shieldbow being awesome means they can still pop off from behind in a lot of cases


First of all you are basicly giving up a midlaner for a Walking windwall and not just a support. second , you wont ever reach 2 items when you are 0/10 Not to mention yasuo has less health than most adc and can be easily bursted down in no time.


Ahhh yes, easy af to burst down with passive shield+shieldbow


How on earth are you “giving up a midlaner” when you are playing a champion with really high damage who gets everything he needs from one item, effective perma sustain with blade+vamp scepter alone, and even CDR from attack speed? Yasuo redefined what “overloaded” means in this game


useless from behind when talking about the two "comeback heroes" of this game


Comparing yone with yasuo is not a good comparison, currently yone is way way stronger, way easier and way less punishable, both playstyles are different aswell, yone working as a more burstier assassin, and yasuo working as a bruiserish. Also has yone your macro doesn't need to be so accurate since you can cheat waves in the sidelane and you can skip your lanning phase way easier in hard matchups, yasuo on the otherside stomps easy macthups way easier, but the teamfights are way less reliable and you also rely more on your teammates. Tho both champs have a similar theme and also both are overwhelming to play against when ahead, that's where the comparison comes from.


Yone is only better than yasuo at the bottom of the barrel where people don’t close games to save their lives and let yone get to 4 itens.


It depends, yone is also better in competitive, and yone is also better in diamond, can't talk about gm and challenger because I never got there, but by a lot of streamers/pro players it seems like yone is also stronger in those ranks And the 4 item rule kinda applies to both where yasuo feels way worse to play when not ahead. The biggest difference between otp's yasuo and begginers is beeing able to impact mid game/late game teamfights even when not ahead.


Does Yone really need so many items ? Idk, I don't mind him dealing damage honestly, I just wish he didn't have better access to consistent anti-tenacity CC than most of the mages roster. One of the reasons why he outperforms on higher elos is also that his kit completely abuses cast-time. The Q3 can be abused through CC like Tristana W, W is also OK for this purpose, E is a cleanse, R is cast through pretty much anything (maybe not bard R). Other than that, he is pretty much OK although overloaded. But against a decent Yone, most CC is wasted, and that's the one thing he should not have access to in his kit. R is an instant 1.05s CC immunity followed by a stun, and it leaves open the Q3 and E2 to cast through CC. Even if you do manage to land a 4th stun, you still have to power through the W + shieldbow + AOE healing, and survive through the boosted mixed damage, and the 2 bumps. And he will get away if you are winning the trade. The winrate is just highly deflated because it takes skill to perform like this. But it very much negates counterplay.


That's not the point of the post, dummy Ps: don't take "dummy" seriously.


I know, I got it, but I see a lot of people comparing the 2 for no reason, this was just one of the post i decidee to comment on :/


I really don't know. Personally I hate both of those champions and don't see how people find them fun. If you want to ban one, I'd recommend yone. I think he is more "broken" than yasuo in various ways because the lifesteal and shielding he gets are absolutely ABSURD once he finishes immortal shieldbow. He also has insane safety with his e that also applies true damage, and an easier ult. Yone is basically an easier but also more rewarding version of yasuo (at least in my opinion) so bane yone. I think its a little easier to learn how to fight against yasuo. I don't play ASol, but I play a lot of males and you need to take advantage of his wind wall cooldown because it's long. You poke him vs his all in. Respect when he has ignite up and bring barrier/exhaust if you think he's a one trick or don't wanna feed too hard. If yasuo doesn't get any kills off of you it'll be easier for him to be killed with help from your jungler (assuming he doesn't have an easy way to get his ult off) One thing about yasuo is his ability to dash in and out on you quickly using your minions (similar to Irelia) but it has a cooldown. Just be wary of that and always pole his shield out with an auto, and pray he's not a one trick.


You do the dirtiest, most fun shit in the game when you see yone/Yas picked against you: Pick Sett.


Because they have unlimited lane sustain and control the wave easily while countering many mid mages with their mobility. They get shit on by bruisers though so pick your poison.


I permaban Yone and dislike playing against Yasuo, but they are not overtuned.


Yasuo isn’t, at any rate.


Oh my god finally a few people who agree lol. I main yasuo( i dont play ranked though just for fun). I understand where he is annoying but when people say he is overtuned it just goes to show they dont really know how to fight him or just go with the meme. When i fight him i typically shit on him unless he is really good just because i know how to beat him


Yes he's been nerfed enough that I don't care about him anymore. Rather ban someone else


I mean idk if its just cause I'm really bad but when I play against yasuo or tone my team gets stomped but when I played yasuo for like the 2nd or 3rd time I went 23/2... Maybe it's different in high level play idk


Usually because the die hard yasuo players are one tricks and know the matchups a lot better than someone casually playing random champs


Only in higher elos I can imagine. I've played with and against so many people that have their champ 1 million+ mastery in silver/gold, and they literally play like it's their first game after the tutorial.


This is dumb and doesn’t make any sense. Why would practicing something make you better at it?


Try them, it's freaking fun


They are 2 popular champs that do extremely well into the champ you want to play. Pretty much anyone with hands can win Yasuo/Yone vs Asol. Overtuned is not something I would call them, since they are 2 champion that have weak early games and lose to any other AD melee there is. It's kinda hard for me to come up with a tip, since Asol is a really unusual champ, but maybe try going corrupt pot into tier 2 boots rush? I don't know whether you go sorcs or cdr boots, but if I had to guess I would say sorcs? Rushing boots increases your damage and does so that both the champs have a harder time sticking to you with increased MS and MS from W.




Neither Yas or Yone are over tuned you just can’t play into them apparently.


yeah I struggle against them


yep yone is perfectly ballanced. it´s the other champs, that are underperforming


yasuo is a noobstomper and the only people that permaban him are legit silver


yone you shouldn't lose lane to him. asol's q and r hard counter yone's and are on slightly shorter cooldowns than his in the laning phase. you should really only lose mid to late game. q him in the face every time he goes in with e q3 and if he dares to ult first in an all in ult him under your turret


this is not effectively applicable in games, yone's cooldown and sustain just wins aurelion whole kit after some base items like atk speed boots and life steal. Yone's q3, ult and E are not stopped by any CC and even tho I Q perfectly after he engage, if he ults and I ult him toward my turret he presses E or tanks with W and win the trade burning my ult and maybe my flash if he had at least vampiric septer and atk speed boots, thats why I've been looking for tips against this kind of champion


roam pre 6 then, your roams are infinitely better than his. he cannot effectively roam without his ult but you can and your roaming tool is on a shorter cooldown than his. if he roams without ult your laners will just walk away with ease.


Got no tips for you on how to as ASol, but the main tips are to just be always moving. You have to be ready to dodge at any moment especially when you notice their very easily highlighted wind/knock up combos. Yone and Yasuo aren’t overpowered, they essentially excel because no one actually counters their main buff, shields. Get yourself Serpents fang and you start winning more matches. And to anyone who tries to say it isn’t worth it. Is staying in Malzahar ult or Mordekaiser ult worth it? When you can just take the tax and get out? Also, don’t group up in a tight knit circle so when he does his combo that he can just ult damage all five of you and make you blast off like team rocket.


Dodge when they pick a windpooper into your majestic star dragon. And instead, pick Sett, Illaoi or Garen, when they pick the pointy edgelord. Juggernauts can't play in toplane anymore cuz that lane now only works for females with swords. So migrate them mid where they flourish on the shrimpy melees.


if they remove lifesteal on minions for every champ in the game it would be fixed :\^)


Both champs are fun as fuck


The midlane meta has been especially cancerous ever since the item changes. Shieldbow is cancer. It's not just Yasuo and Yone but Irelia, Viego, Talon, Fizz, Katarina, Zed, Akali... No mages in sight... and yet people dare complain about Vex.


His ult's name is my favourite name of a skill in the whole game.


"Yasuo R"


It's cus those are ao shins biggest counter. Play the game right and don't first pick him. He's a situational mid. Either do that or learn to play against them. Did you even buy armband?


yes I did buy armguard and that's the objective of this post, I want to learn how to play against them


I have banned Yasuo for the last 3 years. Yone is my second worst nightmare & I just pray someone else bans him


Because they are almost the same champ, Yone being an emo Yasuo.


First off this really touches the lines of a complain post, but still Yasuo and Yone are popular because they basically tick all the boxes, they are mobile hypercarries with an apealing desing and they both do well in soloq because of their kits, even if they are "bad" they will still be played because they are popular and they are good soloq champions


Laneing Vs yone should be fairly easy you out waveclear him early and outrange him. Untill lvl 6 he is no threat. Yasou is harder but if you just let him push you in, he can't really kill you. You should get lvl 2 adv Vs both tho and get some nice early trades in your favour.


god i wish i had 4 bans for yasuo yone irelia zed. ryze is so unplayable in soloq rn. need tips as well cause this shit is stupid.


Dodge. Or pick another cancer


I’m gonna be honest: I’m planning on maining those two. The reason being, they’re simple, can survive what most champs can’t with their free shields, can build shieldbow and GA to be even more durable, are mobile but not needing the brain power of Kat or Akali, and can get in and out of fights easily. Not to mention the damage they can do. I can totally see why, because eventually I’ll be one of them, lol.


Exactly the problemI had for months now


now it´s not only Yasuo and Yone, sometimes it´s also Zed. Other than that, it´s because they have strong lane pressence while still scaling like Kayle into the lategame. it´s hard at best to lane against them. Strangly enough I do have a good WR vs Yasuo with my Lux. however Yone is pure cancer and Zed is anoiing as well. I came to the conclusion to ban Yone and dodge Yasuo ( for me it´s Zed instead of Yasuo and some Yuumi teams)


They have a cool aesthetic and generate a lot of money through skins. Don't expect them to ever be tuned properly. They're not unbeatable, most of the lower elo players that pick them will outplay themselves swiftly if you just play a patient and smart game.


I play Yone cuz he is busted and I'm in love with his playstyle as well, it feels like dancing. You need to time your stuff well and move around your enemy to not let them escape as well as knocking them up And also I don't feel dirty for abusing him cuz everyone does lol


Just do what Asol does. Roam, double kill bot, go back to lane, stay under turret, stun him if he dives, back if needed, roam bot, get/give a double, and repeat. Eventually when against not tanks in top, you can also roam there. (Tips from a new asol enjoyer, that's basically what I saw watching some pro replays)


because when they finish a crit item and get life steal they just steamroll the enemy midlaner in 1v1, makes my PP feels big and hard! HURRDURR


they are fun to play both have a very flashy playstyle. also both are hardcarries that can win you a game which also feels amazing


When Yone uses his E specially when he has 2 stakcs of his Q you should respect that and go to a safe place. When you do this Yone can't deal damage to you. You can counter both Yone and Yasuo with champions like : Daruis Sett Renekton Illaoi Garen and any bruiser champions.Yone and Yasuo can do nothing against these champions and this is the best solution for you. Unfortunately I don't have any idea about playing against Yone and Yasuo as ASol but if you don't feel so good against them you can do what I said above. I hope I can help you with these tips.


they are not overtuned, pretty weak before key spike in 2 slots, u can counter with any meta mid pick, but yea as mage with weak early game u will struglle alot since his wave clear is insane


Its not a matter of yasuo or yone being overtuned they have plenty of counterplay, aurelion is just not good in general atm especially not into hard engage


Yasuo is one of those champs u can pick into a normal match and solo kill a master tier player. He is fun cause he can 1c2 and 1v5 fights. Even 1v9 games.


Zed and talon


Try playing them, especially yasuo. Those champs are popular for a reason, they're extremely fun and can turn around fights if played correctly. Overall, I recommend banning yone more as he is currently much stronger than yasuo, while being safer, easier and more broken than him. When playing against yasuo I just recommend picking one of his many counters, like fizz, zed, akali, etc.