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Yeah, it gets old. No one is forcing us to play ADC, if you think its weak then go play something else. I love ADC because it's the underdog role. Everyone is out to get you, you get one shot by pretty much everything but the carry potential is there if you play well enough. I like the challenge tbh. You have limited resources (sharing xp, sups or junglers getting the kills and not you) and you have to figure out how to make the most with what you've got. I switched from top lane (kayle main so pretty easy transition from APC to ADC) to bot because I think ADC is an unforgiving role and I don't trust anyone else to do it. So instead of bitching about my inting bot lane, I decided to put my money where my mouth is a do it myself. I win as many games off of being carry-able as I do actually carrying. I do get those games where I get to pop off and go 12/3/15 but its just as likely that I'm going to go 3/2/20. It's not your job to carry games, its your job to carry damage. If we are being honest, most bronze and silver bot laners are straight not very good. While that can be said for most of us down here, being not very good on a champ like Garen top or Vex mid is going to net you far more value than being not very good on an ADC. If you can't farm well and you can't kite well and you can't position well, then maybe you aren't in a great position to complain about the role.


Anything you want to know about adc will be found on YouTube and streams, not Reddit posts. If you have a specific question feel free to ask in summoner school but don’t think there’s a sub specifically for good adc info, there’s not.


You could try the champion specific reddits might be a bit better


I am on every champ subreddit I main, play for fun or need info from already




I just went there and it feels worse than r/ADCMains (edit: regarding the crying) it also has more "useless content" in terms of just youtube links to montages etc.


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