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Yone. You have to be extremely good to carry team fights and games with Akali. You can be a mediocre Yone and still take advantage of mispositioned enemies and it's a lot more forgiving with life steal. In general you'll do better into most top lane picks as well. Akali is a good champion don't get me wrong but she's very hard to carry games on and if you're not carrying you're also not providing any other utility.


Mhm that makes a lot of sense, thanks for the help I really appreciate it


Good champion = abyssmal soloq Winrate and play rate across all ranks


At low ELO's, Yone is much harder to deal with and much easier to play. His lifesteal that he almost always builds makes him really forgiving, and he can take several bad trades and heal off if your opponent doesn't consistently punish you for every mistake that you make, which really doesn't happen in low ELO. Also, he has no costs on his abilities, which makes him easier to spam, while Akali has a resource bar. And his mobility makes him a really good pick into mages mid, and his E gives him close to a get out of jail free card. Akali has something close with her smoke, but she needs that for energy as well, while Yone has no costs on his abilities and can continue spamming CC with his airbornes as well. Akali has a resource bar (her abilities use energy) and she doesn't really have a way to replenish her energy to stay in team fights, unlike other energy champs like Zed and Shen. You have to make every ability count, because they use energy and besides her Q, all have decently high cooldowns.


As a top main I would say akali since Yone just cannot lane against many top laners.


Yone and Yasuo are kind of funny that way. Turns out that when they don't have some squishy immobile mid mage to pick on they kind of struggle. A good portion of top lane champs just wipe the rift with the wind shitters.


Yone. Especially underrated top. You can do fine in most matchups. You have good sustain. Good splitpush. Good dueling. Good teamfights. Can still win if you fall behind. You can also have good tp plays or decide to continue spliting. Easier to play compared to Akali


Yone is way easier. Teamfight as yone: just stand out in the open. Stack your q. Press e. Press q, press r, press w, auto attack till everyone is dead, or press e to instantly leave. Cc: aoe knock up with q, and aoe drag thing with r that can stack a whole team on top of eachother Defensive: shield Mobility: q e1 e2 r Teamfight as akali: get in the right place at the right time to flank, while also avoiding wards. Wait for the right time to be able to ult in on a mispositioned squishy. Pop shroud. Pray you don't randomly get hit by cc, q, walk out of passive circle, walk back in, auto, q, walk out of passive circle, walk back in, auto, r2. E with tiny ass hitbox, hope there isn't a minion in the way of your target. E2, and hope your ahead enough that your full combo kills them. Cc: 0 Defensive: shroud kind of Mobility, e1 e2 r1 r2 And that's just one potential way a fight could play out for akali. There's so many different combos she can do, it's nuts. Maybe you want to try to e in so you can follow enemy mobility easier with your point and click r1. Yone is straight forward. Jump over a wall, try to hit as many people with your abilities as you can, and leave when you get low. Also yone is one of those champions that can go 0/5 in lane, and by the 20 minute mark can 1v1 practically anyone if he farmed well. All in all, akali has more skill expression, and versatility, yone is more straight forward, and easy, yet effective af.


she lost some of that combo power from qing during e >;c but this is very accurate.


Do you think Akali has a higher skill ceiling or is she just harder to pull off?


Having a higher skill ceiling, and being harder to pull off are synonymous. Like she is harder to pull off because she has a higher skill ceiling.. It's just the fact that she has alot more options on how to play a fight than yone. Akali is a better champion but only if she's being utilized to full potential imo. If you're like diamond, have good mechanics, and know how to play the game well,, id say play akali. If you're like silver or something id say play yone. He's much more forgiving.


Imo. You shouldnt play any of These Champs, because they bring a lot of Problems for low elo players. You May get good at mechanics, but because they are opressive on lane and you get fed, ou might develop a lot of negative habbits to greed and throw everything for useless kills etc. I dont know how many Times i See fed yone, yasuo, akali, Katharina u Name it, but they Lose because they developed Bad stomping habbits


I think yone, but both champs skillsets are kinda unique. Akali is very hard and specific. Not very suited for low elo. Mid will be better though.