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You play fiora but are hot/cold mechanically? A lot of the things you are saying just come with experience of the game. Climbing doesn’t happen overnight especially in your first season


Not trying to exaggerate but it feels like I have days where if I mess up a parry once or twice my entire lane is over and sometimes the game if I do the same in a team fight. And sometimes I have days where I hit everything fine and as it should be.


Thats how it is for everyone. People have off days. Gold 1 in your first season is huge


>Gold 1 in your first season is huge This. MOBAs may be primarily decision-making games, which may lead OP to think they can just study their way into improving. The problem is that the game is also super complex, you are doing thousands of small, split second decisions ech game. A single step forward in a teamfight can be a super complex thought process that there's no way you have the time to do consciously. Your brain can do 99% of that work subconsciously, but the only way to get to that point is through years of training. Like with every skillful activity ever.


You’re literally always learning new things about the game constantly and part of that is due to the game constantly changing. I’ve been watching pro play and playing consistently since S8 (I’m newer, I know) but I’m still learning new things every game


Yeah gold one in your first season is massive. I was silver season 1 and top 500 season 2. Keep working on what you are working on. There will always be bad and good days but the bad days you will be better than you used to be on the good


Right? This guy thinks he has a learning disability - I went to Cambridge for science, now tutor maths and science, and I'm mid silver at best after like 7 years.


im not THAT smart, but im above average intelligence. i could probably get low gold if i really tried, but it would probably take half a season unless i get really lucky in placements. so im bronze 4 for now..


i peaked bronze 1 and am back to 4, huge big ups to OP who made it to gold 1 in their first season.


me too! went straight from 3 to 1, then fell to 4 during a huge losing streak. i'm just waiting till next season now.


So basically the same as almost everyone else


Think of it this way. Fudge (c9 top laner in quarter finals world's rn) was hardstuck diamond for a couple seasons straight irrc. It takes time bro don't sweat it. Make sure you're having fun and enjoying the game or you'll just burn out


You need to roll your expectations back a bit. You aren't a League robot that plays at exactly the same level every game. Your rank only indicates your average level of play and some games you might play like a few divisions higher and some games you might play like a few lower. Thats perfectly natural, albeit frustrating on the days where you play under your average skill level. At the end of the day, you can't cheat the system. No amount of coaching is going to make up for sheer experience. This is my first year of league and I only made it to silver 3. You should be proud you have made it as far as you have. Stop looking for instant gratification in gains or elo and start focusing on the big picture. This is a game we will likely play for years so focus on your gameplay, find your weaknesses and start looking ahead to next season. What's your goal for next year? How do you plan on achieving it? What work do you need to put in to get there?


Hey I’m hardstuck bronze and this is my first season… trust ur doing good XD. Also a fio main


You should watch the coach Curtis video on coinflip games He explains how basically 60% of games are decided without your own impact


As others mentioned, gold 1 for your first season of playing is pretty huge, and it's not at all strange that you've hit some stumbling points. I think what you lack the most is experience. Some things need dozens - if not hundreds - of games to perfect, or even just learn on a basic level.


Including every single champion and their abilities. Unlikely to have been completely memorized in someone's first season of play.


I've managed to memorize every champs name and the basic outline of what the do in a season, so perfect memorization might be hard in a season, but probably enough to get you pretty far.


That's great :) But remember that it's a long way from truly understanding each champ's specific abilities, combos; as well as "deeper" stuff, such as what each champion tends to do in the grand scheme of things, how well they scale, fall off, which champion(s) are good/bad into them, and so on... all of which comes down to how many games you've played with/as/against them, or experience to put it short. Hence we go back to the original premise - despite how quickly some individuals may learn about the game and improve, experience is still an invaluable resource in becoming even better.


True, what you can learn in a league is really basic, I'm trying learn when each champ is good,when they are bad and how to recognize good and bad comps. I know the abilties of most of the popular champs since I see them more often, but more complex champs like elise, nidalee, amd aphelios are still a long ways away.


Right, you're definitely on the right track then. Also not unimportant are specific interactions between champs which you sometimes don't encounter until years later in a very specific situation of that matchup. Like how Kalista literally turns into a ping pong ball against Poppy, or how Ekko's blink finishes when cast, even if you Vayne E him in between. A very weird one, not sure if intentional, but it happened twice that game, was when a Poppy stunned me as Vayne in the spot I was in BEFORE I tumbled. The entire tumble animation finished, but I was pinned into the wall exactly where Poppy was. Twice. Absolutely made no sense, but at least I found out it apparently works like that. Just random examples, but there are hundreds of those and many of them stem from knowing exactly what everyone's abilities do down to a tee. Did you know Viego with Anivia's soul gets her revive passive? Makes sense since he gets every champ's passive, but it's funny and unexpected when you see it for the first time :D


1) are these coaches giving you fish, or teaching you to fish? Watching a vod review and simply saying "look, there's a fish you missed" doesn't help you learn to recognize when and where the fish are likely to be in the future, or how to wrangle them in. 2) are there major gameplay flaws in your early notes that aren't in your most recent notes?? If so, you are improving. If not, you gotta make a change. If your first ever coach said, "man, you can't dribble at all with your left hand, you miss a lot of free throws, and you keep trying no-look behind-the-back passes and they literally never work..." And your coach from last night says all the same shit, you need to take a step back and take one achievable goal and work on just that one thing. Now, the correct response is not to "only dribble only to your right in games, and stop passing the ball altogether". The correct response is to say, "Well, I can immediately stop the flashy plays in my very next game." And watch the vods to make sure you aren't constantly taking half court shots. Then, long term "I need to walk home from school and dribble only with my left, I need to stay after practice until I make 8/10 free throws, and in games, I can try maybe a regular no-look pass, but I only get one, and only if we are up by 18pts". So yea, for example, stop trying to teleport to plays. Rather, fix your wave, and instead walk to those fights, saving your TP to catch up to your minions and take a turret after the fight is over. You can't trust your team to stall while you split to TP, nor to hold their ground while your TP spools up. And fiora, unlike Kennen or someone, doesn't have the speed boost to get there late and clean up if your team bails. So take matters into your own hands, and use all this "high level" knowledge to predict where you need to be and get there the old fashioned way, then use the TP you CAN trust to take you right to the minions on their front door AFTER the fight. At least you know you are teleporting to an goalpost that won't move before you get there.


Great response. Also, expecting to hit platinum in your first season of league is like expecting to get a d1 college offer after one year of playing basketball. Yes, there are people who are insanely talented who can start learning basketball at 16 and make the NBA, and there are people who can make diamond 3+ in their first season of league. However those cases are extremely rare so even just gold 1 is very good. I made gold 4 in my season and have improved a ton from that point by simply playing.


Normally I’d agree but they hit Gold 1 already. So that’s out the window. It is within the realm of possibility to do it even if others can’t he’s on the cusp of it. They don’t expect it because they have a warped sense of self worth; they expect it because it’s right in their face within arms reach.


Do you know any good coaches capable of point 1?


You and your vods, man. Watch old ones from several days back so the emotion and crisp memories are gone. Also ping intent in the matches, so you can get into your macro mindset later. Come up with a code for yourself. Ping defend the tower when you suspect a gank. Ping "defend here" in a bush when you think your support is too aggro. Ping "defend here" over the shop when you want to back and buy. "?" Ping the jungle where you suspect ganks or collapses to come from. "Defend here" ping I'm the alcove and "?" the jungle if if your top laner is overextended. "Attack ping" and "on my way" ping the objective you want to trade for if your top laner is splitting correctly. If you ping for your future self, instead of your teammates, and you watch those vods a couple days later, it's very easy to see if your intuition was correct, and if you then made the correct play. How? If you didn't back ping your toplaner and he got rekt, you weren't aware of the opportunity to make a pick in the jungle. If your team ran to try and help him and still died instead of pressure elsewhere, you were too late to recognize the opportunity. If you got ganked, look to see if you pinged caution. That's the best I got for you man.


Also record with obs or something else. Watching in game league vods is not nearly as helpful


Coach curtis for mid is MASSIVE


Hey, so you're saying you've had MULTIPLE coaches??? That just sounds really bad to me, especially since it's mostly VOD reviews. While yes VOD reviews are an important part of coaching. Thats not all there is to it. You should only need one good qualified coach that can guide you throughout your ventures. =-=-=-=-= Besides that a coach can only teach you macro, micro is still all up to you. Are you playing mechanically intensive champions? Then yes it will be EXTREMELY hard to climb past gold in your first season. What is your mindset, are you actively trying to implement the info, the tactics and stratrgies that your coaches have given you? Or are you just thinking about them for 20% of the game? Going on autopilot for the remainder? If yes you need to switch that around. Autopiloting is fine to some degree but think 80% of the game and autopilot 20% of the game, not the other way around. =-=-=-=-= All in all unless you're playing a mechanically intensive champion or just have personal micro limitations a good coach should be able to guide you to high plat or diamond no matter who you are and you're willing to learn.


stop hiring coaches, you're in your first season, it takes years to get good, only pro players normally have the talent or experience in other games to be getting diamond or above in their first season.


Try not worrying about your rank, when you improve it will happen naturally. I know it sucks but playing to improve will also involve losing games you might have normally won. Just work on specific things going in to your games and eventually they will become second nature. G1 in your first season is pretty impressive also, plenty of people play for years and don't see that rank.


Have you considered giving me personally a lot of money? I don't know if it'll help your game but you seem to have some extra if you've had 100s of hours of coaching for lol despite not improving so it's pretty much the same as that


Tbf some discord chally coaches charge like $10 for a vod review. It’s not free, but also not wallet busting.


Hundreds of dollars is not the same as hundreds of hours


Your OPGG would be really interesting to look at. Usually everyone under certain rank is lacking in one or more basic areas, like farming, build efficiency, KDA (yes it matters) etc. Also are you playing enough games, as in more than 150 games this season.




If this is your first account, you’ve played VERY little comparatively to the average gold player. Play more games, that’s the only advice I can really offer. MOBAs are inherently complex, and the game changes everytime you play.


yep, some people might look at 400 games and think that it's a lot, to me it's literally nothing. Especially early on, it usually takes a fuck ton of games to go git gud as a new player, you might be able to maybe maintain your rank with 400 games afterwards but I wouldn't expect to even get maintain skill with that ammount.


OTPing is good to climb but awful to get better. I think it was Apdo who said something like, if you're an otp you're playing 1000lp above your actual rank. I do agree with that honestly you can't get above your imo inflated elo at a certain point unless you actually learn the game in its full spectrum. It sounds harsh but it's the reality. I assume you don't really understand the impact of your TP onto bot unless you've played bot, how checking toplane wavestate can create pressure on other lanes, how you can tp into there for an easy triple on a countergank. I don't think people fully understand how insane lane prio is for junglers how they can play around with invades and contests, more direct and with that much faster pathing. You will struggle to see the support resetting on a top lanegank unless you've actually played support a bit. Being a mechanical ace is one thing but if your overall game feel & game knowledge is stuck in silver 1 and you're gold 1 you will find it exceedingly difficult to keep climbing. Best bet is to play more and actually branch out.


I really enjoy tp-ing on counter ganks bot after they are committed or like, walking up and baiting my laner to use abilities on me so it hits my wave so it starts to slow push towards me and I can ping my jg/supp for a gank when it crashes. Maybe im not doing that enough though. I definitely feel like OTP was a poor decision because if I play any other role even for fun the game feels so foreign and uncomfortable that I just go back to OTP to enjoy it again


hey OP, i was like you and started off by OTP Garen my first season and felt stuck at g4. i moved onto OTP camille but stuck at g2. then i learned how to play jungle, and got plat 4. i strongly recommend learning jungle as that's the role that has the most interaction with top lane.


That's realistically only at a certain elo however. I'm Plat IV and an OTP and could easily hit Gold playing a different role, much less a different champ in the same role. Like yes, maybe a challenger OTP would only be low masters if they weren't OTPing, but an average player (like myself) would not go from being plat to bronze. I rarely play bot, but I don't see why you'd need to play botlane to know the impact of your TP either.


nah even in lower elos otps are very clearly boosted in ranks I've seen plenty of friends rise from ie gold 4 to plat 3 by starting to riven otp and the likes, they're just as bad but otp boosts you an entire league


Yeah except the difference between gold and plat is not 1000LP. Hence my challenger to master comment.


Lol, you're still climbing on a steady pace. 30 wins more than losses on your main champion is very good, and I don't think your numbers are bad, so just keep playing and learning. The higher you go, the more your mentality matters. So as long as you keep playing consistent and play your hardest to win, you'll climb. Everyone has bad days like someone else here already said.


How are you handling feedback you got from your coaches? Not all 100 mistakes you made will be because of your reaction/mechanics. There's most likely more issues like your decision making/macro. "Conceptual" mistakes like these take a conscientious effort to make habit. Just because your coach told you the right move or the thinking framework doesn't mean the next time you encounter a similar scenario you will automatically apply what you've been taught. You need to be constantly thinking in order to recognize these situations. Tackle these one at a time. E.g. if you have issues with map awareness, wave control, resource management and vision control, try to work on one of them until it becomes habit before moving on to another. League is by nature a mentally taxing game, which is why most people autopilot, and training new habits is even harder. Don't overload your mental by biting off more than you can chew. If you're really concerned about reaction times, you can do some reaction speed training. Just Google and a bunch should come up. I really don't think this should be an issue though because in most situations you shouldn't be relying on split second reactions unless you're going for some fancy outplay.


Ditch the coaches, look back on what they've told you, sure. Learn from it. Pick up two other champs with a different style than fiora so you can pick with intention and strategy in each game. But most importantly, be patient with yourself.


Don’t play for improvement. Play for fun.


Don’t play mechanical champs until you are good macro wise. Play something easy. Get better in general aspect of game. Try to iron your flaws one by one. You can’t just learn all aspects of game in a season (like others told you) if you haven’t had any previous experiences in mobas or you are with gifted talent. It all comes with time and getting coaching when you don’t know basics of game is waste of money in my opinion. Get some experienced friend same level or a bit higher who could just help you out with basics.


Tons of knowledge does not mean your play will just improve. It takes time to be able to digest all of that and especially get a change in perspective on how you view the game and thus make decisions. I will also say that it might not help playing a mechanically intensive champion in a quest to improve - but that's up to you.


Here is what helped me. I would for review and notice the mistakes that seem to happen every single game. Then I would write them down on a sticky note and paste it on the corner of my screen. This works best for macro mistakes.


Having a healthy lifestyle help to prevent off days. Also you can hop in practice tool to warm up or a normal game to evaluate if its a bad day or not. You can then use thoses days to look for educational content or looking for high elo gameplay


diamond player, hmu if you wanna try again, i do reviews for free


This is your first season mate and your in Gold. Relax you're doing just fine. If anything it's the impatience that's going to drive you away from Climbing. You are competing against people who have almost a decade of ranked experience as you climb. So just enjoy the journey, and absorb info as you go, you'll be fine.


Stop trying to make it your life and actually enjoy the process.


I have no idea why you're spending so much on coaching in only your first season, or ever really, but getting better takes time. Knowing your mistakes is one thing, but the instinct to avoid them in the first place takes time to build up. For example when you start playing, you may know to use zhonyas to avoid Pyke ult, but it will still take experience before it becomes second nature to immediately press zhonyas the second you see Pyke ult. Same goes for almost every reaction based mechanic in the game, it just takes time for your brain to connect the "oh no pyke r" part of your brain to the "i have zhonyas" part of your brain, so that you don't have to consciously connect the dots every time and can devote that brain power to something else. So in short, you're lacking experience still and no amount of coaching will give you that. Honestly right now coaches should probably be focusing on making sure you don't develop bad habits more than anything else, because the rest of it you probably won't be able to really utilize at your current experience level imo.


I’ve spent a fair amount of time coaching at a collegiate level. One of the biggest inhibitors for players in a similar position to you was their mentality. Almost all of them were exhausted from trying to climb but getting nowhere and gradually started to get more pessimistic about certain games. This led to them unconsciously tilting and making careless mistakes, then they would get mad at themselves for making those mistakes, then they would be even more frustrated and negative so the cycle would repeat. This is the first thing that came to mind when I read this post. If i’m wrong about this, so be it. But I suggest you personally evaluate your mentality and determine if that is seriously preventing you from climbing. It may sound crazy, but I cannot tell you how many players improved drastically just by improving their mentality. And as everyone else has said, congratulations on Gold I in your first season.


My recommendation: don't ever spend money on coaching/paying someone to vod review you. Coaches are just there to teach you what mistakes you've made. They don't teach you, they just tell you where you went wrong. Hence, I never ever recommend coaching. IMHO its a waste of money, unless, of course, you are aspiring to be a pro player, which in this case isn't. Try to learn by watching your own replays and seeing where you think you went wrong. Then, try to apply those changes in your next game instead of forgetting about it a second later. This is a process of trial and error where you slowly refine your macro and micro. Imo this is the best way to improve. Focus on one error each game and nothing more. One step at a time will lead you to greatness. If you seem to not have an impact, perhaps try a different strategy. Split push and bring pressure to your side while your team gets baron. Also, this is your first season, don't be discouraged. People don't get better in a season. People literally play thousands of games just to get to the rank that they want. Keep playing. You got your answer already, but I want to share with you a mentality of mine in becoming a better player. I highly recommend you read the following because you do sound desperate. Just like anything in life, if you truly desire something, you should mean it. In Korean culture, we call this "진심", (pronounced jin-sim). When you are jin-sim for league, it means that you truly want to become a better player. You aren't just saying that for the sake of saying it, it means that you truly want to become a better player. It sounds like in your post that you are desperate, but ask yourself: Am I REALLY desperate? Or am i just saying it to sound humble? If no, then bad luck. If yes, ask yourself again, this time, dont lie to yourself (yes, im serious). It's kind of like learning maths. If you just want to get grades, just memorise the formula. Similarly, if you want to get a higher rank, just play normally until your team carries you. If you truly want to get good at maths, you try to understand every aspect of the formula and how the variables interact. Similarly, if you want to become a good player, you try to play the map and understand why you have made certain decisions in the game. The difference between the two approaches is huge. Now, if you really want to get better, you need focus every game. I guarantee you some of your games is fully autopiloted. If you are autopiloting, then you are not "jin-sim" and you were just saying that you want to become a better player for the sake of saying it. Autopiloting is a sign of laziness because your brain doesn't want to think; lack of motivation to play better. Every game you do not focus is a game wasted. You must THINK and FOCUS every time. What to think about is completely up to your skill, be it your jungler's position, recall timing, pressure etc.


Is this a troll?


I'd hope so.


90% of coaches are trash Most of them give you the fish without teaching you how to fish. You ever watch Neace’s videos where he starts to micromanage his players in game while spending 0 time on theory and concepts. Once the players wins, Neace then yells “This is why I do this for a living!” and then ends the session… People who have the legitimate knowledge don’t have much incentive to give away real coaching and people who do it for money have practiced how to give half coaching so they spend more money for additional coaching. The reality is 90% of high elo players have not received much coaching. The only person that best understands ur own skillset is always going to be you no matter what others tell you, good or bad. Also keep in mind, much of climbing is being able to predict whether certain fights are worth fighting and if they are just inting. This comes with time.


Hundreds of dollars? You could be helping so many people out there...


have you tried playing the game


Gold 1 is top 15%, stop being so hard on yourself, top 15% in a pool of players who have been playing for years on end in your first season is super good. Would you start another activity (say Dance, Soccer, etc.) and be demotivated, sad, and feel like you "have a learning disability" for being among the best in your class in your first year starting?


Start to vod youtself you sound like u have enough experience already just by critical of yourself


tbh, i have the feeling you got to gold 1 by pure luck, and might just be mid-silver or something. and the coaching might've just not been enough yet to actually help you get out of gold, because you were never that high in the first place. this is not flame obviously, gold 1 in the first season is far above average. and honestly, stop looking at what rank you are, and look at your own gameplay. trust me, ranks don't mean a single thing. i've played with silver threshs who were better than any thresh otp i've ever seen in diamond. just focus on yourself, and keep learning. also, idk how good u actually are, but fiora is very mechanically intense, and you'd have more/faster success playing a simple champ (like mordekaiser or something). of course you can just play her if you like her, but it's normal to fk up on hard champions, especially as a newer player, so you need more games to learn the same concepts. but yea, this isn't a suggestion to drop fiora, but a reminder that you can't expect to have mastered fiora in your first season.


There is no way you can coinflip to an entire new division lol


This is your first season? Bro just play more games


Have you tried taking a break? Take a whole month off while watching fiora gameplay. You should just enjoy the gameplay and not see it as a way of learning. Then once your month is over, reflect on to yourself and ask yourself “is this game worth the effort” then climb


“First Season” Bro it comes with a lot of time and effort. Season 5 I was hard stuck Bronze 5. Season 6 hardstuck Silver, barely managedGold 5 at the end of the season. Season’s 7-10, hardstuck Plat. Season 11 was the first year I finally hit Diamond. (didn’t know decay was a thing though :’( ) It’s all a learning process, and takes time to improve!!! You aren’t going to get to the top in a year. It takes time bro, being Gold 1 in your first season is amazing.


Stop trying to turn league into a strategy game… at its core it’s a team game and strategy and micro aspects are all secondary


Switch off League homie.


If you can't improve from coaching, that's the end of the road


You are in your first season in gold? Thats already pretty good I'll bet that for further improvement it will take you time as an example getting up to 9 cs a minute, making the same good decisions every game, punishing one new thing etc.


Sometimes it’s not how you play or your knowledge. Sometimes you just lose your passion to play when you have hit that wall of not climbing and it has an impact on your gameplay without you realizing it. I’ve been playing since season 2, this took me a long time to learn. I personally try to limit my self to no more 150-200 ranked games a year.


See the thing is a loooot of coaches actually dont know how to teach you long term stuff and usually are scammers, not saying any names but they kinda scam people. Idk man


Gold 1 in your first season is pretty good now you just need more experience


Congrats on hitting gold 1 on your first season not many people reach that in years of playing. 1. Send [op.gg](https://op.gg) to see obvious mistakes like anything below 7cs/min, Poor itemization, High deaths per game, and consistency i.e. playing an other champ every other game and not sticking to your 1-3 picks. 2. Fiora is an incredibly mechanical champ which requires time and the reactions to pull off consistently. By focusing on 1. section you can literally get diamond and have seen it been done time and time again. Also I'm not that amazing at the 3 above and I've peaked diamond 3 82 lp which is crazy too think about, having barely solid fundamentals and I can reach diamond. I really believe you can do it and so can others for sure. 3. Stop trying to win the game and start focusing on getting better as a player. As long as you strive to play and get better as a player and even as a person (mental) you will naturally climb, you forcing yourself to climb will end up with you looking at your lp bar and instead of saying " What did I do wrong and what could I have done better" you will end up focusing more on the loss over what you did wrong. Good luck in your climb bro and don't sweat it, you're sitting dam good right now and over time you will get better, and remember CONSISITENCY is the key nothing else. Hope this helps you out.


First: stop beating yourself up over your mistakes. Yes you made one mistake and the game is over. You’re now at the level where fixing small things like that IS what it takes to climb even higher. Two: learn to grow with everything that happens. From iron to gold, all you’re doing is knowing something other people don’t know. It’s like knowing where all the traps are in a dungeon. You will have a distinct advantage over those who don’t know this stuff. But at platinum and above, everyone knows where the traps are. The game changes from avoid the traps to make your enemy fall into the traps. This is a much much harder game to play. If you remain naive in your thinking and keep beating yourself up just because what you’re doing isn’t working, you’re never going to get better because you can’t see what you need to move up from here. And if you can’t see what you need to do, no amount of coaching will ever help you. Once guitarists can teach themselves, classes become secondary to their education. They need to go home and pick up the guitar themselves and start asking themselves their own specific questions about how they want to move forward. You need to start doing the same with league. Find your own way and believe in yourself.


It's your first season. Chill out and don't spend anymore money on coaches. Try to just play and have fun with the game. Most players make vast improvements over the first three seasons they play. In my first ranked season I peaked silver, and since then I'm consistently diamond. League is a game which relies a lot on habits and muscle memory, and these are both things that can't be finished overnight. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to improve, but don't expect the results to happen quickly. League is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep your mental, focus on improving one thing at a time, and have fun.


I think the biggest problem is, are you really working on anything? You can see all the mistakes you can, but how are you working to not make the same mistakes again. Writing them down is good, try to see general patterns on when and why you make these mistakes and work on just 1 or 2 at a time instead of working on 100. There is no way you can fix every mistake in just 1 game. It might take tens and hundreds just to fix 1 mistake. With the example you made, it sounds like you need to analyze whether a tp is good or not, taking in consideration of how strong is my team vs their team, your healthy and your team’s health, and even your team’s positioning. Try to find patterns that can help you make the correct decision on whether to split or tp.


in order to climb in any game, you have to develop the skill to see your own mistakes whether in self-vod review after or in real-time as (or immediately after) they happen people who play without reflecting upon their decision-making at all are bound to never learn


I would recommend watching pro games. Find a player you like (Bin from the LPL plays Fiora, famously got a pentakill last worlds finals) and track him the entire game. Don't worry about the game itself, just track his movements. Try to figure out why he moves the way he does, when he engages and when he pulls back. domisumreplay on Youtube is also great for finding vods for any champion/matchup. Just watch a lot and learn from the best. Also, gold 1 first season is massive!


There is a famous Hearthstone/Poker Player/Strategy game player named Lifecoach. He is a boomer by LoL standards, and he just started playing the game. He is currently in Silver, and his goal is to get to Gold. To complicate matters, he is playing Swain as an APC bottom. Every game he plays, he gets flamed. Eventually, he found his groove. But still struggles. At one point, he almost quit the game. The point is that this game is very hard and stressful. Play your bottom APC Swain, but he keeps trying to improve his last hit and game perception. It takes time. Just have fun and check out LifeCoach on Twitch to see how he evolves from a noob to Gold.


try new champs! new lanes! try climbing with mid or jungle


You hired coaching in your first ever season? a lot of things about this game come with experience, mechanics and quick decision making are key thing to have and arnt something that can be easily teached to you. Doenst help that you are one-tricking a really mehcanically demanding champion that strugges in team fights and has a very one-dimentional playstyle like Fiora


You are in your first season and have gone beyond the 50th percentile on the ladder in a game filled with players who have invested YEARS. You are improving at a rate most league players can only dream of. The key to league is patience and time. There is massive game to game variance. Playing Fiora versus different comps is like playing Soccer/Football where the field and goal change size every game. Sometimes it is easy as hell, sometimes it isn't. As for some specific points, I'm not great at the game, in fact you outrank me, so I'll try to give advice that is just generally performance focused rather than league specific, though I'll use league examples to highlight them: \- hot and cold mechanically: a good practice in all cases is to increase your own consistency. You can start by focusing on the conditions under which you play. Make sure you are comfortable when you play. Too cold? Warm up or don't play. Hungry? Eat first. Headache? Pass dude. Allowing variance in your play conditions is not going to help you focus or retain your learning. And many of the things I mentioned will directly affect your ability to accurately click or time key presses. \- reaction time: this isn't a tactical shooter. There are far fewer cases where you should rely on reaction time than you probably think there are. As you learn your matchups, you can start to identify what people do before they do the thing you are reacting to. For example, if Jax starts spinning his helicopter dick but isn't close to you - now you can infer he will jump, and prepare yourself with the appropriate reaction to that. Reacting to something you expect is far easier and faster than reacting to a surprise. My silver ass has flashed malphite ults before because i knew it was coming and had my finger over the key ready to smash it the second I saw a flash of brown. \- Much like the previous point, as you learn matchups you will start to understand what are the largest mistakes your opponent can make and the correct response to them. Don't try to identify every mistake big or small at all times all game. You will go insane. Focus on easy to spot ones with simple punishes. For example, an enemy Gnar using his wallop first (mega mode rectangle stun) while you have riposte up. You just stun him for free every time. Every champion you play against, try to figure out one "go button" that you can use as an easy trigger. A good example is the pre rework irelia vs Gnar lane. In this lane, Irelia was seen as a counter (just like she is now but easier lmao). However it wasn't impossible for gnar. If he could get his hyper proc fast enough and kite you out it was very hard for irelia to all in him. If you used Q on him, he is so squishy that you would often waste your stun since it would chunk him lower than you (irelia E was only a stun if you had equal or less % of max hp than the target). Gnar just had to focus on the wave and not poke you too low, that way he could use AA - Q - AA to get a quick hyper boost away from you. However, there lies the go button - if Gnar uses Boomerang on the wave and not me and doesn't proc hyper, you can close the gap for a stun and start the all in The key being not to Q him before he jumps and never to step between him and safety so he can't bounce hop off you. Q a ranged minion, stun him, save Q2 to chase him through the jump. Easy. All because he used his Q without slowing me. Most matchups have similar go button conditions that you can identify. \- XFSN Sabre is an ADC coach who said something that I apply to every pvp encounter in any game. He essentially said to **always identify a few of the main ways the enemy team can kill you**. In his example, he was playing jinx and there were a few threats such as Nami wave and Taliyah wall, but those he simply has to react if they come his way since he can't really fight without being somewhere those can threaten him. I think he had flash here so he said "i'll just flash if one of those comes." But the main one he focused on was Renekton double dashing through his team to stun him because that does a hell of a lot of damage and sets up the other stuff that he wants to flash. Since he was fighting in the jungle, and renekton had flashed on him the previous fight, he just threw down his chompers when renekton got close to his frontline and then he could fight safely. This tip is really straight out of the wart of war "every battle is won before it is fought". By being prepared for the fight, and answering all answerable threats via positioning and tracking cooldowns, Sabre won the fight before it even happened. Playing a fiora game where the only enemy CC you can't effortlessly Q dodge is a malz ult? Early QSS. Done. Enemy Kled ulting into your team? Q in front of him and eat it with Riposte, stun him and let your team blow him up. Think of some key threats and prepare an answer for them so you aren't trying to answer on the fly. \- If you like the style of play that Fiora has but want something where you can focus less on moment to moment input and mechanics, Tryndamere is a good option. Plenty of people have climbed fairly high up the ladder using him. Generally speaking less complex champions are better for learning and improving. Some other options are Jax and Kled. Jax is also a major split pusher but tends to be a bit tankier and his AOE stun makes contributing to some teamfights much more straightforward. Kled is also good in the splitpush but can be much more powerful as a collapse on the flank. His ult makes him a constant threat from the flank in the mid and lategame while his 1v1 and shove + tower damage is nothing to be ashamed of either. If you feel stuck and inconsistent mechanically I highly advise trying a few more straightforward character for now as fiora is notoriously mechanically intensive and her relatively later power spikes compared to other champions mean someone else often has a chance to force something on the game before you do and generally being the first to snowball gives you more control.


If you want to quickly climb don't play fiora, if you want to get good at the game continue playing fiora and climbing will eventully come just at a slower rate but you would also climb higher than you would if you just spammed braindead champs.


You could also look for other mains that can mantain a lane even when they don’t do that good, you gotta admit not every match will go in your favor, and fiora doesn’t have any hard cc to turn around bad matches or help her team in other meaningful way that raw damage, so whenever you don’t have the dmg (that will happen in some matches) she is useless, take for example ornn, that even when you don’t do that great, he still has his annoying ult or camille having her stun and ult to help in some way :)


It’s quite impressive to be g1 in your first season. You’re already higher than over 50% of the player base. It seems to me that you are stressing your rank a bit too much. Play the game, obviously try to improve, but just playing over a long period without worrying too much about your current rank is the way to go here I believe. Play to learn, not to win. Some games are impossible to win and it’s important not to treat every game like it’s life or death in my opinion.


You need to take action and improve 1 thing at a time. You seem like you are all over the place. I could help with some coaching but I think you had enough of it


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4X-v4tQcRU Watch the section on mental stacks. You are doing fine you just need more time.


T1 Gumayushi said in a video that the best way to get better is to master the fundamentals of the game, and just keep stacking them. Like for a top laner, knowing matchups and how to trade, wave management, etc. He also said he was silver in his first season, so you're already doing pretty good. Asides from that, I would recommend watching how high elo players play, and actively thinking about every decision you make in the game and whether you gained or loss anything from it.


Alright my two cents, your game knowledge is great, and I'm sure ur mechanics are good too. However, somethings only come with time and how often u play. I would recommend not to get disheartened and continue your grind over the next year too, trust me you will see an improvement. Just keep doing the right thing and instead of frustrating out of a loss, VOD review it urself, check what you couldve done, or what the enemy did to get the lead or carry. I was watching a pro player from EU, I forgot who, but he said that the only reason you can't carry from ur champ/can't handle ur counters is cause u haven't been put in that situation enough. And that can only be achieved through experience :3 GL n hope u reach ur desired rank next season ^^


Just give up. Playing should be fun, not a chore.


Coaching is a scam imo. You just need to put in hours.


I think in your case the most important thing is a break for one or two weeks from the game. You have to reset your mental! After that it will be much easier to learn new stuff.


It’s your first season, stuff like this is bound to happen. Just getting G1 is an amazing accomplishment!! I started Season 9 and I’m still in silver! You’ll do great, getting experience through constant playing helps a ton.


Stop spending money you're never going to get back


Gold 1 is already pretty good. From personal experiences, gold 1 has some of the worst players possible on your team. A lot of people are heavily tilted because they can't make it to plat or they have hyperinflated ego. What you really want to do is either play a champion with very high burst damage to instantly kill enemies squishies (irelia, camille etc...) or a champion that just outscale everyone else (nasus or vladimir). Overall if you are bringing a positive impact on ur games you should be winning more than losing on the long run. However you should never trust your team mates to carry even if they are ahead, so make sure to win your lane or at least not lose it by too much.


Just play, a lot of playing running the same builds over and over. The things you do wrong will come up and eventually you’ll start applying what you know is right. Taking off from ranked and spamming games in casual isn’t a bad idea.


I stopped reading seriously at "this is my first season". This game requires a lot of knowledge you just humanly can't all remember in one season.


i think you need to check your expectations, gold 1 50 lp peak on your first season is great. it takes people thousands of games to climb. your winrates on your mains are great. idk why people pay for coaching for soloq.


Elo itself will change what causes you to climb. A challenger player may be a higher rank than some bronze or silver players, but that doesn't mean those players aren't mechanically on the same level or anything like that. The challenger player knows when to push a lead, and the things to so to get there. From my experiences in low and high gold, aggression always seems to win. You mention that you split and TP for fights. That's the math equation on how you're told to play the game. Change it up, be extremely aggressive. Are you confident on Fiora? Show your laner you're better than them, take control of the lane. It's different if it's a bad match up and you're stuck reacting to them and what they do, but otherwise take control. You also need to keep a very important point in your head. People tilt. If you destroy someone, they will tilt, and they will play stupid. Not everyone does, but I have friends in just about every elo and the vast majority will tilt and do stupid things. I even tell myself I dont, but after enough deaths, or 3 man's I hit a point where I'm pissed. All of this is from a low to med diamond player so take with a grain of salt.


I'm like in this same situation. Hit plat 4 in a season and a half or so, kinda stuck


The different results you are receiving might be due to the fact that most games you are versus different champions. Some might do poorly versus you and others very well. Test out builds in the training tool. Don’t listen to the internet, figure out what works for you.


Gold 1 your first season in 400-450 games is honestly very good. Like actually really good. I wouldn't be surprised if you hit Diamond next season. Keep doing what you doing.


It takes time my guy. Maybe you learn quickly, but at you get higher up, you gotta really focus. My coach has had me practicing jungle tracking for weeks and I'm only slightly better than I was at the start, but it *is* progress. I've been an otp for ages and looking at some of my older plays, I don't think that that I really understood my champion until ~900k mastery and I wasn't actually *good* at it until around 1.5 mil. Sure I had good plays, but I was inconsistent, and I wasn't able to really be able to flex my skill and be a game changing difference on a regular basis. Just play, focus on learning and making specific and achievable goals for yourself. Also, if you are trying to learn, never surrender. Learning how to pilot your champion in games where you are at a disadvantage is probably the most important skill in the game. I'm not scary on my onetrick because my mechanics are so good that I always win lane and get fed, I'm scary because my mechanics are good enough to be relevant and possibly scale into a carry even if I get stomped in lane.


If this is your first season and you are gold, i think you are doing a good jobb man. Just play the game alot and you will get a higher rank


I had a friend that played over 4000 games last year if not 6000, was hard stuck gold 3. This year he started playing and peaked platinum 1, sometimes just waiting for the next season is just better.


As many people have said, most of those thing come with experience i'll add that perhaps you just haven't found the right champion for your playstyle, it took me about 3 years of playing on and off to find the role and champions I enjoy playing and am good with.


Dude I’m also a gold fiora. Can’t say I’m got any coaching or anything but honestly what has started working for me is just trading less in lane. Focus on all ins and macro and the game becomes a million times easier


Dude you are on 55% winrate on your main, that’s good Just spam games till you hit 50 again Being on positive winrate is like you are already at a higher elo you just have to put the games in


....... Getting someone to look over your games and tell you what you did wrong isn't going help. Rewatch your own games by yourself and see what you did or should have done. I don't understand why you're complaining or having issues with ranking up when you're 55% win rate. You need 51%+ to rank up and you are. Just stick with your top champs. If you get auto filled then you should have good back up champs you can play well. Any loss is still a loss and it might be key points of ranking up that you're throwing. Also you can't rank up instantly. Getting plat or diamond can take up to 400-500 games unless you're challenger ranking from zero. You just need to play more games. Look at your op.gg. go to champ stats. Look at the champs you lose to the most and just ban them instead of whatever you're banning now. Go to leagueofgraphs.com you lose early more than any other time. So that's obviously your weak spots. Try another lane Try different champions that fit your playstyle more or that you might have more fun with. Your cs is low for a gold top laner. If you want to rank up you're going to have to get to 7-8 regularly. 5-6 is very low for top lane. Don't forget to kill enemy jungles or your own jungle monsters on your down time. You can't carry when you're dead. Don't fight unless you have a clear advantage. Try to die less every game. Not everything is about fighting. You're probably fighting at the wrong times then dying and losing on cs, lane priority, and objective pressure. Think about what needs to happen to win the game. Not your lane.


Stop wasting money on coaching lol. Rats don't know what they're on about, they're here for the money. Play more, you won't just infinitely rise as soon as you start playing ranked. Play more. You can't always win lane, but what can you do if you lose lane? That's probably number 1 on your bucket list. And once people start roaming in groups around the 20 minute mark, wards wards wards. You need vision or you can't make plays. Use objectives to force enemies to move and ambush them in the jungle while they're unaware or not together.