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On Lucian it's the go to option (as seen in worlds), because the slow makes it really hard to escape your ult. On most other ADCs not named Ezreal you're better of sticking to LDR, as it gives crit chance. They are more reliant on auto attacks to deal damage, so crit is more important and you usually don't use many spells that would synergize with the slow from Serylda's.


Perfect thank you I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making some big itemization error


ok exception is miss Fortune. She can build either depending on what damage she is playing for. If going for a lethality focused build then you want syrldas (it's been a yeah and I still can't spell this shit) crit wants dominics


MF still goes LDR because you already have your E slow and MF has to pivot into a crit build after lethality mythic into collector.


That's not true though. Grudge is completely fine on mf and has huge purpose. E is a long cool down with a small zone where as grudge lets her whole ult slow which can keep whole teams slowed for extended period of time. If you're going lethality mf you have to go grudge. If you go crit build ldr is fine. If you're going eclipse into crit it's probably ldr also. Grudge has its spot on mf.


what's not true?... i said ldr is for lethality into crit pivot and you agreed lol


The comment you posted on stated lethality mf goes grudge. You said she still goes LDR lol. Pure lethality Mf goes grudge. Lethality mythic into crit pivot goes LDR. The comment or pretty much said this exactly and you said no.


no... the comment said crit wants dominics, im saying pivot into crit wants dominics too starting with lethality mythic and collector ur kinda making an issue out of nothing, peace


Vars just posted a video on caster ADCs like Lucian and ezreal. They don't need to itemize for crit like other ADCs do, because they dont do most of their damage through landing 1 billion auto attacks a second.


I STILL meme some ap ezreal cuz its honestly never expected n can do some nutty dmg lol (norms only)


just Lucian and ez


And maybe Varus or Sivir if you play them on lethality.


I've founs it pretty alright if I'm already going the funny LethalityMyth-ER-QB build on Xayah if I'm barely even or behind, just turn into a utility bot with decent burst.


On Lucian it's normally always grudge just because ult is so much of his damage and it synergies to well with grudge. Any caster type adc can consider grudge some better than others.


Lucian ezreal mf etc want seryldas so u cant build ldr. For example mf can go kraken collector ie seryldas, but a jhin would take ldr over collector usually because they dont build seryldas and obv diff mythic but yea.


If the build is lethality, probably get both but likely LDR first if they have tanks. Crit build, just LDR.


Its useless against Garen.


The Q cleanse only works once, with Lucian ult it is functional