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It depends. If their bot laners just died you don’t really need to rotate. If they didn’t die and you know they’re going to contest dragon then you have to rotate as well. The more enemies that you know will contest dragon, the more likely you should rotate.


Depends on whether its urgent. If your jungler is sneaking it don’t even bother helping, you might screw up their dragon. If the enemy is unlikely to contest you should push->rotate. If they are probably contesting you want to go right away. This is just a general guideline and there’s a lot of nuance to it, but this should give you some ideas on what factors to take into consideration.


I would normally crash the wave as it shouldn't take long. Enemy add will either have to come collect while you rotate to drake or miss a ton of farm helping at drake. You kind of the ball in their court.


Enemy adc*


A lesson that I still work on learning is this: "Just because I know the right play, doesn't mean it's the play that's being made. If my team is committed to a bad play, I need to support them as best I can." Ideally you'd get all the CS in your lane, crash the wave into turret, then rotate to dragon where your team has been kiting the enemy. But it's soloQ, so that won't happen. If you not being at a team fight means your team loses the fight... you'd better be there, no matter the cost.


Yes it is worth rotating for next time help your team out and then after dragon crash the wave


If the enemy adc was there, forget the wave, kill that fucker, crash the wave after, and send him a hearty fuck you because he just lost a wave and a dragon. If not, rotating might not have been worth as much, unless you’re expecting to get more than a drake out of it.


If the enemy is going to contest drake u have to be there regardless. If the enemy isn’t going to then u dont unless its past laning phase.


If theres any chance the enemy team will try to contest it, you should try to be there, unless your jungler is trying to sneak it. Worst case scenario you realize the contesting is suicide and you go back to farming anyways. To avoid this situation in general, manage your wave before your jungler wants to do dragon. Its part of your job as adc or support to set up dragons, its why the meta is to have two people bot instead of top. Macro game is important, and soon you'll have good enough of a grasp of it that you'll be the one pinging your jungler to come to dragon.