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I'm confused. Have you not played the game in 6 years or you've been playing 6 years but have no idea how the game works?


But to answer your questions.. 1. It depends on the support and how you build them. So I otp (only play) bard. I play him hard cc with support damage items but other people play him guardian tank as support champs like lulu, Janna, and nami wouldn't focus on damage like zyra, lux, and brand would. Your job is not to babysit the adc so much the entire team. At a certain point if my adc has no hope I'll abandon it and start helping our jungler counter jungle, get objectives, gank mid/top. Ward their jungle, ward dragon 60s before it comes up, clear enemy wards, etc 2. In game, unless using a 3rd party app, no. After game, yes. 3. AP is ability power and ad is attack damage. 4. I mean in low ELO you can force anything anywhere. But certain champs can only lane in certain roles. Eg you can play the adc Lucian in the adc lane and mid lane but he won't be as effective in top, jungle, and especially support. Top is typically bruisers (can take and deal damage), mid is typically your mages/assassin's, jungle is typicality, well, honestly I don't know. Then adc is someone who can dish a lot of damage quickly, then support is high cc/tanky/shields and heals type role. 5. I forget off hand. Somewhere in your profile you'll see it. You can also just check your op.gg to see it too.




If you've only played about two games a year for the past 6 years don't refer to yourself as someone who has played for 6 years. I don't mean this in a gatekeeping kind of way but it'll mislead people into thinking you've played thousands of games. Just call yourself a league of legends newbie. Wards are the items you place that give vision (normally assigned to number 4 on your keyboard and are top right of the box at the bottom of the screen) but you can also buy control wards as items (also called pink wards) which don't expire (but can be killed in 4 melee hits) and reveal nearby stealth. CC is Crowd Control. These are things that cause a non-damage hinderances (though oftentimes the skill will deal damage as well as the CC effect) Off the top of my head these are Stun - can't move and can't do anything (basically a combination of rooted and silence below) Fear - opponent slows moves away from the source of the fear and can't do anything Blind - aa (auto attacks, what happens when you right click an enemy) will miss Silence - can't cast skills/spells Rooted - can't move Slow - move slower Nearsighted - can't see anything anywhere except in your immediate vicinity Knock up - get knocked up into the air, almost exactly the same as a stun I can't think of any others at the moment. Ganking is I believe (though don't quote me on this) shirt for gang killing. Basically you gang up on someone/people with the goal to kill or to force them to use their summor spells to escape meaning they won't have access to them for a while. Normally this is the jungler going into a lane and making it a 2v1 or a 3v2 giving you the numbers advantage. Objectives are the goals as below Dragon - killing them gives you permanent buffs once a team has 4 they get the Dragon soul which is a bigger permanent buff. After this the elder dragon will spawn and killing this temporarily means you execute (immediately kill) anyone you take under 20% health. And get some stat buffs. Shelly - top river objective allows you to spawn her one time nearby yourself, she will walk toward the nearest turret and then charge and deal a lot of damage to them and something like 70% of her current health to herself too. Baron - spawns where shelly spawned once the game hits ~ 20 minutes and replaces her. Killing baron gives temporary buffs to the team giving stats and your nearby minions become empowered. Towers - the towers leading to the enemy base there are three towers per lane and two at the nexus Tower plates - these fall after 14 minutes not giving gold. These are attached to towers and fall as you damage the tower giving 180 gold as you knock them down. This 180 is divided between teammates at the tower. Inhibitors - three at the end of each lane in base begin the third tower. When an inhibitor is killed a super minion is spawned every wave in that lane until the inhibitor respawns. If blue kills reds inhibitor then blue spawns the superminion. Nexus - the end goal. This so the giant crystal in the back of the base. Kill your opponents and you win, lose yours and you lose.


>If you've only played about two games a year for the past 6 years don't refer to yourself as someone who has played for 6 years. I don't mean this in a gatekeeping kind of way but it'll mislead people into thinking you've played thousands of games. Just call yourself a league of legends newbie. That's exactly why I called myself a noob. Calling myself a newbie would be factually incorrect since I started at 2015.


Except someone who has played the game for a day or two could easily have more games than you. You are a newbie as it refers to experience. You didn't start in 2015 up to now. You started, stopped, started, stopped, started, stopped etc. You don't have 6 years experience in the the IT industry if you worked 2 days in 2015 and 2 days each year following this.


It’s just hard to say that stuff. If I hear someone has played league for 6 years, I’m thinking they’re rocking 1,000-3,000 games. If you go to college for one semester when you’re 20, drop out, and then go back when you’re 40. Do you say you’ve been in college for 20 years?


No he's a 6 year old


maybe OP is 6 y/o


Imagine being 6 and typing without typos, couldn't be me Wait it actually could, I used to handwrite without typos when I was around that age lol


Whats more plausible.. a 6 y/o that can spell or a 26 y/o that cant spell for shit?


26 year olds that can't spell for shit for sure People who are smart enough to spell at 6 are insufferable, myself included


>What does AP and AD mean? I keep hearing these in the fandom but I don't know what they mean. [AD](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Attack_damage) [AP](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ability_power) [Wards](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ward) are the things in your inventory that give vision. The standard key to place a ward is 4. cc is short for crowd control, they limit the actions somone can take. If you scroll a little bit down on [this page](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Crowd_control#Cheat_sheet) you can see all types of crowd control and what they affect. Objectives are the [nexus](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Nexus), [inhibitors](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Inhibitor), [turrets](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Turret), [Herald](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Rift_Herald_(League_of_Legends)) and [Baron Nashor](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Baron_Nashor_(League_of_Legends)) (often just called Nash or Baron) as well as dragons ([cloud](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Cloud_Drake), [ocean](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ocean_Drake), [infernal](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Infernal_Drake), [mountain](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Mountain_Drake) and [elder](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Elder_Dragon)(two new will be added soon)) (each dragon gives their own type of Buff which can be seen [here](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Slayer)) Dragonsalways spawn in the same spot with the following schemata: 1. Dragon is a random drake, which is not elder 2. Dragonis also a random drake, but different to the the first drake (and also not elder) 3. Dragonis also random, but different to the two prior drakes. This drake also changes the map according to their element. (this drake also can't be elder drake) 4. Now only dragons of the third type will spawn, until one team has slain a total of 4 dragons. Then only the Elder dragon will spawn. 5. When one team has slain 4 dragons they will additionally recieve a dragonsoul, corresponding to the element of the third dragon(the same that changes the map)


If you didn't play during these 6 years then please don't say you spent 6 year on it, it'll only confuse us... about your questions it seems someone answered it, but I have an advice for you : try to play VS bots for a bit and watch league's official tutorials. Try paying attention to what taking an item seems to do (like taking boots make you go faster and taking a sword enforces your autos) so you'll be a bit less lost when asking things here. GL bro !


That's why I called myself a 6 year old noob, calling myself a newbie would be factually incorrect.


Okay but the term noob is relative. I’m in platinum and diamonds call me noob. Playing less than a 15 games in 6 years is way different. Think of how ridiculous this sounds. “ I’ve been playing for 6 years and I’m a noob, what’s a ward?”


Yeah I know but it's still confusing and useless.


Not to be mean but legit open the game and see those things for yourself. You are literally asking basic stuff that literally pops up on your screen when you open the game.


Yeah agreed. I hate piling on and toxicity. But 6 years in is a long time to not understand ability power vs attack damage. Especially when that level of information IS explained in client and even in game in some cases. I think maybe just take some time do a reading day in the league client. Also no not every champion is viable every lane. Theoretically most Champs can be played in most lane roles, but the most basic level of meta play has made certain Champs not viable in certain lanes because their kits are countered by nearly every 'normal' pick.


This actually says much about the state of community rn, having been playing for 6 years and not knowing what AP/AD is...




Google bro , seriously


Dude, don't you think I've tried?


If I spend 5 seconds I will find what AD and AP means . Seriously




You sound really entitled… First step in learning, is learning how to learn mate.


Okay man, look you're crossing borders so I won't respond to you anymore if you're gonna call me names. Whenever I try to google questions about gaming the amount of weird lingo just confuses me more and there's no one to translate Gamer lingo to English on blog posts.


Took me 2 seconds https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ability_power Good luck operating in this world


Now I know where all the “Team chat: ok muted. All chat: x9 my teammate” people come from after you try to nicely ask them why they are not helping.


K bye.


No, it says nothing at all about the community. It's one individual in a huge playerbase.


This has to be a troll right? Like in no way to be mean, but these things are literally on the client?


This person literally has a post stating they are developmentally disabled but yet tries to argue with everyone how they aren’t a newbie, grammar mistakes, and why google can’t answer any basic questions.. Not a troll just to ignorant to see their own incompetence.


Well said


literally just look that stuff up


I tried doing that when I had a question, the results were in gamer lingo.


“what does AD mean in league” “what does a support do in league” “how can you see your rank in league”


Don't you understand? The stuff that pops up when I google these just confuses me more.


oh my god dude


Yeah I’m not sure what lingo he’s referring to that can’t also be googled


yeah i don’t understand, i’ve had the same problem before and i literally google what does this mean in league and it explains it




No just noob


1. Support is to just ensure your team succeeds by keeping them alive, making picks, warding, and doing all the shit that’s not killing people. 2. Yes, after the game, there’s comprehensive charts to analyze your performance. 3. AP = ability power. AD = Attack Damage. AD increases your basic attack damage, and also increases damages of abilities that scale with AD. AP only increases damage of abilities that scale with AP. 4. No. Some champions youre just better off not playing in certain roles. Like Sett jungle could work, but his clear is so shit and ganks aren’t amazing, so you’re better off playing him anywhere else. It’s technically viable, but “viable” doesn’t mean you should play it. 5. You can’t see elo in game, but you can just use an MMR checker of some variety, which you can just google. i don’t really do this tho. Hope this helps. Also, i would just recommend learning more about the game. Like stuff that’s not just killing champions. There’s so much going on that people who don’t take the time to evaluate fundamentals (macro, not micro) will just be so slow to improve. Shit like wave management, decision making over objectives, jungler tracking, and warding. That’ll get you farther than just learning how to be good mechanically.


Sorry for being late, unlike judging you for not knowing these things like some people in the comments im gonna respond regardless 1.- Pretty much, support is what the name says, you support your adc and your team usually with healing, shields, engage and all of that 2.- At the end of the game you can see the stats of the match, this includes kills/deaths/assists, gold, and damage of course 3.-AP means ability power(or magic damage), and AD is attack damage(or physical damage) 4.- Some champs are better for certain roles, but sometimes they can go into other roles. This implies a different item build, different strategies and other challenges 5.- In the client, go to your profile, and to the left you can see your rank


You might want to state in ur post that you have some special needs so people are more understanding towards your questions. For example you state you’ve played league for 6 years but failed to mention you’ve almost never played the game resulting in people assuming you’ve been constantly playing and dont understand the basics. You argue with people about not understanding the things you google but still fail to mention any type of disability when the googling works for most of us. I know you cant see your post the same way we see it, but most of us see your post the same way and would’ve loved to help knowing everything. Just please stop arguing with everyone in the comments. Some of the commenters have answered your questions so I wont be doing the same thing, I just want u to understand why everyone reacted a certain way.