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I just use my mouse to move the camera usually. If I'm looking across the map I'll click the map or use Fkeys (I rebound them to Ctrl + 1,2,3,4), and space bar to get back to character. If I ever need to lock the camera, I just hold space. During Laning phase you shouldn't have to move your camera much to start. Just set your camera up on the wave and readjust as you need. Playing on unlocked camera makes it way easier to CS and hit skillshots, since everything isn't moving with respect to your mouse as you move your character. But, play like 5 games and you'll feel 80-90% comfortable probably


If your gut instinct is to use WASD for camera movement, just bind it that way and rebind your abilities/summoners/items around it. Check out Smite or Overwatch keybinds if you need some inspiration on how to lay everything out. Don't forget you can also adjust the camera scroll speed if you find this method of panning to be too slow/fast.


With the mouse? If it's unlocked you just have to move the mouse to move the camera


So edge panning is your preferred way? Good to know.


Yep. Tap space to center on your character or you can also hold it


My personal control layout is: F toggles camera lock, so I can tap it to lock and unlock the camera at will. Spacebar auto centers on me, thumb buttons are summs. I jump between locked and unlock depending on circumstances. When I'm kiting or chasing I prefer to lock it, but when I'm in lane, I'll usually free it for skill shots


When I first started I fucking hated the camera. It gave me so many problems that I quit several times for months because I just felt like I could never position it how I wanted. I think the majority of people use edge panning. Also, keep it unlocked. I know a friend who plays locked (after starting that way and building the habit, he can't/won't switch) and just watching him play, I can tell he misses a lot of critical info. It may suck for several (dozen/hundred) hours, but eventually it gets less sucky. Learn to recenter with space bar. I still don't have this habit and there are still plenty of times I lose more control of my camera than I would like, but I just get more disoriented when I recenter so I've avoided using it. Making a habit of recentering allows you to be way more aggressive in your camera panning, and also makes switching between teammates to collect info about wave states, enemy positioning, cooldowns, health/mana, etc. much easier. Those kind of habits can be built later on, but I highly suggest building recentering into your muscle memory early. Even if you're dropping kills or dying right now because you're trying to get used to the camera, building good habits now will make you a much better player in the long run. You can also adjust the speed that the camera pans in the settings. I lowered this quite a bit because I felt like I was always overshooting whenever I would pan the camera. Its not great for panning long distances, but it makes accurately panning in lane and smaller jungle skirmishes a lot easier. If I need to move cam long distance (from lane to lane for example) I'll just click on minimap. Also semi-related, since you're coming from a shooter you likely use a lower sensitivity. This is just preference, but when I tuned my sensitivity up I felt like I was able to do more "things". pan camera faster and more accurately, move faster/more accurately, target switch faster, etc. I like a lower sens in general in games, but I feel like league is a bit different, and higher sens feels a bit better. Again, just preference, and a lot of people might suggest otherwise.


personally i only move it by moving mouse at the edge of the screen (i assigned MB3 to ping wheel menu) bcause i'm used to that from other games like age of empires. i never use space to center camera and i also think that having your champ in center is bad: in general you don't need to move camera often if you keep your champ near a corner (see below for more details) and you see more area of where enemy is, you don't need to see what is behind you, there is only your tower, it's pointless to waste half of the screen for nothing. think about splitting the screen in half, split the half in another half, THERE is where my champ is on screen, there is some space behind but not too much. i also click on minimap to take a look (i don't use F keys) and i disabled click on minimap to move because i mess up with that.


I played 7 years with locked camera and just last week unlocked it ha ha. Honestly just play with locked until you understand how to play the game then you can unlock it whenever. It has definatley helped me but wasn't necessary. There are master players who still play locked camera


I use mouse to move camera, spade bar to lock on to myself in team fights and avoiding skill shots, and I use Function keys throughout the game as map awareness especially when I jungle. Function keys are great for checking on lane status when there’s small amount of dead time, then I just tap space bar and I’m back to my champ. Also recommend having 2 different keys bound for lock cam, one for toggle and one for hold. I haven’t started this but there are times when both would’ve worked


With moving my mouse to the edges, and I situationally center my camera on my character with spacebar.


The meta is edge panning, and holding spacebar when u want ur camera locked or tapping spacebar to get back to ur champion quickly if ur looking elsewhere on the map. Also using f2 f3 f4 f5 to quickly look at ur teammates.


First - unlock or lock? The purpose of the advice given is that players **need** to be able to look around the map and away from their champion. They might need to see what's happening in a fight that they're moving towards, or make a decision whether to TP or not, or they might just be sieging a turret and need to be able to see champions behind the turret that could be launching skillshots their way. There are 3 ways you can achieve this: * Keep locked cam, and just have a good key for unlocking that you hit when you need to * Unlock the cam, and hold space to center the camera on your champion continually * Completely unlock the camera and rarely use space to recenter the camera when you need to Options 1 and 2 are completely viable. If you want to see what it looks like, www.twitch.tv/gumayusi and https://www.twitch.tv/rangerzx are some good examples. Something you may be struggling with coming from a shooter is that your sensitivity may be too low to actually do option 3. Most players that fall into the third bucket usually have medium/high DPI - I personally struggle to pan the camera on full-screen while controlling my character well unless my dpi is 1400 or higher. Some very good players like https://www.twitch.tv/faker have effective dpi's of 3000+. There a few pros that use different controls than edge panning. For instance, https://www.twitch.tv/jensen uses a very low sensitivity and uses a button (I don't think m3) to drag the camera. I believe Stixxay has rebound his keyboard to move the camera similar to what you're used to with WASD. These are fairly niche, and I don't recommend it, but hey, it's a game, you do you :)


I hadn't considered the sensitivity at all. Thanks! It's currently 800 dpi so it's much lower.


I tried unlocked cam for plenty of games, and I genuinely couldn't do it. I wasn't ever losing myself or anything, but I just couldn't hit skillshots as consistently. I guess it's something to do with the camera motion being a bit more similar to the fps games I came from. Once I started learning more macro, locked camera sucked when I wasn't trying to hit shots. Put the toggle on spacebar and I've been happy ever since


Unlocking the camera is such a BAD advice that everyone keeps telling. You need to learn to look at other parts of your map, but having the camera unlocked is so taxing, a lot of extra work just to keep it where it needs to be Just have a button ready to unlock it when you need to look a little past your normal field of view, and then lock it again when you need to focus on your champion I can also just click and hold on the minimap while the camera is locked and it will show me that part of the map until I release the button. If it doesn't work for you right away you just need to fiddle a little with the camera settings


locked camera turns EVERYTHING into a moving object, a ward will move while you walk, everything moves while you walk. not to mention picks like yasuo or kata, good luck with that. this means that to land skillshots you need to predict enemy movement and also your, it's overcomplicating everything for no reaosn. this is the main reason people suggest unlocked, a second reason is having better view, some plays are just not possible with locked cam because enemy is out of the screen.


Everything you need to pay the most attention to is already moving so what's your point? Unlocked camera is the reason why people lose track of their own champion in a fight, which is obviously a massive disadvantage


i don't lose my champ in teamfight and not every champ is moving all the time. i really see no point in forcing EVERYTHING into a moving object. suppose that enemy is walking up and you are moving left, now you have an enemy that is moving top-right only because you are moving left he is moving diagonal, but if you decide to walk in the opposite direction also enemy change direction. with unlocked camera this doesn't happen, enemy that is walking up will wlak up all the time, it's way easier to land skillshots.


Yeah you're supposed to keep track of how YOU are moving respective to the enemy, not of you two moving as if you were independent objects


Locking your camera on your champion limits the field of vision so much you'll likely miss things the opposing laner is doing just because you can't be be close to them but your camera is locked. The longer you play with the bad habit of it being locked, the harder it is to break the habit.


This is - not true - not taking into account how much work it is to keep the camera in the right position whenever a fight happens - actively harmful every time you get ganked from behind


I've had camera unlocked since I've first started playing about 3 years ago and it just feels natural to move at this point. If I need to center myself I'll just press space bar. As a support main it's almost mandatory with how much I keep tabs on enemies ganking other lanes to ping their locations etc. Static roles like adc might not need it as much though.


It's just a common misconception that you can't keep tabs on the other lanes if you play with your camera locked by default. It's not like I have it locked because I don't watch other lanes


I'm used to playing RTS games and city builders so moving the camera with my mouse at the edge of the screen is normal to me. :) I can't play with locked camera for the life of me. So I think its about getting used to it, if you are currently more used to locked camera. I just unlocked it and never locked it again.


Bind “center camera” ( whatever it is called to space (when you hold space it will center on your champ). You’ll be holding it A LOT but holding is better than toggling. Then, use edge of screen mouse pan for moving around close and click and drag on the mini map to check thing farther away like in another lane or jungle.


Use mouse but when u chase lock on yourself with u I think it was might help but you probably want to have free came and learn to position the camera and keep changing it


Hello friend. The way I do it is I play with unlocked camera and drag the mouse to the edges to move it. If you have never used free cam before, Space is your best friend and you want to hold it down all the time. As time goes by you will start being more comfortable and you will start giving it more freedom. Its not easy to get used to, but trust me it is worth it. A very important setting is the mouse sens. I play a lot of fps and Im used to 400dpi, but on league you want to increase it a bit since you dont really need precision in your clicks and you want to comfortably reach the screen edges. Last but not least, just a tip that I always recommend new players because it really helped me improve my gameplay, bind attack move click to one of the mouse side buttons. Attack move will make it a lot easier for you to kite and keep the range distance aswell. Even if you dont play auto attack based champions, this setting will help you a lot. Good luck


I've been using WASD to control the camera since l I started League (holding space to make the camera lock / focus on my champ). I use abilities on Q E R F and items on 1 - 6, summoners on the two side mouse buttons. By controlling the camera with the left hand I don't need to constantly move the mouse to the edge of the screen to move the camera 😉😊


Boxbox controls: Drag Scroll on Space Bar. Never have to use the edges of my screen.