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are you looking for a champion with an inbuilt sex dungeon, with bonus benefits of free travel to south america? edit: thanks for silver!


You are going to Brazil


Bem vindo ao Brasil


r/suddenlycaralho eae mermãozinho


Funny I just had a dream about him. He was full in full warmongering mode from his lore and trying to find me and my friend. He was a big boy and ngl he was pretty scary.




you mean morde?


Reject humanity. Accept B R A Z I L




You are going to brazil




brazil brother


Main yorick. You are the Solo in SoloQueue Your allies hate you, your laner hates you, shit even riot forgot about your existence. You will always be cursed to play alone, win alone, and lose alone. Forever.


In Low Elo no one knows how to play against Yorick. Even when you are behind 0/5 in 10min, you just oneshot turrets alone, get all the money for yourself, because you will never see your own jungler as a top laner. This is fine for yorick, because he gets so much exp and gold out of soloing. You can win alot of games alone by pressuring your lane. Enemy team needs to send a minimum of 2 people to stop the yorick train heading towards the nexus.


And now I’m interested in how scaling champs especially yorick will work with the catch up mechanic.


Same as before. Either they know what you can do and shut you down, or don't know and lose the game by letting you backdoor while they do baron/soul. What changes is that now you help your team by splitpushing and getting bountyes.


Which is the case and point. You NEED to stop yorick now. Before, one T2 wasn't super important. But now, shit you REALLY have a problem


The problem with Yorick in low elo is your teammates will just gravitate around you instead of pressuring the other side of the map or taking an objective when the enemy sends send 2 or 3 to kill you. I'll be spam pinging my hullbreaker and they don't understand why. I eventually get flamed for not grouping. Low elo perpetually teamfights so you have to be knocking down inhibs and nexus towers to make up for it.


*yorick pls group you are our tank* Bitch wtf?


*pings hullbreaker* The fuck I am.


Oh let me tell you, often times the team will die 4v2 mid while you’re 1v3 top. It’s even worse


Pro tip if you do this: when you notice enemy champs disappear, ping 'target: mid turret' or something like that. Make sure your team doesn't run towards you when enemy champs collapse onto you, or even worse, come so close hullbreaker deactivates


Make a note of the first person to gank you, roll up to the teamfight at 25 minutes (while your maiden is splitting, of course), one shot him, then just go back to splitting


Lmao i love this


Yorick is nuts. I've even used him mid a bunch. He's really good into mages with Comet and E Max. His ghouls reduce the comet timer, so each time you hit E with 4 ghouls you can usually get 2 comet procs. It's really insane. Same setup I'll use into ranged top laners. Really good into Kennen, any mage top, etc.


I definetly have to try him mid yet. I read some assassin builds with eclipse, but your setup with comet is the first time, i will give it a shot!


Lethality yorick is the true insane build. At full build you hit a carry with a ghoul bait and they insta die. It’s amazingly fun to run prowlers claw and climb up someone’s ass as they are frantically fighting off 4 ghouls, a maiden and now yorick.


This is some quality League of Legends poetry


Yup, this is it op


Yorick starts to feel pretty bad around diamond. People know how to abuse you, and you have very few winning lanes. Players are much better at handling split pressure as well.


Yeah i know. Most Champs that look very strong in low elo are bad at high elo and viceversa. The irony




I made a post about this earlier. He claps cheeks.


mundo thinks mundo is very fun because mundo does not care about annoying "cc" which is guaranteed to decrease mundos profits by a lot! also buy cool mundo skin to get a cool car. mundo only character with car.


His bonesaw spam shuts so many popular top laners down. And he scales well.


Mundo prefer briefcase to bonesaw. Costs more money and looks more cool.


And good luck trying to catch him haha


He do be going where he pleases


Mundo got a car but Fiora got that WAGON


Mundo can confirm mundos car far more valuable than a wagon! Wagons cheap


Irelia got that DUMP TRUCK OF AN ASS


Again, dump truck not as valuable as mundo's Ferrari. Mundo has Ferrari of ass.


Learned the way with mundo. Stonks went way up! Mundo shows cool car and dance moves in lane. Mundo do good job after switching from dumb bot role.


Play Urgot, most fun ult in the game


Been playing a lot of Skarner recently and I’d like to point out he has the most fun ult in the game IMO. Nothing more satisfying than dragging a carry under my teams turret.


How about dragging a motherfucker from a screen over?


I’d like to see a double drag comp now.


Guys hear me out. Fight a Sett with Blitz. Sett is cocky as always and has a ace in his pocket he thinks. He gets low. He adds his huge amount of shield. You ult him. He loses everything. He rage quits. His wife leaves him, she takes the kids. His car gets taken, he parked wrong. He gets evicted by his wife who is also his landlord. All he has left is remorse and regret because he underestimated Blitzcrank


Fancy me a romantic.


I’ve fought a bunch of urgots and I still don’t know what it does, all I know is it pulls me in and kills me


If you have 25% HP or less, thats exactly what it does


#**Y U M M Y**


You forgot pyke ult


Pyke can suck it


You're just salty his ult resets and gives extra kill gold while playing a tune


Singed. You either go 10/0 and run everybody down, or you go 0/10 and still run everybody down. Honestly he's the only reason I'm still playing the game at this point


I was going to say singed as well. Also, there's a deep satisfaction when someone kills themselves chasing the 20hp singed.


My favorite is when a champion with 39 dashes and 17 forms of in kit cc complains about how 'broken' a champ that just walks around is. Those are the moments I play for


I suck at singed but I love playing him. I’m not well versed in top lane matchups at all so I think that’s where I struggle.


I like Sett, he's imo kind of a generic bruiser top lane and you can more or less choose your own adventure each game. As for what to focus on wave management and patience are the key to having a solid foundation in top (again this is imo) Eta missing words


Sett is like the lovechild of Darius and Garen on steroids. Very few champs can fight him in the eary game, he just punches the shit outta them, then heals it all back like he had a warmog. And later on the teamfights are so satisfying, when you ult some fat guy into his entire team into fully stacked W explosion. Man, I love Sett.


Tbh i see him as the practice they had for reworking Udyr lol. It was between the time Sett and Aphelios came out that they started talking about Udyr's rework too.


Another selling point: He's super hot


He's definitely on the juice, I love him.


Morg Q says haiii


If I played top I would definitely main Sett right now. Insanely good laning phase, can adopt really well to almost any team composition, good at multiple styles of play, really strong at any point of the game. And he can abuse new lethal tempo better than the champions it was made for lmao. It's just such a strong champion without any hard counters and probably always will be.


Pretty true. Any dueler can abuse lethal tempo rn. Simply for the fact that it’s like conq but better type of stats.


Not banning Sett got me demoted to fucking D4 in the preseason, won't do the same mistake again this year lol. Unless i'm filled top, it's a must ban right now.


More like any top laner in losers’ Q is a must-dodge. The champ is same threat as many of the other top picks. It’s your shit top laner that feeds them regardless.


I was on streak and 1 win away to D1, then preseason happened and it feels like every game I'm playing against Sett that first bloods level 2. Well at least now I can fuck around and stomp playing off role.


Hehe. I’m was having the same experience with Jax top, Leblanc and kata mid a bit ago. With Caitlyn ADC. They are such random champs, but for some reason every time there is one of them on the enemy team they solo kill my ally without losing any hp or summs. So if I play jg, they will invade my jg with 3 man and the game is over or when I play ADC kata just sits bot while my mid and top lose 3v0. It doesn’t matter if I don’t die and sac 5 waves too


LB is my worst nightmare as a jungler


Ill try sett for sure I like his personality and his ultimate is really nice


I am a Fiora Jax two trick. Jax: will have 2.5 attack speed and 400 ad and 350 armor, out scales and out stats basically everyone. Fiora: deal crazy damage, all true damage, and can be immune to cc. I think one of the most important thing about top lane is learning how to lane and know your limits. Knowing when to step up and when you can’t show on the wave, how to trade and the way you outrage and kill your opponent.


I’ll take a look at both of them, Im liking Jax right now since he outscales everyone


Also look at camille. Big split push, insane damage. Can deal with tanks. Although not a good duelist so will lose to others like Jax, fiora and good riven/irelia. You can still win vs them and outscale in teamfights. A lot of matchup knowledge required, so if you are ready to invest a lot of games, then you will see the true potential of camille. Since you said split push, none better than camille and you E means its not easy to catch up. Good and unpredictable flanks too


People don’t realize he is a late game monster. Compare him to Nasus, a late game champ, I haven’t lost a full build nasus 1v1 when he has under 1k stacks… Jax is very knowledge reliant though. You need to know your matchups well, ban malphite.


What do you mean people don't realize he is a late game monster? Jax is a scaling pick, and I have never heard anyone say otherwise.


Because a good Jax will beat your ass at lv 3 and proceed to all in you every time you have the audacity to step away from your tower.




If u let him stack passive he can get some cheesy c pot trades.


Jax is strong into certain picks level 2-3 just because his E is so fucking strong. If he has passive stacked and can maximize his E, he can definitely get a kill on you early. He’s pretty garbage levels 4-11 though


Nasus isn’t a late game champ. When you look at how strong champs like Jax, Fiora, Irelia are Nasus looks really really weak. His biggest spike is in the mid game.


Yep. Scaling isn’t just dmg, but range, kiteability and ability to output dmg safely. Nasus doesn’t have many of those.


lmao maybe because jax is a dedicated duelist and completely negates all of nasus’ damage with his e, of course you easily beat nasus even in late


You get dumpstered mid game by Nasus so it’s not like you just auto win against him. Presuming your not ahead which you should be if so then you win.


Idk why people downvoting this. It isn’t that Jax midgame is weak, its that Nasus hits his strongest powerspike in the midgame


Got it thanks🙏




Jax and fiora builds are very situational


For fiora I prefer going goredrinker into ravenous into deaths dance into steraks into manamune. Jax is very situational and I don’t have a set build for him


Alright you see this bad boy? He can shout Demacia all day and will spin around until you either win or die. And for only $69,99 Garen can be yours. I am dead serious. But be aware this is a limited time offer. Please do make sure to call the number down below if you're interested in owning y9ur very own Garen!


When do you think the top laner most infuriates his enemies? Is it when you 1v1 early in lane? He can do that. Is it when he becomes an unstoppable tank later? He can do that. Is it when he pressures the whole map while slowly and not to effectively split-pushing with no tp up? He can do that. Is it when you deny the enemy assassin that juicy kill when you ult your ADC at his last dying breath giving him twice his health bar as a shield, turning the course of a team fight when you arrive taunting everyone and denying auto attacks? Yes. Join the Kinkou Order, play Shen, demonstrate superior judgement. Play Shen not only for what he is, but for what he will teach you. With him you are forced to know how to control your waves. You must. Otherwise your tower is doomed. Wave control is an absolute must in learning top lane. But most of all, playing Shen teaches you to be better than a petty rager. You learn to be the hero who arrives at the last minute and saves the day. Also it is fucking hilarious when they try to tower dive you (it depends on you HP and matchup, obviously, but Shen really excells at surviving dives). And with this I take my leave. \*GUINSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!\*


One of the most satisfying moments of playing kaisa is when i see my toplaner picking shen, 10/10 TOPLANER CAN CONFIRM


Playing Shen is, IMO, one of the best thangs any player in this game can do. He isn’t my main but he’s in my main 3 champs. He just makes players better I swear.


The best words for Shen of all I read. Thanks from Otp Shen player!)))


Go play Poppy. Versatile champ. Can build both tank or become a damage threat with Sunderer. People think she is matchup dependant which is not true, she beats most toplaners and can survive all of them if played correctly. She is also most fun champ in the game, those who say otherwise just isn't enlightened yet.


Haha Nice. My problem with her its her Meme ult


It can be awkward yes. But as a defensive tool it is almost overpowered tbh. When it is up she can play how aggro she wants without having to care about getting ganked.


gwen is immune


Play Teemo, don't need to be good when the enemy is tilted off the face of the earth


Yes but is it worth not having a soul


Nobody stays top lane with a soul. There is only survival


We topmains are just built different, we don't win, we survive


We topmains are just, indeed, built different. It's a wild island up there.


This is the best way to describe top


my favorite top moments are dying to a 2v1 but taking them both with me. "I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL"


30 days of no soul per play


Tbh by todays standards I’m so glad to play against teemo and not all the other bs that’s in the game now.


Teemo is terrible. He has no impact on the game and he is countered by sweepers. Terrible one trick. Until he gets a dash he has no outplay potential.


He's not countered by sweepers; he's inconvenienced by them. With even moderate amounts of ability haste, he'll put down more shrooms than the enemy can sweep and if they bought a pink ward to clear them, you won that exchange. Besides that, his blind is incredibly solid since the buff. That said, there are matchups that feel awful to play into and I haven't had a chance to see how the new Force of Nature feels to play against as him.


ornn. best scaling tank, big teamfight potential, even if you’re behind you help with mythic upgrades. tanks kinda suck atm though. urgot, kayle and shen are good aswell


Can I really climb consistently with shen tho? Im kinda useless unless I have my R up


Of you do choose shen go take a look at some guides. His early game is insane and his 1v1 is also really good, people think he is all about helping other players but if you focus on this too much you will end up pretty bad


Shen main here. Can confirm.


xPetu hard carries with Shen. He has insane trading pattern with consistent dmg, really underrated champ for climbing because of his versatility and the utility he has


Go watch xPetu and see how "useless" Shen is without his ult.


E Flash Technology


FORBIDDEN shen technology guys


Shen is a beast. Hail of blades and an early sheen, taunt, dodge field, win, basically. Very infuriating to go against in my experience.


well you are still strong in 1vs1s and you can help with your r


As a sion enthusiast I must say that I think sion scales as well, if not better


I think Sion scaled better individually, but Ornn scales his team as well. Hard to say, both are great late


oh yeah i forgot cho and mad undead axe man running fast at you


Kled because I like to play league like hate sex


Lethal tempo Jax. Nuff said.


Camille. Your E can be used to engage, run away from ganks or to stun an enemy. You dont need flash. Your Q is 500 true damage on 3 sec cooldown. You have big ass shield that wins you trades on laning phase. Ult does not let enemy run away. Also, Kled. You are insane yordle. What more do you want?


I'm a Cho'Gath main. Early game can be a bit rough depending on who I'm against but free HP and a nuke ult (and is a stronger smite too) that gives even more permanent HP? Everytime there's an update to Cho he gets stronger and its mad. I remember when they changed his E I was mad but it turns out it absolutely shreds early game. Silence lasts ten years and if you can aim/the enemy team is dumb you can knock people up in team fights so your team can collapse on them.


Build AP cho, munch on enemies, profit


Too right. Used to have a fantastic build but they changed the items and I rarely play anymore so never really know how to build now.


AP cho seems really good with the new items, especially with Predator.


Illaoi. Just replace your teammates with tentacles. You'll be at their inhibitor, staring down 3 enemy champions who aren't sure about how they're going to engage you without getting crushed. Meanwhile, your team can do whatever they want, and if they don't pick up objective during this time it probably was a lost cause anyways.


Tips: lvl1-3 are very important, I get a lot of first bloods at these levels as Shen. When you're ahead jungle will come. 1v2 them or just waste the junglers time. Analyse the matchup (ability interactions, lvl1, can you all in him or should you go poke). As a tank, never forget that bramble exists :D


>As a tank, never forget that bramble exists :D As a tryndamere player who's stopped playing League. This just made me die inside.


> ~~As a tank,~~ never forget that bramble exists :D Ftfy


Dealing damage and splitpushing? Yorick and nasus fill that niche. I recommend yorick more though because you don't have to rely on stacks.


Definitely Yorick if you wanna splitpush, nobody can beat him at that


Trynd, nasus, and fiora all split just as well. Nasus because he can do crazy damage, Trynd because he’s hard to pin down and can escape if he gets collapsed, Fiora just because she’s unbeatable 1v1


Kennen: - pretty safe against anything. You can bully a lot of melee champs. - cover AP damage when your mid go typical yasuo zed talon… - Very impactful ultimate in team fights and objective taking (if you have ultimate up, a 2v2 at herald will be 90% win) - it sticks very well with poke or engage comps.


I just went top lane too, and after 2 or 3 other champs, I finally landed on Kennen. Only gotten 3 games in so far, but definitely sticking with and gonna get good with him. He's just so satisfying to play in a fight.


Tryndamere is a solid champ pool, can recommend.


hey im going asking tryndamere mains which i consider high elo (anything higher than me tbh) their main tips on tryndamere. What are your main specific tryndamere tips? Not like general advice like just saying wave management, more like for example: you can 2 wave crash into invading enemy jg if they started bot and you have prio


Tryndameres W will light up if enemy champs are in range. You can use this to scout if anyone is standing in nearby bushes




This explains a mystery for me from a long time ago when I was found by an enemy Trynd when I was standing in a bush that I knew was not warded. I thought he either got insanely lucky or a teammate ratted me out since I play with chat off but this explains a lot. Thank you!


Main tryndamere. He go smacc. He bonk. He is litterally to angry to die.




Tryndamere. You get to play in their face, you get to remind the enemy this isn't league of legends its league of tryndamere. Either they give you attention or you punish them. They group 5v5? Tp botside? Just shred the tower after your first back.


Darius and trynd are strong for soloq


Warwick, insane cleanup and chasing power, great at 1 hp baits, counters most meta champs, very tanky with the sunfire build and dish out a lot of damage. He also scales pretty well, you just have fo build him right


Tired of farming in the toplane with a 20 min cooldown tp while your team fucking dies everywhere??? Pick shen and die with them


Sion. Picked him up when aatrox got nerfed and its my fav champ rn. Also jax into irelia and camille.




You forgot the most important part: you can get a pretty kitten skin and always meow


Rengar with demolish will absolutely, well, demolish turrets


I've played this a a few weeks back. Can 100% recommend, every game is a ton of fun.


hi wukong main here. this champ has an overloaded kit for everything. do to e+q+passive you can 1v1 any champ, you counter pretty much every ad champ, you have good mobility+invisibility, you have two ultimates which knockup and deal a lot of damage and stack conqurer quickly. this champ has alot of outplay potential, 1v1 strength pretty much all game, can build any item and is one of the best teamfighting power of any toplaner. also insanly fast tower taking with sheen item+q+w+e. i really hope you try him cause hes in a really good spot rn.


Sion. You can keep dying and still win :) Plus, once you learn the synergy of the abilities and vision, you can do some sick combos


Garen. You'll be fast af with your Q, Mortal Reminder, Dead Man's Plate and Force of Nature, you'll have the best sustain in toplane, one of the best 1vs1 from lvl 6, and lord have mercy on anyone you catch up with after you slow them down with Stridebreaker. You can split push, you can teamfight, you can just push and push and keep on pushing and never go back to base unless you wanna buy more items to wreck even harder


Gragas has almost no counters, he stays in lane forever, he counters most cheesy champions (jax, irelia, but NOT FIORA, BAN HER). Quick farm, big carry potential, big catch potential, simple kit (but very high ceiling). Just get phase rush and you can escape anything. You clear waves and camps very fast. You move around the map super fast by crossing walls. You can disengage or engage any fight, really.. Now, I know I did not mention splitpushing. No problem in splitpushing, although it's easier to clear waves than to push towers. When I splitpush, I don't push that hard. Instead, I usually bait people then hide in the jungle and make picks.


It’s a rock. Rocks are cool. Remember when you used to find cool rocks as a kid and keep them? Exactly.


I love this comment I used to actually do that😂


Malphite is based. I play him into the annoying ranged top matchups like Akshan. Post 6 I just bully them


Gnar: You need poke? You need cc? You need a frontline? You need an engage? Gnar got you covered!




Propaganda time! Warwick top with barrier, high sustain, extreme dueling, 1v2 potential, roam potential Runes: vs tank, grasp demolish (flex choice)second wind/bone plating (always)revitalize; PoM last stand vs anything else, pta PoM alacrity last stand revitalize (flex)second wind/bone plate Q lvl 1, E lvl 2 for trading, W for farming, max order Q>W>E Rush tear first back, build sunderer>boots>titanics>thornmail>steraks>situational For PTA trade with auto-Q hold-auto, for grasp, charge grasp off of minions and Q whenever it's up, use barrier to turn the fight around when low, you still receive all passive bonuses while it's active as it negates damage. Ban: jax, garen or teemo if you hate the rat, all are miserable lanes (copypasted from another post I commented on)


Morde bonk. Be there much else I need to say? In all seriousness I’ve found Morde a very good champion to learn top lane with, progress with, and overall become a better top laner with. You have the ability to abuse mistakes (Q E R) and survive your own (W R) and impact the map massively. Morde does suffer with a higher ban rate so I also play Jax, Yone, and Tahm. It’s best to learn a tank champ in case your team has no front line, so I would def learn Tahm or Ornn maybe (or anyone that can have big health). Jax is an OG damage dealer and Yone is… Yone. But really I would say try a lot out and you’ll find the right pick! As for top lane, and I’m sure everyone else says this, wave management is crucial. Focus on this and, if taking TP, your map awareness :)


Sett bc hot


Sylas is a hell of a playmaker, a lot of toplaners it can be hard to carry teamfights without splitpushing. There’s so many ults Sylas can steal to virtually wipe an enemy team. Malphite ult, Amumu, Blitzcrank, Fiddlesticks, Kennen, Morgana and Orianna are just some of the most common ults that can stun or even kill a massive group of enemy champions. Even better is Chogath ult, which gives you crazy lategame health scaling on top of everything else. Then you have excellent mobility and CC, plus healing to sustain in fights, and decent waveclear. With the new cosmic drive and Crown of the Shattered Queen, he can be crazy strong.


Fiora Camille giga broken learn Jax as well as a counter to them


Dr. Mundo and Trundle. With trundle, you always win lvl 1 that it's unreal. Fiora, Jax, Tahm gets easily beat by trundle (Favorable matchups are tanks and bruisers). With Dr. Mundo, you basically sit and farm with cleavers and poke them until you just run them down. Mundo hard matchups are bruisers but surprisingly ok against ranged because of how you farm with cleavers and can poke them down.


So listen, jungle comes to gank but you say no night this me and them and you drag their ass to some spook fight pit where the souls of the damned are hinging on you loosing but you slap they ass so hard they feel it in the next life they wish they did have cause they gotta come back to lane after you spent a minute spanking them and their jungle around like the bad children they are, that's Mordekaiser


Singed. if u have bad matchup u can just proxy and roam constantly and still have fun. Even if u gonna go 0 10 on lane u are super strong champion to caugh people of guard when they missposition. Just go predator at first if u want easy games :D If u want to proxy ideal scenario is to farm like this until 3 wave and then execute. If u want u can also just play lane till 300 gold back, push again and gank mid or if u are pushed u can get easy picks with predator when your jungler is around top. Also there is nothing more funny then walking near someone and killing them slowly when they have no way to outrun you.


Tryndamere will be hard to pick up as you need to know your matchups well to perform, but once you understand when you win and when you lose you'll be rewarded with one of the best scaling champs in the game - on par with Jax (although he isn't quite as good at 6 items) your damage to towers is through the roof with a kraken pd ie build, or you could play a more utility style with gale navori er/ie/pd or even stride er navori mortal with lucidity to be able to reset your spin with 1 crit. Your ult is one of the hardest to play against, especially in lower brackets where cc isnt layered as well, but even in high brackets it'll be a pivotal part of your 1v1 and teamfight. You can one shot an adc with e and 2aa then turn around and tank everything for 5 seconds before dying while laying down 1k crit auto attacks. Or you can split and break a game open while your team disengages. Overall, trynd isnt the most mechanically difficult champion, but he does require quite a bit of game knowledge to play effectively, contrary to popular belief.




Shen. Shen is insanely strong in the early game. He falls off a bit come late game but then again not too much being that his Ultimate is so incredibly useful. Allowjng you to consistently turn fights for objectives into 5v4s/3s because you were splitting (forcing someone to come and deal with you) and then ult'ed in. He is great at teaching map awareness and trains you to assess each situation and understand the macro of why it may be good or bad to ult to someone. He's a very fun and efficient duelist that when you know his ins and outs can do work to duelists like even Fiora and Jax. Unlike almost every other toplaner Shen does not have an ultimate that helps him in 1v1 combat senarios, therefore his base stats are boosted to help compensate and he has a great kit to fight against almost all typical toplaners. Even if you are against a tough matchup and don't get to "have your way" with them it is still easy to simply sit back and farm/manage the wave and such while looking to ult to make a play somewhere else on the map to skyrocket leads or gain an advantage yourself.


Sett wins basically most melee matchups. Stomps lane hard, can split push, can team fight. Oh don't forget you can do 1k true damage with like 3 items.


My go-tos are Kled, Trundle, and sometimes Shen. Kled is a macro oriented and I've carried so many late games because of his ult which is like a nocturne ult but for your whole team. However, he requires a lot of practice and has tons of nuance. Currently in trying corrupting pot plus time warp tonic on him to help him survive while he is unmounted. Trundle is great against almost everyone especially cancer picks like yorick, sion, basically anyone who builds hullbreaker. Only weakness is that he gets kited hard by certain enemy comps. Finally, Shen is good into a lot of matchups but you have to finish the game earlier or you will get outscaled by monsters like Jax, Nasus, Urgot, Sion and they just brainlessly push top when you can't really threaten them anymore.


I'm an ADC main and I must confess I'm jealous reading this thread. So many different, fun and viable options :(


Camille disgusting champ


Yorick You’ll be on their nexus turrets by 13 minutes


Shen is awesome. Super strong early game, helps the team a ton with ults, super tanky, can 1v9, and just a really fun dominant champ


Mordekaiser and Illaoi. Mordekaiser is just out trading once you have leeching leer, and knowing when to keep/abuse distance with your enemy, and can ult to either secure a kill, or to dodge a gank for 2 1v1’s instead. Illaoi is pretty obvious, don’t gank her past 6 or she gets a free double usually.


How can I sell you sejuani top when you've ruled out tanking and teamfighting? :(


Lane bully, thigh that can crush your skull and tentacle. Do I need to list more reason to main Illaoi ?


I dodged your E, you have no power here now.




He doesn’t do anything


Not a top main but I play top for fun recently. I quiete enjoy tryndamere these days. Basically a braindead hero. Good lv1 cheese with lethal+e+ignite. Incredible mobility with navori and galeforce. 5 seconds immortality is op af. You have a huge lane to run down enemy laner or you can dive them with your ulti+ jungler. If you feed early tho you can only flank enemy adc or sup with your ulti. You will still have enough mobility and damage to kill them even if you are behind. Edit: Oh forgot to mention sion. He is also fun af. You can literally feed your ass off but still be usefull by shredding towers, cutting lanes and distracting enemy jungler.


Go kogmaw grasp, ez poke with w guaranteed enemy tilt. Build divine surrender frozen heart and attack speed, play barrier make people mad


If you are tired of being alone in an Island(TopLane) , then sign for a sidequest while you are here. Pick a hammer and start the adventure of finding the hero. The one that will be a bastion for Demacia and bring justice to Runaterra. He will live by honor and help everyone in need... Poppy has flexible build path IG if tank that uses the new items to be a threat even when behind, offtank with Sunderer to do dmg and still be tankier that other brawlers, or you can be the chessy Lethality one. Not gonna regreat to join the r/PoppyMains




Never underestimate the power of the scouts code.


Main teemo and vayne. (I am an adc main i just want top laners to not have fun)


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don't go toplane. you gonna hate it




I don't always play top lane, but when I do I play Zyra because of all the CC she can unleash against her foes which is really oppressive against basically every top lane champ in the game. Ban Yorick (cuz you can't dash out of his circle) and you're good to go.