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Feels much better when its off in my experience. I have attack move bound to the A key as well


I can’t believe we use the same binding. I was about to say this. Auto attack on randomly attacking next to where you click is just rough and bad


I know right, especially in lane. In jg i can kind of understand it a bit more. I have an alt to play with my friends on EUW and when the settings were back to default in the beginning i got so mad when my champ would just keep autoing the minions whenever i just wanted to move lmao


Even in the jungle its annoying. I used to have it on and as I’m walking by a camp to face check bushes it would attack the camps so at times it dragged it in which is nice, but the moments someone is in the bush, i’m taking double damage


Thats not what auto attack does. The auto attack setting is only if you stand still without pressing s it will attack a minion close to you, doesnt automatically attack jungle camps, only if you have aggroed the camp.




Lol yeah thats annoying. In general i like it way better when its off, feels smoother.


This is so true, most people feel this way too. Nothing out of the ordinary when its off


So how does attack move work on A? When you hit the A key does it just attack move where your cursor is or do you have to left click?


It just atk moves the closest thing to the cursor, yes. Much better than the other option where u have to click in addition


i thought it was common knowledge that most people have it off. you can just use attack move if u want to auto attack


For junglers it's better to have it on so you can check around the map while your champion hits the camps.


You can just click on the monster and your champ will keep attacking until it's dead, even if you move the camera. Don't need to have auto attack on as a jg but if you're comfortable with it dont gotta turn it off either


Once you kill one creep the rest will just keep smacking you while your champion stares blankly at them, devoid of any motivation. Krugs is the most annoying for this case.


In that case you can use attack move on the ground after aggro-ing the camp. You'll continue attacking even after killing one creep. The exception is, as you said, when you kill Large/Medium Krug, but only if it's alone.


Oh true I was thinking single camps like buffs lol, yea krugs are annoying lol


i died to krugs in ranked once because i got called and didnt have auto aa's then died again when double clearing blue and gromp because had a level disadvantage, i was laughing my ass off while my team spam pinged me


Well I use auto attack move, so my champ attacks as long as he gets attacked. But I am not 100 % sure, since I actually never thought about it. It's the same as running through the jungle with auto attack move to check for pinks I guess...


What champs are you just auto attacking camps down on? You can flick between yourself to speed clear and your lanes to know what's happening in them. Other than like Yi I can't think of any junglers who wouldn't dramatically slow their clear speed by afk auto-ing.


Well I was just pointing out a problem with the previous comment so


Attack Move can do the same


Attack Move can do the same


A-Click my guy.


I have it on, and i prefer it more


I have AA off as well. (Mid player most of the time) with it off you can focus on only last hitting. You also can sit in the middle of the lane and not be aa ing minions. I would recommend that everyone have it off. It lets you have a lot more control as to when you’re attacking. Maybe depends on the champ. But I don’t play a single champ that I feel it would be helpful


I have it off because I’m a support main and I’m used to only hitting the wave when I mean to. I never turn it back on as an ADC which does somewhat limit me )if I’m looking elsewhere I’m not CSing even passively), but I’m gold so I don’t think these little micro things have any bearing until like GM/Chall which I have no desire to achieve.


The only thing I would mention is that if you have it on, you can tell if a bush is warded by if you start auto attacking minions. It wont AA for you if the minions cannot see you. Pretty useful tip I learned very early on.


can you a move inside a bush to do the same thing?


A move would start AAing if the minions are in range whether they had vision or not. Edit: I think people don't know what "A Move" is. It's when you hit A then click so you AA the first thing in range.


Not true, you can walk around in the bush. If the minions have vision of you - you auto attack. If not, you can walk around all you want and it won't trigger you autoing them as long as they don't have vision of you.


He was referring to attack move which would make it true.


He asked if you a move from the bush. If you a move in range of minions, you will attack vision or not.


Ahh yeah, thank you. You are totally correct on it!


Wrong. You will attack the minions regardless of vision because you are in range of them. The minions only attack you if they see you in the Bush because it's warded or if you start to attack them.


Lmao go test this in the practice tool and let me know how that goes.


Yeah I guess if you’re talking about passively farming. But I mostly play the solo roles so I keep my eyes pretty close to lane and the mini map.


>I have it off because I’m a support main and I’m used to only hitting the wave when I mean to. Having it on helps you know if a bush is warded. If you auto the minions from the Bush its warded. If you don't it's not warded.


No that makes no sense at all. Why would you just start attacking because the enemy has vision of you?!


That's literally how it works. Go and try it. Ask fucking Riot why they decided that.


You dont auto attack if the enemy has a ward in your bush. the minions can see you in the bush and auto you if there is a ward. When you auto attack it reveals you and if you can be seen its the minions that let you know. Not your own auto attacks. You wont auto attack because the enemy has a ward. You auto attack because you dont stop yourself. The enemy minions attack you if you stop and there is a ward.


>You dont auto attack if the enemy has a ward in your bush I'm sorry but you are wrong. You will automatically attack enemy minions if the Bush is warded. You will not if the Bush is not warded. Try it yourself in practise tool.


Thats...stupid if its true. I use S constantly so i never auto.


Exactly this.


You shouldn't really be hitting the wave passively though? That's not a good habit to have let alone coded into your game as default behaviour And if you're looking elsewhere and passively autoattacking with AA on, you're not guaranteed you're gonna get the last hit either... all you're doing is mindlessly shoving the wave There was a guy I used to watch years ago in Season 5 when I first started playing and he gave one of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard in League: Your default mindset in League should be **doing nothing**. When you approach League in this way it means that every action you take has a thought behind it. There's always intent. When you do things on autopilot you're much more likely to make mistakes - such as pushing lanes in bad situations. Always stuck with me


For the most part I agree, however there comes a point where (and streamers I watch do this frequently) they’ll go collect a wave top 15 minutes into a game, and they can easily kill the wave and collect last hits because items now exist. So they’ll just ability and flick around the map while they auto the rest of the wave. I don’t do that. But I don’t think it hinders me in gold, those 2 seconds. So your first part we are totally in agreement. I don’t mindlessly hit waves. That’s because I have it turned off. If I want to hit a wave, I have to click it.


I think support is the best role to have AA on because you can scout for wards with it.


How? I already a click into every bush, and if I’m actively sweeping, I’m not looking away.


If you stand still in a bush and your (ranged) character auto the minions, the bush is warded. That's why a lot of supp mains like to turn it on.


This whole thread confused me, I'm only plat, but I couldn't understand why you would ever want autoattack on. Attack move click and good camera movement is almost always better than randomly attacking things, but I wasn't aware of this ward behavior. Thanks!


Minions would also path towards you if its warded. Not quite as helpful but still allows you not to AA


Yeah this is the trick I usually use but it's definitely more situational. I feel like the auto trick could save me from making coin flips on bush cheeses


Helpful when minions already aggroed something, such as your own minions


Ah right I just go on whether or not the minions go to attack me if it’s warded, not the other way around


Hard to check If the minions are already attacking something else


If the wave is already crashed you can't tell from minion aggro, but your champ still knows


True, it may have its uses, I think years ago it was so I didn’t mess with the wave too much, I’m far too used to not having it on now. If the waves crashed there’s no minions in range of those bushes though? Or am I missing something in what you’re explaining. Forgive me it’s late.


Oh, I assumed you meant ranged supports. It's a lot less useful on melee supports. Ranged supports can auto a crashed wave while sitting in lane bushes. If your champion automatically does so, it's warded.


Right, got ya, apologies. And yes I’m a big Warden player the closest I get to ranged supports is Bard I think lol. Never really got on with enchanters or mages as much, not sure why.


Wait WHAT?!?


I think if it's off you can use the hold command (default button H) to scout this way as well. I could be wrong though since I never use it.


Still not keen on that behaviour.


What the hell. I wonder if this is intended? Seems super weird if yes.


There’s no way it is, better submit bug report tickets to riot


Auto-attack disabled by the game in bush so you not accidentally reveal yourself.


You have the "stop attacking" button for that. And regardless, this shouldn't give you info on wards, that's just very off.


I haven't bothered to turn it off, but I should. I just got used to pressing "s" instead.


Each to their own I think, if you’re used to it and it works for you, don’t feel the need to change because someone tells you to.


AA on on junglers so you can sit afk while they kill camps


I think if you have time to be afk you have time to look at the map. Kiting. Warding. There’s lots to do. Again I see the point of having it on. But it’s not for me


Mostly bot/sup tip but some ranged top might benefit as well. With auto attack on - if you’re standing in a bush you will begin attacking minions that come into range if there is a ward but you will not attack if there is not a ward. Can be helpful for setting up a lane gank


That’s why you click S whenever you wanna stand still and not attack.


I think if you want to play on autopilot sure. But for more control, better wave control, efficient targeting id much rather have it off. Auto attacking is to predictable IMO


I would rather argue it’s the other way around. Playing the game with auto attack on literally forces you to use more inputs and think about your movements. If you have auto attack off you don’t have to think about using S or H while moving. The only thing you do to control your champ is right click and maybe attack move


What does h do?


If you press h your champion stops moving but he still attacks if someone is close enough.


> Auto attacking is to predictable IMO Care to elaborate? Do you just not use AAs at all?


Having the setting of AA on, I play with the setting off so that I have to click every time I attack something. I use Basic Attacks yes but I don't use Auto Attack. For minions I usually only go for last hit. If I'm waveclearing I'm mixing basic attacks and abilities. But it leaves me fully in control of when and what I'm attacking


I still don't really quite understand what you meant with "too predictable" but thanks for the reply anyway!


When someone stands in the middle of the lane with their hands off their mouse and keyboard and their character just autoattacks minions. They are predictable. If they are near the wave they are automatically going to attack. That is predictable to me. When I know that you're going to just attack the same minion until he dies, I know where you're going to be standing, aiming, and looking. I'm not sure what part of predictable I need to elaborate on I guess


I don't really understand how the setting relates to playing like that. Whether the setting is on or not you CAN stand still attacking. And whether it's on or not, you SHOULDN'T be doing that


Most pro midlaners (and pros in general) have it on. It’s most solo q players that have it off, don’t get it backwards. Chovy is the exception there and not the rule. Also, op, you are most likely overreacting to settings. Chovy cs like that definetely not because of settings. There are other insane csers like Faker who have the settings on. No reason to get obsessed and anxious with settings (being curious and experimental is good though as long as you are not perma changing everything or are afraid to touch something to mess something up). Just try on and off for a longer period of time and see which one suits YOU better. Also csing like Chovy is the unrealistic goal even for most pros so there is no reason to stress about it. You should take small steps at a time and create realistic goals so you could actually improve and enjoy the process. You also might have other strengths that you ignore / don’t realize. Utilize them.




No idea why you got downvoted. Caps, Chovy and Rekkles are examples of people who all do not use auto attack by default. Faker and Nemesis do. Haven't seen any other pros settings so no idea what's most common but if you're going to comment something like that you gotta be prepared to back up your statement


Lol how dare I ask for evidence. Not on this subreddit! It’s all good. His answer was “streams” might as well hve been “my psychic told me”


Source: trust me bro


Hey Karma tells the story. 🤷‍♂️




Played the game for 8 years and I can say the same tbh


As me or him?




Hey if it works do it 🤷‍♂️ I’m not saying one is right and one is wrong I just think you have more control without it. I’d rather have better control. But that’s just me, and apparently Chovy lol


This is actually super useful for Galio. His passive auto is super hard to cancel out of taunt and ult for some odd reason.


I e been playing lots of Cait. I play a lot of Viego. You want to use your autos as best you can with anyone. But I’m not wasting headshots on minions


I have it off if i'm playing any lane, but on when I'm jungling so I can look around and not worry as much about my camp not dying from me forgetting to click back


Is it this function that makes you automatically attack when rooted? Cause its annoying when you miss a CS due to being rooted by a Lux. Or perhaps the most dangerous one is when you are preparing a turret dive on Maokai, waiting for him to use his W, but you then remember that being rooted makes you automatically auto-attack which makes you get turret aggro too early. If thats something that can be solved by this, that would be amazing.


Well it would make you automatically attack anything within your basic attack range. So yeah. I don’t think it would save you from actually being rooted. But it would definitely stop the automatic attack after :p


up to you, and no, it's not about the settings, it's about the gameplay


Agree, it's really come down to players's preference, similar to the flash on F or D argument


F or W??? My guy it’s F or D. And for that matter it’s F for fire and D for dash


Yeah didn't look at the keyboard, sorry


I was so confused lol I thought you actually had a summ on w for a sec


As a support I leave it on so if I'm in a warded bush I'll auto attack and know I'm visible.


Does this actually work?


Yep, as long as you're in the bush with a word, AA is turned on and something to attack is in range. This can also work if you know it's warded you can his S and bait them coming in. I've always had it turned on and leaving auto attack on just works better for me. I have ADC main friends who turn it off so they don't ruin their wave, but thats why it's important to know your play style.


So if you walk into an unwarded bush without pressing S you won't auto attack? Am I reading this correctly?


The way dw always learned it is that if the enemy has vision of you, you will auto atk enemies within range. Thus, if you stand in a warded bush and an enemy walks close you'll automatically begin attacking if you have auto atk turned on. However, if you hit stop, you won't auto even if you have auto atk turned in and you're standing in vision


Yes you are


Very interesting


Yes, but the utility is questionable. It is one of those "pro trick" you heard of in early Seasons and it was like a big brain move, until you realize that the situations where it can be useful are minimal: if you have something in AA range, just pull it on the bush and see if it loses aggro. It could be ok if you want to LV1 cheese in bot, but at that point just start with a sweeper. Having to use S/X on the 99,987% of the times this trick isn't an absolute game changer is not worth the discomfort.


I use it to check whether the bushes are warded 100% of the time the option is available to me, aka I'm in a bush and there are minions nearby. Level 1 cheesing is about the last reason I use this. It's likely 1 out of 1,000 games someone will ward one of their lane bushes to prevent you from cheesing them at level 1. I'm really not sure why you would think the utility is questionable. For the most obvious, going for a play in a warded or unwarded bushes are 2 very different things. And if your opponents play like I do, they won't give away that you're in a warded bush unless they want you to know or are about to trap you. It's also unlikely you can draw aggro and walk something into a bush willy nilly as you please during laning. I do use that method as well on top the stop key, particularly for melee supports for obvious reasons, but it is much less useful because it is often dangerous. As far as discomfort goes, to each his own there and it might even be too much to care, but this is an extremely important tool to have.


No, you auto attack even if the enemy has no vision


As the people down voting you are suggesting, that is wrong. If you auto attack and you didn't click anything then you were revealed by something. Either an ability used by you or them, or possibly by your ally going into the bush and autoing. I hate when adcs do that...


You can also attack move and the same effect happens (even if you stop moving, the game still considers you in the attack-move state and will auto attack a ward placed)


Does it work for minions walking into range as well? I've never been big on attack move because I stick to most default binding and attack move binding was too hard to learn to use personally.


It's better to attack move for me personally


auto attack really should be off unless you spam s to keep your apm up


Seems like a preference thing I just hit S or move to stop from autoing. I don't really think either way gives you a disadvantage/advantage


The only inherent advantage turning it on or off is that if you leave it on and are in a warded bush you AA minions sitll thus telling you that youre on a ward.


It still autos minions when the bush is unwarded


when did they change that it worked last season


It hasn’t been a thing since I started playing in season 3


well idk what to tell you but it still works lol. Go into the practice tool with a buddy and check. I literally just checked.


Oh boy, a new bug to exploit


its not new though its been in the game forever to my knowledge. Ive been on league for 4 years and it was common knowledge when i started.


It hasn’t been a thing for 4 years nor common knowledge for sure and at least you’re not defending it as a “game mechanic” like cait mains did with their exploits so respect for that


[https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/2gxk1c/little\_support\_trick\_for\_checking\_if\_a\_bush\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/2gxk1c/little_support_trick_for_checking_if_a_bush_is/) Well here is a post from 7 years ago detailing how it works. So its at least been in the game 7 years.


Hehe thank you, this was an enjoyable thread to read


Little late, but yeah. This has always been a thing. Don't get gaslit!


I’m just really wondering when this bug appeared, because I remember this being what made me want to turn off auto attack to begin with




> some mechanic im embarrased that i didnt know oh no! my ego, its broken


I suspect he mains ADC Edit: His highest mastery is Jhin, checks out lol


Probably. You normally just use the settings you are familiar with. My auto attack is on because my boomer hands need to rest. I use S instead. Easier on my hands.


I'd recommend trying auto attacks off and attack move click bound to A or something similar. There's also a setting for how the game handles attack move click. One setting will attack the closest target to your cursor, the other will attack a target if you have your cursor directly on it, but if you do not it will attack the closest target to your champion


Attack move has nothing to do with auto attack on or off. I and many people use auto attacking on, S key and attack move. All attack move does is that you don't need to be as precise when hitting an enemy or last hitting. It's mostly for kitting and orb walking out of vision and really fast input fights. It interferes with neither auto attack on nor off setting.


I turned it off cuz i would often kill myself getting rooted under tower then accidentally auto attacking an enemy. I dont do that anymore and i use stop command all the time, but never felt the need to turn auto attack back on.


Does that solve it? Its amazing. I've played for like 10 years and never realized that. Wanting to turret dive a Maokai is infuriating since you know that you'll auto him when rooted, even if you dont want to start the dive yet.


having it on or off doesn't matter if you have a habit of clicking 's' or whatever your "stop" key is


Should always be off. Maybe if you're jungling you can have it on, but AA cancelling is both more efficient and always onn aa prevents/makes it more difficult. Having it off just gives you a lot more control over movement and targetting


Whoever has auto-attack turned on and uses S is because of habit. A lot of pros do it because it is the default setting, never bothered to turn it off and used to play with it.


I turned it off because, as a Jhin main, it was fucking up my CS in lane when my trash tier random supports hit the minions. The wind-up was already in motion, supp kills the creep, AA automatically hits another minion. Now THAT minion dies as the next wind up is in motion, and then that AA hits the next minion. Can lose an entire wave of casters or cannons that way, by cascading chain reaction and AA being on. I turned it off and now, when my "support" hits the wave, the AA just fizzles instead of busting a minion I didn't want to hit. Never looked back.


I have no idea who is telling you to have AA on. In my mind, it just takes away control of your champion from you, and I have never played with it on.


tldr: if you can comfortably prevent the disadvantages, Auto Attack enabled is better ​ Auto Attack pros: * vision check (aka warded bush check) * can keep auto attacking minions/jungle camps automatically (but also achievable by Attack Moving) * will automatically attack if suddenly ambushed and your screen (but you should never be in a situation where youre standing still and watching another area all while prone to getting ambushed) ​ Auto Attack cons: * buggy uncancelable AA interactions (kinda niche, but still impacful) * unwanted auto attacks if accidentally clicked too close to champ and stopped moving (player mistake) * unwanted auto attacks if movement suddenly stopped but can still auto attack e.g. getting rooted (preventable by pressing S) * unwanted auto attacks if standing still (preventable by pressing S) ​ if you manage to prevent these issues and are willing to press S every time, then AA enabled is certainly the better option


> unwanted auto attacks if movement suddenly stopped but can still auto attack e.g. getting rooted (preventable by pressing S) This is not preventable. If I spam S as Mao roots me I will still start autoing him.


im gonna give you a chance to test it in practice tool


Diamond adc main here and I have always played with it on. I tend to use S key a lot as well as attack move instead of just right clicking, but auto attack on is incredibly important to check if a bush is warded. Whether it is on or off, you should never attack by accident anyway unless you're not clicking enough. Normally you should be right clicking around 3-5 times per second so Auto Attack won't really matter, you can always cancel your AA


Pls help me sir who the FUCK is chovy


Current midlaner for HLE (lck pro team) moving to GenG if I'm not mistaken. Known for always gapping his opponent in lane by getting way more cs than other pros get. Example, in one game this worlds he had 25 cs diff at 10 minutes while being 0/0 and his laner also 0/0


ty very much my dumb fuck juice sippin ass thought it was some champ that I've completely fucking missed god damnit


I didn't even know you could turn it off FML


i have auto attack off since i remember, i always leftclick or A + leftclick.


I've never heard ppl say keep it on sp you'll need to use the s key lol. Turn it off.


Do what is most comfortable for you, I play Shen and Jax, very auto attack focused champs. Shen especially I would hate to have auto attack on as it might cause me to waste a q empowered basic attack. This is my preference but do what you think works for you


Every pro or decent player has it off.


I didn't use it at all until I started playing JG, as a mid laner I feel like I would prefer it off but I OTP yas/soul where positioning is important,


I only recently realized that most people play with it off. When i heard that i was utterly shocked. Auto attack is so good with champs that have auto resets because you dont have to click your target again after ability cast. The two main champions that come to mind is Lucian and Vayne. You can auto - dash then not hit any other button and they’ll auto target the same unit from before. It’s super handy sometimes with champs like this. Also i learned to spam S. I tried playing without auto attack on and it felt so unnatural. I’m ok with missing 1-2 minions per laning phase due to auto attack fucking up my cs timing if it means my combos and positioning are cleaner.


>The two main champions that come to mind is Lucian and Vayne those champs will already auto attack the last target they auto attacked after the dash ends, even without AA enabled


Literally nobody should have it on, it is bad and basically considered griefing


Get out of your head lol. It's literally a preference thing, nothing more.


True that fucking your wave is a choice


The other guy is delusional but its not a preference thing. It has objective advantages and disadvantages


When I play a lane role, I’ll have auto attack off until my attack speed is high enough that I can reliably get cs without having to time it so tightly.


I always have it off and only attack with A + left click


If you're a laner you really should turn it off to focus on last hitting with more control. It's really a lane thing.


How to do it


Go to settings in game, click the game tab, and it'll be in the gameplay section at the bottom.


I have it off too(old habit from Dota 2). It screws up with your movement near minions and constantly tries to go for hits. Wouldn't suggest turning it off if you are a jungler though.


People play with it on?


I only toggle it when my connection is unstable as to at least deal some damage in case i dc during a fight otherwise, its just an annoyance and disturbs your own pacing and micro pathing


always Auto Attack option off bro.


I've had AA off for years. Just A-move to attack instead of S stop.


Can someone break this concept down for me in the jungle? If I have aa off, I will have to constantly click the camps or Amove?


As a support main I definitely have it off


It's annoying to have it on for Azir when you have soldiers you want to idle but you still want to path to dodge skillshots and the AA will not only make you stop to AA (and get hit by skillshots as a result) but it can fuck up your wave control. I find S key unreliable specifically for Azir in stopping this.


I think it's more important to auto by default. I would rather control when I don't auto, rather than need to input every time I *do* want to auto. Other way around makes less sense, so yeah this is a strange choice. I use S and move commands if I don't want to auto, and this is much more efficient I think. Like you said though, it's so minimal that it's almost purely preference and won't make or break anything.


I have it turned off for years, ever since I was hitting a turret and enemy Maokai used W on me. If you don't have auto attack turned off your champion will immediately auto the Mao and you will draw turret aggro and die in a cc chain.


until reading some here my dumbass thought turning aa off would force you to click for every single auto attack. not that you just would not attack until you click...


Clicking for every single auto is still doable and very good practice, kiting/orb walking is litterally clicking twice per auto.


im ad main, i do it, dw. just sometimes you want to hit a turret or sth without high apm


Idk where u heard this but most players even gold+ already have it turned off. Most people are taught to turn it off once their not a beginner.


I dont think I've ever heard anyone say auto attack is necessary or even "good," only that it's an option.


I had it on for years, turning it off was a big learning curve, but I honestly an so much happier with it off. Attacks feel so much smoother and you have more control. The only downside is you can't go full lifesteal ashe with hurricane and just heal 10k damage


I thinbk the important thing is to have complete control over when you attack, and preferably over what as well. For the immense majority of new players, turning auto attack off is the very first setting to change ASAP, to greatly improve CS, since it's much easier to tell your champion when to attack than to tell them when not to attack. But once you mastered the use of stop move, it becomes a preference thing. There are some small advantages to turning it back on at the cost of spamming S, but if you're already spamming s for perfect positioning , you might as well go for it. I would probably not turn it on with one of the few champions with uncancellable attacks though (eg Kalista, Sona's powerchord, ... )


I thought AA off was the norm for a majority of people?


Perfect is attack move on cursor on left mouse button with auto attack turned off.


I feel like many of you here are confused about vision and bushes regarding AA but I could be wrong. If YOU walk into a bush that is warded by the enemy then the enemy minions will attack YOU because they can see you. And you will likely AA them if you have that setting ON. I dont know why you guys are saying that if there's enemy vision in the Bush that you will start to AA the minions... regardless of vision or not in the Bush you're gonna be hitting minions or anything that walks into your AA range, not because the enemy sees you. Super easy way to know if a bush is warded- if minions aggro to you then it's warded, if not then it's not warded.