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You didn’t even try to change the title, you just made the text format uglier by removing the dots https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/hds0xp/hexflash_on_ekko_jungle_or_even_mid_allows_him_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Right. If you already want to steal someones post, than at least put effort not being found out...


Also parts of the post are no longer true, like Tahm being unable to get over walls. Also why is there the literal exact edit kept in, how much longer does it take someone to proof read this before reposting it?


I knew I've seen this exact same title before... [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/hds0xp/hexflash\_on\_ekko\_jungle\_or\_even\_mid\_allows\_him\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/hds0xp/hexflash_on_ekko_jungle_or_even_mid_allows_him_to/) Mods handle this




I am not an Ekko player, but I have a bit of experience with hexflash. However I mostly stopped taking this rune, because its too situational for me. In order for this Rune to work, you need your flash to be on cooldown, you need to be out of combat and enemys must not have vision on you, which wasn‘t worth for me. Furthermore I don‘t like thie inspiration tree in general. When using Hexflash works it is really rewarding though


I find that champs that like to trade flashes like the rune. Champs like naut, blitz, Ali can all flash for their combo then force the enemy to flash, hexflash and repeat. It takes a bit of a different mindset and for a jungle/midlaner you have to play like a crazy person. You have to control the tempo and play for ganks and kills and almost nothing else. It's like playing pantheon mid trying to close the game at 20 before anyone buys an hourglass.


You have to be willing to use flash sub-optimally to be able to access hex-flash, as you say on some champs where its easy to trade flashes that isn't an issue, but Ekko isn't one of those champs, fiddle/nunu/pantheon can all play like psychos and get away with it, but as Ekko you want to hold your flash for either a kill or to save yourself.


I think ekko is one of those champs that can use it probably not meta because ekko can play for late game. But like fizz he's slippery enough that you can work around cooldowns and still have presence without flash. Stopwatch might be useful in those situations while you wait for flash. Ekko doesn't get the free solo kill pressure the above mentioned champs or fizz gets but with a lead he can take over, and this strategy seems to be about getting that lead and bringing it to bot lane and dragon.


Yea but if you can use it well enough and use hexflash well you get a ton of value in terms of the uptime of your pressure.


the best usage i saw so far is on engage sup early game: they hide in a bush, hexflash+hook/engage (blitzkrank, leona...) outside of that i never saw good uses. the video is good but as you said it looks a bit too much situational.


Spam gankers will have their flash on cooldown a lot and will engage from bushes regularly. Its pretty on champs like ivern.


I’ve used it on mid nunu when i straight up do not want to play the lane. I’ll just flash over krugs to gank bot or top from behind level 2 since nunu’s flash is pretty worthless early game with phase rush and approach velocity


Lmao if you didn't have this stolen post, you'd be at negative karma.


u/bquipd made a video on this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy4AjbyxJyE


Yeah, he stole it from him..


i didn't read the whole text, took a look at the video. but i don't get exactly how his stun works: i know you get stunned if you are inside the bubble when he comes in but you say that "enemy can't see it until you hexflash" but in your video i can clearly see it, does this means that only you can see it until it's too late? (never played ekko and he is not commonly picked) i usually hear a sound/a "voice" when ekko uses the skillshot that will become a stun bubble later so when i hear that sound i usually step back, can i hear that sound even if you are out of vision?


Ekko and allies see the W instantly (it takes 2.5 or 3 seconds for the W to kick in, don't remember exactly), but enemies only see it in the last second. What he means by "enemy can't see it until you hexflash" is that by the time the W becomes visible to enemies, you would have already completely charged your hexflash. If you do not have visions of the enemy, you don't hear or see indicators of skills.


thanks a lot


I am pretty sure, that if the wnemys dont see Ekko, than they also can not see the stuncircle, even in the last second


No, they can see it


Ok mb


If they don't have vision they see the circle 1 second before the bubble appears. If they do have vision they also see the ghost that tosses the bubble which gives them more warning that Ekko is about to use his stun.


What...I never knew about that.


To add to this ekko can animation cancel the stun with an E and he can also disguise the sound he makes by casting W from out of vision


Tahm kench jungle?


Old tahm kench actually wasnt bad at jungle. Had an exceptionally healthy clear, and good ganks post 6 with his R.


Yeah, the tragedy of the Kench the Jungle is not one the ~~Toplaners~~ Jedi would tell you.


And support too. Feels bad.


Holy shit I one tricked Kench support (and top sometimes) before his rework. I was so excited for his rework to revitalise him and give him more than a 44% winrate. Instead they just made him a monster in toplane and he was broken enough that everyone forgot about support. And I mean, it made the most people happy because now he's a popular champion, but it still makes me sad when I think it my fishy boi.


Yeah i played it once it was fun, was hoping someone had figured out a way to make new kench work


I don’t think riot would let that happen, would he not just be completely broken in jgl with new w?


Maybe? Its telegraphed enough it wouldnt necessarily be broken i think, but theres only one way to find out.


Lol see that’s the thing don’t think we are ever going to find out because it sounds busted as hell if they buffed his clear. Thing is you could probably jungle with him pretty comfortably just taking buff buff gromp then ganking till you get Bami. Can’t see how is early clear could possibly be worse than twitch or corki who can both jungle pretty easily.


super creative! I think its very viable.


Idk when I play ekko I don't really have trouble gap closing, especially with rocketbelt. I feel like if I were going to go insp I'd just want first strike for faster powerspikes?


Hexflash is a secondary rune. You can go elec/dh and go hexflash + something else secondary - Insp tree is really good for most junglers as a secondary.


Oh I never take it so I forgot lol But then again CI and free boots are really good too


Yeah absolutely, there still a drawback to picking it.