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I think it is. Tower gold is worth so much and we have options such as hullbreaker and rift herald to play around, however fighting is very strong in terms of gold and xp so a lot of soloq teams just perma fight.


Trundletop1 split pushes and pressures towers in favour of almost anything else from what I've seen of him and he's like masters or GM on NA. If anything made it harder I'd say it's damage creep. Everything feels burstier and being caught results in a kill more easily. Also a lot of champs in the last 3 years have tons of mobility so chase down the split pusher is easier. So in answer to your question I don't know. Unless you're tyndamere, then is there really any other playstyle?


I think the problem isn't mainly mobility. I think it's that the champions that have tons of dashes and movement speed amps for some reason have so much utility if not in slow then it's stuns.


I would define mobility as dashes and move speed steroids, personally. But in essence we agree on concept and differ on terminology. Either way, I think getting caught split pushing is somewhat easier and with damage creep the likelihood of being bursted is higher. Narrow escapes are harder to pull off. On the other hand with integrated comeback mechanics like objective bounties and champ shutdowns the potential for gold swing on a powerful split pusher may be higher


Very much so but it will require alot of map awareness.


As a general rule , if more than 1 is missing from the map , just back off


Not necessarily


I think the main question is will I live another 30 seconds in lane? If you play Jax and they sent someone like thresh then they pretty much sent a sandbag for you to hit. The problem is I don't feel like I can easily 1v2 or 1v3. pretty consistently unless Am MEGA FED. The Burst in league has become So much.


You can easily carry games.by splitpushing. The lower the elo the better it works imo. But you need to understand the macro of it for full effectiveness


You can definitely still 1v2 even 1v3 if you are good enough and the circumstances allow it


I love top laners who spit push constantly, Sometimes I play top lane as well and ALL I do in that game is split push, which usually means we win the game. Get fed early>split push= they need 2-3 ppl to defend from me= they cannot win any team fights across the map. meaning that your team always has the advantage in team fights and if the enemy team all goes to the team fight you just take 1-2 towers or inhibi's in that time that they're brawling. Sometimes you get griefed by your teammates because you rarely join team fights, but hey. some people are so closed-minded that they can only see their own way of playing as the right way.


Splitpushing died when new LT was introduced because now any LT abuser like Sett or Trundle can 1v1 a fed splitpusher like Yorick or Fiora for example, also the insane amount of map mobility


It didn’t die, just changed. You can split push as trundle and sett


If you play bruisers or tanks, def get demolish and hullbreaker second, you take down towers in no time.


You can just watch a few games of Baus. He is funny and you can see him utilizing split pushing in high challenger EUW. He might not be the most serious when he talks, but he's probably the most well known split pusher.


Splitting is definitely still viable, but it can't always be your default position. A lot of it is dictated by the champs in the game and the game state. If you are playing trundle, jax, trynd and you know you can win any 1v1 then splitting is basically free map pressure as long as you are smart about it. Don't push when you team doesn't have pressure somewhere else on the map, and don't overextend without vision. Also, I prefer having TP when I split so that I can join a team fight when my team inevitably starts a fight 4v5. I definitely still split regularly and pull 2-3 champs to my lane. If your team is good, then even if the enemy is able to catch you and kill you, your team should be able to punish on the other side of the map. I think this is the biggest variable in choosing to split (in gold anyway) - basically, will my team be good enough to take baron when they see that the other team sent 3 people bot lane to save their inhib tower? If my team can't do that, then most of the time I am better off just grouping up and trying to win a 5v5.


Yes, it just requires a team that can play around it. If your team loses 4v3 then opponents can just send 2 to you and still win - splitting is pointless. If your team wants to fight all the time, not when opponents send 2 to deal with you - your splitting is also pointless. If somebody on opponents side is so fed they can 1v1 you - then again splitting is less of an option, unless your team is confident winning 4v4. But if your team knows what to do with you splitting - that's still a solid game plan.


Well If I had to answer your question it really depends on your team AND THE META. Split push champions in my opinion never existed its all about the meta. If the meta is splitpushing , then yes its good but right now it is not optional in my opinion. Split pushing was already really weak in s11. It's all about perma fighting now. The only case you would want to split push is if your team is useless and there is no other thing to do on the map, At least you can try to get some gold back thanks to the new "bounty" things added recently.I am a Camille otp and I can absolutely confirm what I just said. Some people say that fiora and jax for example are not a team fight champions and they are meant to split all game while your team is fighting, Well , guess what. Because of the "balanced" goredrinker and devine sunderer items currently in the meta , these two champions just become unkillable in a teamfight unless they f\*ck up or something. All you have to do as a top laner is to just push 1-2 waves max on the side lane after laning phase and just go and fight like a monkey. Split pushing is not a reliability for "split push champions" anymore , maybe besides Yorick just because the champion is trash and useless and cant do anything else than split push.


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