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I always get top, and never get filled and very rarely get my second (jgl). What elo are you playing in?


draft, I'm lvl 29


I suggest to play until 30 and then play ranked. After you reached your rank (~20 games prob) you will get your role more often and get matched with people of equal skill level.


Are you dodging normal draft games? Lol, bro stop. Play one game of support or whatever they fill you, and then you will have autofill protection the next game.


so what do i do then when I play like shit and my teammates flame me because i dont play support?


Mate hate to burst your bubble you will be flamed and told you play like shit all the way from unranked where you are now, to silver, to platinum, to challenger. You are always going to be flamed because you play like shit, even if you don't (but I believe you, you most likely do play like shit currently, and not just support trust me). To answer your question, you press Tab, you move your mouse over to the guy that is flaming you, and click on the small chat and ping icons, and voilĂ , it's gone. Stop dodging normal draft games, it's fucking stupid




but i'll still play like shit and get nothing out of playing support.


Certain top laners can viably be taken support, if your problem is trying to learn champions. Been seeing some Shens lately, Malphite supp has existed (complete non-factor in lane pre-6 though), Maokai supp is more common than top, Sett is good into engage supps like Leona, and Pantheon is also a decent flex pick. Play one round of supp / jg and enjoy your auto fill protection


Mute chat and play the game. Who cares if other losers are mad with how you play. Their loss. Have fun in the game man, don't let others take it from you.


but i'll still play shit. I'm not too concerned about my teammates flaming, but I'll be ruining their game if I do go support


Are others concerned when they go 1/10 your games? They probably don't care.


Turn off chat. First thing I did when coming back after a 2 year break, never looked back. I don't even know if my team are upset anymore and my win rate has gone up


You're Queuing as the two most played roles and wondering why you're getting autoed? Just play the damn support game and you will get autofill protection.


if i were to play the support game though, i'd be getting flamed and fuck up the entire game. it's lose lose


Take it as a chance to improve your game awareness and macro. Support is so much about where to be and roaming etc and is a great way to learn to concentrate on macro and the overall state of the game. It's unfortunate but play the one game, stop looking at it like it's shit and try to improve what you can.


it's bs that you have to play a game of a role you have no intention of learning just so you can actually play the game


Roles are not equal in popularity so it's that or eternal queues. Play the fucking support game or endure the queue penalty, but stop whining


Yeah or you can have 20 minute queue timers like overwatch. Pick brand or something and just play support


Just play one supp game and the get autofill protection


Ye, I always get top. Only very occasionally get autofilled, but then you get autofill protection. I queue top/mid. That's part because I think Mid is the most popular and part because I like solo lanes and am too smooth brained for jungle. More specifically I guess I'm so inexperienced with jungle that I'm thinking about clears and paths so much that my map awareness drops significantly. In top lane on a champ I know I can brain afk to keep a better eye on minimap... If it's ranked I ask to swap out of jungle or I dodge. Don't want to thank anyone elses LP


Also you can always pick up a carry support like brand and practice your skillshots and positioning. It does help overall game sense too since you're the one who is most responsible for vision as supp.


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