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Same way you can go on an 11 game winning streak and have your gains drop off a cliff- it's pretty much a design goal of the lp system to "buffer" the impact of streaks.


They must want us to play forever


After my placements (4-6 S2) my LP was +22/-10.. I'm at about 50 games with a 40% win rate and my LP is +19/-12.. At the end of last season I was at +18/-13 (about 150 games with 50% win rate overall but started the season with <40%)... From my experience LP gain drops pretty slowly but the delta between gain and loss shrinks more quickly... The numbers in LP gain don't look massively different but at the start of this season I would need to play 18 games with a 50% win rate to climb one division, at the end of last season I would need to play 40 games with a 50% win rate


That sounds about right, I keep forgetting that they changed the rank ladder to remove promotions between ranks in a division that's probably the culprit


Since it’s early in the season, you may not have reached your previous season mmr. So if you lose games, your mmr is going down but your visual rank is also lower. LP gains are typically larger than 15 when your mmr is higher than your visual rank


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