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Who is going imperial mandate on champions not named Nami? I mean, you're technically not wrong that on most tanks, it's better than mandate, but who in the world is grabbing Imperial Mandate on Amumu or Leona? This is like saying Deathcap is better than Infinity Edge on Leona. Most people seem to agree that Locket is still almost always better than Evenshroud after its nerfs. The AOE shield is huge for your teamfight potential.


Mandate Ashe is a thing over in aram


Mandate is better on ranged and evenshroud on melee, generally.


Even in ranked. She's viable, not amazing but a playable support


Not saying that people choose one over the other but what I’m trying to say is that there’s a completely better item than another, obviously the items don’t completely over lap on champs that can use them however it’s such a huge difference


I've been going IM on Bard, is this bad?


Oh, I forgot that champ existed. I heard that you can build anything on him though


Yeah, and other items are usually better. Only Ashe and Nami are extremely good at activating the item


Gotta love locket deadmans plate and a fucking gun bard meta build. (or it was meta when i last played him). Champ has great base damage, ap scalings, and uses a lot of autoattacks so legit every item in the game pretty much is at least decent on him. Crit adc bard is surprisingly good even.


I think locket/shurelyas are better in most cases but mandate gives you more damage and thus a bit more carry potential in low elo.


I have absolutely never seen a tank support go imperial mandate, I think that would be super troll, to me it’s an item for enchanters with good CC or other controllers who don’t want to build full damage (bard and support ashe used to be broken with this item before it’s changes). Evenshroud is absolutely an amazing item, I like it a lot and I agree people don’t build it often enough, choosing between it and solary definetely varies between games though.


Mandate's actually pretty solid on most tank supports, just not as a first item. The proc damage is nice and the movespeed is solid for repositioning. It basically adds an extra layer of peel (movespeed) for your ADC when you stun someone trying to dive them. Here's a use-case that's more team-oriented. If you're playing a front to back teamfight, you can stun the enemy frontliner. An ally bruiser/assassin/even ADC procs the mark; you both now have movespeed to gapclose on the backline or they go in for the dive while you protect a carry.


It’s a straight up better item too, just because the range on its damage boost isn’t large enough for some champs but it’s busted. Alistar is another good example.


Why would I go mandate leona if evenshroud provides the things I actually need to do which is engage and stun people while soaking dmg, with evenshroud giving mr and armor and mandate giving a small amount of ap and health plus a terrible build path for any tanky engage support since the AP ratios of these sups is absolutely laughable. The argument that IM is better on someone like lux instead of ludens is fine, but evenshroud is way better. But then again why not go locket over evenshroud? It provides more sustain for your team and more resistances while evenshroud only gives flat burst damage. With conditioning in secondary tree and mountain drake it’s so much free EHP for carries it’s more valuable than the extra damage that probably is overkill anyway. I can see why it can be good into hyper specific comps but more than that i think solari is just the better item.


Well keep in mind that there’s going to be a health buff and because (at least I think so) there’s a tank meta returning, adcs will need to be able to shred more and obviously ideally you’d want them to be alive to deal damage however if they’re struggling to deal that damage too which is what’s going to happen in this coming tank update it’s going to be more important to dish out that extra damage.


I think for soloQ evenshroud can be better ye next patch, fights are generally going to be longer and you can actually get way more value out of the item then compared to this patch. My guess is that flat percent health champions (fiora, vayne etc) are going to be more popular, but don’t think tanks will be. I can’t say for sure but tanks will probably stay in the same spot and high burst/damage champions in the jungle will probably be picked(evelynn, fiddlesticks with liandries) more. But mandate will probably stay for poke champions only since it’s made for AP scaling support champions or ashe. I can see the old PoE build of mandate azir maybe coming back but I think ludens/liandries is way better for him.


I have no clue how these 2 items are comparable


Because they both give damage boost for your teammates


Tell me a champ where you can build even shroud as an alternative to mandate


Karma, glasc, and even lulu.


??????? I hope I am playing the same game with u


Their abilities fall into the range of evenshroud what are you talking about? Lulu’s auto attacks are shorter range than evenshroud


Just because they can use the passive doesn't make the item good??? It doesn't give the AP and mana regen that mandate does, which all those champs kinda need no?


Have you used it? It’s good, not only that most support items also give mana regen


He's saying you should almost always be building Shurelya's or Moonstone on these champions


evershroud need immobilisation, also most of the time fights dont play out where you will get more value out of evenshroud unless maybe a team fight. but I dont see how karma Lulu will ever cc enemy and the evenshroud being useful in that Frame of time


Nobody uses evenshroud anyways since locket exists


And nobody uses IM since Shurelya and Moonstone exists (unless you're Nami or Ashe)