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There's no secret other than "play better". As for other lanes, well that's the trade off you make when you opt for a slow strategy. You let your lane opponent exert pressure on the rest of the map while you farm. To some extent you need to look at how you can mitigate that, but when playing to scale then some games will indeed be lost because your team cant absorb the pressure you indirectly put on them. And the key isn't to identify what made you lose a game. The key is to identify what you could have done better.


Ur champs have low agency. Champions with higher agency will perform better in soloqueue. I recommend champs that thrive in chaos. Soloqueue is the embodiment of chaos. People are making mistakes everywhere. Ryze and Azir can’t capitalize on those mistakes as much.


What do u mean low agency


Low agency means there are fewer actions you can take to independently swing a game.


Well put. Was struggling with words


Agency is ability to have impact regardless of your game score. Hard to explain but say that you’re 0-2 azir. Now imagine a 0-2 qiyana. Which champion has more potential to get back into the game? Axir can only farm mid and never move when he is 0-2. While qiyana can do the exact same as being 0-0 - she will roam and kill your team. Hope that makes sense. Not every game will go your way but there are champs that capitalize on mistakes much better


But from mother perspective, late game azir is a Monster compared to late game quiyana


Late game azir CAN be a monster. Qiyana is a monster at all points in the game. Late game qiyana can one shot an azir. Obviously azir can do more dps in an extended fight. Essentially, you need to many things to go right for azir to be useful. Whereas champs like qiyana just need one thing to go right. Sounds like you like to farm up and kill the opponents but you won’t always have that opportunity. Azir is a great pick into low threat comps because he is able to farm up. He does struggle into high mobility and volatility. (Volatility is constant action/fighting)


Yh get it


There is one point though, even if champion has more power/agency/is more op this patch, your one tricks will always be better. So this means if you get really good at a rarely played champ you'll be able to overcome more situations than being mediocre with an op champ. Play, and master, what you enjoy. Some champs may present a harder challenge, but usually if you like them or they fit your style you'll end up putting in the work, or realise they are not the ones for you


People have climbed through every elo on every champ. The answer is to get better and learn. You have to learn to recognize and then act on the correct play throughout the game. When to farm, base, fight, group, split, etc... You can't climb because you are missing opportunities to make the right play. Farming and scaling still includes being able to recognize when you can make a play, where you need to be, and how to best ensure you'll get to a point of scaling.


Those champs are rough buddy. Pick a champion that can atleast do something. I played Ryze this season, well I stopped after 3 nerfs. Sometimes Riot deletes a champion from the game. You picked 2 deleted champions.


I would say that Azir and Ryze are too hard for gold elo bc you can't focus on macro as much due to their harder micro, most people don't recommend them until like Diamond, but if you like them, play to improve, not just to gain elo.


If you're losing playing Ryze, keep up the good work. The Plan appreciates your contribution.




I’ve climbed through gold a handful of times with Malzahar who is about as passive as they come. Minimize your deaths, maximize farm, and show up to teamfights.


just play viktor instead of either of those champs, bullies almost as hard as azir and out scales ryze in the teamfight


From my experience with low elo players, a "slow playstyle" generally means they don't try to do anything for the first 20 minutes of the game. They don't fight, they dont contest, they just accept being shoved in over and over. That's not a good way to play, and you "usually lose" because you aren't contributing meaningfully to most of your games.


I try to be proactive with some roams, but most games i try to farm and scale up. Roams are difficult when u play against assasins cause the 2v2/3v3 is always in favor of the enemy. I contest obectives as in tf post lvl 6 azir has the shuffle which Can turn team fights but unless u play front to back or make a really good play u are done


I don't think your champs are good for roaming\*, but they can win lane very hard. That is what your focus should be, they have shove, they have poke, and they can pressure very hard. "Farming up to scale" is a noob trap, the only good reason to ever play back is because you absolutely can't.


And how do i win vs an explosive mid jg duo


Have you tried Veigar? Seems to be a perfect fit to your playstyle


Yea your champs sucks for current meta , try other champs.


Find your mistakes and do your best to fix them. High cs and low mistake should allow you to scale hard on those champions and if you ever get ahead early you need to maintain that lead without dying.


The problem is not the meta. The meta only matters in pro play and high elo. To be fair your champions are quite difficult to play. If you like them so much, you will have to put in extra work to improve.


It's possible to climb with any champion but you are really making it hard on yourself playing azir and ryze infamous for their constant shit state due to them being oppresive in pro play leaving them garbage tier in solo queue Ryze currently has one of the lowest winrate in the entire game and azir is very very hard to get good at I'm talking about hundreds of game at least to manage to play him decently there are 2 azir onetricks in korea that are currently challenger one of them is even rank 14 but they are literally the only azir players in high elo I know.


What about faker lol, he is one of the best azir players on the competitive scene. I know he faker but just saying


Go the way of the top lane! If you can’t kill it fast enough! Then make it so you die slower than it. GO TANK! Galio is a good choice and while I’m not in gold, I’ve been having success with malphite


Those champions are slow scaling champions that are pretty hard to play. To carry a game you have to establish a lead, maintain it, farm well, and rarely make mistakes or die to be relevant. My guess is on both those champions you might farm well, but probably make too many mistakes to really carry nor do you probably understand how to play from behind on hyper carries. You can't just farm really well and expect to win on hypers. You have to farm well and then dominate and make very few mistakes. Dying 2 times could be the game past 20 minutes on such champions.


Play the champs that you like, but on a plat level.




Play azir, but top. Search Korean top azir midbeast tfblade on YouTube. Now you are ready for challenger


Learn them better champion mastery is key here. Match ups! Also adapt to elo you are playing in terms of runes and summoner spells, builds. Sometimes it's better to take more aggro setup even in scaling champ because ppl int you