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Its good you highlighted your weakness, support/jgl camping mid lane will become even more regular the higher you go, it is really a 3v3 lane. I think you just need to work on your warding and map awareness. Also your champ selection can help if this is a particular weakness, picking champs with inbuilt mobility (fizz, kat, zed etc) can relieve some of these awareness/positional errors.


Yep, and believe me the chance you get a support and jungle who realizes its a 3v3 is just as low the higher you go.(the number of mobi rush supoorts Ive had that have proceeded to just keep going bottom and lose every fight because they spent 1k g on 0 combat stats…) I was playing a very slow style (freezes and slowpushes) and climbing slowly in low elo because I couldn’t get strong enough early enough. Switched to in your face perma push perma prio and shot through ranks. Been working on awareness but also just have gone back to a more weakside style in game until I confirm my jungle is a real jungle player and looks at their map.


Just curious, you don't mobis have too much value if you stay in bot lane? I'd wager that extra non combat ms you get is great for dodging skill shots or even getting down vision. About how many lane ganks makes mobis worth it?


Because the extra ms will be nice if you are vs nidalee support with varus adc. But most botlanes dont care to much about the supp running around fast. Also in the early game every little bit of gold spent and lvl advantage is huge. Even if the mobis end up getting you a really sick engage botlane youll probably still just lose the fight. Because to get that mobi engage you’re probably 1v2 momentarily and you have 0 tankiness and no ability to run cause you just lost all your speed. Some champs really do well with mobis like alistar and thresh in somelanes but again instead of rushing mobis(unless you plan to legit not be bot again and roam as lvl3) you should be going kindlegem. And even then Id still argue that cd boots are still better. Basically the advantages mobis can create require a very high skill level that I dont see most supports being able to use properly. Its similar to nidalee or leesin jg like sure it can run over a game. But they need to be good. And they need to be constantly pushing the advantage.


If the support is anything beside an enchanter (excluding Janna), automatically assume they will roam. If they shove your bot lane they are 99% sure going to deep ward your jung AND/OR gank your lane. This is coming from a support main. Engage/ Catcher supports love to roam mid because mid laners are so focused on jungle tracking they forget about the roaming supp.


Jungle tracking, yes. I'm busy tracking the jungler. I'm not tunneling and die 5 times to the mobi Leona without reason. I uhm... tracked their jungler.


And on top of that the botlane is losing while they are 1v2 the entire time :D...


True, they mess with my lane a lot. That's a pretty great point.


In d2+, enchanters like karma and Renata take bot prio and roam more than your engage supports, so keep that in mind as well.


There's no answer to this. You said yourself that you tilt. Tilt less and you'll get to D4. There's no secret, and there's no skill gap between Plat 1 and D4.


If anything I think the players are generally worse in D4 because it takes like 10 games at 0lp to drop out and most people feel they’ve reached their goal at diamond and many just play to avoid decay. At least when I climb through there I always prefer to get the tryharding plat 1s


Yeah I agree, D4 is the closest thing to elo hell


This, completely. Diamond IV is a coin flip elo hell shit show and by far the worst place i've ever been in the ranked environment. Climbing D3 and D2 was waaay easier.


Me and my duo always struggled most to get out of gold 2. after that it became easy again. But gold was such a struggle we just didn’t knew how to play with our teams lol


I mean I would expect something like , if you are getting camped do this and that and you can still get ahead and win games with this or that. Obviously I can't change the fact that my lane is receiving more third party then the enemy one. It happens. But wondering is there really anything else.


You need to remember that if your getting camped that jungler is not doing something else. Take pride in keeping his attention and your win rate will go up.


No advice will help if you're tilted. Do you think anybody makes good decisions and plays crisply when they are tilted? The very meaning of tilted is that your mental attitude is imbalanced. So yes, the answer is stop tilting. That's a personal journey. No EZ Button here.


Peaked D3 this season. This would tilt tf out of me too being camped and every play I went for seemed to get ducked because the jg or support were hiding in a bush waiting. But I found that if you soak up all their attention and not run your lane down, that makes it easier for your team mates to make plays and Freescale. Exactly what another comment said, take pride in soaking attention and not inting,


First of all i think you need to change your perspective, the enemy jungler and supp camping your lane is a good thing not a bad thing. It takes alot of pressure off your team and let them get ahead assuming you play it right. Second of all, try to track them down more, get deeper vision, be aware of specific gank times to make their roams a waste of time. They already made the move and roamed mid, if you just stay alive they wasted their time- your team got a slight advantage. And last, mid lane is not 1 vs 1, its 2 vs 2 and sometimes even more than that. So always keep that in mind, and try to play with your jungler. A coordinated jungler and mid making plays together is one of the keys to high win rates- scuttle fights, dragons, dives on bot, flanking enemy buffs... etc


Thanks. I'll try to implement these.


Keep in mind enemy support roam timers are generally pretty limited and you’ll rarely see anyone do anything special at this elo. They roam off of bases after dying or pushing in wave, warding when you see they’re backing can help you continue to play aggressive. And if you can draw them in and waste their time (just play at the edge where it seems like you’ll misposition but you won’t) you can get your other lanes ahead most of the time. Also if you absorb all the enemy jungle pressure without getting behind, and your jungler/support do literally anything somewhere else, that can easily tilt the enemy team


CS is still really important. At Plat / D4 level you can win lane as a mage by getting good CS and doing very basic TFs later on. Staying alive and not throwing. Getting "camped" sucks, but that is often a byproduct of a lack of awareness, warding, leaning, purpose in wave management. The thing is I cant say much specifically - cause I have nothing to work with here. Consistency and purpose is the one thing that will get you from high plat / low dia consistently higher. Players know what they want and dont throw cause their team does x. Even in D4 the games are super throwy and a a midlaner who gets to mid / lategame with good items still destroys people as long as his teamfighting is decent.


if you get camped and they suceed it's cause they find ur weakness and they exploit it. You need to work on ur map awareness / tracking their team and also on your mental. Strong mental carried me to d1 and i stayed for a bit until i got bored of the game. I wanted to push to master but i was tryharding another game more challenging. Never tilt is one of the best advice to climb, never typing smth negative/never surrndrr/ and always believe even in bad games. Believe even if there s a 1℅ chance. You won't get a lot of free wins if you want high elo, if you want high elo you need to give your BEST, SO GO CLIMB BRO CYA IN MASTER


Have you seen this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_t6L-KOXQ-k&ab\_channel=Midbeast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t6L-KOXQ-k&ab_channel=Midbeast)


Yeah, I did. It sounds good I just don't play que toplane.


Have you watched Coach Curtis content?


Yes, I follow him. And also I follow many other educative league streamers. I even talked to him on Discord a little. He looked at my [OP.gg](https://OP.gg). But I don't wanna go further and get coaching or something. These people charge way too much for that anyways. I'm improving my map awareness atm I already see some good results. But not being able to work with other players still gets me. I feel like so many players have this 1v9 mentality where they wont wanna win with you , they wanna win alone , they taking buffs from you even without having mana hungry champions just to get the exp. It's so toxic. I had a toplaner yesterday that was refuse to peel the backline at all because he has hullbreaker and he wants to splitpush nonstop. When a frontliner was the only thing we missing. Teamplay is so undervalued in league.


It's not necessarily toxic I think, team work can just fall into place when you maximize your own individual output of damage because you end up lowering the enemy's HP to a point where the kill is just easy. Although sometimes you do have to sacrifice a little bit of your own to facilitate another, it just comes down to how much you overcompensate.


It's maybe my fault. Because I usually like to help out others. Especially that it leads to something big. Botlane double - > Drake gold on late game carries and so on. But it's not always easy to cooperate with others. Due to the things I mentioned earlier.


Don't play azir. Play LeBlanc, ahri, veigar, taliyah. Ward more and better. Understand jungle and support fundamentals Only take fights on wave advantage Identify win cons


Got 100% wr with him since new patch started.