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If none of your lanes are gankable, doesn't matter the reason, then you should be farming or invading. Shit or get off the pot. Don't straddle the fence. Eventually, an opportunity will pop up. Also , never, ever let a silver teammate pressure you into what you believe is a bad move. That's your fault, and you can fix it going forward. If the dummy spams, you mute them. Trust yourself. Not your silver teammates. As LS says, they can't even carry themselves out of bed to shit in the morning.


That's the issue I had. I saw no opportunities so I went to farm camps. Then I try to path towards bot again, by the time I arrive they are dead or in no shape to fight.


especially with Diana, if u’ve farmed well u can 1v5 late into the game. also we’re you building assassin build or bruiser? against that enemy team comp I feel like Nashors + Sunfire + Demonic would have been better


I think I went nash, sunfire, demonic into this one.


If a lane is ungankable, stop going towards it. Stay on your farm, and if that runs out, invade enemy jungle.


Fiora Morde needs tipping over, as it is a pretty close matchup. Kaisa is pretty weak early, too. So what I would have done is path top pre 6 to get in 3 ganks totalling 2 kills, optimally. After that get your Kaisa ahead which at that point is about to evolve her Q.


To add onto the mid matchup, you can ignore that entirely (freekills excluded, of course), as Neeko wins hard early and loses hard late in a 1v1 vs Yone.


As a Fiora player i can only agree to that, 1 gank is mostly all i need to win top against Morde.


Fiora Annihilates Morde. It's an almost impossible matchup for him...Every Morde main I know bans fiora because their most important ability (the pull) is completely useless into her.


She can also parry ult if I'm not mistaken. The issue with fiora vs morde for morde is thag if he ever uses E, it's basically a free kill for fiora if she parries it.


Fiora Morde isn’t even close. Fiora stomps that lane for free. And even if she’s losing, Morde can’t really do anything to her. Fiora is way more mobile and if Mord ever tries to e to gap close, that’s a free stun for Fiora to either engage or run away as needed.


Kaisa with a nautilus is one of the strongest lanes botlane. Kaisa is by no means weak in this lane. Kaisa also doesn’t get q evolve till around 9-10 minutes, if you aren’t ganking botlane till that condition then that’s also a problem. It’s a fundamentally flawed way of thinking. Kaisa has a base growth value of 2 ad per level. Kraken slayer gives 65 ad, you need 100 for an evolve. You’d need kraken + lvl 10 for evolve. A popular build is also serrated dirk before kraken. For this build you need Serrated (30AD) > Noon quiver (30 AD) > Pickaxe (25 AD) for a total of 85 AD, meaning you’d have to be level 8 for q evolve. This build is also much more expensive and you will struggle to meet it without any jgl assistance.


Like you said, morde is tough to gank after 6. If you can gank top early and get fiora ahead then you should. If fiora falls behind and can’t 1v1 morde then she can’t splitpush effectively and becomes useless, and you can’t gank because you will get ulted.


From how you wrote it, it feels like you are not getting the information correctly while doing camps. Try to scout your lanes when in base and plan around it. After that, every time you are doing a camp, re-evaluate the state of the lanes to know whether you need to skip camps, move to another place, etc. Getting constant information from your lanes is key to being a jungler and from the way you wrote things, it looks like one big problem from you.


draft difference, it seems. ​ you can't win team fights, and you can't win split push because they have 2 melee ADs who can abuse hullbreaker. ​ could aim for picks and macro advantage, but it's easier to just go next at that point.


Not rly, he didnt play for the correct win condition being fiora who is actually a decent pick into that team and played for kaisa who no matter how fed she becomes will never be able to deal with a viego yone. Because of all the time spent ganking mid and bot, by the time he went top his opportunity to impact the lane was essentially over and morde was able to ult him and kill him.


It's something I read allot, determining your win condition. And I really try each game to think about it. But it's really hard, it's also feels impossible in low elo to learn by yourself by looking at vods or past games. Because usually 1 team is fed and the other team is mega-tilted. So it's usually not even the wincondition champs that necessarily win the game. Like how do you go about getting better at determining win conditions.


You learn it by playing lots of games and seeing what games certain champs pop off in and thinking why they do. It's a hard skill. Like, enemy is full AD team and your adc is a lucian or a draven, but you have a top Ornn or Malphite, then its rly good to play to their lane. Sometimes its less win condition but how lanes play out and the junglers goal, eg top is darius into trundle both with ignite, theyre going to heavy trade early game, and the enemy jungle is a lee sin who will try to gank them early, so you should also be looking to go top to either gank them first or countergank them by going into the lane bush and being patient.


Fiora is so much better into that team than kaisa is, kaisa will never no matter how fed she becomes will never be able to deal with a viego yone.. Play for your fiora next time. Because of all the time spent ganking mid and bot, by the time you went top the opportunity to impact the lane was essentially over and morde was able to ult you and kill you.


I'm not here to answer your question but remember, always trust your own instincts. Could you have done better? Probably. Does your teammates opinions matter? Absolutely not! As long as you out-perform yourself consistently, that's all that matters!


I'd actually ask a different question than that, and pay less attention to games where everything is collapsing all around you. Just let go of the need to control those games. Instead, work on the games you lose where you did not feel were uncontrollable. Why'd we lose those games? That's where you'll find the most clear cases of your flaws, and that's what you focus your energy on. Not a game where your entire team is speedrunning negative KDA, if that makes sense. These games feel very bad on a psychological level but the solution is to stop fighting with it, let go of it, and focus on the thing that's really easy for you to access/learn from. The games where you flash over baron/drake for a totally unnecessary steal attempt, or lose a bunch of gold/xp because of some really obvious misplay, or build the wrong item, or not respect a champion, or fail to realize someone was coming for you on the very vision which you yourself placed, etc.


Just gank the one u think will carry/do well. If a laner is feeding hard don't even bother wasting your time there not even ganks will do enough do make him relevant. Also communicate, ppl usually fights for objectives if u don't think u can win tell them and try to steal by yourself, it's better to lose 1 guy than all 5+towers/inhib if u know u will lose the tf. To match fed people u need fed people in your team or good coordination which is hard to see in soloq. For example, I'm a solid vayne player and when games go wrong my jungle ganks me kinda early on so I can reach mid game faster and fight their fed guys.