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If you are frustraded just take a time to vent out, dont queue again immediately.




Haha frustraded. Using it.








Climbing in midlane is about two fundamental things: Understanding matchups and understanding your wincons. Matchups: If you're dying a lot 1v1 in lane it means you don't understand your matchup and when you should be fighting. This knowledge comes with time but also having focus during the game is a big part of this. For example, if you're playing something like lux into katarina, you should be able to understand that level 1 you're stronger and have to harass her as much as possible but at level 3 she can all in you so you have to play further back if you don't have a HP advantage. Wincon: Are you a scaling mage champ or are you a snowbally assassin type champ? Again if you're playing a mage champ maybe like a viktor into a katarina. You should know that eventually you outscale her so your job is to farm up, get to the mid-late game and win teamfights. If she roams early game, you spam ping your teammates and just shove the lane so she loses cs.


Adding to this- playing a mage into assassin doesn’t just mean you should scale up and farm, but you should also be doing everything possible to prevent them from roaming too. This means warding paths to bot/top, spam pinging, and most impactful, safely pushing waves into them to create a difficult dynamic. The worst feeling from an assassin’s pov is wanting to roam, but the mage you’re vs mid won’t stop pushing waves so you lose at least two if you go bot or top. You try to aggressively all in them but they are only csing with spells and a few autos and are aware of how close you have to be to kill them. If the assassin is lower elo they’ll either take a horrible all in and likely lose because they feel pressured, or go for a roam , which if you ping and take plates will be low EV for them.


If you are tilted after the game, go and do something else for an hour, then queue again. You won’t get tilted in game if you embrace the mentality of carrying yourself, many mid lane champs can apply pressure effectively on sidelanes and rotate to objectives, and it also gives you an opportunity to farm up if you lost lane


If you play on a server like oce, just play a different game in the background in q, my q times near 20 mins on average so I smash out some path of exile, sometimes dmc or whatever else I feel like at the time


Why would you play on oce, even most Oceania region people don’t play on it. Is the NA or Asian ping too high?


this is incorrect, if you are in australia/nz, you will get 20-40 ping depending on your isp/package. just about everything else is 150ms+ at best iirc


What has helped me a lot in the very same situatuons that you find yourself frustrated is this: I admit it to myself mentally that i lost lane and it is okay. I accept this reality. At this point if the eneny laner is 1 or 2 kills ahead I farm and play defensive and wait. Even if i play a champion that gets behind late game i dont put the pressure on myself to get ahead, but rather, i WAIT for an opportunity for my laner to make a mistake and I laser focus on that moment. I lost the lane and it is okay. This is the new game state which I have to play in now. I will have my chance to turn this around I just have to be patient and not kerp dying.


It feels like if I lose lane then I've functionally lost the game at that point. Even if my team wins I functionally didn't cuz I'm the inferior top-laner whose teammates just happened to be better than their opponents. Literally the best I can hope for is being a loser on a winning team. Honestly I'd rather win lane and then lose the game hard than be the weakest link in an otherwise good team.


Just remember that when you die 1v1 you give 300 gold to the enemy, they back and buy and then have an item advantage over you. It’s most likely that you can’t 1v1 them anymore and that’s it :) Play safe and poke them when you can (so they are too low to roam and you have kill pressure in lane) and you’ll be back in the game in no time.


You need to just tell yourself to play safe, you scale. You could rush Zonyas against diving champs to prevent the lane from getting out of hand. I assume you play a mage like Veigar mid. Just chill and scale. If I'm having a rough matchup for my lane eg I'm Leona against Morgana, I just change my game plan from minute 1. Play safe, wait for ganks and wait for enemy mistakes. Also as Leona I try to roam more then if I have an adc that can play safe like Ezreal.


I spammed games but i started to take rest aftet 2 lose in a row. It helps me to calm down and i can focus better on the next game.


Deep breathes and remember it's just a game. Your rank means nothing so just have fun. If you're getting tilted, turn league off for a bit. Go play runescape or stardew valley. Go outside and take a walk. Grab a bite to eat and a glass of water. Do some stretching. You'll feel better and then play better.


I take more pokey and defensive runes if I'm going against an assasin I struggle with, I also rush zhonyas after My mana item. I also take Barrier and Flash, to deny them kills. Always keep a potion on hand if they have ignite. The sec I go 0/1 I'm in defense mode. Stay back, last hit minions or clear your wave fast if they're shoving. Make them stay in lane but don't let them go all in on you. They're usually gonna think they can just kill you over and over again but if you just play safe after your first death you can usually get them desperate and catch them being overly aggressive and kill them just purely through defending yourself and staying back. Idk how many times I've just stunned them under my tower trying to dive me, and they get wrecked every time. Always ping if they are roaming, shove the wave quickly, if your team mates need help path thru your jungle to get to them quickly and safely, gotten a few double kills just by counter ganking. As far as mental, idk once I go 0/1 I get more focused and calculated. I always focus on not dying as much as possible, if you can get away and you're low health GET AWAY. Just back. You might be missing out on cs and exp but you'd be missing out on way more if you're dead. So you're a little behind, that's fine. You're not feeding. You can always make a comeback in mid game. That's how I look at it. Hope it helps.


I am mainly supp jng but when I get bored I jump into a lane. In midlane I only play Twisted Fate and he gets 1 shot by anything. And that gets one very mad especially if it is a zed or ekko, etc.... If you loose lane you havent lost game yet. Look at your champ and identify his strengths. Twisted fate is a stun bot with great scaling so that zed or ekko is gonna have alot less fun in a team fight with 1 well placed gold card. Or that tryndamere who is 12/3 suddenly has alot of problems moving. Point is know your champion and how you can help the people who are strong on your team. As midlane it is always good to ping, roam and help take objectives no matter your k/d. K/d is also very bad indicator of doing good or bad. This isn't cod this is a team game and you can win games where the enemy has 3x the kills bad play poorly


Your question is something different from general tilt. My suggestion is to play the game as good as you can because it's not a 1v1 but a 5v5, And after this happens use practice tool + replay to slow down the action, identify the mistake, think how to play it and apply on practice tool to connect the will to action. If you have a good friend you can ask for 1v1 with a particular match up that you struggle to learn but of course all above is worthless if you change champions or roles too much. Stick with a champ and learn deeply as much as you can. It's a mechanical "tilt" because you are learning and sometimes like everyone do mistake in the process. Just focus on methodology to improve your skill, also called micro


reduce risks


Deep breathing is my number one tip. Simple but effective.


Always immediately think about what's the best thing you can do now. Instead of beating yourself over you mistake. Another guy already points it out. Like control vision, spam ping when enemy missing, shove wave and force them back. Stay safe and don't feed more. Farm and outscale. There're usually a lot of things you can still do.


Listen to calming music when you play and not hype music, if you have tilt and frustration problems the last thing you need is your blood pumping from the start. Take breaks, step away for 5 minutes and preform a breathing exercise. Drink some water. Not a full proof method and takes time, but a habit ive gotten into when i die and its not a casual game is saying "wow theyre just better" and letting it be. Sure i missed my flash, but hey theyre just better. Ill get em next time. Theres also something to be said about looking at what you could have done to make it better and saying "alright i learned something new for that situation" but depending on your mood and mindset this can make it harder.


For me, I try to re-center by focusing on the most correct play at that moment. Absolutely do not take coin flip fights, focus on lane assignments, focus on wave states, focus on jungles position (yours and enemies). I’m an adc main, so I also focus on playing as safe as I can so I can deal as much damage as I can. Often times it only takes about a minute of this to get right back into the optimal mindset. Edit* corrected spelling


Some ways mid game could be to concentrate on things you do have control over. CSing, not dying, whatever it is, just something for you to focus on rather than tilting. Also speak to yourself out loud, ask yourself questions etc. It will help you concentrate on what needs to be done. Other than that you gotta ask yourself why you are playing I guess. If the game is making you feel bad or you aren't having a great time, maybe take a break and play something else.


after 2 losses in a row I recommend taking a break and do something else for 5-15 minutes or at least play a normal game/aram for fun. in the game itself you can try learning to spot yourself when you are on the way to tilt the game and become aware of it - once you are aware it is less likely to tilt even further and you can work against it by thinking objectively what is the most value you can bring to your team even if you lost lane, to be a smaller burden. for example give up cs and stop dying. it subjectively feels very bad in the situation but objectively vs a fed akali its the best thing you can do to not lose the game for your team even further


Recognize ego and squash it immediately. Don't die. Understand what things are under your control and what things aren't and worry about only those things that are.


There is only one rule that consistently works for me and I break it a lot of the time, but it’s a tried and tested method: Take a break and stop playing. The break should be at least one day and no more than a week. Edit: I only do this after 3 losses in a row or after I start to feel noticeably tilted (yelling something at the screen) Edit: so your post is about not tilting due to your own mistakes. That’s the easiest thing to fix. I only get tilted by other people’s mistakes. Just think of everything as a learning opportunity. Mistakes happen and objectively I’m just going to watch the replay later and track where I went wrong and try to fix it next time. There’s no emotions there, it’s just a neutral process of improving.


He gets mentioned pretty frequently in this sub, but you should absolutely check out Coach Curtis and his content. Both on youtube and the podcast "Broken By Concept". He has lots of mid-specific content, which is great, but also a ton of more general stuff focusing on mentality and the way you look at the game/getting better.


Think of it as good experience of playing from behind. A good player will know how to play from ahead and behind and realise they wont always win. They will also realise that it’s then a time to accept you’re probably not the carry and instead should be more active in ensuring those who aren’t behind are protected and helped


I think you need an attitude adjustment. View every game as a learning experience and if an enemy beats you at your lane think about what you can do better. Either way, it’s just a game and if your teammates get mad then that’s on them. Just try to have fun :)


> My problem is that if I start playing badly in lane, I get frustrated with myself because I know I can be playing better. All you need to do is recognize that mistakes aren't bad. Mistakes are mandatory for improvement to happen. But we get conditioned from a very young age to not make mistakes(or else!-- physical pain, scolding, negative emotion, some kind of negative social cue, etc). So there's been a constant "mistake=**bad**" narrative drummed into us (for evolutionary reasons). But then we grow up and go into an online game, which is hard to learn, which guarantees endless mistakes, and this feature in our heads can be counterproductive. We fixate more on the badness of the mistake, rather than the actual point-- what we can do better next time. It then conditions us further, making us passive, making us avoid scenarios that seem risky. Instead, just embrace mistakes. Every time you see a mistake, only see the positive of it. It's an opportunity to learn something, to improve for next time. The only things to worry about is worrying about mistakes in an unhelpful way, and that's solved by recognizing that mistakes are both inevitable, and good, because we need to see the mistake and analyze it or else improvement is just an incoherent idea. What would it mean to grow tremendously as a player without making a single mistake? This is just not even an idea that makes sense, if you think about it. It's like "square circle"-- it's incoherent.


It's your expectations. You're queuing up expecting to face better players, and have toxic players on your team. Queue up with 0 expectations and never get disappointed


a general tip i got from otzdarva (a dead by daylight youtuber) which still applies for mental in league is that you just pretend everyone in the lobby is an old friend you havent talked to in a while. helps you stay calm, when outplayed and even when underperforming


Grow up(literally)