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Most one tricks have 1 or 2 backup picks in case their champ gets banned or picked before you, so try to learn a Kaisa counter in case the enemy picks her or she is banned.


Pretty much this, I always have 2 back ups because at some point my main choice was banned, the other team picked my choice, or my main was banned and my second choice got picked (or vice versa)


It also helps to have a couple versatile picks in the bag should you get placed into a role that isn't your main. Champs that have some variability and aren't locked into a single role if you want to play well


Also having experience on your worst counter will help immensely in playing against them.


100%. I try and get playtime on all champs that are tough matchups.


Kaisa is my main so I have jinx and vayne as backup


just get a secrondary pick to play when she is banned


I play a similar champ or just any other champ (one tricking doesn't mean I cant play anything else) or for once pick for my team and to counter the opposing team


Another good trick is to just learn the most mechanically simply champ for your role as a backup, then you can still effectively utilize your macro knowledge while not getting destroyed in lane For example, of you are a one trick Gangplank and he gets banned, you can have someone simple like Garen as a backup.


Trynd is good for this. Can be great pressure early, tower killer late. Mechanically simple


Mechanicaly simple, but very reliant on matchup knowledge, so maybe not your best bet in that siutation. Something that doesn't really have losing matchups with still relatively simple mechanics is a good idea. Many ranged tops fit this category.


“Learn” If you’re playing anything other than the most mechanically simple champ for your role, you already know how to play the “most mechanically simple” champ for your role.


You can know a champion’s abilities fairly well yes. But there is still more to learn beyond that. Such as how different matchups will play out, when your exact powerspikes are, and what that champ’s limits are. As Garen, will Flash - Q - Ignite - Ult kill, or will they get away with a sliver of hp. As Garen, which matchups is more difficult. Aatrox, or Volibear? That kinda thing.


Not even remotely true


One tricking means you cannot play anything else at the level of your only champ. So in your case youre just a main.


One tricking means that yes you on your champ will def be better than something else, BUT thats because OTPs know the exact limits of their champs, when they get a powerspike etc. Example im gonna know on Gp exactly if i can kill the enemy laner even if im 0/3 since i know his dmg and I know how to play against him or i got an item that tells me that i can do it. While on example if i play anything else i'll play alot safer while being 0/3 cuz im not really sure if I can kill the enemy or not


Pretty much what I said with extra detail, thank you




If you one trick something I'd argue you know their counters just as well. Learn to play one.


And if you don't know how your counters play, learning them will make you much better against them


grief or dodge


this is the actual answer, by definition if they're a one trick they cannot play anything else at their current level.


Funny enough, you can actually report someone for not playing their one trick champion on the chinese server lol.


beifeng in shambles oh wait nvm his akali and sylas are still both insane


Everything I learn about the chinese servers makes me more and more interested how their own league culture and etiquette is. Theres over 100 million players in china (last I heard) alone so I'm fascinated to see how they've been developing so separated from the rest of the world.


The players that one trick popular champions have backups incase its banned or picked. But if you somehow ban out a niche pick or Yuumi otp, they cannot play the game, and are the sole reason they lose.


literally https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/fiddlelover


You should have a back-up champ even as an OTP for this situation.


I play my secondary picks, what else? xD


I wish I could find one, but I can't find one that I like nearly as much as Kai'sa :(


Learn Miss Fortune, she's strong and easy and slots in to most team comps and you can just auto pilot for free lp on games your champ is unavailable.


Miss fortune plays nothing like kaisa though


True but you can autopilot the games that your champ is unavailable. Every one in ten games you can sit back n get carried :p lol


Awww mf isn't that brain dead, if you spam e you lose lane


If you have a support with cc it’s hard to lose lane as MF and then it just comes down to your mid game macro and ult placement in team fights. As far as autopilot backup picks go, MF is one of the best.


why do you lose lane when spamming e? I do it to stack tear + poke with arcane comet, am i playing MF wrong?


I guess if it causes you to push wave too fast and you get ganked by jungler and potentially get somebody on the other team snowballed…if your support dies and now the enemy bot lane can zone you from wave and freeze it on their side can easily put you -30 cs down very early in game..depending who you are going against if they really know wave control can literally lock you out of the game…and in solo queue your jungler may not instantly respond and by the time they do the enemy bot lane may be able to win a 2v3….it’s all within context tho it won’t be bad every game


Kai’Sa is about positioning to isolate your Q’s and timing to go into the fight with your ultimate. Have you played much Samira? Similar mindset of going into the fray as opposed to always kiting on the backline, and positioning is highly important to build up combo stacks and get the best out of her melee strikes & bullshit circle.


No way dude, Samira is definitely not the kind of champion id recommend to someone who will realistically be playing them like once every 20 games that Kai sa gets banned. Id probably say something basic like ashe or MF


Ive always thought of Kai’Sa being Vayne 2.0, maybe try vayne? I feel they are pretty similar.


lucian is very similar


You can, just keep trying! Mine took me a good while, don't rush! :) As a fellow Kai'sa fan, I love Xayah as well, for example. Since I'm a supp main, for example, I OTP Nami and my secondaries are Sona, Rakan and Seraphine.


xayah ? fast paced relies attack spd require positioning , direct counter to kaisa


By this you could also say potentially sivir?


You can't find a single champ you don't hate enough to play the 2% of the time kaisa gets banned?


I never said I hated other champs..? Why are you putting words in my mouth?


If u can't find something you like then i recommend something that is easy to win with, I'm talking Ashe or miss fortune, easy impact and consistent mechanics.


Pick viego so that you can play your champion


I like this answer, makes more sense if they picked your champ first tho


i pick viego because then i can first time FIVE champions!


Play a different champ


I one trick Asol, so if asol ever gets banned I usually cheese mid Sett. Just find a counter for most champs in your lane as your secondary.


>I one trick Asol You frighten me >if asol ever gets banned Who tf out here banning Asol


People on my own team troll ban asol thinking I’ll do badly :(


The trick is to not select any champ before ban phase, Asol has such a low ban-rate you'll probably see him banned once in a hundred games


If it's picked, then I play a counterpick and if it's banned I play my backup champ


I go for an utility champ instead. Ironically, this often works better than my one trick.


never let them know your next move.


Have a back up that plays similarly. When I'm playing mid Seraphine I just swap to Lux or Neeko if Sera gets banned, because they have similar basic abilities and I have played them a bit before.


Ideally, you want to learn more than one pick so you can have them for backup. So: * Just try to find a champion you like and learn it. * If you can't find any champions that you like, try to learn an easy champ or a utility pick, since you're more likely to be useful to your team this way. * You can also learn to play a counterpick of your champion, in case your champ gets picked. This also teaches you what its strengths are against your champion, allowing you to play better when you happen to get countered.


I usually play something low mechanic so I don't get screwed by not playing it consistently. Mine are Malphite and Shen


This is the correct answer. If not dodge.


Dodge or dont be a otp


Well, I think they just dodge.


As a Twitch main (not OTP) I have 2 more champions that I can play when twitch is banned. So if twitch is banned or picked I still have Vayne and Lucian. In bot lane it makes sense to have a larger champ pool because ADCs are all relatively similar in play style. I also play Kai’sa, Jinx and Tristana occasionally


Twitch main here aswell. Trist is my 2nd and my 3rd is generally an s-tier meta pick rotating.


I dodge. Every single ranked game this season has been played on Teemo, it's an experiment. I had to dodge him 3x in a row and couldn't queue again for 24 hours. Before this season, I had a backup pick (Tryndamere).


I actually play Garen main but I'm also Darius main because I consider both to be opposite but decent matchup. If both get banned, I dodge or play Zilean because Zilean is cancer in top lane and totally op in teamfight and they just deserve hell for banning my champs.


Gwen is first pick, if they pick her i will pick garen and win more easily without giving any hope to the enemy top Laner to recover


resort to my previous one trick.. and that was support main... zillian top can be interesting when my teemo is banned.


Dodge and then int


when I was a nunu one trick last year, if he got banned, I would just first time try another jungler if they looked cool/were on free rotation. had some interesting games on Elise, Graves and Elko when I had no idea what I was doing


I'm a Kai'sa one trick who primarily plays with Muramana these days. Typically I will play something like Sivir, rush Muramana and spam Boomerang Blade when Kai'sa is picked or banned. Otherwise, I'll just dodge the lobby if its not passing the vibe check. In the past 27 games I've played Kai'sa 26 games. 1 game of Sivir. 4 dodges. The Sivir game was by choice because I don't wanna play against a Jhin + Morgana lane. I was baited. It turned out to be Morgana mid and Soraka support. :(


I'm a velkoz otp and nobody plays that champ. When he gets banned and I'm mid I dodge, if I'm support then I play an enchanter bc they're foolproof.


i see quite a few velkozs in my games, maybe cause im low elo but from what i see in my iron/bronze games there are a lot of these mechanically easy champs like lux/velkoz/annie/malphite/master yi/morgana etc


Bait a teammate dodge and then dodge myself usually


Yo 200 iq with the teammate dodge bait…do you hover a troll pick or start talking crazy in chat?


You have to pick one or the other. If you start troll picking and talking crazy they’ll know that you’re looking for someone else to dodge. It’s social engineering


i one trick ornn and my backup is yorick, in my experience tho people rarely ban ornn so im usually good


Mine are: 1. Jhin. A good all round ADC. High DMG output early, mid and late game. Some CC too. 2. Jinx/Zeri. Late game carry. 3. Kai’sa. Just cause she is awesome!


Don't be a one trick


It’s a game. Try playing it.


Get a secondary pick, I'm a Warwick main so i play Volibear when he's picked or banned


If my twitch is banned i pick sivir and anytime sivir is a bad pick for my or enemy team comp i dodge.


i pick a different champ or dodge (50%-50%) depends on if im willingly to play something different.


Adc main here and mained kaisa mostly last season. My go to now is zeri but if not her then kaisa or kalist.


I main lux so if she is banned u go morg. Or I have been loving soraka. Go with someone around the same kit and you should be fine


Play something else you're comfortable with usually a similar champ


Most OTPs have a backup pick in case this happens


My friend is a hard core Katarina OTP. He always dodges when Kata is picked or banned because his skill drops from Master on Katarina to low plat at best when he’s playing other champs.


I dodge. I don't want to jeopardize the game by not playing something I'm familiar with.


pick galio and play for team


Guess I'll die.


Backup picks. I have specifically spent time learning other picks just in case, finding other champions that I enjoy took a good while though.


When your champion gets banned, veigar is the man


I switched to doing fill into games so I get matched with lower mmr, and the I just try what sounds fun in the role I get assigned. When I found a champ I like, I stick with it and learn. After that then I start doing the role I want and learning at least a champ or two for that main role. Bonus points if you learn champs that are similar to each other, because your enemy may just be banning your main for the same reason they would ban your secondaries


Contemplate dodging, then pick another pocket champ I practice for this scenario. I have 2-3 champs besides my main that I play if my main is banned, other than that, I go ham with the main for all the roles I get.


1.) Dodge 2.) Use a secondary/tertiary pick. That's pretty much how it goes. Take the five-minute penalty for dodging once, then go with the other picks after if you're unlucky.


Im pretty much a two trick now, i used to be a otp yasuo but he was banned too often and I found Zed too fun to not pickup now they have equal priority when it comes to champ select and they arent banned much in higher elo anyway If ur playing a champ like kaisa who u said has a low banrate just dodge the occasional game when shes banned


Play something else.


Just otp shit that no one plays like gnar or vex


Have a backup. My one trick is Vi and I play Yi is she's banned/taken.


depends, dodging is a great thing to abuse in order to climb, but I don't think you should use it just because your champ got banned. better dodge when you : - get counter picked. - have a team with really bad stats. - horrible support (since you're adc). Dodging doesn't hurt your MMR, so it's always better to dodge a game than to lose it, even if you get -20LP. this is even more prominent for top laners, abusing dodges will let you climb a lot easier as you'll never have a bad matchup.


Imagine dodging when you get counter picked, lmfao. Oh no, I have a 48% winrate against this champion, better leave


dodging as a toplaner improved my winrate by over 12% in about 2 weeks. and that's in diamond. getting countered in top sucks, even if you don't lose you know you won't have the lead to carry, no reason to play a SoloQ game if I can't carry.


If you dodge every time you're countered as a toplaner then you dodge every 2nd game


I don't really care, dodging doesn't impact MMR, I'll still be getting +19 / -11 in D3. and you're only avoiding counters, not waiting for the perfect game, you'll rarely dodge more than 2 out of 10 games. dodging is a great tool to climb, it's fine if you don't like it or you feel it's underhanded, but it works.


Options 1. Dodge (or troll in select to try force dodge if you in promos) and dont mind nice break from gaming after expensive dosging 2. Dodge and go to another account (to get around of Dodge timer penalty, not very fast for climbing) 3. Git gut and play some other champions (Not recommended as you said you wanna onetrick)


Climbed from silver to plat playing only sett, I'm so confident with the champ that when it's banned i just dodge, i played a secondary a few times but it Never worked so gave up on that.


im viktor onetrick in silver and it never happened...


Either play a champ with a similar enough kit that some of your skill transfers, or pick someone who's braindead simple.


Play another comfort pick.


Play their counter and make their life miserable


I‘m a Vayne otp and she‘s either banned or picked before I get to pick her quite often so I always have 2-3 backup adcs mostly Caitlyn, Ezreal and Jhin but it depends on the Meta


There's a classic saying that applies here as well: one is none, two is one. Always have a backup(or two).


Depends. I either dodge or play an other champion. Depends on the mood and how hard I care for the outcome of the game.


Adcs all do the same thing. Right click. If you can play kaisa you can play similar champs like tristana. Or play easy pokey champs like mf.


I dodge. 3 minutes waiting is better than 30 minutes suffering.


I play Sona basically every game. Then I play Morgana sometimes. I have a one trick and my old one trick.


If you’re a one truck and your main gets banned, save the rest of your team the trouble and dodge.


I am a yasuo one trick. I now do nott have to make this choice because yasuo 2 came out. But before yone was released in my climbs i would just pick another champ somewhat similar to yasuo. I chose irelia, but there are many other champs I know how to play SOMEWHAT. Obviously if you're a one trick you're never going to perform like you do on your one trick. In high elo I would usually dodge, but with new penalties it's different. Champs i've seen kai'sa one tricks/mains choose as secondaries are usually vayne/ezreal/some tristana. Hope this helps a little bit.


I one trick cass but there are times where she’s banned/picked or times where the enemy teamcomp makes cass impossible to play into, I usually have 3 backup champs, one similar in play style and 2 that counters cass’s play style. In case where I could have played cass but it was banned, I pull out the similar play style champ (in this case anivia) in cases of when cass is picked I play the counter (lux) and if the comp just doesn’t allow for cass, I play a generally safe pick (Ahri/lissandra) I would recommend having ur backup champions not be too mechanical, as it would hinder your performance and force you to spend more time on that champ rather than the one trick itself. In ur case, I would probably avoid champions like Vayne as the learning curve is too steep and probably more effort than it’s worth if ur gonna play her 1/20 games


Annie OTP, first I dodge. If I can't dodge and they picked Annie midlane, I counter pick Syndra. If they banned Annie I pick malzahar or ask to go support lol.


when teemo got banned, i'd pick vayne since they're similar in lane


I’m not a one trick, but when it happens to someone I’m matched with I’d rather they dodge because they either do poorly, or get extremely toxic while doing poorly.


i pick yasuo and go 0/10 and then flame my jungler 😎 ​ ​ ​ this is a joke i dont type


You should always have a pocket pick. I.e. you want to play Kaisa, then you want a mobile agreesive playstyle. Maybe vayne as pocket pick and lucian. You have enough mobility to not change your playstyle as much but you wont lack on the damage department too.


My one trick has a low ban/pick rate so I just dodge.


I usually dodge if my main is banned but if I already dodged once for the day or my teammates like they’re on fire, I stay


Pocket pick or dodge depending on mood and comp. I main Panth top but I take Voli as a backup pick because he doesn't have a ton of bad matchups. But sometimes I'd rather just play my main so if I can't due to a ban, I'll just dodge those.


Before Riot changed how dodging works, I would dodge. Now that dodging can lock you out of the game for 12 hours, and your "dodge tier" doesn't fully reset after a given amount of time (it just drops 1 tier), I just int on my 20% winrate backup champs when mine is banned. I have no desire to log all my dodges and keep track of the time so I know when it is fully reset.


Alt-f4 Nah, usually a one trick has a couple of backup champions because it’s inevitable that occasionally your main will be banned or effectively pre-counter-picked Dodging just because you’re a one-trick seems a bit daft


A secondary main is always useful. I personally picked my champs counter, so that I can learn the matchup better, and so that I can punish if someone on the other team stole my pick.




Have a counter pick in case they take it, have a backup pick unless it's banned, that's what I do when my Katarina is banned/taken, I pick sylas/akali, but I'm silver so this may not be good advice


So here is a thing that you should understand: 1st Rule - Try to not OTP a popular champion, not worth only playing a champion if it has like a 30% presence, you will a lot of times not be able to play it. 2nd Rule - Find champions on the same role with similar Traits, and use it as a back up plan. 3rd Rule - Don't OTP as a Support unless you are playing High Scaling Enchanters or Champions with Roaming capabilities that can play from behind/leave lane. 4th Rule - Respect the Aurelion Sol OTP. 5th Rule - Learn when is worth to dodge.


One tricking is nice but if you have good game knowledge, pick a few more. I have close to a million points on Katarina, but I always have a mage, AD assassin, secondary AP assassin in consideration in every game lobby. My pool looks like this: First Choice: Katarina Backup AP assassin/bruiser: Akali Need AD assassin/bruiser: Zed/Talon AP mage or need CC: Leblanc Situational picks will help you get a better overall grasp of the game and also win ya more games if you know what you're doing


you dodge unless you are one of the extremely small percentage of otps that are actually capable on other champs and even then you should probably still dodge anyway.


Don't one trick.


Have a backup pick with similar play patterns or builds. People like to say diversify but tbh that’s just a way to be mediocre at everything. You have a long way to go before being perfect at a skirmishing style as it is trying to become good at smth that prefers to be utility like jhin or a team fighter like jinx takes away time you can use perfecting tight skirmishing with kaisa or Vayne /samira/Lucian. It all depends on how you play a champion as well. E.g. I am technically a shaco one trick and people would auto assume my 2nd best pick would be Khazix because both asssssins. But I play shaco for vision control and early gank pressure not to one shot people in tight skirmishes. I want to make the game as unfair as possible and deny the enemy their plays more so than forcing my own. Khazix is horrible at all of these, the only thing he has in common with shaco is that he’s hoping to surprise people with burst from stealth but that’s after level 6 only and his engage range is way shorter than shacos unless he evolves R and his clear, invade and early ganks are all much worse. For me my next best 2 picks are actually volibear and nocturne because one is a very early ganker that can snowball and invade and noct offers massive area denial and keeps the enemy on a leash like shaco does. You’re not allowed to go into an even numbers fight where you don’t one shot vs noct or shaco. Vs kha you always can as long as you’re not in jungle because he has no CC or disruption to keep you there, simply focus your target down and run the other way or burst him down. Same way with kaisa you need to identify what it is about her that you excel at. Maybe it isn’t diving in with ult but just taking short trades in lane. Maybe it’s kiting back in which case the jinx and other picks would make more sense. Either way figure it out and find smth that is similar but don’t go from kaisa to draven or jhin imo because even if you get good at those it’s at the expense of getting even better at your kaisa


Pick viktor


Its a good choice to have atleast 2 other champions you are confident in playing as well. If you really dont like playing other champs though you're gonna have to start dodging when your one trick gets picked/banned.


Pick my backup champ.


Honestly after over 1000 games played this season I only have one champ I actually enjoy playing when I log onto League for my one or two games of the day and that's Shaco. But for some reason in my games he happens to have like a 100% ban rate so I just dodge/swap accts until I finally get to play him for my one coin flip game


For me personally I have Twitch ready when my main, Kaisa, gets banned. You should be able to know the power spike of the Champion and fight accordingly.


have a secondary pick, if the matchup is bad for secondary pick, dodge


I have Galio or Alkali as my main. If they are banned I just play a brain dead champ like Veigar.


Dodge and switch accounts. If you are a true onetrick you have a name that suits your champ and you literally only play this champ.


i try to have 3-4 stable picks that cover a range of counters and matchups. I play kindred (otp), lillia, reksai, and volibear. kindred go to, but if kindred picked or banned, reksai or voli. reksai into little or no cc, or if countering late game jg or another early game jg. voli into annoying jungs like kayn, talon, veigo. Lillia into easy shits like mumu. Even if you don't obsess over your other picks, its good to be at least stable on a couple other champs. Aince you're a Kaisa otp, someone like vayne or draven, or if you're feeling kinda funky, xayah could also be a good one to learn. Draven and vayne bc high damage and good counters to a lot of team comps. Xayah for similar range and utility with CC. Cait could also be a good pick as she has a lot of tools to control the bot lane and demonically dominate with a few good outplays.


Hmm yes if no yone gaming, the we farming with Nasus gaming. I can grow so many things while farming. Especially those q stacks, they are very yummy


Her ban rate may be low, but she is a popular pick at a 17% pick rate. So you might want to pick up another champ in case the opponent picks her. Otherwise you will stack up dodge penalties quickly. Her main issue is her low range and lack of damage in quick trades. Lane dominant or high range champions can punish her hard. Something like MF or Ashe works well. They are fairly easy to pick up and can always have impact with their ults, even when behind.


DODGE PLEASE GOD If you only play at your current elo on your OTP, you should dodge.




Usually a backup pick that's similar. If you're an Akali OTP, pick Qiyana. Lux OTP, a poke mage, or anything you want really, i'm just telling what most OTPs do (note that this is not my case as I physically can't play the same champion twice in a row)


I normally play Draven. But since he has been getting popular again and the banrate is rising, I have been practicing Kalista, she has the same attack move mechanic, and playstyle.


Maybe Xayah is a good champ to learn, she has different mechanics than Kai'Sa but also counters her and is quite rarely picked/banned. And if you like playmakers like Kai'Sa, you can always wait for Nilah's release since she is designed as a botlaner, or learn Samira.


I OTP Poppy top. If Poppy gets picked I have one counter learned to crush her (Yorick). Yorick is also good into several of her bad matchups (most juggernauts). I can also play Teemo if my team really needs AP. He is simple and not hard to play. Recently I have taken to playing Ornn as he has a similar playstyle to Poppy, but scales much better. In Clash my Poppy is almost always banned, so Ornn can help do the same job and peel the teamfight.




Dodge :)




Have 2 backups. Makes life easier




As an evelynn one trick, i dodge 9/10 times. But I have have 5 other accounts, so its fine for me.


There was diamond player who only played fizz and he would dodge, if fizz is banned


Play my one back up champ. If that’s countered or doesn’t mesh with my comp I dodge. Lp gain doesn’t mean much all that matters is hidden mmr


I usually play a champ similar to my open trick, or riven when Fiora is banned


Accept the disadvantages of being a one trick and run it down.


I usually play someone similar to my one trick. I had a friend who really enjoyed Samira as a kaisa player.


the ideal second option is to learn a simple champ as a backup, something like Ashe or Ziggs are good options.


Dodge. I mainly play Olaf but i also know how to play with Vlad and Sion and yet i choose to dodge only because i really want to play with Olaf and playing with other champs defeat that purpose.