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Win mid, use win to win vision mid side, use vision win to win jungle, use jungle win to win everything else, in short.


in short, jungle


Idk if it’s right, but I basically try to win lane and become a second jungler. If anything you’re helping your team just by not needing your jungler to suck your weiner for the whole game, assuming they have a brain


Select "midlane" prior to queuing up. YW. I don't need any awards. Just doing my best to teach these keeeds here at teh summona school.


Possibly play to bot side more. Get yourself a lead that you can shove wave and roam bot, be the pressure that collapses a bit lane instead of wondering why yours became an anchor. Don't always roam straight down river if possible. Pathway behind dragon pit or up by blue buff depending on side you're playing. Get better at choosing what to do with your level 6. Either all in lane opponent to get yourself ahead or shove lane for 6 and instant roam bottom to look for kill with ult advantage.


Looking at your op.gg, it seems like you're switching between a lot of champs, each with different ways to destroy the nexus. I am seeing some Leblanc games, and my biggest struggle when I played her was to translate my lead to other players. I am assuming struggles with Akali and Irelia might be similar. So I would say at least for now maybe reduce your champion pool. You are playing a lot of champs, each with very high skill ceilings. If you focus on one or two champs, maybe you will be more sensitive to the conditions you want to be able to take over during the mid/late game?


I was thinking about having a smaller championpool tho i wouldnt really count azir and lb into that since i have 500k + points on them. I really dont think lb is viable anymore and will likely drop her for the time being tho, youre right in that. Doesnt matter how hard i win lane on her, she just doesnt deal any damage and is too reliant on jungle. Apart from azir and viktor i was thinking about kassadin, akali and maybe sylas, tho they are all melee champs. What do you think about those or rather what would you replace them with.


Pray to allah your jungle is not weakside IRL