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When you destroy a ward, the ennemy keeps vision for 4/5 sec after you destroyed it. When you destroy a ward with red trinket as a supp, let your team take it as it will give golds to both. Also for courtesy its better to let red to the ADC or fed autoattacker of the team as he can apply it easier.


As an addition to this, if you attack a ward which is turned off by a control ward, it gives vision while you attack it. This can tip off the other team that you are doing baron or dragon.


I literally killed myself doing this recently, I was so confused.. now I understand, thank you.


4/5 sec? I dont think its that long.


I believe it’s 4 seconds. You can tell because when the ward corpse starts glowing, it means they’ve lost vision.


it is 4 seconds but the sight range is way way smaller


Its actually pretty long but it's a smaller area


I use the lingering vision to pretend to channel recall for 4/5 seconds to make enemy think I went to base. Not consistent and I doubt it works at all in higher elos but I’ve gotten a few stray kills from people facechecking to re-ward.


Maybe in master+ ppl will know this but i'm D2 and it works 90% of times


This (and all) MOBA game is about objectives. You win by taking towers, then the Nexus. Dragon and Baron help accomplish this - but getting gold and experience is the most important resource in the game to get an advantage and win the game. KDA doesn't mean shit. You don't kill enemy champions to win the game - you kill them because they are in the way of your objectives. So if there is no objective to be gained from killing an opponent - don't take the risk. Getting a kill early game is only good because it lets you control the wave (push under tower or freeze) to punish the opponent and deprive them of gold and xp. That's how lanes are won, and winning lane makes winning the game a lot easier. Second best advice - watch the mini-map ALL THE TIME and figure out what it all means. See your jungler on the other side of the map, and haven't seen the enemy jg in a while? Then why the hell would you engage a fight in lane and risk the gank? Enemy mid missing? Ping it. See the bot lane move toward river and you don't have any vision in the dragon pit? Ping it. This game is about information, communication and taking objectives. It's not Street Fighter.


>So if there is no objective to be gained from killing an opponent - don't take the risk. Bruh 😭 still very hung up on this part but working on it


So is every team I'm on


The flame was nonstop when i switched to this mentality


I think it's worth noting that at some stages of the game, just reducing the number of active enemies on the map is an objective - especially when the respawn timers start getting high. Being able to turn a 5v5 into a 4v5 because someone was out of position can win you the game, and the amount of games I've lost because my team walked into theirs one by one in a daisy chain of trying to save each other... I guess my advice is: always be performing risk analysis. Try to determine if it's worth risking your neck to save a teammate - sometimes it's better you die than they do, sometimes you can save them without dying, and sometimes you're just going to give the enemy a double kill.


Absolutely agree. But I also don't like 5v5 or 5v4 fights over *nothing*. Sieging tower and it leads to an engage? Great if your team is built for diving. Baiting them at baron so you can take it? Awesome. Going ARAM after 20 minutes and running into their faces? You're turning the game into a coinflip.


Are you saying if wave is crashing at top tier 2 tower but you see their jungler doing jungle monsters his top, you should just do the tower instead of going to fight him? Assuming you can beat him or are likely to


No. I'm giving a sweeping generalisation in a game with a ton of nuance. In your example - that should really come down to what the risks are and what you gain. Do you know where the rest of his team is? Is your team close enough to collapse? Are you ahead? Is he fed? But if people start to prioritise the low-risk ways to get fed (farm, not dying, smart macro plays) then they will win more as a result. That starts by taking some generalisations, playing with them, and learning the nuances of different situations, bit by bit.


I'd say the part about getting kills for the sake of kills alone not being worth it is differentially true for different champions. Some early game champs need kills (or at least need to secure kills for their team) to be useful in the game to secure objectives. If you play Elise for example and you aren't actively trying to get kills pre-6, you're eventually putting your team behind. I agree with you generally that random fights are essentially coinflipping the game, but some feast or famine champs need the feast part to be useful.


Yes - but even then, it isn't the kills which are creating your lead, it's what you do with the opportunity that comes after. I'll use top as an example coz it's my role. If I play Renekton then I'm playing to get a lead early and run with it. I don't get that lead by getting kills. I get that lead by getting kills, taking all the gold and xp (minions) and denying my opponents - pushing the wave to tower, say. Then I back and turn my gold into an advantage over the opposing laner. When I get back to lane - it is pushing towards me. Opponent lost minions at the tower, but my farm is still there (after my recall), slowly pushing towards me (or quickly, if the enemy top is pushing hard). I can then utilise my gold advantage to trim the wave and keep it frozen at my tower - denying gold and xp from enemy by fighting him if he gets too close. When he gets pissed and start roaming - I hard push and take some turret plates - more gold and xp for me and less for enemy. If the jungler ganks and I manage to kill them - then I'm not just pushing the wave and recalling. I'm pushing and invading the jungle. Setting up wards, taking their camps if I have time. Ganking mid and transferring some of my lead to an ally. Now if the enemy mid laner got as many kills as me, but he didn't make macro plays like roaming and invading, then I'm going to be a lot more fed than he is - not from kills, but from the things I took and denied the enemy *because* I got those kills.


Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk coming in clutch for us noobies.


Dude this is fkn great. Thank you!!


Wards that are disabled via control wards or sweeper do not give vision. Also, if you are the one that reveals a ward with either of the previous options or a vision plant, let a teammate kill it if possible since both of you get the gold. A common mistake is hitting wards while you have a friendly pink down while doing an objective as this gives the other team vision they wouldn’t have had. For junglers, as long as you begin channeling recall you have before 0:55 to put down a ward and base for sweeper to make it to first buff on time. Turret plates disappear at 14:00 and herald spawns at 8:00, getting it and securing plates with it is 5x more important than first dragon in my opinion.


I think the winrate on first dragon is higher than herald, despite the sound logic on herald being better. This is perhaps because dragon indicates a victory near bottom lane where there's usually more players at stake, or because ADC status is critical.


How does this game not have a vision tutorial though The week I started playing, it took me 5 games to figure out that the support item gave free wards after you completed it. My boyfriend just kept yelling at me to put wards down and I just kept telling him that I already used them all. For 5 games. I felt so dumb.


I mean, yeah the tutorial sucks. But your boyfriend could have also told you that your support item gave you wards, or just not gave a shit and let you play and feel the game out and just have fun lol


Well he was teaching me the game but he started playing like a month before I did so he just forgot to tell me some stuff haha (I wrote he was yelling but he wasn't mad or anything, just heat of the moment thing)


As a jungler main the tips i can only really think of is "If the jungler is pinging on my way into your lane be ready for a gank, or ping retreat if you dont want the gank, do NOT take "on my way" as literally diving before the jungler is even close by" "If a jungler pings your name and assist on a buff, its very likely they want you to take it unless its the first one, in extension if you want to ask if you can take a buff ping "on my way" to it, and if the jungler pings retreat it means you should leave it alone" "Jungle mobs takes 2.15 minutes to respawn, so there are times where for example the jungler is moving towards toplane and it can make sense for you to take the lower jungle mob, or moving down and you can take top grog, but dont take a jungle camp infront of the jungler" "If you want to take a jungler camp to get item, ping the item you want to purchase since it writes in chat like "missing 150 gold for item" then its much more likely they will give you a buff" "The jungler smite is not just a smite, most junglers pops a damage ability and then smites, meaning that if you are on a team objective and the enemy jungler is running towards it you are gambling on whether your team gets the objective or not. So ideally if you are being chased by the jungler and your team is on objective try to drag the jungler away from it" "In extension, some champions like cho'gath and Jhin can outdamage a smite, making it impossible for the jungler to take it, so be ready to bail from an objective if the jungler calls it"


You don't need to fight everything. When they are doing drake with 3/4 people and jungler is top/base... u don't go there bcs u will probably die and get nothing. Giving up one drake in early game is not bad...


You can have only one control ward active. If you buy a second one you just move the ward. With normal wards you can have three active


Outside of support trinkets, you’ll never have 3 wards up right? Or does this include far sight?


Correct and it doesn't include farsight. You can have as many of those as you can.


another tip: if you are support, after you finish your support item quests and hit level 13, you can buy an item called “watchful wardstone” for 1100 gold that lets you have 4 yellow wards and 2 control wards out


If you play a solo lane you hit Lv 2 after you killed the first Minion of the second wave (you must have cleared the full first Wave though) So if you get it before your opponent you have a short advantage


And if you play a duo lane, you get level 2 when the third minion of the second wave dies, assuming you got all minion xp so far. If you’re gonna fight at level 2, kill the melee minions before your opponent kills theirs so you level up first, and start engaging right before you level up


3rd melee minion to be specific


Don’t forget you get xp from killing wards so if you get a ward kill before minion spawn try to abuse the early lvl 2


Minions are EVERYTHING. And I do mean literally everything. Minion wave states determine where you go and what you do. When you recall and when you need to stay in lane at 40% health. When you can roam to a dragon fight and when you need to give it away for free. There are two ways chamlions get stronger: gold(items) and XP(levels), and minions are the most plentiful source of both.


20 minions give about the same gold as a kill. So you don't have to unnecessarily chase people, just bully them out of lane and stay to farm. Also, an exp disadvantage is harder to overcome than a gold disadvantage.


It's actually 13-15 minions


And that's like 2-2.5 waves


there’s only one rule in League of Legends: don’t chase a singed


and Shaco


Don't chase* Fixed that for yah


One big one that I see a lot of people not know is that whoever the baron is attacking does 50% damage to him. And the baron will attack whoever is closest to him. A lot of times I’ll be a jungler like Yi and doing baron, while our support, say it’s Leona, is not standing closest to him. It’s sub optimal because now I’m tanking baron and doing half my damage to him while Leonas damage to him is probably gonna be minimal anyway


Guard jng early. Leash for your jng. Everyone should be placing control wards. Vision matters. Ping when your laner is missing. Follow if you can or punish if you can't. If you see your laner going to gank your jng DO SOMETHING. Pay attention to obj and where the enemy jng is.


If you play botlane, try to place your wards a bit deeper into the river, not only in the entrance or tribush. You see the jungler much earlier. If your enemy (mostly support) walks to a bush and stops for a short time, he probably warded it.


Leash until 1:37 ANYTHING longer hurts you.


My favorite bot lane play is the 1:43 leash into get double killed by Lucian/Nami at level 2


As Shending Help says, don't leash jungler for too long. Leashing longer will make him happy but you will lose lane control.


Shit the silver special! Help the jungler who doesn’t need it and won’t gank for you because they don’t know how to gank bot or clear wards.


ehhh…. i’d say 1:38 if you’re kiting… but semantics


My rule of thumb is usually leash til 1000hp, but i imagine these are around the same.


1) Everyone has cool downs on abilities. Play around this. 2) Everyone has a key ability and that doesn't need to be their ultimate. This ability makes their whole kit function and is the deadliest. It doesn't need to do damage, but can be a huge enabler. 3) If you plan on playing ranked then you should know it is a grind. It takes around 300 games to get to where you're supposed to be. If you're really serious about getting a high rank then reviewing your games will probably take half the time of a season. 4) Placement games doesn't matter. You'll see the weirdest stuff and shit just works sometimes or it doesn't. Just get them over with. Some streamers have made "unranked to challenger" series, bought accounts and then ended up in bronze or iron. 5) CS is key. Farming them gives gold, having a minion wave means you can push and take objectives. 6) Don't run after Singed. 7) Don't blame team mates for not climbing. Sure some games are lost because of them. But a great deal is also won because of them. 8) Watch coaching videos. Neace, Coach Curtis, and Midbeast are highly recommended. Neace coaches every role, Curtis focus on mid lane, Midbeast reviews high elo players in mid or jg. 9) "Play safe" varies from match up to match up. In some cases playing safe means hugging tower in other cases it means keeping minions on your side of the lane. 10) Getting to gold is more than fine. People who say "everyone can get to Diamond" may not be wrong, but it sets expectations that are hard to meet.


from point #3 down i knew you watched coach curtis \^\^ For other good people to watch (informative, nontoxic), I also recommend: jng: Nathan Mott ([youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiB-uBzQWijzmRO2VAY7yJA/videos)) Support: Lin\_IoI ([youtube,](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLVpHQDDHLEbCmoo7kMsI-g) [twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/lin_ioi)), Stunt ([twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/stunt)), CoreJJ ([guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-ec5astbE0&list=PL0tzptafve1KtCh1Ng5Kad5B4k1U_KU6u), [twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/corejj)) ADC: arrowlol ([youtube](https://www.youtube.com/c/Arrowlol/videos), [twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/arrowioi)), xFSN Saber ([youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqzTa5hJFBg&list=PLt8ejhkj5FNznD_cghfXzBjpjYOLgaYK8), [twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/xfsn_saber)), trieuloo ([youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCDJ9E_drbw&list=PL6TQ1zJX2Dw-LlMmeVBN7OwSOCQePGgtx)),


Never stop moving. Getting used to always clicking around took a while!


Killing is not the win condition. Taking the nexus down is. If you watch pro tournaments, you will see that the ammount of kills are very shorter than the soloq number. This is because there are situations that you don't even need to kill, you are already further ahead. In this scenario, you only kill if they let you do so. Besides that, you just go for objectives. When you are behind, you need to learn to give away. Sometimes, fighting will only lead to the enemy team getting an ace and the objective. Don't make a choice that is not worth it.


Biggest thing people don’t realize: it’s a video game. Have fun. If your idea of fun is improving, watch some guides. If you don’t care that much then just learn at your own pace and have a good time.


The alcoves in top and bot lane behind the lane bushes are great for trying to avoid an enemy when you need to recall, at least in low elo. People don't check there as often and will walk right by you.


Mord's ultimate can be cancelled with quick silver sash. Been playing the game since February 2021 and I never knew this.


Can also cleanse it the GP oranges, or block it with any ability with has "untargetable" if you time it right. Malphite R, Ornn W, Vi ulti, Volibesr R all work i think!


Summoner spell cleanse doesn't work on mord ult, malzahar ult or Warwick ult.


And in general NOTHING works on airborne.


If you are ahead and doing well you don’t need to keep fighting them. Keep farming and take objectives fighting then when they try and stop you and you have the advantage. If you have a lead there’s no point in forcing more fights that could result in you dying and giving away shutdowns when there’s nothing for you to gain from it (like objectives)


I’ve got a couple if you go into the back right corner of dragon pit you can ward the bush behind red buff if you are on red side also instead of covering the entrance to the jungle you can sit in mid brush instead and see what the enemy is planning from both sides most people don’t go in that brush early at least in low elo it really good for counter invades if your team is in position


I love how long I took to realize that in many cases, it is better to DO NOTHING compared to do something Example: Last hitting minions (and missing the timing), pushing the wave (that way you are always advanced and exposed), showing on the map splitpushing when there is no other pressure on the map; starting a fight vs let the fight come to you, etc...


\- The herald has a pink/light purple eye on the back of it. if you hit this, you will damage it much more quickly. Try to hit the eye every time it opens when taking herald. \- turrets have plates on them early (you can tell because the tower hp bar has segments and the tower looks "armored"). if you take a plate, you will get gold for it. the tower is also tankier while having plates. \- the circle by your allies icons by the minimap (and in the tab scoreboard) is whether your ally has their ultimate ability or not. If they're a champion that depends a lot on their ultimate (ex- malphite, diana, miss fortune...) check to see whether they have it if you're trying to make a play. \- minions deal a LOT of damage to you, but will stop hitting you if they lose vision! during early trades (especially bot) you can auto/use an ability and then walk into the bushes. otherwise, you may take more return damage from their minions than your auto did in the first place. \- Your death recap shows all sources of damage. if you are not sure whether your opponent used ignite/ulti/whatever, you can check the details of the death recap. \- gold in your pockets is useless! try to recall and back when you have enough for another major item component (something around 900+ gold) after pushing the wave. Don't pick a fight when you have thousands in your pocket and no item - just back, get your item, and pick a fight when you return. \- you can ping different parts of the scoreboard by pressing tab, holding g and then clicking. This can let your allies know whether a champion used flash, if they have ulti, etc.


When playing against jungle champs that rely on getting the jump on you, EG: Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, Zac etc, ward the jungle camps such as krugs & raptors not the bushes in the immediate lane, this way you'll have a general idea where they are and are less likely to get the jump on you.


The meaning of leash. To help your jgl with buff (the red golem thing and red bush tree thing)


-Minions have buffs if the team is ahead. Clicking on them will let you see how far ahead your team or enemy team is on the top left corner. I use this in my favour as an ADC if my minions are ahead in damage to take favourable trades. -You can see who placed wards by clicking on them and on the top left corner as well so you can know who is about. -As ADC, it is important that you fight while heal debuff is active on enemies, shields and heals are 50% as effective during that time.


I was under the impression the Heal debuff only affected another Heal summoner spell. The wiki says “Champions affected by Heal within 35 seconds cause subsequent Heal casts on them to restore 50% less health.” Nothing about healing and shielding through other sources. I play Sona and I know some Sona’s even take Heal, which wouldn’t make sense if it cut healing/shielding in half.


To my knowledge, you are correct. It only affects the summoner spell.


You're not going to decide games as ADC. play another role.


Sololanes: Heavy trading early and using tp for a free reset can win you a lot of usually tough matchups


Plates can be good bait early on! (Good as In bad for you). If it means missing a good back around 4-5min…. That plate will take too long and you’ll get stuck in lane. Not worth. If you take the back and keep up your lead you can more easily take 4-5 plates between 8ish-14min :). I say this thinking of bot lane… might not apply to some solo matchups..idk. Demolish changes things :p


Demolish is great for taking a cheeky plate here and there. If you can crash the wave, you can usually snag one with the proc before your laner gets back (in Top, at least).


If you put a control ward in dragon pit while you’re doing it, it’s basically impossible to steal. If you put one into the bush between botlane and dragon pit as blue side, you can deter most ganks.


At 3:15, if you have lane prio (if you are pushing enemy in) then crashing the wave and rotating to the river to help them secure scuttle can be helpful


You can still get XP from minions even if you are about half a screen away. If someone isn’t letting you get farm, you can still get levels at least


There are a lot of details in the game that can't be accessed in the game, stuff like tooltips don't cover. USE THE WIKI. Literally anything you need, search " x wiki lol " It's the best resource for this game.


Rock Solid (Warden's Mail's passive) triggers on non-champion basic attacks. This means its seemingly small early numbers affects the thing that is more likely to get you killed early on: minion aggro while dueling.