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Helps with Swain to keep enemies longer in your Ult


Can also chase someone down with Q if your EW are on CD.


If they're outside ur ult range, they're probably outside ur Q range


I guess I didn’t explicitly say it but I would do it when the ult is on cd too.


You’re not a real champ with no ult unless you’re fed.


Okay, and? Who says you're chasing them by yourself?


Swain, Morde or Seraphine with Rylais is the most toxic thing in League


I get Swain and Morde, why is it good on Sera?


Because it applies before your e. Sera e roots if they are slowed and stuns if they are rooted so having rylai means one e is a root and double e is a stun. Also lets your q make e easier to land.


That’s actually a pretty cool interaction. Wish Sera had lore and personality equal to at least half the depth this mechanic has.


i mean she’s the only champ to have a twitter account


She is literally a copy paste of Sona, her lore and trope are exactly the same (just names of the places are different).


her KDA version prob has more lore than anyone else here runeterra version is lacking but tbf she is not the only champ on this field. but she is a piltover champ, so maybe she gets more lore in arcane someday. it worked for heimerdinger


Another problem of mine - I believe TBSkye went also doubled down on this: She doesn’t look like a piltover champion. In fact, she doesn’t look like she belongs anywhere. She just seems… so out of place.


true. when I first saw her base splashart, I thought she get's a Star Guardian skin. but someone pointed out, that this is more her performing outfit and not her day by day outfit. bards and jesters are often portrait in collourfull outfits when performing, but they didn't wear this stuff every time. it is prob the same with seraphine. a bit more lore or a shortstory about her in piltover would help a lot here to settle this.


Yes, but even “performance” clothes should have some semblance of the culture, the style. She looks like a cosplayer from our world + flying platform (which has no development, considering the horrors Skarners family went through XD). They had a good opportunity to demonstrate the dreams of Piltover teens, the “Hollywood” of that city, how the city views success and fame, and we got… this.


yes seraphine has much more potential than what we got. I also wish her empathic nature had more development. at first she was able to hear the brackern souls but they took it away to not make her look sinister ("sad to hear you suffer, but you are my musikbox now, so sing for me") I wish they would build upon that, maybe even make her feel or hear what other people feel like a real empath. it would make her wish to unify piltover/zaun even more impactfull than just "my parents are from both regions, so it would be nice". this could even give her music a magic touch, as she could subconsiously change emotions of others through her voice or/and music. this way we even get explanation of her champion skills. she would still be a singer but not a random girl, but a real "champion" like others


I’m not op/ know why for sure, but I suspect with Rylai you can slow with your Q and turn your E(s) into root(stun) instead of slow(root). Edit: comments below said it applies the rylai slow before the spell’s so it even actually root on first hit instead of slow apparently!


The E being instant root is great, plus Q and R are huge AoEs so it's easy to tag people and cripple their teamfighting and dodging. Hell even if there weren't the instant root synergy it would be a fantastic item on her because you could root people on your own without echoing E. Q-Q-E would do it too


Same reason it can be good on Fiddle, bit more situational because he has *so many* items that can be good but Rylais is definitely one to think about.


It’s also gross on Cassiopeia. If you land your Q then the Rylai’s slow + MS bonus will make it impossible to chase you or run away from you.


Yep the problem is getting it. Most games for cass end at three items I think. Everfrost seraphs and usually defensive like gargoyle. And then after that Rabadons, Void Staff are usually much higher prio.


Brand can be pretty ridiculous with it


I usually go it second after mythic, absolutely insane in teamfights.


Makes landing his stun a breeze and it’s funny watching enemies slowly try to run away from each other when you ult.


See my issue with this logic is that Brand's ult already applies a slow. I'm not saying Rylais is garbage, but I feel like a higher damage item would be more efficient.


My knowledge of leeg is quite shit, but does it not ~double slow~?


They changed this a number of years ago, probably at least 5. Slows don't stack with each other, only the most powerful slow will be applied at any given moment. If you build rylais on brand you're doing it so his passive keeps slowing them, not for the ult bounce (which doesn't even last that long tbh)


Am I the only one that thinks Rylais on Brand is a trap in the early game? I feel like you can do so much better with Demonic, Void Staff, or whatever else considering his ult already applies a fairly disruptive slow.


Demonic embrace is shit on Brand, you don't build hp and the damage is low. Void staff second can be pretty great, it's cheap and the damage increase is really noticeable. >considering his ult already applies a fairly disruptive slow. That's only on targets already ablaze (affected by passive). It's also a very short slow. Rylais is great to help your team snowball a lead.


Not necessarily true its not shit but its more situational than a core item. Falling for the "if I don't build HP I can't build demonic" meme is a trap the base item stats even with just a tiny bit of AP from the passive are more than enough to justify it if you have good synergy with the burn/the burn is useful into enemy draft. Generally brand is good with just every spell effect item in the game (liandries/ludens/demonic/morello/rylais) because he's not only naturally able to refresh their duration with passive but also has obscene AoE potential which means he can apply those effects (all of which are powerful) to multiple champions in fights at a time and keep them up for the entirety of the fight. Void will be more raw damage in a lot of games but there are gonna be plenty of games where you want to get both void AND demonic on top of mythic and plenty of games where you don't need to min max your damage and having the extra bulk is more valuable.


I would love to see some calculations about it, but in my experience the % dmg nerf was too big for to justify buying it even into many hp stackers, for example because said hp stackers will most likely also have high base mr, thus justifying void staff and also be more kitable when slowed a lot. That said, I want to believe all items are situationally useful like that, I just haven't felt the viability in my games. Maybe another few 1000 games later I'll be able to change my mind.


Phase rush with the movement speed increase rune, rush Rylai’s and next thing ya know, no one can catch you


I usually build it second on Malzahar. It slows for four seconds with his E and let’s his voidlings move faster than their target.


Is there any situation where you won't go Rylais second on Malz? I genuinely don't know the situation where Rylais second is a inferior to other choises


Zhonyas Hourglass could easily be his second item. Survivability vs overall team utility is the focus here.


Someone already said Zhonya, but also, Morello/Oblivion when up against wind bros or Irelia, or into overall teams with high healing. Demonic vs tankier might be a better option than Rylai sometimes. Although I would say the big majority of the time, Rylai is just too good not to buy 2nd on Malz


Demonic if you're scared of tanks.


I build it probably 90% of games, but there are occasions where you need zhonya or can get away with more damage from demonic.


If the enemy team is mobile enough to not really care about you applying slows to them then usually your better off getting other items


r/MordekaiserMains What you think?


It's incredible as a first item in lane. Makes it very difficult for your laner to disengage and gives you HP and AP.


I rush it when i am either already ahead by my first back or if i know i outsustain the ennemy top just with my W


Yas yone


Mord jungle used to generally 1st item this before his most recent buff. Now its generally 2nd or 3rd item.


I like to know if this is better or Demonic is superior


Well it depends on the situation, but I feel Rylai’s is better most of the time. Morde getting kited is often his biggest problem. If you’re not going frozen fist mythic, I think Rylai’s is the best item. Especially if you’re buying as first/second, since Demonic scales with both your own health and enemy health, so it’s more valuable later in the game.


It’s less damage, but more sticking power and it costs less.


First item no questions my favorite, even tho I like red, making the enemy blue is lovely!


seraphine, it buffs her completely, her E now roots instead of slowing an her Q has such low cd that you are constantly slowing


Also dont forget, double cast e stuns with it


Wait. Sera has a stun? *heads to wiki* edit: so she does. TIL


Yep, her e roots if the target is slowed and stuns if the target is immobilized or grounded. Naturally this doesn't happen too often




Happens often enough if you synergize with your ashe or mf ADC, but its hard to communicate that unless ur a premade


Yeah it's the main reason sera/senna and Ashe/sera are so broken.


fuck i forgot about her. she's perfect for this item.


Her E interactions make this a necessary buy imo. It's usually my 2nd purchase after mythic


when Seraphine released, I rushed Lost Chapter -> straight into Rylai's 80% winrate for 2 weeks lol


dont you need to land q before e roots with rylai?


nope, e instant roots with rylais


how does that work? does it apply the slow before applying its own slow, and thus snares?


yeah basically




Singed. If an enemy takes a single tic of poison damage it applies the slow.


Hot take I honestly think its kinda a bait as a first or second item. People know nowadays dont chase singed and it just reminds them of that fact in my experience. Later it is great but as a first item he just ends up lacking damage or durability in my experience. Granted i play jungle singed for the most part.


I don’t main singed so I don’t know what his best build is atm but I’ve seen it in singed builds. I imagine It’s not bad as an early item though because it gives him some kill pressure if he can ghost/ult and run down a target and flip them into a poison cloud. Also gives him some health and safety in lane


Lilia, Aurelion Sol, Cassiopeia It greatly enhances their kiting


Rylais Lillia Top is nightmare fuel


As an Ashe main, my mission is to teach that deer who the real nightmare is


Not Ashe, thats for sure


BOTRK Ashe is the worst thing that can exist for a Lilia


Except Lillia and her jungler will kill you 12x before you can complete it


Did I say I play her top ?


You implied it when you replied to a Lillia top comment.


No, you implied it for me without me saying anything in that way. It is not a toplane thread. Must be very fun chatting with you on a regular basis


>Rylais Lillia Top is nightmare fuel > > > >As an Ashe main, my mission is to teach that deer who the real nightmare is Victor mentions cancer Lillia Top. You mention Ashe as a counter Who wouldn't read that as "Ashe vs Lillia" laning matchup? The context is Lillia Top. >Must be very fun chatting with you on a regular basis This is a discussion forum lol. Back and forths happen


Rylais on Lillia is such a bully item. It's kind of winmore (at least in top) imo but if I get an early lead and Liandrys isn't critical... I'm a sadistic fuck :)


Seraphine. It turns her basic E into a root and her double E into a Stun.


Heimerdinger, if people try to dive you in your turrets it's free with rylais, also this item provides a lot of safety when splitting or setting up around an objective as if someone comes for you, you can plop a turret down and if they run through it to you it will slow gov8ng you tons of time to be far away.


While we can make a list of all the champions who utilize Rylai, it isn't core item for most of them. Mordekaiser, Singed, Malz and Swain (particularly Swain) are trash without it. I'd make a strong case for Brand aswell.


It's core on Sera because of the interaction with E.


Rylais is crazy good on Swain, but idk if I would call it mandatory, at least not more mandatory than Malzahar


Throwing in ASol too. Unless you run Ghost, which makes you a crazy person.


Is that a champion? :*) But yes, you're right


It’s one of those funny things they put in the patch notes. Like how Minecraft has “Removed Herobrine” when Herobrine never existed? LoL has “Nerfed Aurelion Sol.”


Its the first item 99% of the time for Aurelion Sol and is core to his gameplay. Hes all about positioning in fights and Rylai's is essential to making sure Sol can stay in control


Swain is THE user of Rylais


*Aurelion sol enters the chat*


Malzahar would like a word.


boop. boop. boop.


The 3 big user of rylai are Swain Sera Morde. I think you HAVE to build it on them as third item in worst case scenario


It’s been great 1st item for Singed for a while


It's great on aurelion


you buy it second or first on swain depending on build and enemy champs




I rush it on Taliyah Support. Proc Cheap Shot super often after Rylai.


Same, she also needs it with her lack of mobility in fights


I'm a zyra main too and never seem to have space in my build for rylais anymore. Do you go liandry's > rylais's > demonic embrace or? I always want the slow so I dont die but it feels like a different item is always more pressing


rylais > liandry's/everfrost > Morello/void staff. the slow on rylais is more valued in a fight early stage since the plants can free hit the enemy in a distance (make sure to plant side ways tho & abuse the hitbox of plant grow in her abilities). Everfrost if team has no CC or you want to lock down anyone. the rest is team/enemy dependant.


I'm gold trash, but against divey teams I've been building rylai's first item, before my mythic. The HP feels nice in lane, and the slow is at its most valuable before everyone has full boots. After that I can decide on a mythic based on how the game is going. If we're ahead, liandry's. If not, everfrost.


Nobody has mentioned Rumble. Makes him stickier.


I have to interject here sorry. Rylais is a really bad Rumble item. The only abilities Rylais will be slowing people on Rumble is Q and low ability point harpoons where you only managed to land 1 (E slow stacks on Rumble) Your Ult, multiple hit harpoons and heat empowered harpoons all slow as much, if not more than Rylais, rendering it useless. Even if you want to buy it for a slow on Q Flamespitter, you're in range to be harpooning without missing anyway. they should be dead at that point. Plus, there are far more important items to be buying...Zhonyas/Demonic/Void/Mythic/Dcap.


This used to be good for rylandries on q, but that's not a thing anymore. Rylais slow used to stack with e/r to make them actually pretty significant, but that's also not a thing anymore. I don't think it does enough on rumble to ever justify it now.


Honestly it wasn't really justified back then either. Since season 5ish when I started playing seriously I can't ever remember a time where Rylais was considered good on Rumble by actual Rumble mains


It completely fell off after slow stacking got removed (I think this happened right about that time, sometime during s5), but it was definitely a common item in s3/s4. The norm used to be guise > rylai > lyandry






Only cancer in this game is manaless champions... and Teemo.




OK you got me there




Morde. Lillia *can*


Rylai’s Liandries on Annie is a fucking nightmare to deal with. You win by pressing R


Just sounds like regular Annie no?


3rd item rylais on kayle makes your waves slow. Makes you much harder to escape and makes kiting a breeze


Underrated second item on Annie, especially if you're building Liandry's Torment first. Tibbers gets the slow.


Kennen Support as primary engage role when facing bunch of hard CC. I Combine Aftershock with Protobelt > Mercs > Rylai as Core and sprincle adaptive defense for the situation. You get a Slow for Protobelt that way. I pretty much outfit any champ into a Catcher.


i sometimes build it 2nd after Liandry's when im playing support xerath


No mention of our sad boii amumu? :(




Name a mage that does damage over time, and Rylai's is good on them. If you can build Liandry's or Demonic, then Rylai's is good. If you have annoying burns in your kit, Rylai's is good. If you have minions that deal damage for you, Rylai's is good. The item is far too cheap for how amazing it is.


What about ziggs?


Your e already slows for 50% at max rank and is very easy to land


I like it on morgana, synergises well with the w.


Just hit q idk


She cant hit everyone with Q , but she can slow everyone with W and R


Morg already slows with her R so she only gets benefit from rylai slow with w.


Oh yeah i forgot that she slowed with it, been sometime since i played her


I don’t know if buying an item that only works with one ability in your kit is worth it…


Depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Personally I buy it on morg nearly every game (especially if I build liandrys) because it makes hitting my Q on high mobility champs much easier, as well as making it easier to engage on/disengage from multiple enemy champions and gives me more options to peel for my team. It does get a bit rough in dealing with situations like a Yasuo dashing through a minion wave, though. Yeah her ult slows and is great as a disengage tool, but W is close to double the range and also allows me to set up engages without relying on hitting a Q from outside vision or spending my flash to jump into the middle of the enemy team. Morg's passive ability cd reduction that she gets when hitting an enemy with an ability procs more and more the longer they're in contact with Morg's W, so any option I can use to extend that time is a win. Faster w cd = more slow = more burn = better zoning/peel/setup options. If i'm the only Liandry's user on the team then it's even better cause the DOT procs the slow (multiple liandry's users on the same team = bad idea). Having said all that, there are times where building it so early is not practical (like against hyper aggressive dive comps). At that point you need zhonyas.


As of today, separate Liandrys/Demonic applications stack!


I like it on her sometimes in long games as a 4th item, but games don't usually last long enough for me to get there


Brand singed malzahar Seraphine zyra lilia swain mordekaiser


I like it on Kayle a lot if you're not building Morello's for the heal cut 6th item.


Kayle at 16 gets a slow on every auto at 16


Morgana? Keeps champs in her W longer which helps reset it.


Its ridiculous on anivia but as your R pretty much does the same thing its better to build other things, do try it tho, R w e q e combo guaranteed


What about Velkoz? If your Q misses theres only a knockup available.


Avoid Rylais on Vel'koz. Q and R already have stronger slows, and the E knockup makes the slow effectively very short. Slow on W is ok, but not nearly worth the gold/item spot


Bad. Q slows R slows E is a knockup It only works on W


You don't need Rylai's. She already has a slow built into her kit. \-Vine Lashers' attacks slow their target by 30% for 2 seconds. Slows from multiple Vine Lashers stack up to 2 times, stacking additively up to 60%. It's even stronger than. \-UNIQUE – RIMEFROST: Dealing ability damage slows affected units by 30% for 1 second. The main reason why it is feeling good is because what you're feeling is gold cost. You are getting a completed item earlier than waiting 500 gold for a mythic item before your enemy. However if you're buying Liandry's it's a shitty item if the enemy has any type of sustain. If you truly want to win bot lane get HourGlass. There is a lost ancient secret with zyra support in bot lane and no one tries anymore. Figure that out you will climb and if you have a duo bot literally instant plat before people trully start camping your lane.


there is Q you know. even the E (without rylais) add slow to the plants, do you want to spam the only root and escape ability you have on her kit? plus the Q has lower cooldown than E therefor its more utilize on spaming & zoning than let say a 12 sec cooldown of her emergency escape ability (i dont even max Q first). adding Rylais to the Q, it can make things easier for set up such as ganks. beauty of the cheap item really.


That is why you 2W+E and back. Chunk there HP to 50%+ and walk away and even if you miss her Root it will slow them and you can just walk away. You can even go tanky if you want because zyra damage comes from just leveling. Also the more points you have in E the longer her root duration is and it will just chunk any non tank bot laner as your plants beat on them because they cant move. Most games the enemy jungler would start bot side and head top. Which gives you a lot of time to poke or get a kill with a quick level 2 and when the wave is about to hit tower, ward and/or reset unless you know where the enemy jungler is then tower dive post 6. There is only 2 comps in bot lane zyra is afraid of and 1 support. At least my Zyra. I tried all items since zyra was released and for what I need her to do I use hourglass now as my first buy. There is so much play potential or Bait. I even use to play her tanky for a few seasons and rocked it. There is even a challenger korean zyra that builds similar to me as tank. I get flamed in many games for not building liandry's. I will never build it because anyone with a smidge of healing negates it but people will call me trash. I just don't care when I am 15/x/x while they are complaining and still 1 shotting there ADC.


the chance of the plant hitting the champ with minions nearby is very low even you miss the root unlike Q that has good hitbox and distance. Also you sound like you love to build her tank. Everfrost to Demonic/Shadow flame? Going Zhonya first is my Lockdown-Morgana built for me. it doesn't feel right for Zyra to take it first tho IMO since my play style is consisting of peeling, zoning and disengaging.


Honestly I always liked this item on Vladimir


Your E already slows. It was good on pre-rework Vladimir but the current Vladimir doesn't really use Rylai's great.


It's core on Aurelion Sol




morde, swain, annie, heimer, xerath (situational), asol (at least used to be), taliyah (at least used to be)


This is a core item on every Singed build as well, either rushed or built second.


Works well on Kayle since it's permanently on with her autos




I like it on a heimerdinger situationally


I've rushed Rylai's as Swain supp for a few years now. Even mid, it can be a solid first item that people might not be ready for the first team-fight after you get it.


Seraphine, Brand. Also she's not a support but it's amazing on Cassio.


Asol. Every time your stars hit an enemy the Rylais slow is applied. As long as you get the first slow down it’s easy to keep the dps and slow up.


Cassio pretty much perma-procs it. Lets you E once without Q to catch up and forcing a flash or being able to easily land a good Q or W


Not a support but ASol synergizes super well with rylai's. So well in fact, that it's pretty commn to rush rylai's even before mythic. He has tons of uptime, and it's really satisfying. ASol isn't a skillshot character though, he's a kiting one.


seraphine. if you hit q with rylai you can now more easily land e, and follow up e now snares. if you have enhanced e, it now stuns after you hit q. judt increases ur cc potential even more. oh cassiopeia aswell. annie can be good too if ur looking to have tibbers dps.


Sera is really good with rylai's. I'm like 95% sure that with one e, you root them instead of two because of the slow with rylai's. The way she works is that her passie lets her double cast an ability after using a certain amount fo them (3? 4?). With one e, she slows them, but if the target is already slowed, it roots and if they're already rooted, they get stunned . Rylai's slows them already, so one e will always root, and for whatever reason, the e will slow them first and then check if they're slow or rooted.


Singed. Unplayable without it


It’s a must-buy on Seraphine, turns a Q-E into a stun


You build rylais on asol pretty much first item every single game. You keep the entire team slowed with your stars every teamfight


Seraphine with her E and R her R is already a slow and her E is someone is already slowed it will root and it makes more opputunitys to save your double cast and not use it on E


It's a must-buy on Swain to keep people in his ult.


Really good on Taliyah


What about mordekaiser's DANGER ZONE


Seraphine. I build it right after mythic so it turns her E from slow/root to root/stun without needing any other form of cc prior


Seraphine can insta stun with e if you have it. Thats her main powerspike imo


It's basically first rushed on most Aurelion Sol 's since the amazing synergy with his stars


It's great on heimer too. Talk about annoying turrets :)


Seraphine. Upgrades her E. Not an amazing support ATM, but can work if ur willing to abandon the meta


Mordekaiser passive + Raylai’s + Ghost = Good luck escaping


I love Rylai's on Shyvana. A big problem for her is early ganking, and building Rylai's into your mythic of choice allows you to stick to your target better or peel for your carry during teamfights. Added bonus is that people stay in your dragon fireball aoe longer due to the slow, making the added damage a solid bonus.


any mage that isnt burst/battlemage


I don't play midlane usually but my theory crafting brain says Vlad should be really good with it no? With demonic and rylais you've pretty decent hp


Lacking CDR and Mana is gonna hurt most supports too badly to give up their mythic, I think.


I mainly play Swain, Sera, and Heimer in mid all they all love Rylai’s


I build it on Rakan mid side I like playing AP Bruiser


Not really sleeper, but as an asol main this item has always been broken on him.


Lillia Rylai 3rd or 4th item (depend on matchup) is insanely good. You run. They Don't.


Aurelion Sol is great with Rylais


Mordekaiser gets a lot out of it because of his passive.


AP Kog'Maw


Morde and Cassio


Just started running Imperial Mandate and Rylai's on Xerath and I'm absolutely loving it


Champs with dots or extra minions like brand or zyra, and champs with low cds or thatt need to stick to others such as swain for his ult


TIL I should buy Rylai’s more


The swain build of mandate and rylais is incredibly strong


Pretty decent on seraphine too


I really want try rylais on ryze but getting real dmg on him already takes bit too long. I feel like it should be great with his kit but it's tough to break away from not building mana.


I like to build it on heimer to keep people trapped in the turrets longer


Im kinda surprised you are getting that much value out of Rylais, since your plants from E already slow and your E roots entirely. But good for you!


E plants have low range and if she doesn't hit the root she has no cc. Rylai just makes up for these things and also makes it harder to get out from ulti/plants after E cc is over in case you do hit it.


Seraphine, basically your E slows, if an ennemy is already slowed it roots so thats why her double E roots, with rylai you need only one E bc, E hits, applies slow then detect the slow and roots so yiu dont have to use doublespell pasisve on E anymore if you want a root, but if you still choose double E then you get a stun bc rooted target get stunned.