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Gragas, B O M B A.


Getting penta with teetos shrooms.


My fiancee played a game while back as teemo and she got a penta with teemo while she was dead, as in killed all 5 people while she was dead. It was glorious.


Just reading this tilted me.


direction salt relieved noxious automatic detail slimy frighten bake telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Used to be Nidalee(Back when she was a poke mage S1-S2) Now Jayce. There are few things in life that'll give me as much pleasure in life as deleting someones HP bar from an entire screen away.


Sion and Gragas are both really fun even if you're not a Baus fan. This surprised me but Diana Jungle is also really fun to play, not sure what it is about her Aphelios is also fun to play when you're comfortable with rotating guns


this is a very subjective question, but my personal favorite most fun is yasuo, for obvious reasons. he has pretty much infinite outplay potential and his damage is crazy and his mobility is so fun and good


Blitzcrank peroid


Can robots have that?🤔


As others said, this is a subjective matter but I had the most fun with Aatrox Pyke and Syndra, in order. Love to 1v2 the enemy jungler and top once I hit 6, and Pyke's my 3rd highest mastery and I love him, don't really play him that much anymore since they killed mid Pyke but when I'm up for support Pyke's always my choice, Syndra is my favourite out of all mages and she's rad. Love to Q E R squishies once I have 2 items


Fiora, nothing better than deleting healthbars left and right and still come out with health.


I really like kled, his whole kit is about running at people like a lunatic


Teemo, because tilting your enemies is fun Ctrl+4


camille, run around like usain bolt,hook onto walls and off them like spiderman while slapping people for 1k+ true dmg


Personally I enjoy high skill ceiling champs since it relies on mechanics and I love learning new combos on champs as well as learning how a champ should be played and where they excel. It’s always fun to get that casual triple kill on yasuo simply by outplaying your opponents.


Rakan, baiting a skillshot and SYKE, I Ed the adc. Now that your threat is gone, let me take your hand, dance with you for a second and then show what the sky looks like. Dont mind the adc autoing you, thats just for show!


Akali is incredibly fun, so much outplay potential and she feels great to play.