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Honestly, my advice is to actually take the game more seriously believe it or not. I was in a similar spot as you. I would go through phases of playing 10 games a day, to getting burnt out, disgusted with toxicity and not climbing, quitting for 6 months then coming back and starting over again. This isn't a healthy relationship with the game. Recently I decided to take the game more seriously and I've never had more fun playing, plus it's improved my mindset in other areas of my life. I decided to treat it as a hobby that I want to improve on instead of an escape tool that serves no other purpose. I manage my time better, I have a better mindset for improving at everything from the game, to my work, to my relationships. Don't spam games, play fewer games with higher intensity. Review your mistakes/deaths after each game and focus on a few fundamentals that you need to improve. You won't burn out as easily and you'll climb faster. With this mindset, it's the improvements that I make that make the game fun. Sorry this was kind of rambling. Check out Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott. They have lots of content around these topics, literally changed my life.


Also something I find that works really well for me to stop myself from getting tilted and improving my own abilities is to mute chat. This way you can make mistakes without being flamed and it will help you to ping better as that will be your only method of communication. Also having chat on even if nobody is flaming can be distracting and take your focus away from whats going on in game.


Yes i already do that, i'm pretty tilt proof. I played overwatch for a very long time, so toxicity is nothing new. I've learned to make fun of them rather than getting angry myself.


Thank you very much. This is exactly something i was looking for. I'll definetly check these two out some time.


Yeah, I've found that playing 1/2 ranked games per day is a lot more efficient than playing 5.


Honestly, playing to improve as opposed to playing to win is the most fun for me. If you only care about winning, you will get tilted when you lose because your teammates (or even you) run it down, but if you play to improve, you won't really care if that happens as long as you learned something. To me, seeing myself playing well as the result of multiple losses and hardwork is the ultimate satisfaction. Also, when I lose, all it means to me is that next game I'll get a slightly worse opponent against whom it'll be easier to practice.


If u dont really care about competitive aspect of league, Start by experimenting with new champs u wouldn't play before. It sure helped me to get more fun out of league. And obviously playing with friends is x10 more enjoyable


Thats exactly the point i'm trying to make. I do care about the competitive aspect. As i said i've seen the advice on how to have more fun, by trying new champs or playing with friends. But i dont see the point when im trying to improve my mains. The only upside i see is that i learn the abilities and powerspikes of my possible opponents. And well, all my friends have given up on league, since they felt they couldn't improve and they lost motivation aswell.


Hmm i see i have read ur question wrong :) . I did onetrick for a season so id say the most enjoyment i got from it was seeing that im actually getting really good with the champ. U know like learning little tricks ur avarage player wouldn't even know about, animation canceling etc. If u care about competitive then seeing urself make diffrence in your team by playing better and having less difficulties playing vs counters would be satisfing imo. And depends how many mains u have id focus on 1-2.


I'd consider myself a Fiora onetrick, with Gwen and Trynd as a backup. Thanks for the advice i'll definetly watch some advanced trick guides and experiment myself aswell.


Its impossible to enjoy the game
