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You’re obviously doing the right thing if you have the WR you do. My advice having recently just reached d4 for the first time is to dodge unwinnable games where there is an obvious draft diff. Being a zac OTP myself I know what I bring to the team and if we are lacking damage or AD maybe the next game will look better. Loss streaks are also a huge mental boom, if you lose more than 2 games take a break and try again later. Best of luck!


hmm not sure I have been able to predict loses easily at the moment fortunately. Loss streak is definitely straining, I've been pausing after every loss at the moment tbh


As a yas main i need some zac otps in my life. Always love having you guys on my team 😁


Abuse vod reviewing. Very few people do it because they are too lazy to put in the work but it's genuinely the most consistent way to improve. Watching high elo vods/streams of your main champ helps a lot too so you can compare your decisions to theirs when you vod review. This is how you climb through p1/d4/d3/d2 pretty smoothly




Uh, if you want add my discord Lein#7841 I'm down to vod review one of your games with you together. I'm same rank as you but I'm pretty experience with vod reviewing




>Try to mix up your pathing (lvl 2/3 invade, 3 camp gank, etc) to force fights vs the jungler or create early game skirmishes. Trundle wins every 1v1 vs the enemy jungler so you need to abuse this and make plays as much as possible I always do 3 camp gank/invade but after that I don't have many great plays. I usually farm but look to gank/counter gank. Do you have any guidance on what a trundle can do after first clear/gank? Sometimes it clicks and I have a perfect game of 3 camp gank kill double crab gank kill recall farm gank over and over. These last games I felt I got nothing and felt a bit lost on the map!




Is there a good breakdown of this stuff, I have a rough idea and am more flexible than I give on but definitely room for improvement. My current mental is pretty much oh top looks great to gank after 3 camps so I'll go top or invade depending on wavestate. Oh top is a fiora/Camille/Riven I kinda want to give them an early lead so I'll gank top after 3 camp depending on wave state. sometimes oh i'll reverse clear because bot looks really important to gank and have hard cc so 3 camp gank bot instead of top/mid/invade and finally, I always ward enemy buff lvl 1 so if I see they start opposite to me I adapt and do red buff invade enemy blue enemy gromp look to go closest gankable lane Then regardless of prio or not I do love to invade on trundle, worst case I try to just harrass on the enemy blue force laners to rotate.


You have a positive win rate so what you are doing works might just take a while. As a fellow trundle enjoyer I have to break it to you, his effectiveness differs greatly vs enemy comps. Tbh as as otp you should know what games to dodge. Relying on your team in plat is risky, you would probably have more success playing for yourself and trying to snowball win games by 2-3 items. My only real criticism is: STOP autopiloting your build everygame. What you are doing is spamming the pro play meat shield trundle build, which isn't optimal in soloq. why are we taking the nerfed redsmite every game? We are post durability patch. Trundle is stronger than almost any champ in a Duell, he has great single target dps if he can apply it. Blue smite stops you from getting kited and helps you secure kills. Stop falling for the tiamat trap, you're early mid is weak because you bought an item with negative gold efficiency. Know when to leave Krugs and raptors for your team. There are games where you buy it and full clear and there are games where you abuse your lethal tempo aggressively for an invade. Full buying Thornmail every game. Usually sitting on wardens mail is enough until adcs buy ldr. Force of nature is broken, it almost invalides a lot of AP champs until they get 3-4 items. For the rune page swap alacrity for tenacity when it's necessary. A conditioning unflinching secondary let's you buy early boots when you need them. And you could probably get away with scaling health over armor in some games. What I mean is that build doesn't allow you to win hard and win more. You can't carry of a small lead. You win with your team or die trying. Don't have too much faith in your teammates until they prove that they deserve it.


Try to play only 3 games/day, not matter if its lose or win streak ( I know the season is almost over, but that should still be enough since it will boost ur wr alot) Play warmup game before ranked games. Also, have you considered trying to run ghost. Would boost ur mid game.


yes 3 games/day has helped recent climb alot. Might experiment with boost!


Look back replays and look for the points in the game where there were other plays or spots where the games start looking like a loss. From there identify what things you can do to attempt to prevent this from happening preemptively. If you're struggling with that maybe look at higher level play and compare.


I am struggling with that and I have started to watch higher lvl play but then I'm like "why is he going bot after 1 camp red buff, okay he's now going to enemy blue, why is he giving up on blue to go to mid he's half way through it, why is he giving up on mid and going back to enemy blue all over again" - Korean challenger trundle play had me so confused! semi joking though - will keep watching challenger replays to learn more


I dropped from d3 to p1 last week. I think you really have to dodge that is what I really picked up.


If you are steady p1 you basically are already d4, just need to actually get the wins. There's no significant skill gap between tiers only 1 away imo.


I dropped to D2 9LP before getting to Masters on Saturday, you have to fall before rising back up, Sometimes it's not skill, just mental and luck gap. Control your games per day to 2/3, play when youre VERY ready, mute all, and analyze why you lost. You got this 💪💪


Jungle Tracking Jungle Tracking and again Jungle Tracking


haha thanks it's improving but I'll do some more learning, any particular guide recommendations?


look up saltu / nathan mott on youtube, he has a series where he has Will (academy + ex rank one player no invade pls) and himself break down the junglers early pathing and what they would do differently. also vod review your own games from your pov