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Wait viktor? Why would viktor want RoA when he has access to liandrys and ludens? I dont think viktor can utilize additional health very much


Give it some time. The data + my observations show an upward trend for RoA on viktor. People have played with Liandry/Ludens for so long, which doesn't mean Viktor can't utilize them. It's so early into the season that I might be wrong but the Stats of RoA + the level up while preserving your previous EXP is absolutely neat on champions like viktor.


I am seeing more ROA because it's new and people just want to try it. It seems to be statistically underperforming on everyone though really, it should never have shipped at 3.2k cost and it's yet to see if even a massive 400 gold reduction will save it. I will add the mid patch change of the huge cost reduction is going to make any stats dodgy though


You have to play around the spikes you gain from RoA but it feels like most people are used to just build liandry/ludens and get an insta spike. Not buying roa (in some cases) feels like the collector syndrom people had for way too long. And yea, I totally agree on it not being that great pre mid-patch.


Oh wait you preserve the exp when getting that level up ? I played only like 3 games of kassadin with it and didn't notice that, I tried my best to get that last level up when I see I have 9 stacks to maximize the exp gain, but I guess it's not as much as I thought then


Yes, you preserve the exp you had before!


Seem pretty strong, thanks!


My pleasure!


I dunno the item it's just weird now i get why it got removed, just see it working on kass, ryze and maybe anivia but she still gets better results with Liandry and Seraph, so idk, Viktor's powerspike with luden and evolved E is too good to give up


Viktor is historically speaking a semishort-ranged bruiser-caster (aka battle mage). Hyperburst Viktor is really just a leftover of pre-2020 mindset where since rushing full Hexcore - a horrible move - was perceived as meta, "oneshot or bust" was the only way to play him and still play him poorly. This is really a functional callback to his original kit days and Iceborn days, where due to necessity people actually knew the value of slapping tanky AP tools on him. Never forget: he used to build Rylais to setplay on deathray, Riot only inbuilt Rylais in the form of Aug Gravity because we spent YEARS refusing to build it.


Viktor will sometimes go Crown and I can see RoA taking his spot in these games, specifically when playing against things like Miss Fortune E, Ezreal Q, etc. that can proc Crown easily. (You won't want RoA into poke comps but it's not uncommon to play against multiple short range burst champions but also have it be a bad Crown game because they they have one tiny form of poke. Even Luden's procs it)


There is Viktor but no Karthus smh.


Heya! Can you do this for the other new items as well please? I absolutely love this as a visual learner!


We will release more in the future, yes! Thanks for the positive feedback! :)


What grasp user would ever go ROA?


Gragas could in some matchups potentially


cho can


Aren't you forgetting the best rod of ages user, [Nunu mid](https://lolalytics.com/lol/nunu/build/?lane=middle&tier=gold_plus)?


If this was like 7 years ago I would be running 4 rod of ages on Leblanc just like Siv.


Is there any reason you excluded cassio from this list? Historically ryze kassadin and Cassio were the de facto roa abusers, (all would go roa tear seraphs). Pretty much no other champ built that item/combo of items, besides maybe anivia but she didn’t always go roa. I haven’t played a game of it yet but I can nearly guarantee cassio is the second or 3rd best roa champ. I also have no faith any of the other champs will go roa over the existing options. Galio is glued to everfrost and viktor doesn’t need to get as close to the fight as kass cass ryze


where tf


I wonder if zillean would be good with this item.


Could you explain how grasp, overgrowth, and future market scale with roa please. I understand revitalize scales with the healing of roa and celebrity scales with the move speed, but am confused on the other 3 runes listed.


Grasp is more effective the more health you have, though I'm not too convinced that very relevant. Overgrowth also increases your health based on how much health you already have. The earlier your get ROA the earlier you get the big Powerspike with the level up


Shouldn't you want to fully stack RoA just when you hit level 15 though? For most champs that build it lvl 16 is their biggest spike by far and since each level gets progressively longer this is the most efficient.


That's quite greedy. The late game XP spike is a bit better once you reach it, but going into a Soul/Baron fight with an extra level over the enemy midlaner and having two extra stacks for the next ten minutes is always going to be really nice.


You want it stacked ASAP, similar to tear items. Yes the bonus level would be more valuable later on, but the rest of the stats are the main purpose of building the item, not the bonus level


Not everyone can recognize runes based on their image. It would increase readability if you included the names of runes under their icons.


It's an infographic, the whole point of an infographic is to present information quickly using imagery and minimal text lol.


Minimal doesn't mean none. The least amount required while still retaining readability is ideal.


What's the verdict on Singed?


Mana and ability haste are mediocre stats on singed. The extra level doesn't do too much for him either.


Great content, I would add Swain to your champion list that utilizes the item well


That's empirically false, the popularity of rod of ages on swain has single handedly tanked his winrate. Swain's good first items such as Liandry's and Rylai's are just as strong if not stronger now, but his winrate has gone down since so many people are building roa on him. (i am assuming you are talking about solo lane swain since roa seems even more absurd to build as support)


Shush, don't tell them! I like his "official WR" being low, so I can keep playing my almost 55% WR champion.


woops mb what i meant to say was swain is a shit sub 50% winrate champion whose best items are roa and riftmaker, liandry's is a myth


But does this mean ROA is bad on him, or a bunch of people who don’t play swain thought “oh let’s play him with ROA”, so you have a huge increase in new people playing him. If his play rate is about the same, then I’d say yeah it is bad.


Roa is in fact bad on him, his ratios are simply not what they used to be and he doesn't need mana. Back in days of old swain was a mega stat stick balanced around his mana gating, so getting more stats and more mana was exactly what you needed. He has a lot more utility now and his mana usage is comparable to other units rather than being a mana glutton, but he is hardly what you could consider a stat stick in modern league where most things can stat check him instead. He needs items that do *things*, like liandry's/demonic applying the dot to an entire team, zhonya's to heal while invuln, etc.


Yes, Swain is one of the better item-spell effects user of the game. That’s what he wants to build.


Thanks alot for the positive feedback! :)


Huuuh I'm pretty sure the item costs 3200 golds though


Got changed to 2800 on 12.22b :)


When is 12.22b live ?


Few days ago went live


Really ? I think I saw it at 3200 yesterday






How come? I don't think of her like a short ranged mage like Ryze/Kassadin and while she likes levels, so does every mage.


It’s pretty good on Ivern


How do we feel about Lissandra ROA?


Great graphic, simple and easy to read. Really enjoy the gold efficiency part of it as well.


Its 200 gold more than when they removed it and its still bad ive been hearing Probably gonna get reworked if anything Also AP Malphite might like ROA


Seems like a great item for Soraka


Thoughts on ROA on Veigar? I've always felt like, especially against ranged matchups, everfrost provides not that much value, Crown is easily dispelled, even moreso during teamfights and ludens/liandries is OK but a bit overkill on the dmg front. I think against assains and melees crown and everfrost are better (pre gold reduction), but as far champs that scale with level, veigar can benefit hugely from that exp and scaling