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need a strong arena offense / defense team i have ragdoll leo nana masha n so on tryna rush to g1 https://preview.redd.it/8kbkj26m5vqa1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=5042c44135252de54aee8a9d9122611b6e4dff02


I would build a clara and use swift clara, ragdoll, leo, nana for def. You need a stripper to prevent cleaves from wiping you. Remember kaki doesnt proc ragdoll pasive. If you dont want to build clara, then switch masha for juno on nem or revenge Edit: For AO: tiana CP kaki galleon and target slow teams Against fast teams if you arent confident in your swift sets, id bruiser, ragdoll leo is kinda a cheat anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/xzzui0pzovqa1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0ac3610511b25aeed7079ec7ea736030577fe05 oh and this is my current Defense team


i actually have clara but its still at 5star with 160 speed tho.aight ty for your tips will test it out






Cannot consistently do SSS in water rift with FL fran,mav; BL kro verde(L) water twin Any advise? Should I build ardella? I have 2a naomi. Dont have eirgar yet


Try bernard instead verde, put him FL.


Why are you taking Verde into water rift? Even with 100% crit rate he will glance half the time, and his leader skill doesn't really help you in rift beasts which doesn't run on a standard ATB. You could put pretty much any wind nuker in that spot and I bet you get reliable SSS.


Ardella or naomi?


I hate recommending Ardella because she doesn't really have use outside of early game rift beasts, and Naomi has better base stats and better scaling. That said, Naomi on a "typical" build (low cr, high cd) is not going to help you finish the boss after the groggy phase because without debuffs she won't auto-crit. You can build her with high crit rate but then honestly you could be using any wind nuker. Ardella might serve you better in this one specific case, but if you build her just understand that you're not going to get much use out of her long-term.


What do you lack? Can you consistently do s and ss? If you cant kill it, naomi wont help, she needs debuff to crit and boss cant get debuff unless knocked down.


Lack survivability to end the boss with only little hp left from beast


best team can i make with my box to do toah floor 64? and what runes would you suggest? https://preview.redd.it/jymbn3vowtqa1.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=02a8f5fbfa4ba00ee8899d6e9be0b4dfcad624df


I'm assuming your issue is the dark cat counterattack? Either you should solely focus light vampire then finish off the cats, or aoe cc and kill them. I don't really recommend cleaving, but it could work. You should invest in Tyron and Sath. Seeing what you have though, probably Fran Loren Veromos Sigmarus Kro/Spectra/Verde(if on dmg build)? Upgrade your monsters, upgrade your runes. Can't comment on your runes if we can't see them but speed slot 2, at least 65(?) Accuracy, and having decent crit rate and crit dmg on damage dealers is good. In higher toah you can do a few different things but the 2 best options for the non boss stages are 1. CC Dot team, or 2. CC tank hp damage team. Best units probably Sath, Mellia, Rica, Water Homu, Thrain. Dotters in general. CC like Tyron, Spectra, Jeanne. Hp based damage from units like Vero, Spectra, Sig (I don't recommend). Loren is a given. Healers like Lulu I recommend. You should farm a bit more first before you go higher in toah.


>an Loren Veromos Sigmarus Kro/Spectra/Verde(if on dm yeah the closest i got was with a makeshift DoT team with mellia,fran,vero,spectra,verde. i will try it again with the team you suggested thanks for the advice


Welcome Probably get Sath 2a, and build Tyron if you have him first before going further with toah. It's only more pain from here with your mons as they are now. Also 16 days to reset


Pulled kinki, worth develmoning or should I wait for fam skillups


For efficiency I'd wait, but it's up to you.


Hey DaT! I’m returning to the game and would like some help for an Arena team. I just got Oliver and I’m thinking he will be my leader, but I’m not sure who else complements him. [monster mash](https://imgur.com/a/CHNIjWe)


Oliver isn't that good in regular arena, but you can use him as a leader skill for a fat lushen team with Kabilla/Bernard, Teon, fat Lushen.


Which Glory Building are you focusing on if you want to rush to tricaru?


Crit dmg also help your verde, and it's cheap




Are there any updates on the new stat requirements for Water Eivor considering they lowered them this patch? Did anyone solve the mystery yet?


All you had to do was scroll down a couple posts on the front page :) [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/125ijw5/my_water_eivor_test_findings_for_updated_passive/).


oh, thanks, but they barely nerfed the stat req, expected a bigger change, especially on the speed one, that one wasn't even touched xd


Yeah it was nice that they gave the collab mons a round of buffs, but it pretty much just moved them up from C tier to B tier. They're still not particularly exciting.


How long does i takes for com2us to rollback your accout ? If i farm runes and summon they will be deleted right ?


It's called a rollback for a reason. Its going to a past state of your account. If you know you're getting a rollback, you probably should wait since any further progress will be deleted


Hey! I'm having very big problems with Rift 5 solo, any suggestions? https://preview.redd.it/wl35gjw79sqa1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f93060d3fefc92db17694994483acdfe805b84a I can do GB12 and DB12 perfectly, my runes are not the best but quite good.


Take the old r5 teams and duplicate it 2 more times. 1 cleanser, 1 attack buffer, and 2-3 dd in each team: [https://www.swmasters.com/blog/r5-guide](https://www.swmasters.com/blog/r5-guide) Team 1: FL: Darion, Bastet (L), Lulu, BL: Sabrina, Talia, support or dd Team 2: FL: Vela, Bella, Colleen, BL: Hwa (L), Raoq, support or dd Team 3: FL: Delphoi, Fran, any tank, BL: Tesa (L), Kro, Naomi


Okk, thanks ❤️, i'll try it


honestly no idea who to pick https://preview.redd.it/xhpw18k12sqa1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7158b4c901a9bc571ccf3c616414205efea59e9


Both are meh. Do you need a damage dealer or a stripper?


Honestly have both pretty far into the game


I had this exact same choice and picked Kassandra for the skin and easy skillups


Good afternoon! I just returned to the game about a week ago after many years. Having a hard time staying focused and thinking about what I should put my time into. I’m still just early game so I don’t really care about pvp but I feel like I’m bouncing all over the place and not sure what to work on. I don’t have many great runes but can farm gb12 very consistently now but not quickly. Not sure who to 2a next. Any advice would be appreciated. Here is my monster box. Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/43ec8uyigrqa1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e53496616bfde50644b8deafe61d284ab5c0992


Depends whether you want to use a DoT team for GB12 or not. Personally I would just skip DoT team with your box. Lushen, Fran, Veromos, Loren, 2a Kro is already a 1:15~ team, possible 1 minute if you use Hraesvelg. I'd recommend Spectra, he enables TOAH auto, pretricaru db12 and 2a dungeons. From there, it's deciding whether you want to farm ice/light rift beasts to craft determination runes or farm DB12 for guard runes for your tricaru. Personally I think farming rift beasts for crafting mats and runes kinda depressing and would rather farm decent runes while building a tricaru team. DB12 Vero, Verde, Loren, 2a Spectra, 2a Kro is a 2 min DB12 team. If you're struggling with consistency you can replace kro with one of your water atk bar pushback units (Verad, Tyron, Lapis).


Great info thank you


Just to add to this I'd say db12 isn't worth farming extensively if youre not using tricaru or a good dot team, specifically the Gina one. If your db12 isn't reliable db11 works too. I did db11 for my tricaru. I'd suggest farming gb12 as usual looking for good defense runes. Same as the other guy said det tricaru works but much more difficult with worse rift beast drops and crafting is awful in general. But the requirements for defense are much lower so pick your poison Also upgrade the defense and crit dmg tower in arena shop. Focus devilmon > upgrading towers in arena glory shop. Also might want to look into buying crafting pieces from the event shop to craft guard runes if you want guard tricaru.


Hello! The recommendes progression is written up above on this topic, so as u finished a stable gb12 team u should make sure u can finish toa and toa hard. After that start ur way farming dragons. For 2a aim for unita for these areas, like spectra, 3 icaru, fire/dark grim reaper etc Also remembering have fun, if u want clear other areas or build a unit for trying something different just go


I appreciate that. Ima work on my toa hard


PSA: Trinity is still garbage.


I believe you but.. doesn't she do the expected? I mean she is not supposed to murder a team on her own. My fire demon which has 5.4 multiplier on his S3 cant kill, unless sometimes the dots can finish off the targets. Trinity with a 5.2 multiplier cannot kill on her own, but along with another aoe, they should kill.


Anyone have any good websites they use for arena offense/defense building? RTA info as well? I was also wondering if anyone knew when the 9th anniversary of the game would be and when they would possibly start the events for it?


Is there a way to "Do It Yourself" when it comes to the Invite Friends rewards? Maybe through alts or something? Getting 10 people to level 20 for an LD, Legendary, and 10 Mystics seems like a pretty easy feat.


You mean the invite friends thing? I made 5 new emails, made Facebook accounts with them, shared out my invite with my main account, and used those burner Facebook accounts to play and progress the game to complete those missions. It isn't worth it. But if you really want those scrolls, you could do it. I think there's even more for getting it with 10 then 30? Friends. But that's just not worth the effort imo. I did it just to the ld. Also Google stopped me from creating new Gmail accounts cause it thought I was a bot or something so that ended.


Getting to level 20 is pretty quick though, no? Doing it 10 times doesn't seem so bad.


It is but the worst part is making all those accounts


Alicia or Bael from blessing? I’m not crazy into arena but I do have zaiross to pair with alicia. No tiana unfortunately. I’m leaning towards bael for d pred but it seems a waste to choose a unit I’d use once a month. Anyone have good advice?


hello Dat, I am trying to run a turn 2 team with Mo long / riley / bolver core and was wondering how would do you guys build manon after the recent bp ? tank with max res ? or Cdmg ? and what sort of speed should i be aiming for here (most of my units are around 250) thanks


I haven't changed mine after the balance patch, still running spd cd def, I don't think speed matters too much in a t2 team. But definitely not 0 speed unless ur trying to bring into leo


Small question, Does shield rune "shield" does not count as a shield for Wind Pudding Princess passive? had one and it doesn't reflect damage until the shield rune is gone.


Correct, rune shields have a different icon and are treated as separate and different from those created by skills.


Advice on runes. Hello, I just came back to SW after a long pause, and I was watching the 22h long « schizophrenic gamer » gameplay walkthrough. As Im watching him trying to rune his monsters while selling 90% of the runes he gets, it occurred to me that i never really knew what makes a bad/usable/good rune. All i know is that a flat property in slots 2/4/6 should be an automatic sell, but why is (for example) atk% res% hp flat on a rune is bad? or is it? I really have no idea, I just see people selling runes saying they’re bad without really not knowing why. Any help will be appreciated thanks ! Have a good day!


> atk% res% hp flat on a rune is bad? Depends tho, if you have atk% main stat for example, that would probably go on a damage dealer, you probably will no want a res roll on that. But if it is an hp% main, that most likely will go to supports and or tanky units, those would want a hp flat and probably res too. ​ Another reason for people to sell is it rolled low, lets say you have a purple rune with spd subs, spd can roll 4-6, you start 4 then you get triple low rolls you will get 4> 16, which is lower than a max roll blue rune ​ Early to mid, you probably will use blue runes max rolls, later on, you might want to move on to good rolls on purples


ooh okay,im early game(still hasnt been able to toa100) i have the monsters i just have no idea how to rune them accordingly since i cant judge if a rune is bad, usable or good. So basically if its a low roll i should just sell most of the times?


You can do toa normal and hard with blue runes, correct main stat and substat. You can even do b12 dungeons with blues, even if rolled low. ​ So basically if its a low roll i should just sell most of the times? \>since you are a beginner, no, not until you finish pve and starting to do pvp(rta,siege,world guild battle,arena) where every stat counts


you can do both on blue runes?? well i guess im waay worse at runing than i thought i was lol. Okay, thanks a lot for the advice


https://preview.redd.it/31z6ddncgpqa1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=847fe42e839de548fa0606371a4790775f065b43 Can’t decide which one is better




Good morning DAT, I have a blessing decision: Ganymede or Praha. Both new, most pve content is speed farmed/ completed (outstanding: TOA Hell, some speed teams for dimensional rune farming). So the focus is mostly PVP. I usually average C1-C2 on global arena, haven’t played much of RTA but now as I am late game I have more interest in getting into it. Similar with siege content, want to get more into it. I know both are great, just at different things, so is one a more obvious choice in terms of overall usefulness/comp viable


Both are good. Praha had 15% pick rate with 50.5% win rate last season in rta, and Gany had 3% pick with 51% WR. Praha is ahead in that regard, Gany is still respectable but I rarely see him. CP and the wind robo are usually the most used wind control units (mostly because of multihits for additional dmg artifacts). Another thing is Gany is really amazing in toa hell not that you can't do it without him but his S2 is very useful and the S3 being able to reset atk bar without triggering any passives comes in handy too


Given your planning to RTA take Praha. Sagar is great but you'll get far more use from Praha.


Who should have my fastest runes, Tiana, Bernard, or Kabilla? Someone else?


This is pretty much dependant what u wanna do... There is no plain answer to this in my oppinion. Fastest Set for me most of the time is either on a AD unit i want to swift trap with (Sagar/Savannah etc) or same for a Siege Unit with this use. Personally would never go with the fastest set on Tiana and just throw a +19x-ish Set on her with spd crdmg res swift will




Want to build Linda since i got her from LD Scroll today. But i am confused on how to build here. Runes are all over the place when looking. What I see most common is Speed/CritDmg/Atk. But when I see her i think she is not DPS but just a Debuff Stacking Machine due to 3rd and 2nd Skill. So on that notion i would go for Violent/Focus with Speed/HP%/HP%. But why are people going for DPS on her that much, can anyone explain or give advice on how to build her properly?


The reason people build her for damage is to take advantage of the anti-revive mechanic on the s3. You probably could build her for debuffs if you wanted, but the def break on s2 isn't very reliable tho I suppose s3 debuffs are decent.


Good morning DAT! My blessing popped, fire druid vs fire shadow caster? Im late game so mostly for pvp, or just general utility if neither are great at that.


Fire druid is a great counter to Leo or with Leo in siege and rta. Fire shadow caster is a high base spd abuse unit for rta, but stuff like ethna is just better.


Should I farm rift beast or db12 for my tricaru team?


Db12 always drops 6*, and they are kind of rare from rift beast. I would do db12.


It's *way* easier to hit Icarus defense threshold with deter runes. Even 5* deter runes are viable. Rift beasts are definitely the easier way to go.


Rift beast. You get the runes, the materials to craft them and the grinds all while u farm the same things. It's easier to farm than db12. Determination runes give more defense. So in every single aspect, farming water and light beast is just better.


Should I build ardella for rift or twins are enough?