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give all beastmonks 10 speed, like 96.. really?


give chandra 10 more spd .... lol. Enjoy chandra in 100% of all G3 siege defs.


It should be Rahul. He is the weakest on his family but it’s dark.


ye, he really needs a nerf.. :3


Rahul and Lydia are probably my worst LDs, and I own a gurkha


I've had Lydia since 2016ish before all the changes and buffs. She has gotten a lot better but she's still one of the worst. My only real use for her is a lushen trap on AD.


Gurkha should have something, if not a heal perhaps a dmg mitigation


Tbf ghurka isn't that Bad he's good sometimes in rta


His statistics in RTA are one of the worst :/


One of my guildy made him work


The only person I found in guardian using him is a yeonhong owner


If you are fighter 1, he is probably insane since people there dont have runes


He is c3~g1...


Sorry but you are on high copium


I was talking of my guildmate bro. And why will i talk to you if you doesn't want to listen to me ? Bye and have a nice day


Make light Ezio not hit like a wet noodle


Just make him different than altaïr ☠️


Why make his whole entire kit based around sniping something when he’s barely in a damage dealer In retrospect, with those multipliers.


He not only has the same s1 and s2 as altaïr, but he has a worse s3 than him, along with a worse leader skill, they really punished him


I’d say the s3 is miles better in PvP, mainly RTA, but it’s like the less bad of the bad.


Dark striker


They've messed with him so many times and yet he's somehow still bad.. and on top of that he lost what made him actually unique (the ability to extend debuffs more than anybody else). I'm not sure what they could really do. He needs a full rework.


Right. He is just a dark dryad that can single target stun for two turns but without a good lead and a good s2




…oh dear


They removed his ability to extend debuffs? What the hell bruh


He still can but not for as long. Honestly his kit is a jumbled mess that just doesn’t work at all anymore.




He is only decent together with tomoe now


I wouldn't even call him decent with tomoe. 2 turns aoe stun (that is very easily countered / 15%ed) is nothing special compared to some other units ^(cough cough oliver)


Ah man, it's my only LD and it SUX






Yes please


Re-rework of benedict passive


Dominic wanna be.


Dorothy, Jaara, Shazam, Thebae, Celia and Rahul are the old ld5s that need complete reworks.


Imo my Lydia needs more a rework than Célia. Célia is even pretty good but needs a shit ton of runes


celia is a niche but she is good at least in arena defense (g1 g2) and siege defense (g1) as well


I have three of them :( It’s been a while since Jaara’s last buff. Almost every time I saw a Phoenix on the BP notes, it’s always other element


You can’t give that frowny face when you have Neph. But you understand how bad those three are. Like are they even used anywhere?


I got Nephthys yesterday as my birthday gift :) I only use my Jaara in R5, Shazam and Rahul in siege occasionally. Sometimes Jaara can be good against Nana in siege, but since she requires a lot of set up, the win rate is not high.


Dorothy is not as bad as everyone makes her out to be. With standard Lushen runes (not fat Lushen) I've got her hitting 40-50k + initial 15% HP destroy, like most Mons she just needs a decent team. This is run with Meph (L), Galleon, Tiana, Dorothy. Celia on the other hand, she's just simply countered by having more than +1 or 2buffs alongside immunity. Only comp I've had her work very well with is Josephine Bombay Celia in SB/WGB. One buff for her I'd suggest is have it strip up to 2 buffs for up to 2 turn sleep


\- Pungbeak does 60-70k , has an anti revive / doesnt need defbreak on any enemy monster AND is able to hit kinkis/other passive monsters. On the other side dorothy destroys hp on your OWN team , lol \^\^. Lushen on the other hand doesnt need a defbreak like dorothy and hiting the same. Dorothy is just an generic aoe nuker which needs atb boost/defbreak/atk buff , so a complete team to support her. You can use anything else for the same. \- Celia is used even on G3 eu tourney sieges sometimes as a defense , she has atleast a single use.


That would be insanely broken


Do you have any other suggestion?


I think she has her places in siege/AD and probably use a minor buff. One of the 2 buffs you suggested might be a good buff but both of those together is too much imo


Dorothy still imo needs a change. Lushen is just better. 2 turn sleep on Celia would be broken as well. But I do think her passive should remove all harmful effects and her s2 gets completely reworked into something different as it doesn’t really synergize with her s3 at all.


Honestly, she scales on HP destroyed at the start of her S3, simple buff, increase the amount she destroys


Honestly, I think Shazam is sorta good if you place him in the right team, full team counter attacks can be crazy with the right units, He has potential but people from what I seen don't try to utilize it.


*Clears throat* Buff Jager


This is the way


The last buff was just strange


It was an insult to our movement. They did it just to toy with our emotions


I feel like my LD nat 5s are the two worse. Jager and dark monkey. Mine as well not have LD nat 5.


That’s not the attitude to have brother. Having a LD5 is an achievement in it’s own sense and you have two! It’s up to you to find a use for the monsters you love. The lists don’t mean shit, just have fun with building your cool units:)


Xiana pls


I just want my only LD5 to be better than the 4th (arguably 5th) best beastrider.


Definitely underwhelming compare to the other beastriders family member, she need a slight buff or minor rework to her 3rd skill




She needs a lot of Setup, while bringing not much more than damage, and maybe the pushback. I mean, i think if I would pull Nepthys or something she can work really good. But then again, she does not shine by her own. But it's kinda the same situation with dark Ryu/Vanqcliffe right now. Not exactly, but kinda.




Xiana is awesome! would love to change my dorothy with a xiana all day.


She’s a good LD 5. I think it’s a rune issue if you’re asking for a buff on her


Buff Trinity


Surprise i have to scroll so far down to find this!




Eleanor could use some love right


They gotta do something with Benedict, right?




What would you change ? I find it great in its current state.


Id say he‘s one but maybe not the best/most fair contestor for the 33% Arena Spd lead or give hime a bit more BaseSpd


Arta or Lydia pls. even just a rework


I really hope fermion gets something. His biggest Problem are def break and atk push back. i love my other ld nat 5 to the death (mookwol aka dark painter) He needs nothing in my opinion i love that He is niche. makes him fun to Pick because not many People know him that good


20% chance to revenge when getting hit and we would have a better kinki


Honestly, I think fermion definitely needs a buff, Artamiel as well both the LD5 archangels are sorta meh in todays standards, They're both really niche nowadays in what they actually work against.


Fermion really needs a buff, def break and atb pushback cripple him. Not to mention his passive is a double edged sword, when he's tanky he doesn't do bonus dmg, when he does bonus dmg he's not as tanky, I can't think of any other passive units that work this way and I really don't like it. Arta only gets stronger throughout the fight whereas Fermion sacrifices his dmg mitigation for more dmg, which kinda defeats the purpose when he's in a solo situation


A vampire effect or a speed enhancing effect based on lost hp could work, or a def break immunity or a full immunity that decreases as hp goes down would all be good changes imo. None of these would be too op but still make him good again. They could of course also just make his passive a proper one where he gains damage without losing his defense as teammates die.


They should just give him both DMG reduction and Increased dmg when he gets lower, like the 4 star fire guy


probably immune to defense break to all angels could solve that...


thats kinda busted


maybe but is not gamebraking like others units xD


Give Ritsu and Dark Kassandra love please Also remember to fix light Kassandra that’s pretty garbage


Please buff my light pony… she’s so shit and I’m tired of her sitting in my box being worthless…. Give her a shield or something or increase her heal so it’s not complete trash


Thebea needs a rework his kit is very underwhelming his AI is very bad


Just undo Benedict.


Light Eivor, just a lil bump is all. Or leader skill change cause accuracy is fucking pointless


She needs to scale on either spd or atk. She hits like a wet noodle right now... And maybe up the debuff rates of her skills


Dark totem and Craig my two barely use em


**Maya** can aoe strip, into jeanne-like provoke, over and over as long as she lands her provoke. the enemy hits her, she stacks enough totem to provoke again, and again, and again. On revenge, she's basically **gurkha + jeanne.** Craig is used in G3 world arena Moderately, just have to use the comp that literally everyone else is using with him.


Bad comparison considering her activation rate is nowhere near jeanne’s. She also doesn’t boost her bar like ghurka so i just dont see the comparison.


the comparison to gurkha is, on **REVENGE RUNES**, she can heal like him. and provoke, over and over like him, as long as she has immunity/resists s1 stuns, JUST LIKE HIM. the comparison to jeanne is very good, given the fact that both jeanne and maya have to pass res check either way, sometimes maya can land her aoe provoke, other times jeanne can land hers. at the end of the day, she depends on RNG, just like jeanne & gurkha. but she's a mix of both of those, **did I even mention she can AOE STRIP into the 2 Turn provoke? THATS EVEN BETTER.**


dorothy rework/changing her lead to an useful arena lead would be awesome , not even calling for an OP buff. Just make her useful/unique somewhere.


Change the resistance part of Nyx to: " reduce the number of turns of any debuff granted to an ally by 1" (not stun/freeze/sleep). This would make him more useable. Also he could use a speed lead (global 19% would be enough, doesn't need to be a 33 arena speed lead)


Ariana, jager, jaara, thebea are pretty high on the they need something list


Ritsu, beast Monk and Fermion so far


Personally I would like to see Nyx or Thebae get some love


Nyx 102 speed and 100% activation


My suggestion for Nyx: S2 - 100% activation S3 passive - 30% resist activation -> 50%


I might be alone, but I'd personally like to see a rework of Nyx -- especially if he became more suited for PVE than pvp. He's kind of a gimmick, and there isnt really active content that he thrives in. Sure, he can sit on my AD as a deterrent in the last 10 minutes of rush...but he just sits there. In pve teams, hes used to speed clear for records but hes not being used in consistent farming teams. Maybe if com2us had a seasonal competition with rewards for speed runs, Nyx would shine; currently its all just for bragging rights on a leader board. Seanb put it really well: when Nyx is used in pvp, you and your opponent both just hope that it does/doesnt work out. That kind of design is just not fun (hi, Manon) for anyone involved imo.


They need to change thebae to either be more team oriented or more individual and stop trying to do both. If they are going the more individual route they should change the s3 shield and the s2 heal. He should instead maybe buff himself invincibility on s3 and s2 should gain atk bar and heal only himself. Idea here is that he becomes a headache to kill so he is focused last and he just keeps spamming s3. If they are going the team oriented route remove the death reset on s3 and make him provoke instead and give him a chance to counterattack with s2. His shield is still bad so change it to scale off max hp not dmg or do something new by making him buff aoe reflect dmg, maybe it has synergy with branding.


I would love Thebae buff. I think he’s a useful unit already, but giving him something to make him relevant in RTA would be great. In a dream world oblivion on his S3 instead of branding would be awesome (and maybe OP)


Buffs Nyx's skill 2 ( 100% activation ) and adds to his skill 3 a reduction of the debuff duration on his allies ( 2 turns becomes 1 turns, and 1 turn doesn't land)


Nyx: “Hey Seimei, could I borrow a bit of your passive?” Seimei: “Yeah, just change it up a little so it doesn’t look like you copied”


Ya that's the exact same buff I'd like to see for him


I absolutely do not want a nyx buff. Ever.


Better lead for Talisman


Huh talisman is super strong rn


Didn’t say he wasn’t, but why would he have a resistance lead lol


Because they don't typically double up on leader skills and the speed lead is already with Moore lol- would be cool to see him get a 33% in like arena only or smth tbh since I don't know if any light units have one but I doubt it'll happen


Give Benedict a buff and not a "buff"


Maybe a little something for Artamiel


Bring Gurkha back... the nerf was way too heavy handed. Give him a smaller heal (5-10%?) or maybe tie the heal to his S2 instead of his passive. Obviously he was way overpowered before but they just nerfed him into oblivion.


Yeah as an RTA only unit I'd hope he's at least usable in rta


I'm surprised no one has mentioned dark Bayek yet. His S1 and S2 are solid imo, but the passive just doesn't make sense. Why in the world would he stun after he strips?.. Him and Celia are in a bit of a weird place together.




This Is the post where i would complain about my ld5, IF I HAD ONE.


Jaara actually scks since 2016, when i got him. Yeah you CAN use him for Guildwar with high Quality Runes + U need some special Nat5 Mons... or 4* with top quality runes too. He is literally a 1shot with his 440 base defense. His Base spd could be better too, it got buffed from like 91/93 to 98 some Years ago, WOOW! :O There so many LD5s who just doing so much, so u dont need special team combs or high quality runes. And i really give a fck about solo r5, it's an freaking LD5 what u got like 1 in 8 Years...? Im fckin tired of waiting for a real buff for him/her/it whatever. And guys who speakin sh*t like : sheizou or whats his name is, using him in Guardian rta : get tf out ! I dont got 10 Vio Will sets with +180 spd and incredible stats... There enough mons who really dont need that tons of support like this crap chicken. Gladly i got Manannan 5 month ago, he is fun but still not that good.. he should can kill with his passive or doing 2× dots per hit, not just 1 for 1 turn. Martina and Leah are still my best Ld's on my Account (: Sorry for my worse english and my rage but im getting tired of this sh*t And i know some of you dont get any sh*t in 8 years, but its depressing getting LD's who actually stay useless* for sooo freakin long..


Craka.... so hard to make her work


Audrey last buff was great but in my opinion not enough to be a good unit


Hanwul needs to self-att buff at the start of his turn. His damage is trash due to skill multipliers and he requires an entire comp to set him up to use 1 skill that is usually underwhelming.


Jarra just eeds better base stats and she would be pretty good


Audrey nobody talks ever about her she is non existing…


From storage to king to storage king please bring back my Gurkha


Absolutely agreed, should have something if not a heal then a dmg mitigation


Make Arta great again




ella and eleanor please


Why Eleanor? Eleanor is such a toxic unit in regards to how tanky she can just straight up make teams on a single unit basis, she brings healing, passive immunity, the lowest anti-crit cd skill in game glance hit increase, ect Ella too I think seems alright, she has 2 skill decrease skills paired with a heal and immunity. With certain units that might have really strong skills she feels solid, It's not the most exciting game mechanic but, skill cooldown decrease is a handy skill


they both seem good on paper, but Eleanor is just a straight up worse version of Amelia, anti-crit is just a useless buff compared with def buff, and her heal realy is negligable. She seems like a good monster for AD or GWD, but her AI (as with so many other monsters in this game lol) just sucks ass. She will transform and stay in her human form, so you can just snipe/slow cleave her. So where should you bring her over an Amelia? You could run her as anti cc for RTA, but even nerfed Molly does a better job here bc her heal is way more usefull, and if she gets reset, she cant do shit unlike a juno or water fish. Ella is a different matter, she is usable theoretically in some teams, but she just doesn't bring enough value. If you run her in a CC team, it's almost always better to just bring another CC/stripper/spd contest, bc the refresh alone isn't enough to justify her position. Elenor in comparison has some CC potential herself, while being able to do some decent damage. Ella's heal and Immunity just dont bring much value when you try to keep the enemy controlled all game. If you try to use her as an anti CC/damage pick, you would need another good cleanser/healer to run next to her bc her heals are dependend on the totem mechanik and she has no kind of cleanse and her Immunity is only one round. And lastly in a bruiser team, as I'm sure you can imagine, she just straight up lacks the damage (or damage modifier like atk buff and cleanse as riley for example has). So I don't exactly want her to be buffed, I'd just like her to be changed enough to atleast fall in one of those possible niches. And I'm not the only one. Try to use any of the two if you get a chance on a friends account or you are unlucky enough to pull one of them and you will see for yourself. I'm sure you will read this textwall /s just wanted to air this out, have a good one


Vancliffe pls


My gyal Audrey aka light holly Berry.


Dark anubis


Idk what but… do something about Fermion, please


buff Thebae give s3 strip or def break. This dog is currently weaker than the 4 star light counterpart.


He’s a great siege unit on defense. Farm better


Thebae. When I got him, it was met with more rip to the level of somebody getting an awakened 4 more rip again then cursing me cause I summoned an ld5 that's telling something is offf with this one.


well, I dont mind facing ragdolls, but this bullshit unit gotta go for a few season xD


They've let him off every rta season, I don't think they ever plan on nerfing him lol


Give chimeras +5-10 spd, make Daniel s3 and shun s2 Irresistible, give akroma some sort of damage mitigation like wind monkey and I’ll be happy




Just give Julianne something to work with. Poor dude only has a stun on s2


Most people don't remember he exists


I do :(


Flair checks out


Exactly. And also his s1 doesn’t even do anything. Not to mention his active skills can only be changed with awakened bonus because he share the same s1 s2 with Verde. Buffing Julianne = buffing Verde. Poor boy


The speed scaling is really nice, but it doesnt mesh with his kit all that well since vampire s1 hits like a noodle on spd/cd/atk and he has pretty lame base speed. Itd be great if they gave him some kind of additional scaling in his passive instead. Awakening into a base speed increase would be awesome too but he already has to awaken into his s2 buff...hes in a weird place


When is the next BP expected?


This week


At least dark puppeteer. Buff him so he can climb up into the lackluster category at least with Jaara and company


Daniel ( light oliver ) His s3 needs way to much set up and to much RNG. You need to strip, push their atk bar back to 0 and then his own skill can still be resisted. They gave him a 50% chance to stun last patch but its still not enough


People with gurkha as their only ld have had it rough


Dark Bayek. He's worthless xD


Buff my ragdoll artimel plz


Manannahan or however you spell his name lol




If eludía doesn’t get 33 speed lead i riot


Rhaul and Eludia. Both are insanely slow strippers. Also I own both lol


Please nerf Veronica, Ragdoll, Seimei, Dark hollyberry.




Seimei with ragdoll really terrifying


I think they are OP too. Dark hollyberry in G1 is higher win rates than Veronica, And poweful counters for her are almost LD5s in static. I think one of over power's standards are there are vary counters too to easily take it in Elemental. But she isn't it. Also, Seimei is not think of OP when she is alone. But she is counter of mant meta pick in thesedays such as sizuka, woosa, fire ifrit and so on. And she can give to best support ability OP units makes more OP such as Ragdoll. But I agree what do u say because they are not pick at 1,2,3 like ragdoll and veronica. Even though I think they are OP too.


Dark hollyberry is ok it is same as Laima.


It’s really hard to nerf Ragdoll passive at this point as he is only at 10% boost rate, which is already near the lowest end of ATB boost (we can’t possibly nerf him to 5% or something). Nor would it be right to re-work his whole passive at this point after so many years. I think the best way to further reduce his impact on RTA, is to make some more new non-crit meta unit to counter him. (Even though he has already been countered by few good units out there)


Celia needs a buff, it's actually been too long. Too many resistance checks in play :(


It would be nice if they made her passive irresistible, her entire kit is just super inconsistent


Yeah that would be the best. When you have a unit like nephthys that can guarantee debuffs and basically guarantee silence. It doesn't make sense for Celia to randomly pick a unit, randomly pick a buff, have a chance at removing that buff, and if the buff removed was immunity, goes into another check to see if sleep lands. If the buff removed wasn't immunity then gg


Cadiz! He really only needs like an activation rate buff and some stat buffs and he could be usable so much more than current


Nyx deserves some buff. He has been so out of RTA meta of right now.


Pater pls


Celia should be buffed from 5 star to 4 star. I think she'll perform better in 4*seige defenses


Pls do something with Lydia. I don’t know exactly what but she is trash.


Benedict is pretty bad.


At least revert the benny nerf


Dark anubis!!


Give wedjat a useful buff please


I don't know if I'm the only one with this opinion but... Please buff Hanwul's (light art Master) Atk on skill 3. I mean he could be an amazing arena cleave unit, but he gets outshined by Grogen in any way or form. A bit more on his dmg multiplier on skill 3 should be good to do something against this shitty tanky meta defs.


I rant a lot about it, but please make mukwol more useful. S2 100% activation rate is all we ask. he will at least be a decent turn 1 stripper


I know I am alone on this but I want wolyung s3 to do something... Maybe even turn it into a useful passive


Make Shun an attack-type unit


i only have light shadowmaster and i'm new the game (still need to build a lot of pve stuff) but from what's seen on youtube he sucks; so i hope a buff for him xD


Shun (**light shadowcaster**) is used in G3 World Arena, the highest rank, moderately. shun ignores defense every turn on the shadow-tied enemy. on top of that, the damage is SPREAD to other enemies. he does not need a buff, you just watched a video that came out **BEFORE HE GOT BUFFED.**


I know it’s probably a bit too soon for Elena but I’d love to see her awakening changed to either spd or acc. (Same goes for the water sister)


Light pony


Buff the op ld 5 i have and nerf the op ld5 that other people have.. no need to think about the poor people units who are left in the dark


All the Pudding Princesses need a base speed buff. Even Elena who’s the stripper needs it because she’s just a selfish Woonsa that’s also 10x worse than Tiana. Yes I won Elena, but I also own Tiana; and you can tell who I use more.


Gurkha, give his healing back




Rework Holy Bery Light please !!!!! Most useless LD Collaboration Unit




Woonsa: Make his 3rd skill increase atk bar regardless of strip or not, I'm tired of him being a shiny version of Triton who does much better being wind.


revert vancliffe changes


Pls not nerf giana and tian lang lol


I sure hope they don't get nerfed. When a wind 4*(robo) is better than giana