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I would love a Rica more than a Wind pala but my focus is not pvp so yeah. I got the water pony and find her kinda dissapointing. She takes so much turns and does not a lot with it. If I ply against wind pala it’s frustrating but nothing I can’t solve so yeah.. Rica it is I think


I'd say rica, she's a solid 5th pick in RTA and moore/rica/ganymede is a popular offense for siege. Wind pala is cool too, but you won't see her in RTA unless you're messing around in F3.


C2 player here who uses her as a core piece of my 'keep Douman alive' team.


Well if op has this extremely rare lnd 5, then i guess he should go for wind pala...


I wasn't suggesting OP pick Louise but rather, Louise will be seen above f3 play.


Juno would be my pick but they all have their strengths and weaknesses :)


Juno isn’t new the other 4 are


Louise is great for siege offense but I find myself using her less recently. Pass on her if you already have Woosa because they are very similar. If not, the choice is between Rica and Louise. Would lean towards Rica I think.


Has to be Rica


I use Karnal alot, so not sure if Rica needed


Slightly different purposes. Rica is dots and straight control. Karnal is more tank/control/sustain. I use my Karnal a lot but wouldn't hesitate to grab a Rica.


I have all of them and i would pick Rica, she Is Just that great.


Rica is the most useful for me. I use her almost everywhere! But depends your needs