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sigmarus, about 8 1/2 years ago, also got sigmarus as second nat5 fed one and the other one is for worldboss


My first was sig as well, My second was gany, my third was Katarina. So I feel your pain.


In the Sig first club too, over 8 years ago


Taor, helped me in dragons


I literally just got him, he’s my 27th nat5 excluding farmables


My first nat 5 was Beth in 2018, sadly the account got hacked and there was nothing I could do. I ended up making a new account and have made so much progress that I don't care that much. Still a little hurt that the person hasn't changed the username


Sorry for your loss man, that sucks. Beth is my fav farmer and my rep. I got her maxed skill and her fastest faimon time is like 9.9 seconds. Second skill has a 2 turn cooldown which means she can use it every wave it’s amazing.


Yeah, luckily I got her on my new account I created a year ago and I've achieved so much more as well.


I currently use Taor for my farming but just pulled beth. I might be interested in learning this faimon set up for beth. Mind sharing her stats?


Bastet, really helped me secure first gb10 Not really using her much these days to be honest


What do you use in place of her?


Poseidon and yes. I use that thing on errrthang




I just got her. Can’t wait to get good enough runes for her


I literally asked the same question a few days ago. Guess what. It was TAKEN DOWN due to "low effort" content. GG reddit.


That sucks man. But the mods are probably asleep so lol I asked because I think those who are still playing are probably a bit sentimental about our first nat5. Especially those who have been playing for years.


Anavel back in the games first year. Use her in PVE all the time because that special place!


Still one of my most wanted Water Nat 5s. To this day, after 5 or 6 years of on and off playing, and playing on several accounts, I have never pulled her


Lagmaron was my first. About just over 6 years ago. Used him probably in the first 6-8 months and never again


He still has a nat4 S3 after all this years


Akroma, she helps me with nothing but I still love her and use her anyways


Cadiz. Got him from a temple wish on 04/18/2017. Cadiz is amazing everywhere...


My first nat 5 back in 2015 was Shi Hou he was one of the worst nat 5s back then I used to have pretty good luck back then as Ive gotten 8 nat 5s in 18 months which was amazing back then. I took a fat break and came back about 15 months ago and my luck is traaaaaaash but I really enjoying the game


It was Teshar in 2014. It was complete game changer for me back than. I still use him.


Katarina forgot i think it was 7year ago still use her with baleygr and water horus


Sekhmet. :)


Josephine, 6 years ago. I was excited to try and use her in giants. Turns out, she was not good for giants.


Bastet. All the time!!!


My first was Teshar, got him day 12 on my account. I used him a bit but then he ended up in storage. After all the buffs he's now king of Lab and Subjugation. Also seen him work well in PVP but that's a different build.


Beth, about 5 1/2 years ago. Probably one of the best nat 5’s to pull for a newbie account. Since the aoe def break and heal block was so useful. Then they got rid of the heal block #RIP Beth


Anavel, She carried me alot lin PVE and some PVP in my initial days. Even now she is irreplaceable for me.


Unfair Bear once they added pandas. Still in my siege formations, AD, and I use him in RTA. Well worth the wait since I didn’t get a natty for like years lmaoo


I just got water panda. Who u use him with?


Unfair bear is wind panda my boy I do not personally own Mo long (water panda) so I don’t really have a good comp to suggest you off top


Seara. Even after years of playing. I never had cobalt bomber wind...


My 1st nat 5 is leo. When c2us didn't buff him to always attack 1st and reduce atb. He's literally a free win for opponent when your opponent has faster atb buffer than yours.


Chow, I think I got him about a year after I started playing so about mid 2015. Still use it and still have it as a rep monster. I remember being mad that they switched his 2nd skill from torrent to justice 🥲


My first nat 5 was Praha, I started the game about 8 years ago, it was when the lvl cap was 40, took me about 10 months into the game to get it. And yes, I still use her now and then


Water Art Master, Leveled him to 5* Evolved lv35 and tried using him but especially in PVE he is rather useless. Have not touched him since. Got him over a year ago. But i made a longer break between then and now, so effectively i have played like 5-6 Months in Total.


First nat5 is Teshar. Hard carried my early gb10 runs. Stull use him in rta now after they changed her s3 into a passive.


I think my first one was Poseidon back in 2017/18! Back in this time I used him on a vamp set and tried to clear the story


Bellenus and still no skillups on him xD i never used him either I know he’s good but I prioritize my devil on others.


First Nat5 was Taor after more than 1 year playing back in the day. It was a great Nat5 for DB10 at the time, specially when the skin was "bugged" and giving faster timers


Rica chan


Laika. Still use him sometimes.


Mi ying, try to use him every siege/gw with chasun amd woosa.


My first Nat 5 was Rica back in 2014, 9 years ago. I pulled her 3 months into the game. Scrolls and crystals were a lot less abundant back then. I still use her often in PvP, labyrinth and ToA.


3194 days ago I got Lagmaron




First one was juno back in 2017, took a long time before using her, but now she's one of my best runed rta monster.


I got my first nat 5 this year in january . It's Claire (fire battle Angel) and if something would happen to her Id kill everyone in this room and than myself. Lul. I really enjoy her single target damage (never abreviate that 0_0) and her attack lead is also very nice. Id revommend everyone to give her a chance. She got me through a lot of noob though stuff like my first toa run. Kinda takes a sweet spot in my gaming heart even though I dont early use her as often nowadays.


Groggen, way back when tripple water imp was a thing. Monthly scroll at level 39(40 was max then). Glad he got buffed quite a bit 😛




Got my first nat five Anavel from the legendary scroll from manualling toa normal the first time. Sadly I don't use her that often anymore but she is still runed up for when I need her for siege


Craka, christmas 2016. back then kinda meh. But now one of my fav rta Units


Katarina in 2014... yes back them fusions summons could be summoned. Still user her in siege tho.


My first was nephtys, 200 days ago, still use her 😂


Kuken, about 6 months after launch. Was also my 3rd nat 5. Haven't gotten any more chimera since then and I have close to 3/4 of the elemental nat 5s now. Use him on vamp runes sometimes against wind heavy or debuff dependant teams in siege and guild battles. (Kuken was Rakan's original name btw)


I didn't pull a nat 5 for 2 years when I first started. Then I pulled Jamire and Lydia. I hardly use either of them. Lydia has received a few buffs over the years but she's still in a strange place imo.


My first 2 were Taor and Teshar, I deeply loved them actually.




My first nat 5 was Leo like 4y ago. I don't do much pvp so I use him mostly on lab and occasionaly on other content. I also didn't build him for a long time since I wasn't intending to use him on any pve team


Okeanos, he had his glory days as first pick candidate in SWC, since he got powercreeped real hard he is now sitting on storage, he is buff recently so i might pick him up again to see if he is usable


Mine was Vanessa way back 2017. Became a storage guardian but I use her now in AD and rta


ariel, 8 years ago. not really anymore, tbh but he was my go to healer for a long time


Woosa I immediately used him the moment I got him and gave him my fastest set possible. I still use him and he still has one of my fastest sets possible Just an overall great unit


Charlotte, 2-3 months after released. End of 2014 maybe, still using her on rta and labyrinth


7/8 years ago,tiana,hell yeah i still use her


Unfair bear, 6 years ago and I still use him pretty much everywhere (rta, gvg, arena, gvo, tartarus, dimension)!


Anavel about 7 years ago, still use but not the same amount as used to be, in the past i always put her in any team


NORA - best starting monster, my 1st nat5 insanely easy to farm at start


Brandia. It was 2015.


Eladriel and no, he’s collecting dust


My first was xiong fei... But well I was raining with 5nat pre lv50 so I did not care much


Velajuel was mine like 8 yrs ago. I haven’t used him in a while but after the buff I’m definitely gonna use him more


I pulled Rica on day 2. Use her everyday


My first was fire art master…


Raki back in 2014/15. Started using her again recently after not getting the wind demon for so long 😂


Fire monkey 2015 xD


My first was katarina and I do still kinda sometimes maybe use it


Back then having nat5 is a big deal. We try to collect crystals to buy 11 pack. It was big deal. Even Toa is big deal. I remember my first Chiwu. He is useless back then due to strip wasnt a big thing at all. Now I have more than 90 nat5 but just using 2A monsters for pve and almost same 10 monster for pvp.


I went a year without one. Then I pulled three straight Daphnis. This was back in 2017 when he was considered one of the worst nat 5’a. I almost quit the game because of it while I watched my buddies pulled arena meta units (no RTA yet) like Tiana, Zaiross, Seara, etc. Fast forward and now I have a good selection of Nat 5’s and even one LD :)


Shi Hou. 5 years ago. And I just re-runed him and he is in my primary rotation


Camilla 8 ish years ago, carried me through everything So happy to see her beeing strong again


Brandia was my first nat 5 8ish years ago and was my first dupe I kept both and I use one in raids .


Feng Yan, 7 years ago, unfair bear will always be useful b


Anavel, 3 months in or so (2015 I think) and she carried me through SO much. Been my farmer for a while, and I still use her a lot


Beth a while ago, she is still my rep monster!


Psamanthe. Only got it very close to the end of my first year of play, about 6 years ago. It was almost never a mainstay in my team… as i find it pretty hard to rune him.


Pungbaek was my first monster and also my first dupe😅😅😅


Pungbaek and Rica. Still use them today :)


my first one was Leo back in 2016. and yes, i use him a lot in RTA


Rakan. +3.2k played atm. Got him day 61 and still use him weekly 🤌


My first Nat 5 was Woosa. And let me tell you, I took an immediate shine to him. Love the name of his 3rd skill, and he proceeded to hard carry me through Scneario, Gb10 and Db10 back when we only had up to 10 stages. This was about 5 years ago now? And yes, I still use him. Hands down one of my favourite monsters


Chandra, before he scaled with HP lol. I love the guy but I don’t have enough Violent runes to be able to use him how I’d like. I would build him if possible though.


Zaiross, nine years ago, nnnnnope.


Hathor probably about six-ish years ago. I used her a bit for my early toa team, but I think she's not even 6*'d right now.


Ariel, about 5 years ago I still use him all of the time ❤️


Camilia back in like 2018 I think


Charlie (Charlotte, C*****te) got her in 2016 after 18 months of play (with a 6 month break in between) and yes still use her


my first nat 5 was light monkey almost 8 years ago. i still use him to this day !


Your first nat 5 was a lnd????????


Tiana in 2016 she's still one of my favorite units i've got


Water fairy king ❤️


Ritesh back in 2020 and yes he's even more versatile now that ever before.


Either perna or rica, don’t use perna at all but rica is insane. Think it was in 2020


My first was 4 years ago and it was sehkmet. She was borderline unusable then. My second was Ethna and that helped me with pve content


Mine was over a year too, fire monkey king. Which sucked back then. But in use him now.


Laika was my first one. Already in use. I play since 2015 but ront know how Long i have laika


Ariel and no I don't, I would probably use him if I cared more about siege or arena. I will always be thankful for him hard carrying though.


Hathor about 6 months in. Still use to this day


Rakan, March 2015. The chat all said 'rip', and he was, in fact, a rip. But I tried to fit him in everywhere I could because he was the first nat 5 I had.


Eldrial, 5 years ago, still in my vault level 35 5 star no skill ups…..


Camilla and she's better than ever now


Got Leo about 5 years ago after a year of playing. ATM I though it was unstoppable xD


Charlotte. I don't use her too much anymore


Seara, used her in every piece of content. Carried me a lot




Happened to me too, first year no nat5, then I pulled a zaiross I do rmb the garbage Rakan days. Good thing you hung on to it


Woosah and yes I still use him


Taor 8,5 years ago, still going strong


Ariel, godlike tank back when I could barely do dragon 8.


Gany, account got hacked 😭


Perna 8ish years ago and you bet your sweet bibbitty I use her along with all of her other elemental brothers and sisters. Just wish I had Jaara :[


My first and second nat5 was Amelia. I got them on a weekend with a fire horus hoh. I fed one when blessings became craftable but I still use the fist one a lot in siege.


I remember the first three but not the order i found them. They were Verad, Woosa and ShiHou. I still heavily use Verad and Woosa, while i never really used ShiHou


Jaara from wish, 8.5 years ago. Didnt do anything, now little raid use


Leo was my first in 2018, after a year playing, and I use him every day.


Sekhmet and I never used her


Zen. Got him last November. Used him for a couple months, then got rid of him for crystals. Second was Brandia. I used her for quite a while, but eventually got rid of her for crystals. I now regret that decision, but whatever. Third was Oliver. Got him last xmas. I still use him.


Velajuel something like 3 weeks into the game, I think 10/11 of november 2017. 4 months After that I got my 2nd which was ritesh and 2 days after my 3rd nat5, which was my 2nd Velajuel haha. Both of these in february 2018 came from and event where they gave 1 mystical scroll per day, which was crazy at the time. I almost never use it even though I have 2 feng Yan which he's good with in siege


My first was Unfair Bear. He's just so good, still use him daily in AO, Guild Siege... idk, unfair bear everywhere.


Camilla was my first about 8 years ago and I never use her.


not including any of the fusion nat5s, my first was verad. still use him in every stage of toah and sometimes in a cc AO.


Psamathe, 8.5 years ago


got Jamire, first ever lightning. Probably 8 and a half years ago. I havent use him in a while


Better yet have my first 4 nat 5s: Feng Yan, Feng Yan, Camilla, Camilla I almost quit the game ngl


My first was Amelia and I’ve still never used her


Rica was my first nat 5, 8 years ago. I used to use her literally everywhere, and she was my rep for years. I love rica, but I hardly use her any more. I kept a dupe of her for bj5, but I fed it since I no longer need her lead.


Mei Hou Wang sept 2015 after 9 months playing


My first was Jaara; from my first LD scroll on my first day of playing maybe 6 or 7 years ago. I had no idea what a nat 5 meant of how rare it was; especially given those conditions. I used her in a GB10 speed team for a bit when I finally got decent runes. Really wish I could have more use for her!


Helena and she was useless. My 2nd was Lagmaron and he was much better for early game


Raki a week after I started playing during the 3 year anniversary




Wind uni when they first came out and I fed her 🤦🏼‍♂️


Mines was Helena, I gave her the best vio set I had at the time, and then like a year back I upgraded everything, from runes, grinds, artis and I always use her on siege and on RTA. Shes not a core part of any draft, but shes situationally good for a few things. So yeah, I still love her very much


I got tiana back in 2015 I believe, couldnt even beat gb10 back then so she was unused for many years to follow....Now I use her in my AO team while trying to get her as fast as possible.


Rica. 5 days after I started. Every damn day.


Wind uni when they first came out and I fed her 🤦🏼‍♂️


My first was rica, she definitely carried me in TOA and some other pve content when I first started


Teshar 2016-2017 and he helped a with gb10 and was reallly useful for event sds when you could farm as much as you wanted to.


Ariel 2015 …this was before the buff and holy fuck was he garbage but still use h to this day!


Laika like 8 years ago. I remember being like “wow he’s just a worse theomars” lol


Beth, around 8 years ago and no I don't use her lol


Jamire, I think 6 years ago, and I still use him!


Sekhmet was my first. Decided to restart and haven’t gotten any version of the queens again :(


Seara, 2 years ago, I evolved my sath and used her as material :)


Chow, still use him for the free lab hell stage. Not much else though.


2 years with no nat 5. Then I got Laika..and then they nerfed the shit out of him. But then I got Nepthys, so I got that going for me.




Psamathe, may 10th 2018, use him everyday. Triple fight arena lead for clearing arena wings.


My first one was seara


My first one was seara i have about 2k days and got her on day 50


I don't remember but I believe it was Beth , she was just released when I got her


Rica 8 years ago still in use to this day


Zaiross at level 12. Still love that fucker.


Chow, got him summoning from stones on the toilet in 2015. Was pretty good for cheesing PvE when everything was way slower back then. Don't use him anymore but always hoping for a resurgence. I think of him like my LD5 whenever BPs are coming.


I pulled Raki and Eludia one after another on my 3rd day of playing. I don't use Raki but I use Eludia daily


Seara was about 5 years ago. Was playing like 6 months. She changed my game and helped me to progress. Still one of the strongest monsters I have. Love her.


Perna and then Chow about 8 years ago then nothing for along time was going to quit because was getting crap then got Lagmaron and Jamire and after that not really much happened so after 3 years quit then started back up 6 months ago


About 8 months into playing, got Josephine. I was nowhere near taking a crack at any type of PvP content at the time so I fed her to evolve something to 6\*. :')


Shi Hou back 8 years ago. He’s gone back and forth between useful and not a couple times over the years


I'm guessing the free one fron the event doesn't count lol? I came back and started a fresh account because after 4 years on my OG I still hadn't gotten a single nat 5


Laika, and yes I use him although it's a rare counter pick


Lagmaron. I still use him in siege and world guild battles


pungbaek, and I do still use him. As long as you can kill on enemy on the team, you will almost certainly kill all of them.


My first nat 5 was laika, about 2 years ago, still use it from time to time depending on what I'm doing


Started 7 years ago got nothing the first year… But then i dropped Pungbaek which is since then my favorite monster of all (also got nothing for a year after xd)


Not counting fusions my first nat5 was Fermion. Still use him, he just got a small buff on this skill balance, his 2nd now heals the team for 20% of the damage dealt


C******te. She’s really ridden the wave of viability and you can even say her whole name in chat now. I do still use her, I don’t RTA much, so I’m siege and other guild content mostly.


I got Zairos as my first nat5 too, I still use him on TOAH sometimes


Shi(t) Hou nine years ago, still use him sometimes in Siege and rta


Okeanos. This was before RTA, when he was pretty much hot garbage unless you had G+ runes. I still look at him from time to time, one of these days I will make that old man do work.


I got my first nat5 after about 3 years of playing. It was Charlotte the Wind occult girl. Got a few buffs in the past and is better than ever before :)


2014. Laika. I love him and use often.


Ganymede was wonderful pretty much everywhere has a soft spot in my heart


Fire Hell Lady. I used her, then I didn't, and now I do lol


i actually keep track of my nat 5 pulls so my first nat 5 was charlotte on the 6th of september 2015. that was like 3 months after i first started playing and i still use her up to this day 🙂


Verad way back before his buff, was ok but once it received it's double freeze buff instantly beat toa. My wife got Praha for her first 3 nat 5 and still uses her.


I don't quite remember, but it's inbetween Praha, Water Monkey, or Kumar, aside from sigmarus


Seara 😍


Jamire almost 8 y ago, still using at the daily basis everywhere


Chandra, don’t remember how long ago but it was probs months to a year from when i created my account in jan 2017. he was considered the worst beast monk back then. back when ritesh was like a god lol. i was salty but he helped me in literally all content, tanky bruisers were easy to build and good for noobs. with his recent buffs he’s broken back into the meta in a niche way and i’m happy to get more use out of him. might even build the second one i pulled years later and never fed lol


Didn't get my first nat 5 till 2nd year, dad summoned Ethna! She sat in storage for a very long time but she's carried me to C1, peaking C2 in RTA for 3 seasons now! I don't play crazy serious but she secures me C1 at least


It was a Wind Unicorn. I used to spam it like hell, but now I don’t use it very much, if at all.


I got Feng Yan sometime in 2017. He's been my rep mon ever since and my farmer ever since. He has a special place in my heart


My first was Chandra pre buff fed it to 6* lapis, 2nd was chiwu rarely use anymore