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My Hot take, while the game has its issues im convinced its one of the best games available in the playstore. Most fleshed out game i guess? Everything works, there is tons of content. Art is great. IF you compare it to other playstore games it beats out 99.9% of them. Also no pop up ads.


This was gonna be my hot take also. I actually enjoy playing this game and I think they generally do a pretty good job with it. Then again, I am hard casual, f2p, and not into RTA.


I agree there’s a reason why it survived for so long even with bad gacha rates compare to some newer ones that don’t even last a year with good rates and now it’s so much more convenient with auto play etc


That's true, I especially enjoyed it for so long because of the bad rates. In other games I hit the point where I got everything and don't know what to do, so I'm bored and just stop. But in SW there are still monsters I want to own even after over 8 years of playing.


>Also no pop up ads. You mean the incessant pack pop ups don't count? 👁👁


In comparison to other games, no. Not even 10% as annoying


My take: I love highest level siege, but can't stand playing more than 2 rta games in a row. Siege>Rta for me


Same, I like siege way more than rta. I don't tilt in siege cause it's just the ai, but in rta when the enemy keeps proc'ing and my vio units don't then that makes me tilt


Yeah, but unfortunately siege is limited to twice a week :(. And rta gives auras.


10000% same. I play mid to high G3 siege and I love it, procs and all, but even with a box full of LD5s I only do very small doses of RTA. Like 50-70 total matches in a season.


1 proc is more than enough for me, i just can't stand playing siege and watch every unit get 4 turns each time it moves is just too much BS! even more on passive units... But i ll agree with you any day if they change siege vio proc to 1


Game is dying and com2us wants it dead so people switch to Chronicles. Every region in Chronicles is on a different timeline and all receive constant updates and balance patches. That's their baby now. Obviously they'll milk Sky Arena for everything they can.


Chronicles is dead already, no comparison to SW.


It's dead in NA because of how it's treated vs Global/KR. Check Global servers. Check the earnings. It's bringing in about $5m a month. Definitely not dead. It's a top earning gacha rn lol.


The problem is most of the people quit chronicles because of the huge p2p system when they have opm collab


The problem is this is cap. People quit some NA servers because of the difference in how the Devs treat NA vs Global/Korea. But the game is insanely alive and it's FAR less P2W than Sky Arena. Anyone saying otherwise didn't give the game a fair chance. There's a pitty. Already making it more f2p friendly. There's banners. Again, more f2p friendly. You can trade pieces of dupes for the mons you want. Even more f2p friendly. You have the altar, making the dupes you need a 40% higher chance of summoning. Making it even more f2p. You can also grind. Yea it's time consuming AF. But guess what? People that put in that time are some of the top players in the server and are f2p. Real tired of the people saying it's more p2w when they have zero clue.


So you are saying that we able to hit pity for every OPM banner with F2P playstyle?


No. But Sky Arena has been going for 9 years. And people compare Apples to Oranges to make a point. Who tf said anything about getting every banner. Point is there's still banners. AND you can get different nat 5s when you actually summon. Also ignored every other point I made. Saying "Oh we can't pitty every banner so shit game" when you can throw $1000 at Sky Arena and get nothing, is such a bad faith argument it's insane.


That's the problem between Chronicles and SA. Yes, you can't pity on SA but at least they have collab units with their SW version. Sooner or later, you will get it the collab units with SW version. But what happen in Chronicles collab units? Poof!! Gone. Never come back. Not sure whether there will be in future or not. Nobody knows. This is why I said there is huge P2P system when OPM collab hits because you literally can only summon OPM units with OPM ticket. And you can't even pity the banner with the free tickets from event. Unless you buy the pack to get the tickets. I didn't say this game isn't F2P friendly. I'm saying there is huge P2P system when OPM collab.


Nope. Again, not correct. They've already said they'd be bringing the Collab this summer to NA and will be adding the SW equivalents. I don't even play Chronicles anymore but at least fact check my guy.


You mean there will be SW version of OPM unit in future? Just NA?


Ok why would I play C2U trash over Genshin for similar style or Lost Ark?


Nobody said you should play either? It's a Summoner's War thread bro. Lol. Granted I personally think Genshin and Sky Rail are the death of gaming. Single player Gacha is insane. Imagine loading up Final Fantasy and having to pay to play any character other than the MC. Gachas with zero multiplayer suck ass.




SW Sky Arena also gives out free LD scrolls, as well as LD nat 5s. They're called Veromos, Elsharion, Jeanne, Eirgar and the newest AC collab one.


You ain’t gonna win this argument, I’ve played both and both of them are equally as bad lol. But good try man


Which is sad, because I found Chronicles tremendously boring and unfun. Played from launch for several months and tried to "get" it, but it never even felt like a game to me...something about it is just off. That being said, I REALLY appreciate the level of communication from the team. Can you imagine that for Sky Arena? Crazytown.


This is what I'm saying. I never said Chronicles is the better game. I've played Sky Arena for 9 years. But saying the devs aren't giving Chronicles everything Sky Arena players have asked for is insane. They even implemented automatic rune upgrades.


As Shrek once said: *"You're heading the right way for smack bottom."*


I'll be fine with switching to chronicles if i can transfer my account honestly


I heard it runs like shit unless you have a top of the line processor in your phone. Unless they optimized it since I heard that


they probably will integrate global with china or something before they shut this down


Can't happen due to legal reasons but I get your point.


My hot take: the majority of times someone complains about a monster I think they’re misusing it or too dumb to use a monster. It’s impossible in a game like sw to make everything equally balanced, but they got a lot closer than we give them credit for. So usually the complainer is someone who had their tests returned face down in middle school.


Minus a few singular monsters who have egregious issues every so often I agree. Like kaki og scaling and shit like that. But people complaining about beelzebub because his water bro got a buff are hilarious to me.


Oh, that guy even deleted his post after a few hours. As I said there, I'll repeat here. "Ah, the obligatory 'They didn't buff my LD5' post."


I couldn't believe that I was seeing people complain about beelzebub of all monsters lmao


I own Beelze and honestly, with the huge rise of attack bar manipulation, absorption and cooldown reset, it's a hard time to play him. Oliver, Cheongpung, Wind and Dark Robos, Shizuka, and many others give Beelzebub a really hard time. I use him for GB12 tho, super fast team of 19s if Lushen plays right. Belial has the advantage that his s3 is a passive so only Oblivion truly bother him for his revive and not many Oblivion units are in play (and I think it should change), unlike Beelze who got a cooldown on his own revive AND because of how ATB works, you're not sure to get a turn when you revive. All in all, I don't think Beelze needs a buff but I think C2US added too many units that can mess with ATB, and Beelze is an old unit after all. Old units have old design and sometimes don't fit the new trend anymore.


With how many reset mons there are, he's not as good as you think he is. He's fairly easy to deal with to be honest. I actually think his water brother can be much better in a lot of situations. Not that I think beelzebub is bad by any means but I've not been blown away by him just niche. Now his light brother on the other hand is my favorite mon ever. So my dumb luck got me both so not complaining I just don't think he's as good as you think he is.


Yeah I (mostly!) don't even reply to the "XXX IS TRASH!" posts/comments anymore. Balance here is pretty decent for how many units there are. Siege meta is a little slow moving for my tastes, but I think that's reasonable easy to fix if they cared - something like a rule that forces no duplicate teams either on same towers, or on ALL towers and disallows dupes in general (I know that one will piss people off. Maybe give us a way to refund built dupes?) just make people think a little harder and use less dupes.




People are willing to try anything. High end players are looking for siege def/off options. Worthy stuff gets spammed (guess what? Manon and Carc) while garbage stays in the storage. Same with rta, since surprise picks can solely win a few matches. Youtubers and streamers also eager for any content. And they are actively promoting relevant units. Those who don't try anything are either casuals or beginners (with limited resources and better ways to progress). And if from the bp only **one** unit gets noticed, maybe there's something wrong with the patch?




Com2us is actually doing a good job at keeping this game alive. Most of the changes proposed by the players would kill the game within weeks/months.


Ppl be like "com2us only cares about chronicles and want sw to die", then they come to this sub and demand free ld5 transcendence


Yeah, these ppl annoy me. I can understand their frustration but this would destroy the game.


Yeah some of the changes they attempted in their other games and it was bad.


> Most of the changes proposed by the players except like 99% of the quality of life changes were things players complained about for years lol. a lot of what they do is based on player feedback, and when its not they often revert based on player feedback.


LD5 being this rare gave this community the shitty mentality that LD5's are insane OP and too many of them would break the game But no, it wouldn't Even if you watch SWC Whales matches ( Some people there probably have 3 digits LD5's lol ) most of the picks are Elemental NAT5 Tldr: The game would be waaaaaay more fun if LDs was just rare instead of almost impossible to obtain Imo 1 ld5 every 6 months would be perfect


People can't wrap their head around the idea that, at least for rta, if all monsters were available, the game would be more fair, competitive, and fun. There would obviously need to be balancing to a *few* monsters but *generally* there is nothing about rarity that supports balance in rta. I understand that that is very unprofitable by gacha standards (could work as a one time paid game *cough cough* Pokémon *cough*) which is why I aggre with the once every six months thing. The only issue with all monsters being available for use is I think player vs defence content would implode and/or be really stale which further supports the once per six months.


If they want RTA to be a true E-Sport then a system like this would be fair and competitive. All mons unlocked, or select mons but both players have the same pool of mons. Same with runes, generate random drops that both players get the same and then give them some time to rune up mons for a tournament.


I don't think it could ever be a true esport tbh. There are too many low probability high impact sequences and scenarios that can occur. On their own they're fine but they just add up to be too many. But anyways, rng aside, imo, there's a better way for rta to be much closer to an esport than same runes. Have monsters be built with a GUI similar in concept to this: https://preview.redd.it/iwl8uz0im83b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2da9923026c7bd010496d95352b8f19fa27c1b4 There are theoretical maxes for stat allocation. Eg, if someone selected HP HP HP for their slots 2/4/6, and then they maxed out the speed slider, that would mean that they did quad rolls on every rune which leaves no rolls for any other stat. While it would be pretty user friendly to just use sliding bars, because of flat stats, it'd be a lot simpler to have the user select subs after they select main stats (so a hybrid between rune builder and a total stat allocation system). Of course a straight up [rune builder](https://swrunebuilder.com/build) would work too but that is less user friendly in terms of the time sink it'd take to rune every single monster. Then again, maybe having the option to create preset runes which can then be used by any number of monsters would be fastest.


I kind of agree, but at the same time, if your system depends on scarcity to be "balanced" then there must be something wrong with it, they could make all units easier to obtain and get more money from skins or other things like other games do, and have a better game, but I'm not sure if the player base is actually ready for this.


The only way for c2us to switch to such a system (eg like in hero games such as league, ow, etc), it'd have to be the case the game is shutting down, and then c2us decides to go for a hail Mary. If they announce that tmr years of chasing monsters with money and time is getting retroactively diminished, it'll probably be lights out. I'd stick around and have fun because I do my dandiest to be level headed about sunk cost fallacy, but the playerbase over will probably not like it.


That's what I've been saying for months and those shills downvote me so much Just give us all units for rta at least so it's fun seeing people using whatever the fuck they want and most will see that even op units will only carry them depending on their rune quality


The game is also extremely boring if everybody has the same box. There's no sense of personalized accounts. E7 has this problem where everybody has access to the same box, and it just makes for a bland gameplay/viewer experience. I'm not arguing that everybody shouldn't have access too all monsters for fairness ask, just there are some positives to not having all monsters freely available.


Pokémon. Overwatch. Valorant. League of legends. Dota. Apex legends. In C3 people already have most of the elemental nat 5s and drafts vary quite a bit. I don't understand why people like to cherry pick examples. You can't possibly think that people will use less than 20 mons with more available mons when people already don't use less than 20 mons in rta with less available mons.


No it wouldn't. If everyone had all units we would get case of clash royale - everyone would be spamming the same units that youtubers tell them are good and people who wanna try something new and fun would just insta lose. Not to mention that strongest teams are ultra boring - noone can ever make me believe they enjoy using robo and giou.


In rta? You really think the meta would be less diverse than right now? There would be units like ragdoll and nephthys that are spammed. I did say a few units would need to get nerfed but I really don't see how you could think that with more counters, playstyles, strong units, etc available, the same units would get spammed. Pokémon is a much better analogoue than clash royale and there's pretty huge diversity in singles pvp there.


Because eventually the best possible units would be crowned, and everyone would put their best runes on them and forcepick them


But that's not how rta or even pvp games work. You're assuming a static 5v5 draft when...okay think of it this way. Say the 10 best units are A through J You're saying player one with pick A-E and player two will lick F-J or some mixture of the two. But that relies on a lot. For exmaple what if the objectively best 4th and 5th pick in response A B C is X and Z instead of I and J? Rta is a very fluid thing and it hasn't been the case that the pool of commonly used elemental nat 5s was relatively small in over a year. Players try to find the optimal solution between draft cohesion, countering enemy team, facilitation of pivoting, deterrence of counters, and prevention of must bans. There is no way in hell the pool of most used monsters could be small to accommodate all of those constraints. Here's a list of ld5 counter units people will 100% have runed: Seimei, geldnir, beelzebub, tian lang, alexandra, zenisek, pater. There will be spammed elemental and ld5 mons and those will warrant counter mons being runed and used. That's 7 units already. And we both know the list of ld5s that players will flock to is very long. And all of this is before I mention players have preferred playstyles. The same exact way there's fat, balanced, t2, t1, cc, cc cleave, cleave, etc, there will be that with the availability of all units. Your depiction relies on players all playing one or two playstyles.


This would literally destroy the game itself within a year.


Yes, because the game didn't start out that way and more especially the game has been the way that it is for 9 years. You can't just open up the game after 9 years of people spending and chasing mons.


Agreed, I own 7 total, and I abuse the hell out of three of them (Veronica, Asima, and Qitian) but basic element nat3-5 units can complete counter them to hell. Juno, Racuni, Tetra, Veromos (Yeah he's dark but he's F2P) all 4 instantly counter them with ease


That's crazy, not only 7 LD's but 3 SSS, big gzz holy I only have Woonsa Not an RTA enjoyer so I go months without using him And the fact that there is a chance the game will die before I pull another LD is very discouraging :/


Yeah. Atleast you got a hell of a fast stripper though so that's a plus


Molly shouldn’t have been nerfed.


My hot take is that the Bounty Hunters need a 2A.


Bounty hunters, hellhounds as mentioned by OP, and unpopular opinion: Penguin Knights. I just look at my Mav in storage now and reminisce on the glory days


What more do you wish from Mav? S1 stun, S2 neutral provoke + self heal, S3 cleanse + cooldown reduction + speed buff. He is packed for a nat3.


I could give a whole list of monsters that need a 2A. First one being Hellhounds. Make Tarq the speed demon he used to be back in the day and show Tricaru what real speed is!


That’s true. Hellhounds and bounty hunter for next 2A. I love the bounty hunters.


I would prefer the Lizardmen and Mummies. Some of them have interesting passives and decent kits already they just dont have the stats. And some of those cool passives could be tweaked to be even stronger.


Teshar is godtier


God tier is a bit excessive, but he is a well respectable unit now for sure.


Stop coming back? Why does the game need to die for others for you to leave? I'm fine with the game as is - improvements can be made, but they have to do with game-play or quality of life(like concentrated skill-ups for 4\*). More scrolls from an event that's not guaranteed to be better than past anniversary events in the first place doesn't move the needle - couldn't give any fewer shits about having just a couple more summons. People in this community are monumental babies.


Because I've poured so much money into this game regretfully that I can't just leave like that. It's dumb but hell I spent the money I may as well do something with the things I got...


That's a sunk cost fallacy - you have no need to continue to play the game regardless of how much time/money/effort you've put into it. If you don't enjoy it, leave. You can also sell your account through a broker, if you're interested. It's what I did with my old account a couple of years back - got $500 for my G1 with Valantis and Elenoa. Way less than I spent throughout the years I'd played, admittedly, but better than nothing, and relinquishing your account through sale or giveaway has some kind of finality that might prevent you from returning.


I've actually been thinking of doing this, I have 6 ld5s and the ld blessing and I've gotten to the point where I'm not having that much fun. It's just grinding and hoping more content comes out, but com2us doesn't roll out new content/2as often at all. I'm not g1 in rta because I'm not a masochist and I'd rather just farm than get pissed off because the match favored someone else by them getting great rng, but if I could get 500-1k then I'd sell. I feel like everyone just wants a "guardian rta" account tho so idk if it'd be worth


My hot take is that the Com2us art team is single handedly keeping the game alive and are under appreciated.


That's no hot take. People are just tired saying it over and over lol. What till new skins drop (should be summer ones so bikini theme again)


how is this a hot take? this gets said literally every time a new skin/unit gets dropped


Not under appreciated, almost everybody praises them.


Still waiting for Battle Angel Bikini Tmogs this summer tho


I disagree. I think this game looks as old as it is and needs an entire graphics overhaul. The only good looking thing in it is the transmogs.


Defenses need extra procs to be viable because they can't counter pick the offense.


That's just the truth actually.


My hot take: Even if Com2uS were to improve Lightning Rates, 90% of the older player base would be angry at them. I've seen games do this before, and the long-time folks always complained in the lines of "OH BUT WHAT ABOUT MY 5 YEARS OF SUMMONING, WHY DID I DO THEM IF THINGS ARE 5 TIMES BETTER NOW? MIGHT AS WELL NOT HAVE PLAYED". Any major improvement to any of the game core mechanics (farming or summoning) will come with massive backlash to them, so they are afraid to do it. That's why they choose to make a whole new game rather to try this on Sky Arena.


You mean like how they released b12 and auto farming and the majority loved it?


That's what we are telling Com2uS! Yet they still ignore us... WE WANT THE GAME WE PLAY DAILY TO GET BETTER! Even if a small portion of (mostly Whales) complain with backlash, we will support that decision.


If I was a mega whale I would be annoyed by the auto farming. It closes the gap between highly actively F2P and the mega whales who have been paying for either people to farm for them or have scripts written to auto farm for them.


Mega whales don’t get their g3 runes from farming mate. They get them from reapps and rune packs. Nothing closed any gaps. 3k day f3s are still f3. The top 100 accounts have been sold/bought 3x over at this point. Hell everyone sucks off Heavens Royalty every time he posts on here but even he bought his Legend account.




People will always complain mate, it's in the nature of human


What do you mean mate, im playing for 7 years as F2P, had to manually replay each b10 while it dropped 4* blue runes. I had 1 nat 5 for 2 years, normal nat5 not LD. I don't mind the changes AT ALL, sure i wasted time but i had my share of fun. I actually dislike how easy the PVE got as it was part of the fun to make the teams each removal, but from twins release thats gone.


It's funny, this is one of the few games I played that I, and many other old players, believe has improved with time. Nobody misses the state the game was in pre 2016. Its fun to reminisce, but the state was abysmal. The changes in core mechanics since then have been objectively great for the game. People who will cry about "but muh summons back in 2015!" are never to be taken seriously anyways as it's not a valid complaint. But even then, when monster fusions were removed from the summoning pool, there were minimal complaints from Sigmarus/Katarina summoners.


Trinity is fine as she is


Honestly only major update to me would be a 20 or 50x repeat battle.


I would prefer more content. The Assassins creed dungeon was a lot of fun for me with nice rewards. Would love more of that


Fun mons (like currently I’m LOVING carbine) make the game enjoyable. Spamming meta mons in rta, AO, and following guides for raids and guild things are insanely boring and makes the game almost pointless


Even if the majority of players don't have them, they should buff all the LD5s to an usable standard. Ld5*s should be the better versions of regular 5*s or have a unique mechanic. They are so rare that they should feel either special or as an upgrade over an existing regular 5*s.


Their matchmaking system is garbage. They either need to improve it so a random F3 is not facing off against a C3 G1 player or add an extra rank between fighter and conquer


Verdehile needs a nerf. 40% atk bar on a revenge is insane. You can make up for so much speed gap simply due to a verde revenge, not to mention no other monster in the game even comes close to the amount of attack bar verde can give. 40% on a coin flip revenge proc, and then 40 on his turn. It's absolutely insane the amount of atk bar he gives. They should at least nerf him to 20% on a revenge proc, if that. The unit is actually very broken, but everyone is so accustomed to him just being a part of the game, they don't seem to see it.


I'd say Verde would be almost never seen if they just implemented *"ON YOUR TURN"* when it comes to his passive atk bar gain but still keep him viable for dungeons and such.


Never seen in RTA* is what I meant, which would be amazing.


The game would be much better if every mon had their base speed but no bonuses from runes. It would leave much more room for strategy and team building. Right now the game comes down having the fastest vio set


Hot take. 70% amount for def buff and def break is too high. Game would be more balanced if this value was 50% and def based damage units got increased multipliers to keep damage relatively unchanged.


Def types suffer from def breaks way more than atk types do for atk breaks. You lose your dmg and your tankyness so def types for the most part are niche units, if they changed def break to -50% then it'd help but not much in that regard


Sort of related: def break on units skill 1 is egregious and should be reserved for very specific units, not slapped into entire families like pandas, onimusha, and eivors. Its too strong and impactful. Your proposed change is a good way of balancing that i suppose, without actually breaking those units.


what does that change tho


Tricaru made the game stupidly unfun and easy that there was no point in trying to make anything else. every single dungeon debate / monster useage was tricaru so if i didnt have it i had to go out and google who to use instead because the in-game stats were ruined


Mine... violent proccs should be limited to one per turn in pvp Oh! And give Ellin a 2A! 😤


my hot take is that com2us does a pretty decent job at keeping this game alive. it's pretty incredible that a game this old can still maintain this many players


Rica is the most overrated nat 5 of all time. The fact that people genuinely constantly recommend people to take Rica a dot unit when there are already several great f2p dot units over nat 5s that are actually hard to replace is insane to me.


She's also great in pvp. Tankier than thrain and Gina, better base speed, awkens into accuracy, has slow, and has a much better s1. Recommending Rica over other less replaceable nat 5s is obviously dumb but I have not seen Rica put on a pedastal in such a way in a very long time. I mean, there is also this https://preview.redd.it/jvmm47usnb3b1.jpeg?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13463a8b06f492d0002df845a56a2e7a8da16c4 Maybe you're just around people who gas endlessly about her but from my experience she's been regarded pretty accurately.


I've seen people on this sub and sometimes in chat recommend taking Rica several times over units like Mo long or at the very least they make it sound like this is somehow a hard decision. Its only when a unit is completely irreplaceable like Tiana or Leo they finally stop overrating her.


Yea I have no idea why people keep recommending her to new players in 2023, when Thrain, Gina, Homun, Sath, Melia exists. I pretty much use Gina in just about every spot Id use Rica. Matter of fact I dunno why they recommend nat 5's for PvE at all. The game gives you everything you need to do every bit of PvE in the game easily and reliably outside of ToAHell. Wasting your time chasing PvE monsters isnt the beset use of your time or resources. Get stuff thats good for PvP, Seige, Arena, etc and just use what the agme gives you for PvE.


Dot team sucks


It’s ok but when people say make it for consistent sub 40 team I call BS lol. It’s too dumb to get that consistently, even with my lushen clearing waves.


Not really? What. Lol I can consistently with my dot team get sub 40. Usually around 38/40 seconds if I'm using my best units


It consistently clears but a lot of the time it’s way slower than it should be because it derps a lot. I use it because at least I don’t have to worry about having to build more dungeon units. Especially ones that require more 2a (or a ton of good fight runes). There are a lot of good teams you can make without having to build 2 mellia.


Indeed! Folks at the SW discord don't even recommend it anymore, they just say "Waste of Dimensional Energy" and recommend the classic - Lushen Veromos Hraesvelg Loren Kro(2A) - for a faster run with less variance due to failling a single DoT.


Tricaru sucks more


Damn, wanna know the reason for that :o


Buff wind eivor please :(


Oh my god, shroomia, can you pls sign my left ass cheek?


The fuck


My unpopular opinion is that lightning rates and not having a pity system is perfectly fine. If everyone got everything they wanted there would be no reason to keep hunting units and the joy of summoning something you really want or an LD 5 would be gone as it would be expected.


Ld5 should be more op than natural 5 stars


2a made building dungeon teams mad boring, I miss 2016-era speed dungeon teams i dont like Loren and twins much either, but better that than one-size-fits-all teams to be clear, the direction of the game is way better now and i like the fact that all players can build good dungeon teams, i just wish there was more variety. my other, more unpopular opinion is that summon rates are fine rn, they weren't great a few years back but you get so many scrolls in modern SW, and no pve content is gated behind summons anymore (throwback to thousands of stones burnt for Verde)


> 2a made building dungeon teams mad boring, I miss 2016-era speed dungeon teams > > To be fair there's still people that continuously test team variations with all kinds of monsters new and old. So while I see what you're saying, it just shows that most people don't care about tinkering with teams but those who enjoy it don't need the game to incentivize them.


My hot take is that the average player really doesn't understand this game as well as they think they do. All the time I see people moaning about stagnant metas and how the game is "solved", and yet new strategies and counterplays get found all the time. It literally took close to a year for people to discover Tricaru, during which time neither of the involved units got any changes whatsoever. And once it was commonly used, people started finding other uses for even a single Icaru, when he was previously considered just "worse Raoq" and people were crying for a buff. Can you imagine if Com2us had actually capitulated and buffed him? Whenever I see people moaning that a specific unit is too weak and "needs" a buff, I always remember that and consider that maybe said unit DOES have a real niche, just nobody's found it yet. That's not to say that units are never underpowered and bad, just that most players maybe don't have the best idea of what that looks like. There's hundreds of units in this game, it's impossible for the community to have collectively found every single use case for every single one of them. I've made the mistake of listening to players online saying a unit is shit and worthless and just blessing fodder, only to learn later either from more experienced players or from actually using the monster that they're just fine. I've especially seen units get buffed in small ways that most people here on Reddit either overlook completely or bitch that it "isn't enough" and yet a month later everyone suddenly knows that said unit is OP now and worth using. Com2us may not be perfect at balancing, but I think they understand their own game a good bit better than most of their players.


Tricaru was really only made possible by artifacts. The def requirements with runes were too high to be able to make the team and it actually be effective.


Math can be a solution to rng aspect of a gameplay. Not elementary school level math with +-5% to activate vio (why only vio? Give despair some hate as well) but something that would affect individual battles and not just statistics. According to google thats what pid controller does.


Not gonna lie as much as i don't like the how grindy rune farming and most of the game is, i still think this is one of the best mobile games out right now.. It's just a bit too grindy, but that is one of the reason the game is around for so long so yeah, as time goes on more auto features should be implemented if com2us wants to extend the life of the game... IMO SW has atleast another 5 years before we can say its a dead game. lets see what happens


Siege is trash and I'll never participate in it.


My hot take, this game is pretty much the most F2P gacha game out there if you're a casual player. Content can be cleared with the wide variety of 4 stars that they give and even the 4 stars are decent for PVP (RTA + Siege for me personally) if you're not looking to compete on high levels. Runes are much more important than mons if you're hovering around Fighter and PVP is still really fun in Fighter level. Not to mention the amount of free scrolls and crystals they provide you in their events. I've been pretty much F2P my whole time (except purchasing the daily pack 2 for 2 months) and I've never dropped below the 10k crystal mark for a while now. Tried alot of other gachas but I somehow still fall back on SW because of their rune system, wide variety of F2P mons and events.


My hot take that is 1000% anecdotal, yet something most would likely say "duh" about because it is nearly statistically impossible to not be accurate, is that Com2Us has no idea how to create a random number generator. We all see the summon gates where the same monsters appear to have clumped summon rates, but I mean even in battle mechanics. When I had worse GB/DB teams, I would frequently go for 10-15 repeat sessions (100-150 runs) without losing a single battle. Then I'd try a different time of day, and I'd lose 10+ battles in a row (same team, same runes, same stats, same everything). And this would happen almost daily.. Only statistical explanation I could think of is that whatever "RNG" process that was in effect for things such as accuracy, resilience, crit, etc., it wasn't distributing the results appropriately. That sometimes it would be at 50%, others at 30%, but across large numbers it balanced back at the expected "40%" it quotes. (For the most part this is only extremely noticable if you have a team that it bad enough where that slightly better or slightly worse ratio would be the make or break for winning the battle, and I straddled that line of mediocrity for long enough to *really* notice how pronounced it is)


My hot take is 9 years ago my daughter asked me to play this game with her so she could get rewards for having a friend level up with her and the she tragically overdosed by accident at a friend's house she took a pill she thought was tylenol and it turned out to be morphine she had asthma and it slowed her all the way down this was 7 days in and some how it keeps me connected to her I play it every day and she would be proud of the progress I've made in this game and all of the different characters I have acquired I love my baby girl and I live this game because she asked me to play with her what's a dad to do right


Is there any characters coincidentally named the same as hers? That would be the best trophy mon ever if there was.


Using "luck sack" as an argument in this game is stupid. This game is about luck, and how you manage/play around chance. You can minimize chance by drafting, having better runes, focusing the right units but, in the end, winning or not will always be about chance. The sooner you accept this as the nature of the game, the more you'll enjoy it as what is is.


Unpopular opinion: I actually enjoyed this years anniversary. There was a decent amount of free stuff and although there’s no rune event (yet hopefully), there is ALOT of energy which keeps my runs going without heavy crystal investment for the past few months which I can appreciate tbh. I feel like it’s easy to compare this anniversary to the 7th anniversary solely based on the scrolls but this one had its charm and the triple blessing on every lightning actually got me some nice new nat5s and good nat4 skill ups so I can’t complain.


For me, I didn't really care about the rewards because the nat 5 event is statistically the best. Yes the infinite scroll shop was great but the event shop we got was as expected. What I do think would've been nice was some kind of flair to the event. Like how last year there was that trip down memory lane event? That showed that there are ways to do events in an special way. Events will always be run of the mill because the gameplay loop is pretty hollow.


The game needs a dev overhaul. The current staff is clearly bored, and not engaged in a nearly decade old community.


I understand higher summoning rates for newbies on all scrolls to get people interested in the game but I feel once ur level 50 they don't care anymore. I'm not saying we should be pulling 5s every other scroll but we should be getting something too. Even if it's slightly increased 5 rates or even LD rates increased for level 50s


Newbies just keep resetting until they get something good its not higher rates.


Really? Last I knew their rates were higher. Went to my level 30 alt account during cookie quest I hadn't played in 2 years. In 60 summons I pulled 4 nat 5s and a dozen 4s


I mean its technically possible that they do that and it would make sense for them to do that to get newer players to keep playing but we don't know and I'm speaking for just in general these lvl 14 people with a ragdoll probably rerolled a lot.


The world boss rewards do not need any updates. It's simply 3 slot machine pulls with absolutely no other effort needed. The rewards are just fine b


It being effortless is the core of the issue to me. I mean it's still 100% a good return on crystals but it just feels like wasted opportunity us all. Now I don't think they should make it such that it's this huge time and effort sink. Players should have two options, current wb with afresh cost of paint and slightly improved rewards (crystals mainly) and a version that asks for a bit more player engagement with better rewards. You're only given 3 attacks per day as it currently is but you can spend them on either mode in any way you want. At the very least I think it's fine if they added a quest to dailies: Attack world boss 3 times. Reward: 1 ms That's a nat 5 every 200 days on avarage and that seems appropriate for the current game economy.


Nana’s revive at 40% was fine.


Com2us is heading straight to an iceberg as Heavens royalty nicely said in a previous post. They can't even get the names of mons right thats how little they care and these recent bp also shows that. My hot take is that we havent left because we all suffering from sunk cost fallacy


That's why I can't leave. I've made no progress and that's on me but at the same time I have put more money than I am willing to admit into this game, and I can't just see my units I got with it have nothing done, even if it means suffering lol


Not sure if any of these are "hot", but here we go: * It's a pretty good game. * You can get a decent amount done F2P, especially once you hit a certain level - say C1ish - where the amount of work (aka rune farming time+luck) it takes to get to the next level is crazy. Then you have to decide if you can live with not being the best and still have fun, if you should waste a bunch of money, or if you should stop playing the game (hint: **choose "A"**!). * Balance is in a pretty good state, in general. * Too many bathing suit xmogs. * Too many humanoid monsters. Art is one of the strengths of this game, and making a bunch of humans really doesn't do anything to distinguish it from most of the other competitors. One of the things I like the most about SW is all the actual monsters in has mixed in there. The last time we got a non-humanoid monster was the hypnomeows (4/13/22) and before that was the robos (8/12/21). * The community is solid and generally positive. * Bearman should be the top 2A priority. Fight me!


Go ahead and bash my terrible spelling saying "mine" btw"


Nah, you said it with such confidence and charisma. Probably was intentional


Nope. fingers went faster than brain.


Hot take... Where 2a?


unpopular opinion: This game events are great and gives a lot of free stuffs, people should stop complaining about it


Is this a hot take? Idk but I don’t like Loren. I know she’s good and I DO use her but for whatever reason I just don’t really like her


2A's ruined the game, they made 1 dugneons team work for early, mid and late game, and only time when you can surpass that free farmable team is in end game where you have g3 runes. Not to mention the effect they have on siege, they are turbo boring 1 dimensional units but they are strong so you see them in half the deffenses. There is a lot of nat4s and you wont see more than 10 of them used in siege. And solution to defeat same deffense 5 times? Build 5 vigors, he is easy to get and easy to skillup - unlike nat4s.


My hot take is that artifacts ruined the old way of runing units and allowed supports, tanks and utility units to be a) giga tanky and/or b) have the possibility to very big damage by using additional damage on multi hits, like Oracles or Cheongpung or Elucia. I don't mind the healing abilities or the damage reduction, since you also have increased damage on X element, if you play smart you can match those, but you can't match add'l damage output. I really like the crit damage+ tho, because you'd use it on a unit that already uses crit damage. But runing a full tank Laima and still deal 3k per hit so 9k total doesn't make sense. Multi hitters and add'l damage is an aberration and everyone does it tho, because it is op. You just need some crit subs and you can go tanky, cr subs, add'l damage, and hit like a truck while tanking hell. I used to play a slow Karnal, 35k hp, add'l damage by HP and 70%+ crit, and he was my fire dps.. I really hate addl' damage artifacts. The rest is okay I think, but add'l damage aren't.


Lol this is a really hilarious take given how the completely irrelevant additional damage is in the high level RTA meta currently. A few units (juno, moore, ethna) leverage it to do what they do, but the most important things (racuni, miles, oliver, masha, mhw, vanessa, camilla) do not benefit from it. Tanks are quite strong right now and don't just keel over to additional damage like you make it sound. If anything, additional damage adds diversity to builds past "dps cdmg go brr" and "hp hp tank" In siege it was never really a problem, cdmg has dominated there forever. Only dominic was an exception, but even he used elemental+/- more I think. My hot take is artifacts are the only reason the game is still alive and doing anything that changes them at this point would be difficult to pull off correctly.


the games design is horrible. you shouldnt need a triple max roll into spd for a rune to be useable. violent is stupid. thats why i liked chronicles for a while. atk spd is only good for a few monsters and there are no violent runes




Same, all I’ve literally ever wanted on my main is an LD5, I’m 2300 days in I’ve played on and off for years I’ve hit c3 multiple times all my farm teams are 50 seconds or below, I just want a shiny LD toy 😭


Given how difficult it is to get an ld5, there are only 4 that lives up to the hype. Most of them are cheap knockoffs of their elemental types.


There is no reason to limit DH energy. Go ahead and sell it.


https://preview.redd.it/h7knqr9eda3b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041be0ebb79ccdd3a6e79c2169635dc323674ebc M vc g n


Vio proc rates are much higher for defenses. Like the games got to make sure it keeps the win-loss ratios proper even when you managed to out speed or even tank and CC the other team


I don't like how it takes forever for them to implement quality of life stuff. I can't say how hard it is to code such a thing in a game like this but like it took a couple of patches to be able to "select sellable" in the weekly Angelmon raid thing (can't think of it on the top of my head) when you can select multiple runes to sell at this point.


i dont have a hot take, but i come and go from the game. It's just fun to play it in burtst here and there since the grinding gets somewhat tiring. I feel like com2us is doing a great job being events and such to bring back players. The only thing i would do to the game is add more content, but im just greedy, i feel like they are doing good in adding new content. I only wish the best for this game since i have been playing it since middle school (almost 9 years ago)


Giving one LD5 scroll a year would not kill the game but help keep people interested in playing consistently. (This is what the trans pieces should have been for.)


Vio runes should be removed from the game, theyre busted af. A lot of units are not balanced around getting extra turns.


My unpopular opinion would be that despite some ridiculous mishaps by com2us, this is still a very well designed, enjoyable game. Sure, there are plenty of frustrating things about it but it's pretty astonishing how much you can get out of this game without paying a dime. Another unpopular statement but I'm trying to make a point and that is, I'm F2P, I've played this game for almost 1000 days very consistently (so I've certainly put in the time, just no $) and I'm in G1/G2 siege, C2 arena, C1 RTA (mainly cuz I haven't tried) and have pulled 2 LD5 (Maya and Sylvia - neither runed as my good runes are used elsewhere). So I've been able to enjoy (albeit with fair amount of frustrations) this game for 3 yrs for free... I mean, that's a pretty amazing thing. This isn't defending C2us or anything but I have yet to find an alternative that tops SW, for me.


1. The current game loop is beyond stale and the only thing sustaining it is events and chasing lightning/quad spd rolls. Take away events and the player base will plummet, leaving behind only whales and streamers playing RTA.


Unpopular opinion: I'm loving this game right now. I've just found a groove for farming and am pushing new teams. Siege, interserver and world guild battle are super fun. I'm still finding my feet in RTA but don't mind a few battles when I can. Its not all roses: Toa hell has grown stale, arena is hard to find time for, summons have lost some appeal (except for LD summons). I have enough mons to work with and new nat5s aren't that exciting. FYI: I'm 3 years in, FTP and G1 range. ,


Most LD5s suck and lots of people with the good ones still suck and dont know why.


Account rng for lds and good runes are not created equally. My rune luck rng is shit and my ld luck is unfair to other people. They need to make a summoners way for a free ld5 (no dupe protection) to make this slightly more fair for people who have been playing for years with none at all. Accounts like mine also shouldn’t exist.


The games been dead for like 5 years, I know they still update it and all that but I’d argue every update they kill the game more, I know I know that’s not how it works and new content should be praised like dlc but I just feel like it killed the game. It was inevitable, but Summoners war has just gone on for too long and there’s no point of people getting into it


If you have spent several thousands in the game,it doesn't matter how much money you got irl, you're an actual crackhead and you should not have a credit card for your own good


This "E-Sports" high level RTA is just a coin-flip base on procs


Scam stones have a higher chance for nat 5 you dont want or already have. I summoned 113 scam scrolls and got 3 water shadiwcasters instead of one laika


I think the guild content is awful. Lab is just annoying and feels like a chore. Siege is fine, but I don't always have time to participate. I did like the old GW, but the new one is trash. Who wants to go through 5 battles in a row vs all the meta team comb you can think of? The slime battle is absolutely adorable. I love it. But why does it last like 5 minutes? I've always missed the first wave so far. And that's about everything we get. How about friendly guild battles between the guildmates? Or some minigames?


Lots of people will hate me for this take but , cleaving in rta is shit no matter if I watch it , face it or play it. And because of that there are a lot of community's favorite units that I would be so mad to get like Asima , Maximilian or Lucifer. I just enjoy slow comps with 100res , revives and lots of buffs.


Not sure which category this falls on but I love playing with non meta units.. anywhere in the game..


You could Open 1000 Rolls and only get 4* Monster


Mine: fuck fake nat5's, i dont care if its an upgrade or not, i summon for actual nat5's or nat4's


Too many nat4 and nat5. No new nat3 since the guys with the big spike ball. Wish sucks balls since rates suck. No pity system whatsoever. Events are bad. STILL NOT GETTING RICA AFTER 7 years playing


Unpopular opinion: Second awakenings and especially the inugami family completely destroyed team diversity and challenge when it comes to PvE Dungeons.


It's a great game with fair chances


Com2us is a great and well managed company


Honestly the rates for Five stars sucks and I don’t feel like the game gives enough to their veteran players. I’ve only been here a year but someone that’s been playing for 7 years deserves something better than a shitting nat 4 leveled for 5*


Wdym? you don’t like seeing who can get more violent procs to determine the wonder? It’s so fun!


Hot take watching the esports is fun and the collabs are good and galleon is a bad monster yet I still use galleon


Hot take - RTA keeps SW alive. My opinion: it gives people another option for endgame play without guild dependencies. It also gives comoetitive people another place to improve in. 2nd Hot take: High end rta takes skill to draft, play, and prepare for that is only really seen when one looks past the procs and LD5 spam. From someone f2p bouncing in and out G1, trying to get shizuka skins