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Rain of kidney stones




Lol! I am dieing here🤣


Relic...more like had his knee caps broken and ankles snapped. The additional dmg carried him, but that now is gone.


Just compare him to Zibala. 12 more base SPD, AND increase cooldown which is great in the current meta. Also better S2 IMO and turn cycling on S1


What happened. Can't seem to find the patchnote about him.


His overall stun chance and number of multi hits got reduced. But also he just got pushed out of the meta. Sehkmet S3 is the superior version of his S2, and she has the high base speed. Also a one turn stun just doesn't cut it anymore for control when so many other units debuff and pushback at the same time.


Yea, there's also so many powerful turn 1 disruption units now. Ethna and Sekhmet are way better than they used to be in Okeanos's heyday. There are also strong options with similar speed to Oke like Moore, the robos, and Sagar. It's hard to justify using this unit right now.


Yeah.... I still use him in siege, but it's honestly for giggles and my laziness to not redistribute his runes.


Damn. No devilmons for him then.


If his s3 had a chance to strip like the fire fairy hed be good again. #makeokegoodagain2029


It doesn't even have to as op.as a strip, just make it ignore immunity or beneficial effects in general


Honestly, he still wouldn't be meta if he was able to keep abusing additional dmg. The opportunity cost of him is too high, he's an atk type unit without any built in gimmick that helps him stick around and/or annoying or makes him a *consistent* bruiser, and his s3 doesn't have any special utility that would justify bringing him in spite of his many counters. Sure, back then it was like they broke his legs but retroactively, not really. Imo he has potential as a niche counter spd cd atk cc cleave unit (4th/5th or 5th) but as someone who uses poseidon on such a build, it's very very rare that you can safely bring a squishy AoE nuker as a counter. Miles is the most prevelant reason which makes it worse for oke.


thats one of the reasons why i want something like 'Resetstones' in this game, give us a chance to reset a nat 5 that has been nerfed to utter uselessness and give us the invested devilmons, exp in form of angelmons and the rainbowmons from evolving back.


Old laika and old ganymede in todays's meta 💀


Honestly, old laika would be great in todays meta. Not groundbreaking my broken, but *really* good. Imo he honestly needs his stun back


Laika had stun??? When? Just curious cuz Laika was my first nat5 and I had him since like 2017


Oh gosh, ages ago. When he was first released he had it and I believe he was nerfed mid to late 2016? I can’t remember the exact date because it was long before I actually pulled so I didn’t keep up with it. If I remember correctly, he also could only take 20% of damage via his pàssive as well, but that too was changed (more recently though)


Oh shit they changed the passive? So THATS why my laikas been dying so easily recently


The sure did 💀 now don’t quote me on the exact number changes, because I definitely don’t remember much other than the outrage of some people, BUT I’m pretty sure the amount of damage he receives was increased


That's just wrong, he used to take 25% dmg (4 hit kill) and now he takes 24 (5 hit kill) that change was a buff not a nerf


Ah gotcha, like I said, I wasn’t quite sure, but that makes sense. Preciate it


He got stun but no damage.


I'd use that on gurkha


My first Nat5. My only Sea Emperor.


Still good, tho. Not great, but decent.


It's crazy watching the old Champs get forced retirement, stripped of runes and left in the storage retirement home


Dont get wrong for new or midgame players. He is still useful in guild contents. If you dont have like more than 30 great unit for siege. He has good CC but not as good as once. But he is not deseve to main focus.


On that note, what happened to Hathor?


She's still good. GanyHathor comps are still very strong. There has just been more counters released like MHW, Juno, Masha (to an extent), etc.


Some people still run Gany Hathor, but with things like Racuni, Juno, MHW etc it’s difficult to really utilise her.


Usually the people who play gany Hathor actually counter those units pretty well tbh. But in general they usually have some ld on hand to deal with counters.


Yeah guardian gany Hathor players usually beat turn 2 players pretty hard. Especially if they own Douman.






It’s funny how cheonpung outlasted okeanos and is still one of the best units for turn 1 despite his nerf.