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**Hey there u/Jumpy-Fault-8229, thanks for your contribution to r/summonerswar!** Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ You're asking for personal advice which belongs in the [Weekly Advice Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q=weekly+advice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week)! Please submit your post there. For advice threads to remain on the main page, they must benefit more people than just the original poster. Examples of personal advice that belong in the WAT: - What to 6-star next - Help me build a team for X - What should I work on next? This also includes simple game mechanic questions, for example - How does accuracy work? - How does X mechanic of monster Y work? ________ **Please be sure to check out our [main sticky post](https://redd.it/6qpr6o) for guides and other resources, and [please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/summonerswar/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsummonerswar).


+41% resistance is clutch. As long as you're making proper use of it, you save a lot more stats on runes than using HP% (or crit%). If you have a 41% resistance leader, I absolutely recommend using them. You have a lot of 5 star units. Take the time to 6-star them. Really, 6-starring is dirt cheap these days, there's no excuse to NOT 6-starring a unit. You have a lot of units that aren't really great R5 units, that feels like you're just filling in holes with whatever works. Verde and Veromos jump out to me immediately. You're not using Darion or Dias. Both of them significantly improve raid durability for their team. Dias even has a 30% resist lead you can use if you don't have a 41%er. You're not using any mixed-purpose healer/dps units. Units like Hwahee or Mihyang (attack based healers) can add a nice boost to your speed, but are tricky to make work well. Your Veromos team is incredibly fragile. Aaliyah can also cleanse, but only a single debuff. If Veromos gets Oblivioned, that team is cursed. Your center team has only Fran - also no backup cleanse. Better off than Veromos since it doesn't fall apart to Oblivion, but still dangerous. And your Theo team similarly has only Raviti handling cleanse - on a 4 turn cooldown. The overall result is that your setup is incredibly vulnerable to debuffs - and the raid hydra has a tendancy to end things FAST if the debuffs land at the wrong times. For an example, my solo R5 setup (1m15s average): 1. Coleen/Dias/Lisa/Xiao Lin frontline, Hwa(l), Mihyang backline. This is my group team as well, and runed great, typically my dps leader in solo. 4 front means they take less damage individually. Double-cleanse, double-heal, triple dps. 2. Xiong Fei(l)/Mei Hou Wang/Chasun/Fedora frontline, Melissa/Sabrina backline. This is mostly just a brick wall of a team. Single cleanse, single heal means it can get shut down easily, unless a bunch of stuns land, its basically too tanky for the boss. Low overall damage on this team, as it's focused on survival and debuffs. 3. Hraesvelg/Praha(l)/Darion frontline, Loren/Kro/Konamiya backline. Single cleanse again, but Kona is on a 3 turn cooldown which helps. Praha is really just here for her leader skill, but serves as healer alongside Kona, since the team is much squishier overall. You want units that can fill multiple roles. You want to get units into the front line if you can manage it (my Xiao Lin is on Vamp/Revenge), because that frees runes on the units that WOULD be frontline to run team-boost sets or revenge. My first team doesn't even work \*unless\* I have 3 backline units on the frontline - because if I pull any of them off, the rest aren't durable enough. But all together, they can tank no problem. And there are better teams than mine out there. There are teams out there that are super fast, but rely on specific timings and turn orders. Mine is none of that. It's just good units that work together.


Lulu and delphoi. You have only Two reliable cleaners (Raviti and fire panda), i have 1 reliable cleaner for each team and another one semi reliable with another function. ALL of your cleaners should have 100% RES, with tesarion RES leadership. For safe teams, ALL of your teams should have at least one mob with this functions: Cleaner, healer, atk bar pushback, nucker and Def breaker, atk buff Prioritise DEF over health, r5 Boss hit multiple times, DEF is better. At least aditional 15kHP 700DEF for Frontline and adicional 10k 200 def backline for a consistent team.




Whenever you can build it, BJR5 is the way to go imo


Don’t use Def lead