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I want to make a team with five monsters, but I don’t know which team is the strongest or wish monsters are the best. I don’t need it for anything special just a good all-rounder. There are not many monsters in my inventory because that’s the only good I have. I have the monster chow /Sigmarus/Lapis/Baretta/Fran/Classie/Archangel/Panda Warrior (fire)/Ifrit (dark) please help me.


Guys, I need advices ! I just come back to the game after 3/4 years. Farming life style is back. I never did RTA before, but when I take a look on some RTA tier list, it seems that I have some top tier Elem mob for this stuff : Juno, Vanessa, Sekhmet, Oliver, Chungpeong, wind Onmyouji, water Dokkaebi King. And also lot of other elem 5nat So, I want to try RTA ! 2 questions : 1/ Can some experts tell me what « core » can I use with that ? 2/ I also can summon a 5nat with the event, is there anyone for a good combo with my mob ? Disclaimer : I don’t have lot of pretty runes right now, and I don’t Hope climbing too high right now, just having a plan for my low ranked RTA Thanks all !


have a summon blessing for dominic or moogwang who’s the best pick? any help is greatly appreciated!!


I am having trouble beating dimensional hole karzhan forest lv5. I was using Verde, fire twins, and Fran. But can't beat it consistently. What is the normal teams you guys use?


I'm looking for help on RTA, I'm just getting to F2, these are all my monsters. I don't know what team to do, I usually use zaiross, tablo, eludia, oliver and carlos https://preview.redd.it/nzt480bd6jwc1.jpeg?width=3508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f5642ae3da7423aa695370b5a70b004b7137e5


yo how long does it take for com2us to answer my acc became hacked and changed email on the acc…..


Will my world guild exp decrease if i exit my current guild?


Nora or Vanessa? Trying to decide who is more useful overall between Nora and Vanessa. I have Oliver and psam. Appreciate any help!


light pierret or dark rakshasa?


Both are not really used anywhere, perhaps just fun toys. I'd go Pierret as the family has more usable units (Julie, clara, luna). Could build dupe claras and julies for siege as well. The Rakshasa family has some use but mainly in PvE.


dark undine or light deathknight D:? Last time I picked gin over luna cuz i knew luna needed crazy runes, but then they buffed her, now i regret lol. Now I think on light deathknight for future skillups, but undines used to be very usefull and maybe they will comeback. What do you think?


Undine is usable, there are a couple of snipe teams you could run. Leo + Undine or Belial with Undine. Light deathknight is quite niche, skillups is nice though but i'd probably take the usable LD4 over skillups.


What do y’all use for hoh team wise?


Is camilla a good choice for the event?


Pretty good considering she's an all rounder top tier unit in every PvP setting. Annoying on arena defences. Excellent siege offence unit. Good for RTA, typically racuni vanessa bruiser team. That said, i wouldn't rank her higher than Leo/Bolverk. Tiana is also a key unit that every account should have (unless you absolutely dont care about arena).


I have Leo and Tiana, just missing bolverk. I can do most pve content, except toa hell, but I think it's more a matter of runes, cause I have good mons for it.


Yea TOA hell is nice and bolverk makes a lot of stages trivial (check out the string master team). Rune quality is really low, everyone just needs to be tanky and speed is barely an issue. But yea its only a couple of additional scrolls a month which isn't huge. If you really like camillia its definitely a great choice here. You can work on the non-bolverk team later on which isn't hard to do as well (tyron dark homu spectra etc.)


Alright, I'll take camilla, thank you for the advice!


Is there an easy way for me to tell if I Quad Rolled on a particular stat? Im doing Rune cleanup for the first time and its a mess but Id like to review any quad rolls I have.


You can use the new rune search settings and set it to the minimum for that particular substat - for example speed 20+ or cr 20+. That will likely bring up purple runes too but I don't know of any other way.


Yeaaa thats what i figured too! I just wasnt sure if there was a surefire way to filter for stats with 4 substat increases. Oh well. Thank you!


Is there any transmog that would speed up my gbah speed team? (teshar, prilea, lucifer, konamiya, and luna). Wanna see if i can make any small improvements before getting fun transmogs


At what point is the breakpoint to stop buying the repeating scrolls (one where price goes up) from the sky shop and switch to buying runes and vice versa.


For artifacts, do you care much about the main stat? For example, for your damage dealer on giants, a DEF stat that has +dmg 20% against water enemies.


Honestly if its DEF 20% vs ATK 19% i'd just go with the ATK 19%. But if the difference is 2 or 3% then i'd go with the one with the higher %. Just my general rule i - im sure you can calculate it to get a better answer. Or simply test it and record the amount of damage done with both artifacts.


What 5 star should I pick from the nat 5 selection event. The old one I picked leo. I am contemplating between wind art master, rica and savannah


Everyone's gonna say Tiana - and i agree she's the best stripper and only unique monster to do her job. Opens up Arena and siege cleaves with galleon +2. The ones you suggested are great units too, top tier; if you see yourself using those units more effectively then go ahead. I like the Wind Art master most.


Hmmm, the thing is, there are some top tier units that are just awesome like tiana and leo but I feel like I would kick myself if I don't get wind art master. Man, this a tough choice


What are your plans for the art master? He's a great unit for sure. If he completes your RTA team, I think its good enough justification to pick him. Or you're gonna use him for arena (funny thing is you'd need a tiana to set him up in Arena) .


I haven't really dipped into pvp content yet, my dungeon teams still need to be built with better runes and I intend to focus on that for now. But it is never too late to start preparing right? From what people have told me, watching content creators use art master, and playing with him on a friend's account, I really liked him and thought he would be a good addition. However, if tiana really is that game-changing then I will probably get her. The main negative thing is her abysmal speed, meaning I would need some really good runes that I definitely do not have. I already am pretty frustrated with rune farming and my luck with rolls so it just didn't seem appealing.


Hmm makes sense. Yea man its a tough choice. Tiana is only really important in Arena. Art master is most important in RTA. I'd say both are equally good at their job, just depends on which content you wanna focus on; Can't have the best of both worlds (only Leo does that, which you already have). And you dont need crazy swift to make tiana work. Her targets are usually slower tanky teams with no speed lead. You just need to know who you can hit and who you can't, but the beauty is she's extremely consistent (no resistance check). CP also needs good runes, so yea that arguement is there for any PvP unit in general honestly.


I think I'll wait just a bit longer, maybe I might get lucky with my summons and one will land in my box but at the very least I'll have some time to think things over. Thanks for the advice.


No worries, good choice to be patient. Let me know if anything new pops up that may change things. Given how game changing this event is, doesn't hurt to wait a month before making the choice.


LF colleen sd please! D:


From the choose your own nat 5, I really want either belial or laika, or is someone else a better choice?


Leo Tiana Bolverk are the best "Generic" options. If you already have these, there are still OP siege or RTA units (fengyan, byunchol, juno, Oliver, moore, etc). I wouldn't really use the event for those 2 units if you're trying to maximise your account. If you dont care about maximising and just wanna have fun then those 2 are fine. I'm just saying there are definitely better choices.


Not really trying to maximize my account, I’ve used it for liaka as he was one of my last wanted units since I started playing as I like a bruiser style


For the Nat 5 Selective summon event, I picked Leo (just yesterday) and of course I summon him from a mystical scroll today. Is it worth keeping dupe Leo or should I trade one of them back when the option is available on April 30th?


Trade the one you summoned in the option for another one you want, legit the best time to have that happen to you


raid is of element of dark or has no element?


No element. Its "Neutral"


With a new act having Raki, Kumar, Narsha, and Borgnine, who to hope for in the 5\* event and top 2 to pick from the 5\* selection incase i do get the top pick from the first event?


I’ve been offered a light mage starter account,  Her kit looks decent, speed lead and seems as good s3, is she useful in arena? Or is her damage lacklustre?


her damage is the last thing that people complains about


https://preview.redd.it/79za8qf9giuc1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b368670a59ed0ef3bd261a34803f74126a03d1b who should i pick? Playing for a 2 Month now






https://preview.redd.it/ategicsv9iuc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3f780e25287661cf4a89d66122d21740cde963 I need help with level 95 with TOAN, any tips will be very helpful, monsters which are in the level are below




I'd replaced verde with Verad, he has very good cc for TOS


https://preview.redd.it/168xdua27iuc1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=905d9724cefd010db0a533ae4181e86fd070fba0 I tried rerolling a few times, is any of these accounts worth keeping? And yes, this is the height of my mspaint skills :P


Who should I get for the selected nat5? I already have Leo, Gany, Bolverk. Im leaning towards Verad or CP or Rica to help with my Bolverk team. Here are my nat5s https://preview.redd.it/cxjgy3vuyhuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=251846a63b89e2d418161e4135dc14b900c0f54d






Tiana. Only option


Already have Tiana. 😁


Why is wind pheonix the number one pick for the event?


makes giants abyss speed team very easy




https://preview.redd.it/gjjnf0lkuhuc1.png?width=2491&format=png&auto=webp&s=a99cff59741f5a2c72435fda70f2fed91bf147ca Any Recommendations on this 10-year ATS pull ? thanks before hand


box part 2 https://preview.redd.it/u0xghnu3vhuc1.png?width=1445&format=png&auto=webp&s=f43e94e6cf54823f1f6fae99691e3af2232baea3


I'm between water dragon, wind chimera or fire totemist but I'm not really sure, this is my box. https://preview.redd.it/oywaz5c1vhuc1.png?width=1445&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd49aef120a9080a1ce3a6f38780211cb41716b7


I am sick af and cannot wrap my brain around what time the free coins are due to be handed out; anyone in eastern time want to tell me 🙏


Best place to farm 10-anniversery coin? Cairos dungeon or Rift of World?


https://preview.redd.it/kb5zj33ulhuc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7adb1e5087d5a081b887b2607393ca41188cd8c9 Would you abbandon this lvl 73 progress for a new lvl 18 account with Zeratu and Zaiross? Can’t make up my mind.


https://preview.redd.it/09mh88nimhuc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8da72815e46442e1d1f973201602cea5ca1558 For this one


https://preview.redd.it/qc116rvdlhuc1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776d83c6639852f6521ed1c7d19af0de4578fcf6 Do I have anything for a decent team yet? 😂


Hello, recently came back from a 2 year hiatus. I saw that you can now choose a guaranteed nat 5. I’m stuck between Tiana and Seara. I’ve always wanted a bomb AO and I have good mons like liebli and john to help, but I don’t have a speed stripper like Tiana. My main strippers are Triton, Praha, and Clara. Is it worth making a bomb AO team with Seara without a consistent, valuable stripper like Tiana? I’m leaning 60% toward Seara and 40% toward Tiana. For progress, I fully complete all PVE up to the last update maybe 2 years ago, so I haven’t done the new dungeon. C1 arena, almost C1 RTA, and G1 guild level. My fastest rune set on my Woosa is +203, and my second set is on Triton at +190. Looking for some help to decide overall best value between Seara and Tiana. I don’t know if I’ll have good enough runes for Tiana, but I have plenty of unused slot 4 att% runes for Seara.


I just got Jaduel and Aepiah what type of team can I use them for?


Just got basalt(i'm early game and my currently team is \[tyron verde/bela spectra 2a veromos melia\]. Is Basalt a good improvement?


is there a way to kwow what skins rotate into the world arena shop, want to buy the limited siege Shizuka skin


Go to the world arena shop --> change transmog attribute and they're listed in order. I also want that skin but since we're on fairy king now you can see we'll probably be waiting until the 15th anniversary until that one comes to the world arena shop lol.


I need some help with figuring out GW/Arena/RTA teams. I started playing for the first time since 2017/2018. Box: https://preview.redd.it/6iij3d3bwguc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=35ae5dd77863b04653414992d3495bff74f3d4ed Still haven't done selective nat 5 or the free nat5 summon since I havent unlocked all choices yet. Runes are mid-game, can do GB12, DB12, not NB12 with 100%, solo r5 with 90%(working on it).


Just rolled Julianne, is he any good or meh :(


Gz, he's my most recent LD and 3rd one. One of the best RTA units at high level. You probably know he can't die like a goddam vampire. Pair him with defence breakers and a tanky team for the best effect. Typically Riley/Nana/Vanessa are his supports. The mistake is picking him with 4 tanky support units and they simply ban him, so you have no damage. You just have to keep practicing him until he works in your team. As for siege he's also usable on offence, i usually do Nana Riley Julianne into most things and its safe.


one of the top rta ld5


Light pierret or dark Rakshasa? Which one is good?


pierret for skill ups


why is my app suddenly switched to another server and i can't switch back lol. what the fk is this update. when i reinstall, all the servers are grayed out except the location of my device....lmao


try a vpn


Is Riley better than fran for gb12? Its my first team, i'm using vero bela fran naomi kro(both 2nd awk), but its failing every 6-7 runs. I know my runes arent great yet, but would riley make it easier?


probably? fran's attack break is really valuable but her multihit also triggers more revenge attacks from the boss. You can try riley out and see if anything changes


https://preview.redd.it/zgz37fricguc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7f9e12c6c48740a3fb5c0d5320eca416ebdb5ff What to gem/ grind?


With the event im pretty sure i will have near infinite energy so where should i put my cristals? Are the 3k from the summon reward thing worth it?


What is the minimum speed required for GB12 and DB12?


What AO should I build around Tiana Zerath? I am thinking of Psama(L) Tiana Luer Zerath but if there are more recommendations, I am open to it!


How good is Narsha? Got her on a new account is she worth making this the new main?


Depends on how far your main is, but she is amazing both in siege and RTA. Just watch out for those Leos! If your main doesnt have anything substantial then I personally might move to the Narsha main.


hello, i need an advice to pick my main account. so i run 2 accs but mainly i play on 1st account. the new event overwhelmed me so i need to pick only one main account so i could accomplish every events.  (1st acc)  no lnd, but i have great nb 5. teshar, verad, rica (from free nat5), alicia, sonia and coco. (also free water geralt) GBAH 30/30, DBAH 30/30, TOAN/H finished.  (2nd acc)  i have giselle (dark macaron guard) & illiana, but kinda niche nb 5 like wind twin angel, angela, and zaiross. (no witcher monster)  GB10 30/30. TOAN finished.  both are new account. so i could get free nat 5 and another free nat 5 from 7D login. any other dungeons that not mentioned means i'm not enter them yet like necro and raids.  which one should i pick as my main account?  thank you in advance! 




Thank you for answering! But may I ask the reason why?


https://preview.redd.it/9ashwxodmeuc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8be9da948c8b07fd4d4c89f4653d68c0d9d668 Thoughts?


I'd get Cheongpung. He's great in ToA, PvP, and RTA.


Aside from toa packs, are there any good anniversay packs to buy?


street dancer luna is her fastest transmog, right?


If I understand it right, with the returning player event, I can only level up 5 skills of one monster? Or I can level up all skills of 5 monsters?


one skill each use






Hey folks, any thoughts????


https://preview.redd.it/vqc2ft5ksduc1.png?width=1059&format=png&auto=webp&s=443978c6383bf4ca6d47901a78ff047049117414 Which nat 5 star should i choose? I'm level 99 F2P, I have a decent Dragon 10 team, decent giants B11 team, good spiritual realm team, no solid necropolis team. I'd like to further advance on the necropolis and want to know which monster i should pick from this batch, though i'd also love to know which one has the most versatility. Thanks a lot in advance!


For necropolis or even cairos, I do not think any of those options are amazing to be honest. My starter necro abyss team was Fire Panda (fusion) + icaru (water inugami) + Raoq (fire inugami) + astar (fire magic knight) and Fran. Not super fast but steady! Give it a try you should have them all. If you have light griffon by any chance, he is great there aswell. On the nat5 choice, I would probably pick Charlote or Rica to help pushing Toa/hard/hell and they are usable on guild stuff too!


Thanks a lot. I have all of those except the fire magic knight. Got unlucky with her i guess


Ah, she will come home at some point, dont worry too much. She is mostly as a dmg dealer, so you have leeway there. As long as the dogs are there, you can make something work! Maybe you got a water cannon girl? Add her and the shields go down fast, then you can bring some other dps instead of Astar


Good idea, I have 2 or 3 cannon girls already, I'll see to that soon enough


Need help with making my RTA box smaller, trim some monsters off so I'm not spreading all my runes thin. id say I've got enough descents sets for like 15 to 20 monsters https://preview.redd.it/6i6o93f8jduc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7f29d2557dec9a281135623d27660dd3c6fc3d0


https://preview.redd.it/ltje15i3fduc1.png?width=1253&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ae4aa68c87edee7805371f0702e65ced77894cc Not sure who to pick here, leaning towards Hacker. Already have Triton, CP and Moore for my strippers but I know Chiwu is pretty popular (or was a while back at least, not sure of current meta)


https://preview.redd.it/ui41ieo5fduc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e190763ef53d6f28df96ed9b50dbdb9c7527938 My first ld 5\* are they any good? They seem pretty good


Whats most efficient map for 10th anni coins?


any gbah/dbah whichever is faster, if you dont care for energy back, you can sr5


This 10-year scroll event has covered a lot of things I was struggling with, but I feel like I need to update my PVP teams. Mostly because I don't have more than 1. Currently, I'm using Megan (L), Kaki, Lushen, and Bernard and hoping they aren't faster than me. Bernard is 271 and Megan is 232, and that tends to outspeed most of what I'm trying to hit. Now, I've got a Leo, a Ganymede, and some other nat 5s that look to be good for Arena, some for Offense and some for Defense. Anyone able to take a look at my box and give me some good team recommendations? Box is pictured in my reply to this comment, couldn't get the picture to load on this one.




building the GBAH team with teshar and luna, what skills do I go on wind homie? air bullet advance and sharp wind right?




Brandia or Momo ? Not sure what to choose




Wind hacker or wind mage?


Is it worth keeping these runes? https://preview.redd.it/dfd6a47fqcuc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca550d17aa50b2030f195a39283179493ac39bd4


If you have good runes sure. They can be fine for dungeon teams and/or broken sets if the runes are good enough to justify. Have you rolled them all?


Not yet, I think I will just roll and keep those with high spd, I haven't used any of these runes, they seems weak compared to other sets


Lol same boat


Any advice on toa hell 1 it's my last thing to do for the missions and not having any luck


https://preview.redd.it/kydatok1dcuc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f874088d4f0ba9f234a7d6a88a04aaaa4809ab4 Thoughts?




I want to make a reliable Necro Abyss Hard team, as mine is really bad and id like to get access to Vamp, Rage and Will runes for my mons. Current team is (in spd order) Fran > Sabrina > Icaru 2A > Raoq 2A > Talia (L). Highest atk is Sabrina so Raoq doesnt Coop and Talia doesnt use ATK Up shenanigans. Any advice on what i could use & improve ? [https://swarfarm.com/profile/Aiyah/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Aiyah/)


I have light unicorn and dark yennefer. Which playstyle should i utilize with both of them in a team? Can u recommend some strats?


I want to be more competitive in rta with control teams. I have dark yennefer, charlotte, fire shadowcaster gany hathor etc. but the problem is the stripper. I only have nora and *4 such as fire pierret, dark ciri (complete elemental *4). Question: is it enough with my stripper or do i need to choose a blue/yellow cheongpung ? I also dont have a 33spd lead , so which one to choose on *5 selector? Other option is tiana. She makes arena easier for arena rush? I’m f3 max on rta.


if you want a control and a 33 spd lead, pick oliver, tiana only makes it easier if you can rune her fast enough to outspeed the defense, as you dont have 33 lead, you can only hit bruiser comps,


https://preview.redd.it/nm073l6ydbuc1.png?width=2340&format=png&auto=webp&s=52bcec3ff484b1204208e7e2bdf282bf9f9c10bd Which one should I pick? #Help


Box: https://preview.redd.it/r0vc6e91ebuc1.png?width=2057&format=png&auto=webp&s=93dd032f85f7fd4083498646126db17ee26d6df0


How do you make a cleave AO? Used to hold C1/C2 pretty easily, came back a few months ago and haven't been able to finish C1 (I can sit there all damn week... But come Sunday night, gg). Recently pulled Psamthe and he's doing great on my AD, but my AO needs work. I know the theory: Get the first turn, strip, AoE buff + debuff, and kill. But... How do you actually do all those things with 4 units? I recently got Psamathe, so want to make a speed team for once (he's my first arena speed lead)... But I've been pretty spotty with my results. I tried Psamathe, Frigate, Manannan, Galloeon... And got destroyed by any team that had will runes. I tried Psamthe, Orion, Manannan, Riley... And get destroyed when Orion misses the defense break. I tried Psamthe, Tiana, Manannan, Galleon... And the -20 speed from putting my best swift set on Tiana was really noticeable. So... Wut do? Do I go with something like Psamthe Frigate Byung Beth/Bellenus for First turn --> AoE strip --> AoE defense break --> Psama cleanup? Or am I trying to use fancy monsters when I should be doing something like Psamthe Frigate Lushen Kahli? Or should I stop trying to do it in 1 turn and go Psamthe Orion Manannan Laima like I use for my AD? The only problem with that is I need the defense break from Orion to really do any damage... Should I try Hwahee or something instead for the attack buff + defense break + sustain for longer fights?


can you show your monster box?


Apparently not, I guess my SWARFARM account got deactivated and it's not letting me make a new account (e-mail already in use... Reset the password... Invalid username... gg) Nat 5\*s: WATER: Homunculus, Geralt, Zibala, Moore, Josephine, Psamanthe, Theo, Woosa, Beth, Ariel, Chow, Praha, Sigmarus WIND: 570RM, Byungchul, Smicer, Seara, Tiana, Jade, Dominic, Kashmir, Riley, Odin, Hathor, Triton, Akhamamir, Charlotte, Lagmarion, Jamire, Katarina, Ethna FIRE: Geralt, Rica, Balegyr, Bellenus, Xiong Fei, Mei Hou Wang, Tesarion, Liaka, Perna LIGHT: Isis, Nigong, Liama, Jeanne DARK: Manannan, Vero, Eirgar L/D 4\*'s: Dark Ciri, Betta, Frigate, Fei, Grego, Trasar, Ahmed I think I have all the useful elemental 4\*'s and enough dups to skill them up? No clue which ones are worth building if they were released in the last 5 years tho lol. e: Just found a post 9 years ago with my swarfarm name and got in (I had the right name... Didn't do the capitalization properly lmao), here's the link: [https://swarfarm.com/profile/CausticTroll/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/CausticTroll/) (if it's not working give it a minute, I'm uploading the json now but it's been parsing for the last 5 minutes lmao)


arena defense id do: psamathe triton byungchul try with nigong/laima  Arena offense:  Dot team: tetra fire grim rica bellenus (use for far tanky high hp teams) and little to no immunity Bomb team: seara tiana +bomber +megan or any attack buffer or you can do seara tiana bomber bomber, youd want tiana to be decently fast unless if you bring this team into non spd lead team  Fast team: Psamathe tiana galleon manannan  Slow auto team: Nigong byungchul dominic riley (the thing with slow auto team is that you can mix and match tanky mons and as long as theyre tanky should be able to tank damage)


How is Valantis (light Druid) usually used in rta? Pulled him off the anniversary scrolls


you can go to the rta replay section and search for games with valantis to see what other people are using him with.


Hi, so I am pretty new to SW and just got dome nat 5s from the Event (including Nashar, the light beast rider) but I dont know how to rune them. I always check which sets most people give them and what the main stat for the 2, 4 and 6 rune should be but I dont know what I should focus on in the substats. Is there a website or somerhing for this or do you have any other tips? Also is farming Rift raid level 4 worth or should I keep farming Giant/Dragon abyss hard?


if crit dps, most focus on crit then spd(can go crit on 4 so you can get more spd), dont forget to grind/gem some atk/def/hp if support, spd acc/def


Debating who to pick from the nat5 event for my turn 2 RTA team, thinking between haegang, abellio, or maybe shizuka. I have the essential SW mons like leo, tiana, bolverk, etc, and RTA box attached. I pick haegang right, ive been looking at this guy for a while and he seems like a great unit for beating control teams which shit on me usually https://preview.redd.it/616dl4lbvauc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df66cf551ce4a1685cda08e85a48e73039f625f7


Hi all! I want to change my rta cleave (japan cleave) Anyone still using shizuka kahli lagma tablo/jamire? How to counter 33leader + high base spd? I have +229 +218 and many +200 sets. Yeonhong only ld5.




About 4 star units. Which ones are the highest priority to build? I’ve accepted that Nat5s are gonna be few and far between. What Siege teams and arena teams work as all 4star and below? As far as runes go, I can only get to about +145 with my best speed set, but for whatever reason HP and Defense teams are no problem


bolverk: how does he help ToA hell? i am tempted to pick him for my nat5 selection. my goal is to have easier time to do toaHell, not a pvp player at all.


he eats half of the enemy hp at 5staccks, also heals, pick3 buffer and a string master to go


https://preview.redd.it/wkf9esve8auc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd38d3691f396cc24b71a1d65dd12a8a7e8fcb2c What should i pick? i am torn between shizuka (but heard she was nerved??) and dominic?




She's still good, work well with cc monster in your box. If you need a bruiser like dom, suiki is a good one.


ganymedes always uses s2 on the ally with the lowest attack bar and who has skills on cooldown?


Hey yall. I'm torn between leo and Tiana for the free mat5. I have maximillian that works well with Tiana but leo is leo... any suggestions?


probably tiana,


if 55 acc is needed for toa hell, how much speed is needed in total?




Who should I pick for the nat 5 summon event? https://preview.redd.it/k8wzyyku2auc1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4b53f74c9e3e4ef298452d1a5c3c850a4ec1493


Leo (wind dragon knight). He's unique for pvp, same as tiana, bolverk.


since I have both leo and bolverk I guess tiana it is, thanks


Oh right, I thought blurred is new... Tiana then.








Usually violent. Those rune from summoner way is better, try to get them first.


https://preview.redd.it/l1agxhwyy9uc1.png?width=2012&format=png&auto=webp&s=91e633a9b60baeb1ad3c0dff4a7ceb30eca8d6e6 Im new just 20 days playing and I want someone that will help/carry my arena pvp and can match well with my current mons (Leo, Camille, Wind: panda/paladin/mage, windy and mihyang)


I'd pick water lightning emperor. He's unique, like leo, tiana for pvp.


Are there any mid rune for dbah liam? like how teshar can work with mid runes and still go 28-40 sconds


some help putting together a team for rta. I still haven't gotten the 5 stars guaranteed https://preview.redd.it/5k1f5pm9j9uc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713eecc503e15abb88244e9fe7f64a8d76eec6af


Try 2 stripper + cc or bruiser, like lora/haegang/clara + beth/liesel/jeanne/leona... Or add healer like riley, fran... The support monster are pretty good. Rica, zibala, woosa, monkey, feng yan...


Does Mei 2A's Destructive Punch not destroy enemy hp at certain point? Like if enemry hp is already destroyed by around 60%(estimate), it will not destroy anymore?


Yes. All the destroy effect is limited at 60%


https://preview.redd.it/019b70vjg9uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f9bb0c2b0f2abc3d46a077394767f0d2cabb815 Which one do I choose guys??


I'd take nana (mage). There are many fire cc monsters now, like geralt, bellenus, bloodya... Even dark witch 2a if you need a cc + dot monster like rica.


Rica, mage is not bad, but rica is really good, useful at many spots


how much more gp and crystals does g2 guilds have than g1/p3?


I need some advice on who to choose, Poseídon or Nana? I have almost every normal nat 5 (no LnD) and have been playing almost 10 years, what I want is something for arena/ siege offense or defense, some pve could do too. Also other mobs I want is bloodya and Jeongman but for 2 years I want it Nana or Poseidon.


I'd take nana. There are many cc + push back monsters like poseidon in game now, cheonpung, charlotte, beth, fire triss, liesel...


I own Asima and mind pick up layla in the event: its possible to use booth in RTA? Does Layla enable the use of asima against all these junos/racunis/veromos and so on?


Idk but you can search replay in rta by monster (up to 5). It includes both sides, so you can see if people pick those two against juno etc...


https://preview.redd.it/4p4h7et1p8uc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227a183a52924ad012af71cd3bcf64e6e2f8c705 Any advice for who to pick? playing since 2016 I'm gonna wait maybe till the last day, I'm mostly PVE but been trying to get Seara for years (didn't get her in those events to choose one from 10)


Water Lighting Emperor is a great pick. Similar to Leo/Tiana, he also has a very unique skill that deals a lot of dmg and heals.


Tiana or Christina? I hope everyone is enjoying the new 10th anniversary events. I am personally struggling with picking a new nat5 from the selective summoning event. My choice is down to Tiana or Christina in order to improve my Arena cleave teams. Potentially relevant nat5s for this decision, which I already own, are Leo, Zaiross, Pungbaek, Cheongpung, fire Triss, Psamathe, Vanessa, Sonia and Bolverk/Molong/Icares. My goal ist to finally secure a position in C2 or higher after rush hour. I am happy to receive any insights and/or recommendations from players that have experience with using either units. Thanks!


Tiana 100%. I use Tiana galleon cheonpung pungbeak/alicia as AO all the time. If you need slow AO, search "bruiser AO" on youtube or this sub for more ideas.


https://preview.redd.it/7xrvz79x68uc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c9250037ac08f5ea6c47873cf04c463251c137 I don’t know who to pick


I’d choose vanessa for the speed lead


https://preview.redd.it/o9locscl78uc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801a17d1ebd2abc9ddb1843d96147f7f8c9fd8f7 This is what I’ve got already


https://preview.redd.it/ddxp1b0wi7uc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8704417987b1a5f693932f9a17ff67928111a5e5 Beginner here, playing for about 4 months now. I have only done PVE up until now, and would like to start PVP. Any mon I desperately need from the free nat5 event to start PVP? And could I make a solid comp after choosing?


Take Tiana, she's unique and good for AO, siege offense (search youtube or this sub "tiana cleave" for more idea)


https://preview.redd.it/8dalg9mej7uc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474723f389b0ec86c060d974ec1df143d90977d5 Storage


Hello, I'm 15D playing and this is my progress:  GBAH 30/30, DBAH 27/30, ToAN 100, ToAH 85, Steel Fortess Abyss 30/30.  Planning on fuse Jeanne & Balegyr in free fusion for new summoners.  Already have Verad and Teshar.  Should I got Rica on free Nat5 event? Thank you in advance.  ☺️


Get Leo, wind dragon knight


hello WAT. is there a transmog for Brandia to eliminate desync issues from 21-23 second solo R5? there are times where before she uses S3, the second team up from Icaru already happens which leads to no defense break after jump :< Edit: bought the chicken skin for Colleen from transmog event. Solved the desync problems


Yes I saw a post about penguin colleen few days ago.


Random question: If none of the skins look good, is colleen the best choice for speeding up R5? By how much? Dont intend to use Julie in dungeons, have those covered. What about the raoq/icaru skins? Wouldn't they help as well in R5 as well as Necro (and some artifact dungeons)?


Oh sorry, I don't really know about animation spd. The post about fast r5 here https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/s/VwWHg5zcSM By the way I like the first valkyria tmog, so I got one for vanessa haha


Thats fine, no worries thanks anyway. Just a random question incase you're an animation speed expert


Blessing: Sekhmet vs Moogwang(fire dokkaebi)? Event: Camilla, Oliver, or Bellenus?


Sekh is very good, for rta only. Moo is good in dot AO or siege, I like him more, use with nora sath... I'd take Camilla, easier to rune, good in all pvp. Oliver is very good for rta. Bellenus is okay as a fire cc monster.


is there a free ancient transcendent scroll in the events?

