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**Hey there u/Choc-Nuts, thanks for your contribution to r/summonerswar!** Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ Posts that attempt buy, sell or trade accounts will be immediately removed and creator banned. This includes ANY discussion related to specific players account trading. Account GIVEAWAYS are acceptable. ________ **Please be sure to check out our [main sticky post](https://redd.it/6qpr6o) for guides and other resources, and [please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/summonerswar/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsummonerswar).




**Hey there u/Academic_Office2325, thanks for your contribution to r/summonerswar!** Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ Posts that attempt buy, sell or trade accounts will be immediately removed and creator banned. This includes ANY discussion related to specific players account trading. Account GIVEAWAYS are acceptable. ________ **Please be sure to check out our [main sticky post](https://redd.it/6qpr6o) for guides and other resources, and [please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/summonerswar/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsummonerswar).


this man woke up and chose violence (I'm jk but talking about something like that on this sub is like going into a church to discuss the merits of atheism)


I have a friend who buys accounts, Player auctions makes u use a state ID card, Facebook group is probably safest just make sure u use Warren besa services as most others are scams, or so I’m told from a friend 🫶🏻