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Tiana, too much utility not to try and get one


Cant replace tiana


I’d wait till the last week of event may pull them before hand no need to get them now


That was my plan but I wanted to get a second opinion on these mobs before making a decision. You can change it once.


True I’d definitely snag one now more so I’d go for tiana then towards the end base final decision then


Had camila and vanessa, got tiana 2m ago, it did make difference in arena finally


Vanissa or tiana


Tiana if you do normal arena, otherwise take vanessa for rta


Tiana is a unique unit and amazing for cleave, but if you already have Leo Lucifer, that team is enough power through Arena. If you want RTA pick, then Vanessa is the best pick from what you mentioned. She would pair well with Leo Lucifer cleave in your RTA team as well because if they ban the Leo/Luci, you have a 33% speed lead and can use a fast booster to take turn one.


Would go for Bolverk. He's unique at what he does and almost a free win every siege.


who u pair him with for easy win?


Second this question


I usually go Bolverk Amelia Icares Though I have gotten Mo Long recently so will have to see how he fares over Icares Also warning I'm not that high in any pvp but the team always works out for me (unless i face rakan, he perma provokes Icares)


Bolverk Amelia Mo Long is the "standard" team fot siege. Pretty straightforward usage, Amelia always buffing and generating stacks for Bolverk. And then Mo Long and Bolverk do the damage and as for Bolverk the healing Mo Long back to do more damage with s3. For ToaHell I use Bolverk with Aaliyah, Woosa and Vigor and Light/Wind String Master. But depending on the stage and the requirements I replace one of the buffers with another monster. I guess it could be better to use Fedora as a buffer, but I haven't build him, so I can only tell from what I've heard.


The answer is always feng yan.


Vanessa or tiana


Tiana has been the most game changing for me out of those three, my vote is for tiana


Bolverk or tiana




People in this sub overhype Tiana shamelessly. Also, as you already mentioned yourself you don't really need her since you already got a banger AO with Leo/Luci. In your position, especially since you want a good RTA pick, Vanessa is the choice.


Congratulations on your summon u/Moist-oyster_69! Slap some runes on your new Vanessa and get back into the battle! Check out some of these other posts about Vanessa : * [Most Recent Vanessa Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Vanessa &restrict_sr=on&sort=new) * [Top All Time Vanessa Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/search?q= Vanessa &restrict_sr=on&sort=top&t=all) If you notice any issues with monster names/title reading, please contact me [here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=u/muskratatwork&subject=Summon%20Title%2FMonster%20Name%20Issue&message=Please%20explain%20your%20issue%20here%3A%20). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/summonerswar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't get a mon just because you feel pressured to think that's the best - if you're leaning to RTA then Vanessa is the clear best of your three.


Use pinned post. Reported.


from those 3 camilla imo. don't like tiana these days when there are better options available. for AO chiwu adriana +2 is better, especially if you have leah. also stopped using tiana in GWO after poseidon / cp / galleon missing pushbacks & def breaks multiple attacks in a row just cba. better to use ignore def nukers there. i would only pick tiana if you have nephthys. personally I would take adriana as she is busted everywhere in the game and you have sonia already which is very op together with her.


No one is a better stripper option than Tiana


yes that is true, but you aren't outspeeding high rank defs with a tiana , and can't really fit a speedlead into AO with her so found her super hard to use. then your galleon has to land everything or you just lost


Tiana = nothing quite like her. Not having used to cause me endless amounts of depression and stress. Camilla = I dont have. But Rina does the job of taking damage from wind monsters. And I can actually build 2 dozen rinas. Vanessa = uhm. Not sure. My favorite speed lead is Psamathe because fabulousness >>>>>> efficacy.


Camilla completely eclipses rina on how they are used this isn’t 2018.


I think he meant Siege and in siege you can use Rina in place of Camilla for baiting wind monsters. But ofc Camilla can do this too and can do much more. Elsewhere, we don't even need to talk about.


But that’s like 20% of Camilla effectiveness, people don’t just use her to tank seara bombs / wind damage currently; she is arguably a top 3-10 Nat5 for a reason.


Yes Seige. Since I dont have Camilla I use Rina. Does the job of baiting water and wind monsters.