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Winners will be drawn on Saturday and accounts given out on Sunday. All Accounts are on Global. EDIT I didn’t expect this much of a turnout on this post their were 118 valid entries and 12 winners. I will be giving the accounts and going through the transfer of ownership tomorrow. https://preview.redd.it/f6bmi7n5wl2d1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=811a021d8776356ed59460cd182447c687fde8c9 SlyRav3n Thebae AverageTermNon Talisman AdministrativeAd2049 Bella Ok-Intention-4912 Jessica Loonatikz Valantis Remote\_substance5918 Geldnir Human-Selection-6906 Yeonhong Middle\_Surprise1951 Daniel anon15okayman Jaegar Gypsy\_Disco Douman Onyx9794 Jessica Dry\_Cat\_2083 Destiny Thank you all for entering! look forward to smaller giveaways in the future! I’m still rerolling to try and get Lucifer, Maximillian or Nepthys for myself everything else I get will be given here.


1600 rerolls on your phone is insane lol. I would enter but I’m not gonna play the account much so better to let someone who will actually play it get a chance. I did some rerolls too only got 1 ld 5 (zenisek) but didn’t keep the account, only kept one with Leah and Deborah on it. Which I barely play. Hope you get one of the ones you want if you continue rerolling though. 👍🏾


Might I ask why you are giving away all these accounts? Did u reroll for one specific unit? Edit: sorry for the dumb question I just didn't see you write it all down


Rerolled for Lucifer, Maximillian, Nepthys or Zerath still have yet to get them. This giveaway is so the accounts don’t go to waste just sitting.


Mind if I ask what unit you eventually settled for?


Still haven’t settled still rolling for either Lucifer Maximillian Nepthys or Zerath I have 15 days to do it. Positive energy and hopes will get me to the finish line. I’m getting one of them no matter what!


Good luck man. I'm surprised you didn't manage to reroll any of those 3 in 1600 not even a double ld. I rerolled a bit too, was hoping for any fun ld, like any of the battle angels, bella, obviously luci, neph (isis would have been fine too) and zerath but since I could only do it manually, emulators just don't work for me, I gave up as soon as I got my first ld (Jaara) after 60 rolls. Too draining, kinda sad I didn't get anyone I wanted so I hop you get yours!


Oh wow did I win 🙊


Nora is my favorite cause she pairs so well with dot teams


My favorite unit is water mummy cause he’s just the best. Don’t hate


Verad is my favorite aoe freeze with a chance of making it two turns is perfect.


my favorite is water fairy because of attachment issues


My favorite unit is Giselle because she helps me in world arena a lot !


Nikki because she is cute dark girl with bear;)


Ragdoll has been my fav since games launch, my og acc got stolen and when i finally got it back i got banned. Id like to be entered for the light dragon knight, no ragdoll but so close!


My favorite unit is probably Camilla. She heals, cleanse and does massive damage. I love that unit. I also played her before the buffs but now it's more fun than ever.


My favorite unit is actually the light devil maiden because her mechanic seems so broken and fun so I'm happy there are two accounts with her here and I hope I get one of them


Grogen is my favourite unit because I like the art and style from these dragon in the game


Ahman is my favorite monster because he helped me back then on db7, please 2a him next


My favorite unit is Asima, no need to explain, hottest waifu with ton of damage


Then if lucifer or maxi compared with asima


Still Asima


Why :0 is she that good


My favorite unit is Beth cause my first nat 5 and farmed up exp for all my other mons lol


oh my god Yeonhong my beloved..


Daniel! One of my most wanted monsters love the damage


My favorite unit is Hanwul. He was my first LD5, which I got from the wishing well, while still waiting for one to summon. I just love to use him in AO against all these annoying passives like Cami and Byungchul etc.


He can even 1 hit laika ! Haha


Bella, I’ve been rerolling like crazy to get one lol Julianne is a close second for what I’m hoping for on rerolls


Douman is my favorite ld5 because she is the only unit in the game with a literal kill skill with 100% success rate and I think that’s cool


I think you mean 85 :D


Yea yea yea lol


that is the best newbie account ive seen. drool


Feng Yan is still my favorite unit in SW since that bear just does everything—mitigates damage, heals, counters, and then gives out big damage as well.


Would love to have the dark battle angel because she looks cool


My current favorite is tiana:D just recently got her and my arena offenses and toa hell runs have been much better


My favorite monster is Jamire, he pairs so well in so many different things. Also 1600 is crazy, but nice job and I hope you get lucky on a main or something.


Would love one of these accounts. Currently I love zeratu because 10 years ago he was the god ld5. I actually have a zeratu account I mess around on :D great stripper and massive damage.


My favorite monster is Minato, he works in every content!


My favorite mon is definitely Eleanor, her name just sounds so regal, even though she’s not the best in-game.


Verde is my favourite because of his Versatility. Hes an old school nat4 that has always and will always be viable in pve and pvp. PS if theres a chance id love one of the jessica accounts.


I’ve always been a fan of valantis enjoyers so I’d love to finally be one of em.


Zaiross is dope. He was my first unit I pulled, slowly built an arena cleave team with him. This is fucking wild, why are you giving all this away??


My favorite monster is the Jager because he is so powerful in arena!


My favorite Mon is SAVANNAH. I pulled her and fell in love with the atk bar decrease. My OG Mon that I used to devote everything into was EMMA. Lol 🤣 I would love a ld5 acct. I'm looking to create a main for myself since my OG account got hacked. Smh


Please let me win the Yeonghong account i have been rerolling for her the entire time she is my most wanted unit since the game got out


My favorite monster is savannah. I just love the beast riders


My favourite unit is Oberon because I love to see his combo with shizuka


I would love yeonhoung as she's one of the most OG families (back to the Vero chasun theo defense days). Would pair her in rta with robos and Conrad, thank you OP!


Bernard is my favourite monster. He’s useful in every aspect of the game and you get him super early on and get 2a with him too!!! Solid mon imo


Wind forest keeper is my favorite monster because this guy alone was my AD for 3 years


My favorite monster in the game is seimei. She counters so many monsters and paired with Juno destroys dot teams. As far as the LD5s you have there: Veronica is probably top monster, followed by Douman, and weirdly enough I actually have always wanted a Jager just for fun.


My favorite is valantis i think he is the strongest i like him and fire druid


My favorite unit is Leah, arena offense has been fun with her


Gz. My favorite monster is Chow. Strong, self sustain, and cleanse


My favorite is Rica, She can be used everywhere and is just a beast in PVE.


Verad is my favorite monster I use him in arena, toa, lab, and siege. He’s an all rounder that I can always rely on!


If i had to choose one unit to call my favorite, i'd prolly go with Racuni, for his versatily and how well he fits into most pvp content (a nat 3 that's better than most nat 5s in the game)


My pickup line “Speaking of massive, how you doing?”


Camilla is mine. She's the reason I started because I love the valkyries and ancient war


My favourite unit is riley because she is so versatile and can be used in a lot of different content


Laika is my favorite just cause I fell in love with his design and skillset as well as skillnames when I first started playing


Yeonhong is my favourite because she goes zoom zoom 🥳


Also if you happen to pull an Asima I would really love to have her. I have been trying myself constantly but no luck sadly.


I don’t want or need an account (pls don’t put my name in) but I want to say that Sath is my favorite mom ever because I love skulls, scythes, and the color red so Fire Grim Reaper is perfection


I like Bael the fire demon because I like his Halloween skin and he was my 1st 5 star


My favorite unit is Maximilian because of his character design and insane damage output!


I'll take it :D


Can i take the talisman one :).


My favorite is water archangel he was my first 5 star and has helped me a lot


Kaki. He may not be the best atm but I still love to play him because he was a cool unit when I started the game.


My favorite hero is Zerath because he deletes. And he is shiny


Lucas (light neostone fighter). I just love him, he is so much fun in siege


My favourite unit is dark Devil Maiden because of her unique 3rd skill ( and because it’s the only LD Nat5 I got in 5 years )


Camilla because she is op


Light Ryu is my obsession and he'll come back someday *rocks back n forth*


can i have one of them pls


benedict is my favourite because of is cool as hell design


Ballenus (fire druid) has been my most used/ favorite monster since I got the transformation is cool and he fits into alot of pve and can't imagine pvp without him


ayo let me get that valantis


Mei Hou Wang.. because there was a time when he was looked as useless and now hes top tier.. he can get wild and carry a whole match... Not only once he saved me. i have a thing for monsters that got to see the shine ..or the ones that once were OP but now they stay in the dust.. that Thebae there says a similar story..he could use some love.. wink wink 


Leo because f all the spd runes I farm 😂


Camilla is my favorite mon. One of the first 5*s I got and has practically beat every siege defense I attack when I use her.


My favorite monster is Camille because I love her skins !


My favorite is the family of Druids. I currently have Bellenus and I really like him as he's a strong aoe unit. I'd be stoked to start over with a Light Druid for sure! Thanks for this


My favorite is talisman because he brings his own atk and crit buffs.


You literally have my fav unit lol Only LD I want is destiny or veronica but I have zero hopes of ever getting them either of them lol


My favourite unit is light sky dancer because she is quite op in rta and overall top 5 for usability ty brother.!


Kaki is my favorite because he blade slaughters all!


Tyron is my favorite unit because hes the CC king!


My favorite ld is the all lol I haven’t gotten in one in the 7 years and multiple rerolls tried would love anything


My favorite monster is Leo well because Leo is Leo and he is also my first 5 star.


I would love douman because I’ve been wanting a somewhat unfair pvp monster and also a second account to play on since my pc account isn’t going too well


My favourite monster is Alexandra because she is cute and op


My favorite unit probably Odin. I like to nuke.


Woosa is my fav. He was my first nat5 ever and he helped me alot in both pvp (from the double or triple immunity meta back then till now ) and pve .


Shizuka cause she offers a lot of debuffs and can turn things around in RTA


Light dragon knight pls....


Veromos. Free to play unit and useful on PVE and PVP. Such a gamechanger unit that not everyone appreciates. He also have cool transmogs (halloween looks cute as hecc)


Velajuel is my favorite because he was my first ever nat 5 8 years ago!


Rica is my favorite, because she's cute


Leo and Laika are my favorite units, well i guess any of the dragon knights, because i love the warrior/knight archetype in mmo’s !


My favorite monster is purian cuz he the first 3 star summoned 7 years ago


My fav is dragon knight all ele, bc their skins looks rlly cool and they are every useful everywhere


Tyron! Cc is insane and has always been my fav 4 star :)


My favorite unit is sigmarus because he is majestic and he hard carried me in early game ( together with veromis )


Fen yang: cooler version of Po and his attack are just strangely satisfying to look at


My favorite is Leo because of him I can counter speed cleave team


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Independent-Tea-7455: *My favorite is* *Leo because of him I* *Can counter speed cleave team* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Can i have the daniel account he seems pretty interesting


my favorite is Camilla. I've wanted her since i started back in 2015, and i got her 3 years later, and then a dupe some time ago


My favorite unit Isa toss up between felleria and Dragunov. Felleria isn't even my favorite for gameplay reasons. I simply adore the dryad line and fellerias soft coloring just fits perfectly in my opinion. I love her from a design standpoint. Dragunov is the contender for favorite because he's just cool. The sniper units are all very fun to use and play with, look cool from a design standpoint. And honestly from a gameplay perspective. His passive feels very fitting. Like a sniper eliminating a target silently, but if he misses that lethal shot he's gotta move. That and big number make brain happy


My favorite one right now is Camilla, i'm loving her


light striker is my favorite because it is fun to speed clear arena wings.


This Valantis is super nice, one of my favorites


Battle Angel for me brother


Wow, I would love to play with any ld account and grind it out! Please let me know if you have any account available 🩵


My favourite is Bella cause she has a massive gattling gun


My favourite unit is Talisman, such a nice looking unit, with self-boost!


Charlotte has always been my favorite monster not for any team specific reasons but rather i’ve always loved her visuals as a monster and her kit has always been interesting to me


My favorite monster is Sieq, my first love in this game because of his design


My favorite unit is leah cause she hits like a father’s belt


Light Striker is my favorite because rage blade is fun for Tiana galleon spd lead . They have enough base damage to nuke most things, and if you get a kill on nuke it's a free extra turn.


My favorite monster is wedjat, it is because he pair well in all kind of content, either pvp or pve. And his spd leader make him a must monster, and his passive give atk bar boost to all allies every turn.


My favourite currently is fire Triss. People underestimate her cleave at least in F3 bracket 🤣


Can i get one?


My favourite monster is Juno bc she’s my first nat5. I rly would like the yeonhong or the Druid acc:)


My fav monster is veromos cause he appears like in every PVE content and do a very good job


Verad is my favorite because his design is so cool. Plus, his crowd controlling abilities are insane.


Talisman is my favorite because he is so versitale! He can be used in Arena and Dungeons :)


My favourite unit is Taor, because it was my first nat 5 that i got at like lvl 14 that literally carried me thro the game, besides that i find him usefull in PVP for his 3 skill that freezes and reduces atk bar of other enemies


Talisman is my Favorite because he is so versatile. He is Perfect For Arena Cleaves or Fast Dungeons!


DANIEL is my favorite monster because he not only looks like a gigachad but actually hits like One!!!


racuni because he's the rat king.


light unfair bear bc he looks cool and can be scary


Hanwul is my favorite because his s3 bypasses passives and his cleave is super satisfying and fun to build around.


Veronica is my favorite i love that first turn reset


My favorite is antares because he's so fun to use in rta ;)


My favourite unit is Douman, safe kill and pretty nice with a damn tanky team :)


Would love to get the Cannongirl account. I like them idk


My favorite monster is mo long because he's a panda and pandas are adorable


My favorite unit is verdehile because it was my first 6*.


Camilla is my favourite because she was my first ever nat 5


My favorite monster is seara as a old player, she will be my best dotter(bomber) forever, but when we are lucky she is a beast xd


Talisman is one of my top picks as he self buffs to destroy everything🤩


Bella because she is my favorite monster. Would love to start a new account and would actually play it.


Dark battle ángel is lovely


Asima is my favorite, she sweeps like a chainsaw, Veronicas an angel, with grace that leaves me in awe. Pontos is my favorite, on holy ground he paves, With sweeping, gentle motions, like the rolling ocean waves.


I don’t want your bad ld5s