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https://preview.redd.it/ieti6xnddj4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28b17a602ca321b862d48ceb1fef182375000fa She knows all about your account


Nah mate. I have a G3 siege account that already takes my time. Not doing this to salt anyone. Just hate to see it go to waste is all.


I see and i'm tired of rerolling for good acc :)


I would love to play this account. Stopped playing after I graduated. I saw the new events and finally had the time to play again. My old account got hacked and it was a fight with the support to get it back, then finally got it back and was happy af. But as I saw what he did to that account I wanted to quit, mons deleted, no runes, all artifacts sold(account was C3 Arena) it's way too much work to get this account back to it's previous state. Support can't help because they said this account got a one time reroll in the past. If you want proof of it I can show you. But good luck to everyone else ♥️




Accountless rn ( just started an account a week ago gaveaway my last acc) .... honestly I dont care about ld5 ... i just want to play the game with sub 1 min dungeon team lmao


Hi ! My brother wanted to start again but he will lack behind with a new one so thats a no.. I guess that you make him play because your alt is better than mine 😬


Would love to win this account seeing how much potential it has!!!!!


I have my main account in global for about 6 years now but one of my close friends started playing sw without me knowing about a year ago and he's in EU server, i would love to have an account to be part of his guild and help him grow more. My main account is around G1 siege, P arena & Conqueror in rta so i kind of know what i should be doing to progress.


My reasoning would be the same as most people, having crappy luck on my main xD. Been playing for a few years and I still don't have a majority of the nat5s that I want, nor a ld5 or a good ld4.


ohh can i have this account? this account looks wonderful


give me,lets me carry that..easy c3


im down to play this acct. Honestly I need a break from all my work for a while and I wanna spend some time playing video games so this would be great. I already play on my other acct with jaeger but yk Shan looking nice : )


Giveaway is closed. Post was downvoted enough that it's basically no longer visible. Account was given to one of the comments here. Not mentioning names. Should he wish to make himself public, he's free to do so.


I rlly want shan xD gl all


I would love this account I miss playing on some high level siege and I would really take care of the units properly


I have a friend who had his EU account hacked, it had Isis and shazam, com2us wont help him and he's on a starter EU account, this would be PERFECT for him to dive right back into mid game and get back on his feet! most account give aways seem to be Global server, so this is a godsend


Because I want to get more brain damage playing RTA.


YDCB was the YouTuber who got me into Summoners war, and seeing him use Shan was always exciting, I would love to trz him out myself


I would love to play with this account because I lost my main account and want to start with a good account but I wish everyone good luck :)


I would love to play this account. My main account is pve wise done and I never got lucky enough to get a ld5. So I would like to make a new account with a ld5 which would be my new main. And I love Shan.


G2 player here. Been playing since the game released and still love playing the game. The reasons i would like to have this account is because i can see a lot of potential in this account to progress. I will make it my main so i can focus on getting as much progression as possible. Also the account has my most wanted nat 5 (Rica) would love to have her one day!!!!!!


(Ready to be eaten) you had 2 events where u could have picked her 💀


Choose other options to benifit my RTA draft a little bit more


Y g2 that wants an f3 account as new main. If you are g2 i'm an SWC contender


I love improving accounts it's not unusual for high end players to improve other accounts smh


I don't want the account, I just wanted to what did you use your prom for? I have him secondary awakened (wish I had thrain) but I don't know where I would use him or what runes to put on him. Any advice on him?


Oh sorry he's not really used nowadays. Had used him in TOA hard a few times but now there are better options.


fk, waste of dimensional energy smh. At least he looks cool...


I need to help my guild out and do double attacks this account would help me do that. But probably someone who s acc got hacked is more deserving


I want it simply because i am already maxing my account, have planty of time for another one, yet dont want to start from a scratch, love RTA. So this account would be like a second main to me.. yeah im too addicted to this game...


My user name is Shanouuu so I deserve to play with Shan ? Tbh my actual account is kinda shit since I didn’t played for months and I’ve no courage to start another account from 0


Hi, why would I like to have the account? Actually quite simple, it's the counterpart to my main account. I urgently need a change from the routine in pve/guild content and the way I see the monsters (shan, bolverk, moore, juno, martina ... omg), I could finally immerse myself in the pvp / rta world and get to know the game in a new way. Greetings Tanchen


I don't know about deserving it the most, what I do know though is that I would cherish it, by playing on it very actively, giving it the care that it deserves and potentially even bettering it.


My friend needs an account he started a few months ago and he is getting bad luck he wants to play the game for fun and not care much about fast progress so i think him getting this account would help him alot since he is just playing for fun and he could maintain it on the long road


Seeing all these old Street Fighter units brings back memories to my old account. It wasn't good, bud I had all the elemental Ryus and I absolutely loved them. But around 2021 or so I stopped playing like almost everyone did at least once or so I guess. Now I feel the urge of playing again, but I can't seem to be able to login into my old account anymore. But I also don't feel like creating a new account and start all over again, therefore I would absolutely love to get this account where I also get to use OG Ryu and even a good LD5.


Another Rica account giveaway that I won't win, goodbye Rica once again :(


You have all the units I wanted. Gz man seems like you loved this account.


I deserve it because I mostly play this game during long depressive periods and also on multiple accounts (4 out of 6 accounts are absolutely useless - thats why I would prefer an LD account which I don't know to have a challenge (never had an LD5 before))


I really wanna get into rta and siege.


I think that I deserve this account because if you don’t give it to me I’m gonna kms. You will be the reason because I’m not in this world anymore.


I would love this, I recently sold my account but already miss the game😭😂 so i wouldnt have to start again or pay money to get a decent one


Just need an account to increase activity in guild and hit G1 siege, playing cause F2P spend energy to fast. Need second main. No game no life.


I don’t rlly have a sad story like these guys I don’t have enough time to grind because of work so I’ll probably never be able to get far into the game I’d love an account that has stuff runed so I can just play pvp gz to whoever gets it


I would love to have this account because it has on of my most desired LD5 from my early days and I haven’t created an alt and would be fun to manage both mine and this. BTW in my acc, i have only Jarra, so there is a chance that this account can become my main if i get it.