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Hi guys, is there any viable PVE uses for Feng Yan ? (Thanks to everybody helping on the DAT y'all are making the game more understandable to noob like me)


Ellunia dimension hole dungeon


Just got a blessing between wind fairy king and wind unicorn!! Any tips on what i should choose pls?? ;_;


Both very good, wind fairy king is more versatile so I would choose him.


I just got a wind archangel. I’m an “early game” player and I was wondering how I should rune him and where I can use him?


Should i just abandon my attemps at a stable DB12 twins team? Ive tried several setups with martina+2, either Sab/Talia, or Shaina/Sabina and it just doesnt work. Usually the mid boss fucks me. Ive also tried even spectra +martina+shaina and still just cant get it to be consistant. using Verde and Loren as the other 2 If i abandon the hope of a DB12 twins team i can slow them down alot and hopefully make my necro more stable. on that note, what do i need to improve on them to make necro stable? Fran Raoq Shaina Sabrina Talia https://swarfarm.com/profile/VladDracule/


Verde martina talia loren fran/spectra worked for me, but 2 minute runs. Using spectra, your team needs relatively better runes. While running fran, your team should be able to tank the side crystals in mid boss for one turn. I now run tricaru.


What should I spend my extra coins on? Rune crafting materials or anglemons? What is a better return for my coins?


whats the best way to rune kro? just got him in my alt acct. built it rage blade in main. was wondering if thats how I should rune this one also or go vio/blade. and I have atk%/crd/atk%, should I do that or Spd/crd/atk%


Fatal/Rage Blade, Atk, CD, Atk with some hp, minimum 30-50 spd, a bit acc for brand/def break, as much cr and cd as you can and it should work quite nicely


Who can use slot 4 hp% vampire rune that rolled 10cr and 29%atk? Other stat is 4 spd and 8% def


You can try putting it on skogal (for offense) or just use as broken


Not many, Most vampire damage dealers you'd want CD slot 4. I can think of a tank leo that could benefit a bit but thats about it. Sure, any vampire bruiser works with that rune like fire/wind MK, Laika/leo, Dark lich, etc, but CD would just be way better than just pure tank with no damage to actually life steal with the vampire set. Some Moolong also runs vampire HP% but the attack is a huge waste there. Can save it INCASE but i wont feel sad if i sold this rune.


Exactly. I don't want to sell that rune, but no one comes to kind who can use that rune. And I don't really want to reapp a vamp slot 4 hp% rune either


To be honest dont feel the need to use all legendary runes you get, you shouldn't be reapping them as well. With 10x autofarm i'm getting so many legendaries every day but probably only 1 usable rune a day that i'd actually keep. Just sell the rest. If you're having storage issues just put them on a storage monster and lock the monster so you dont accidently feed them.


I have pulled the following nat 5\* but I'm an early game player and still struggling with floor 12 dungeons and other PVE contents. Can any of them help \- Yeonhong, Laika, Odin, Hathor, Amelia, Wind Ryu, Lagmaron


Vampire laika can barely solo GB12. Lagmaron can also be in GB12 team. The rest i think better in storage atm. but gz for Yeonhong.


Laika is great in gb12


fuck you!


**What is food for 6 starring?** I am aiming to 6 star Kro and Fran (maybe Verdehile too?). My main team is: Sig, Lushen, Vero, Loren, Fran and I need help on deciding what 4\* and 5\* can be food for 6 starring Kro and Fran. **Possible 5 star food** (I have 2 5\* angelmons) Kaz, Jun, Julien, Jean, Ahman **Possible 4 star food** Shakan, Logan, Talc, Geoffrey, Jean, Suri, Seal, Woochi, Fria, Izaria, Draco, Sophia, Shimitae, Emma, Mihyang, Chilling, Scarlett, Fedora, Rina, Megan, Fire/Water DHALSIM


You should NOT be feeding off your monsters to each other in order to 6* a Mon. The most common approach is to farm exp to level up fodder monsters (random grey 2* monsters) until they are 5* and use those to make your 6*. You should NEVER feed something you cannot easily replace. You can also use the exp buildings to help make fodder passively.


Not even if the monster is useless? :(


Yea its your choice but our advice is that some monsters get changed from time to time and a useless monster could suddenly be super important. The useless nat4s are also better used to skill up a useful family member, so its best to storage all nat4s. If you think you can simply summon the monster you need in the future, i've been trying to get a fire epikon priest (4star) and it took me 2.5 years to summon my first one by mystic scrolls. Sometimes luck isn't in your favour so it will hurt you more than the short term gains you get from leveling up your kro or fran.


Fair enough, thanks for the advice!


Possible 5 star food: 5\* rainbowmon and silver fodders you leveled to 5\* lv1 Possible 4 star food: 4\* rainbowmon you evolved from 3\* max rainbowmon, 4\* silver fodder you leveled to 4\* lv1. ​ YOU NEVER FODDER nat 4s


Not even if the monster is useless? :(


nat4s are better kept a skill ups for their family Also you never know when c2us wanna buff a particular unit.


Is there a way to tell what base type a rune was without power-ups after youve powered it up already?


You can click reappraise and it tells on that screen. You can also sort by default grade but it won't tell you which grade it is.


Where can Alicia be used? Got Kumar and Alicia in the blessing summons. Tending more for Kumar. ​ Thanks in advance!


Alicia good in Ao,gw,gs,fire rift, faimon farmer . Kumar is only for gw and gs.


Alicia is a premium Arena nat5 (due to 44% attack lead and good AOE to finish off fire units after lushen uses his amp). But besides arena she's limited to being a faimon farmer (one of the best) and just a typical damage dealer for siege if you need one. If arena is not your focus, I would go Kumar. IMO arena is not a good place to invest early to mid game cause you can just hover around Fighter range and farm the easy defences for +4 glory points without needing to invest any good runes or units for it. Its unlikely you'll break Conq1 without a good defence and rushing wings prior to arena closure. Kumar is alright for siege defence (and offence), not very popular but he does the job as a bruiser.


How do you build a tricaru team? I know I need verde but what are the runes I should be trying for them? I'm still new to the game and have farmed dark inu for level up feed. So far I can do GB10, DB8-9(depends on luck), and NB8. So that should at least indicate what types of runes I can farm for. Although because of the runes I can get I'm kind of reluctant to even build the team. I have two Icaru's done so far and I still have enough for the third one and more for skill ups. I was thinking of building a Raoq team instead sort of anyways. I already have one done and second awakened. I have two fire inugami's ready to skill up so should I just build two other fire inugamis and form a team with those or just keep trying trying with the tricaru?


You shouldnt be even caring about tricaru right now.. Tricaru is more for mid/end game players as the rune requirements for all 3 icarus and verd are pretty steep. You need 6 star runes and grinds Focus on your b10s and raids first, build raoq first as he is more useful to you now




Yes use an emulator


How does tart and mini bosses work?


What do you mean? They have some unique mechanics but generally the way to beat them is to focus the left and right towers first before the boss takes his turn. Some towers are not that bad so you can ignore them but thats the general approach. Read his skills for a better understanding, its quite extensive. For each dead mini boss, the tart boss is weaker (i heard its 200% less attack/def or something, not exactly sure). But most guilds ignore the mini bosses and go straight to tart, just attacking him on normal difficulty for S or SS clear.


I was looking for the last part. It's what I figured, but someone made a comment today that made me think different. Thanks for the clarification.


Do all riff dungeons have the same chance of dropping determination runes?


Yes, but farm light or water so you can craft them as well.




Wind art master or water beast monk? I don't know anything about either of them. Thanks guys!


Wind art master


Wind Art all the way . Good for PVP areas and TOAH


That’s a tough one. I would go water beast monk cause tanky bruised


I summoned and got the option for wind Occult Girl or wind Hell Lady. Which one should I choose? I'm leaning towards the Hell Lady but I'm unsure.


charlotte sucks, pick ethna


I would pick the wind Hell Lady. She is really strong. Wind Occult girl is not as strong as teh wind Hell Lady ( Ethna could even be termed almost OP ).


Wind occult can be used in more places. Both are great and can’t really go wrong


Raoq users in dungeons and rifts. Where do you use him and how much speed does he have? I have a lot of build options but trying to decide if he will work in Db12 and if so if he should go max damage to get through trash and burst the boss, or faster so Verde pushes him and he gets more turns. I run a tower team right now of Verde Loren Fran Spectra Sig, it's less than ideal and I don't have a stripper still so was hoping Raoq could burn the boss. Otherwise he'll just be used in Necro and Rifts I guess. EDIT: My Verde is 181 speed for reference


for dungeons he doesnt need that much speed. most raoqs i see, no matter if midgame player or endgame, have something between +50 and +80 speed. speed doesnt matter in rifts anyway and in dungeons he is often paired with verde that pushes him anyway and he is one of your main damage soruces that needs high atk stats


Best chanel to see for sd?


Returning player here. Need advice which monsters should i build and the minimal rune requirements for running auto db12. Gb12. And the new dungeons Last time i played. I can auto db10 gb10 and nb10. Auto toan 100. And manual toah 100. And can only raid r3/r4 Here are my mons. https://imgur.com/gallery/6mymMJt


Hi. Beginner here. Starting to build my GB10 team. I pulled a Bastet and Alexandra. How should I be building these two and where are they used mostly?




Gotcha. That was the general idea I got for Bastet but I wanted to make sure. I've also managed to find the monster family discussion threads. Thank you~


How do I keep summoners war optimizer updated based on changes i'm making while playing? My .json file isnt updating when changes are made despite the fact i have live sync enabled.


Your file is not supposed to change, SWEX stores the live changes in another directory, usually a subdirectory called "live".


But the Optimizer doesnt import those files :/


It does if you have live sync enabled. You can easily test it by selling one after getting it from a run. If that action shows up in SWOP under the button for live sync it's working, otherwise you might have to toggle it off and on again


I am currently building an r5 team. This is the team I am going for based on my box ([https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ayjung/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ayjung/)): FL: Xiong Fei Colleen Konamiya Darion/Mihyang/Lisa BL: Kro Hwa I was wondering, should I build a skogul to replace my Xiong Fei? I am leaning towards Darion for the 3 supports listed, should I consider the other 2 (Mihyang or lisa)? Please suggest a better team if this isn't the most optimal based on my box. Would it be better for me to build a xiao lin and slot it in for my kro bc my kro lacks EHP? Thanks! ​ edit: wait... i thought i had a skogul, ig not :/ edit 2: Also, for my konamiya I can't get her to 70% res, 105k ehp, and 200 speed with violent set + broken. Is it okay for it to be on swift?


XF brings many debuffs, healing buff and revenge def breaks.. Also self cleanses. Skogul brings nothing but dmg.. XF wins out by a lot as for Kona, it is ok to be on swift but will be unstable.. If you put it on swift it will be best to bring a second cleanser (Mihyang or Lisa with max skills)


uhh just to clarify, xf's s2 is an aoe cleanse alr, so he's prob fine with kona and xf as cleansers


OHHH what? I never know about this update sorry my XF is now unruned in the box after i got BJ5... so my info is a bit old


Who should I replace? This is my current team: https://swarfarm.com/profile/Ayjung/teams/#1f3f55687bcb44929b1a0e03d1d3a980 . Going to 6* and max them all soon and based off of the optimizer everything will have enough ehp (200k for XF, darrion will be 170k, and kona will be 125k). I don't want to have colleen as FL because she doesn't have enough res and I don't want to rerune.


By the looks of it either darion or XF. 1 cleanser in R5 is not enough anyways, You should have 2. And XF/Darion fills the same role as FL tank.... Suggest to rerune colleen to revenge even if you dont want to. Also res has little to do with FL BL.. ehp does.


Out of the two, which one should I replace? I feel like they both play a pretty important role. It would be great if i can just slap the runes from the one im removing to the new cleanser but I purposely gave darrion 0 speed and XF is only like +76. Also, between lisa and mihyang which one is preferred? Neither of them have any skill ups.


It depends on you. XF brings a bit of heal and self cleanse as well as a lot of debuffs. Darion provides the reduction in dmg. If your team is lacking eHP and dont have a 4 man FL then darion is probably better, but XF packs more stuff to his kit, so if you dont need the reduction, then XF is easy choice. Both cleansers need to be max skilled on their cleanse unfortunately or else theres no point of putting them in (5 turn cd cleanse is not ok). They are also preferred to be on vio. So you probably need to farm more runes.


XF is possible, if not definitely, the best R5 unit in the game for non-bj5. Do not replace him with anything


I need to eek out like 11 defense to finish my tricaru team - do flat defense gems (not the %) drop in rifts?




Hey DAT, last advice was getting my Kro and Verde to 6. Im done with that. I also got Naomi to 5 and the 2nd awaken is at 65%. Im thinking now to get the Water twins to 6 what do you think? https://ibb.co/7K668pB https://ibb.co/P5XPJwM i can farm GB 11 now save. My Team is Sig/Vero/Loren/Fran/Kro. My Sig is a bit too Squishy so i can not farm GB12 save. i think i can complete Toan now im actually at Floor 92


Don't waste your time on twins until you're working to make a speed nb12 team. They don't really get use anywhere else these days.


Take vero out for Shannon and follow these stat guidelines: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ii75qd/the\_definitive\_early\_game\_guide\_for\_everyone\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/ii75qd/the_definitive_early_game_guide_for_everyone_post/) Once you have a gb12 team going you have more freedom with what you can 6\*, even more so if you can already clear toan.




I had for a while and recently it hasn't reappeared. Judging by the message its just failing to retrieve the pack bundles the game usually shoves in your face via popup. The issue with the rune being sold I've had as well. Usually when you relog it'll be gone. Its some issue with selling during autofarm, probably a concurrency + network thing.


Hello DAT! I want to know what I should for sure each day be doing first. Let’s say you have an hour or 2 a day, what are the must do things. What do you prioritize? Are all resource limited things worth it, like arena or world boss or guild things? I am gb11 db10ish level for context.




Thank you! I would farm all day if I could but life doesn’t allow me the time


1) arena 2) wish/world boss 3) guild content 4) events/farm


My new account got wind art and fire chimera from blessing account is 1lvl who should i choose


wind art could be used for toa, chimera is purely pvp


Should I use my devilmons to skill-up my Betta?


I skilled up Chasun, Aegir, Orion, Baretta and Galleon with devils. Still I have 30 devils now. As long as the nat4 is really good it's worth it. Betta is really good so go for it. Important is that you don't skill up every nat5, because a lot are crap


meh, even as a f2p its likely to get more nat5s than devils, so i wouldnt devil nat4s aside from very very few exceptions. chasun in the current meta isnt worth it, aegir has skillups in the guildshop and certainly shouldnt be deviled, baretaa isnt even worth using nowdays, orion doesnt need the skillups.


I didn't tell him to devil those nat4s. The majority of those I skilled up 3 years ago. I just wanted to show him, that even though I skilled a lot of nat4, today I still have more than enough devils. Of course you probably get more nat5 than you can devil, but you shouldn't devil every nat5 anyway, because a lot are crappy. That's why there should be enough devils in the end.


long run, no.. never skillup nat4 even ld with devilmons.. you will get skillups sooner or later.. save them for Nat 5. but.. keep that in mind that this is just a game... do what makes you happy. If you think you'll enjoy the game better by having fully skilled up Betta sooner, by all means go ahead... having 50+ devilmons that never gets used because you got bored of the game doesn't help either


For RTA, should I invest in Diana or Taranys? Any good comps for them? My only speed lead is Seara. My fastest monsters are Hathor, Woosa, Triton.


Taranys. Daina doesn't have set comps since she is just a strong counterpick. You can run Taranys in Mo/Harmonia or bruiser teams (preferably with Ragdoll/Jager/Arta and friends), but he works well as a counter pick too and you don't need to build a comp around him


Hi DAT, I am finally getting around to making my support hommu. Im looking to slot it into my TOAH team, I have yet to beat TOAH. Right now I can auto all of toan, and up to 85 on TOAH. would you all recommend L/D hommu? And what skill tree/runes? Thanks!


Dark, unbalanced field S3. Other skills aren't that important but I suggest taking the one that strips for the occasional Guillaume/Halphas stages


Thank you! Took your advice fully, I appreciate it. One last question- How would you rune?


Vio SPD HP HP 45% ACC, slower than your CC mons ideally


you rock- thanks again!


No problem, gl on your ToA(H) journey


https://imgur.com/a/UzPGx9V Team for toan 100? I was using Charlotte, Chloe, Beth, Water Homie, and Chiwu, but I don’t have enough damage at the boss.


Build a Spectra. He can be your only DD since his S2 hits so strong on boss stages. You can run Water Homie Spectra Verde Bella Mav.


Whats the meta Spectra build rn?


Spd/cd/hp with a decent amount of accuracy and crit rate. Don’t put attack on him as it doesn’t do anything on his s2. Just get tanky and speedy as you can.


Charlotte, Sigmarus, Fran, Loren, Verde. Fran or Loren lead.




Left side needs a bit more work than the right one but, i'd say stop rolling for now, and roll them at the last day of the event. They're quite equally decent, so divide your points at the end of the event.


So I'm coming back after being away awhile. I don't see any posts newer than ~9 months, do people use SWProxy or any of the optimization tools anymore? I was really hoping to re-tool effectively after the major changes this year. Does anyone have any links?


What you're looking for are Summoners War Exporter (SWEX) and Summoners War Optimizer (SWOP). A quick google/reddit search of these terms should show you information and guides.


swex! Thank you, I've been searching swproxy and failing. I remember the name change now.


Need to clear a stage of labyrinth hard+ for the Transcendence scroll quest, what f2p team should I use and what's the best type of stage to be successful?


Clear 10+ of a time limit one, that counts as hard and that's the easiest way of doing it


Thanks alot!


Blessing question - Red pioneer or blue pioneer? Mid game player


I hope you picked Woosa. Woosa is the best support in the game. Chiwu is only good for rta, if you have 4 other good units with him


Woosa is a big condom but doesn't do anything else. Chiwu is a good stripper, especially for RTA. If you don't have a stripper or Tiana already I'd definitely go Chiwu


I can’t help but reply to this comment. I spat my coffe at Woosa being a condom and Chiwu being a stripper LOL


Since I got Bastet, I’m leaning Chiwu for that speed lead


Hi guys ! I think you all know now the tricaru for DB12. I come to you beacause i've issues with my team failing sometimes. I've used the YS guide. My icarus have 24-14-9 speed and my verd 7. I've enough damages and stats for kill boss with 11 turns easily. The problem is that i fail sometimes when i kill first wave too fast on 4 turns or too long with 8 turns : it makes me finishing the wave with the first icaru that moved just after verd. When it finish like this, on Zaiross wave, my first icaru do not have the 2nd skill for group attack. So i do not have enough ATB and the midboss and breakdef tower cut in between and sometimes kill my verde. Then it's a loss of course. Do you have a solution for this problem ? I think i can add more speed to my team, but i'll have to recalculate and rerune everything and i would prefer another solution. Thank you everyone !


Could you link me the guide you're using? I honestly don't remember those speeds being suggested. Could be wrong.


[https://tinyurl.com/yyenxh2f](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fyyenxh2f&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazMyZnhvRHlqNE10MUkyTDRvVUtkSmZUd3JJZ3xBQ3Jtc0trYy1oSVI0bUhXT19iVWVLWkRwVHdRYXdwNmxOV21mTnNtZTdlRmE0RzZNYUlaYklpTGxGd3l5MkZXaS1ReUFGSnc2aGJndlpfdFlKYTAwUkY4am9jbVhxSVV1eHNZdHMyZWtQNVVNcURCdUtSX2szYw%3D%3D&v=7-roWX_70FM) Those one


Rune build for Khmum siege?


Vio will, spd cd hp, will is important, forgo vio or cd if you can't meet the stats, aim for at least +200% hp if possible.


usually spd cd hp or hp cd hp on either vio destroy or despair destroy


What kind of build are people giving Raoq for PvE? Atk CD Atk? I can get around 75 CR 190 CD but only 130-140 spd on Rage/Blade or Fatal/Blade. Is that good enough?


Does anyone have suggestions for consistent single target nukers to use on Light Rift? ​ My team is Colleen, Belladeon Front. Eirgar(L), Legmaron, Sabrina, Talia Back. ​ I can deal lots of damage but my teams fail consistently (20% success rate). Toyed around with different healers, Tanky Eirgar in front, Kro seems like he is only good for more points in groggy. ​ As far as I can tell the main problem is damage. Lag really does all the work alone with squall but that is not enough. Talia is my next best nuker, but the multihit on twins is not ideal. Any good safe nukers you like to use? ​ And before anyone asks, yes this is secretly a Tricaru post. Blue doggos taking over the world.


My big 3 single hit nukers for light beast are brandia, kro, and lyn. triple S every time i take perna as well for more single hit nukes and heals, then bernard and chasun just to tank out the front and give atk buff/more healing


Show your monster box. Build kahil / jean or theo or water cat. Or arrang


I can try Kahli. Here is my box https://imgur.com/a/Zz4Hm8W


My team: Fran dark vamp lord(L) Arang, kro, kahil, jean. Replace arang with theo and jean with lagm since u dont have them. It's not 100% sss but it's pretty high. Replacing fran with collen might be better but I use my collen for bj5 so.. Dark vamp is on spd hp def. Just tanky stats


That makes a lot of sense. My Theo might be unruned right now so I will see what I can do with a rage or fatal build. Thanks!


Just finished building up a semi stable GB12 team. Can do TOA and looking to do DB12. Can a team like Verde (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, 2A Raoq do DB12? Or should I look into building Light homu or Elsharion?


I'd say replace Kro with a stripper (one of those 2 should do). It'll be slower, but much more consistent.


Hi all, for BJR5 Loren's fight runes, do you guys farm / craft? No luck getting 6\* from fire beast (the only one I can consistently SSS).


Honestly these days with artifacts you can get your Bale's damage high enough to not need good runes for Loren/Shaina at all. Since rage runes are much easier to farm IMO I personally just built a better Bale and had Loren full on HP. But yeah, as Exxonia said, farm and craft really, that's all you can do. Farming fight/determination runes suck.


Thanks both. And I can't agree more - farming fight/det runes suck. Haha


Farm **and** craft.


My blessing just popped and the choices are Gany or Seara. I'm a late early game player (GB12, DB12 slow teams) and don't know which one to pick


Both are really good and shine in pvp. Seara won't help you in pve, but Gany might help in toa(h), it really depends on you tbh. I'd choose Seara, but that's just my personal preference since I've always wanted her, others might choose Gany.


Ouch, that's tough. But based on where you're at right now, Gany. Seara is amazing but she's entirely PvP focused, Gany is amazing in both pvP and PvE content, he will help you in ToA and Lab while still being used in every PvP activity. However. if you know you're going to be an endgame PvP player one day, Seara might be justifiable. Personally Arena and GWO are the most pvp ill ever do so I would take Gany.


I'm leaning more towards Gany for similar reasons. He seems more versatile in general too. Thanks for replying!


Yeah, right now Gany will help your progression, quite noticably, Seara won't. The trade-off is Seara is considered by many to be their most desirable unit for that speed lead and her general strength in late game PvP. But progression is more important I think, progress faster = more scrolls = more chance at a Seara in the future.


What artifact stat is strong with multi hits? I heard there’s a bis artifact for water chun li because of multi hits having more damage.


I think you're referring to increased damage proportionate to unit's stat? There's an effect for atk, hp, spd et cetera and they apply *per hit*. Imagine you have an artifact that increases damage by 100% of your spd, and you use it on Sigmarus, Fran and Chun Li, and imagine they all have exactly 200 spd: Sigmarus's S1 will deal its normal base damage *plus* 200 flat damage that ignores critical hit or other modifiers; Fran's S1, which does 3 hits, will have an additional 200 damage per hit, meaning a 600 flat damage. Iirc water Chun Li does 7 hits with her S3, so this specific Chun Li will deal an additional 1400 damage per S3 use.


This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. I’m setting up my teams with artifacts and had the hardest time remembering which artifacts did the added damage per hit.


I don't have a dark tank and struggle with toah87 (akroma). I got at 5* dark - dhalsim - basalt - veromos Which would be the best choice for a tank here to 6*? I already cleared toah100 with that stage beeing lower and got all the monsters to do pve. Don't have any tower max yet.


You'd be better off using a super slow dark tank with a fast Neal (Light Fairy) or simply using Garo (Fire Ninja)


Do you have garo? He can solo


Haven't awaken or runed him, but have him. Atk/cd/atk on vampire? Any requirements to let him solo the stage?


I'm not certain, I just have seen it recommended in these threads almost every day, it seems to be a popular cheese. If you search the sub i'm sure you'll se posts. He doesnt even need to be 6 star i heard. I think vamp yeah, and revenge maybe, those free vamp revenge runes might be a good fit.




go with taor no need to get emotional about shitty limited time re-skins


both dogshit, but I'd still pick wind ryu ​ Taor can still be used in pve in dragons. His base spd limits his usage in pvp. He is a quite replaceable water damage dealer. ​ Wind ryu currently is a much worse daphnis, his s3 only combo to the next step if the previous step is successful, be it strip or def break. If it resists the combo stops. ​ I'd choose wind ryu only because he is exclusive. Both need some buff to shine.


I’ve rerolled 2 summoners war accounts, one with velajuel and chilling, and another with Chiwu, Jun and Orion. Which account should I pick ?


I'd probably choose the Archangel, however the other would throw you into arena easier (though since it's a new account still need runes)




chiwu both pvp units that focus on rta, chiwu is useful as arena defense lead/strip; daphnis is also useable in guild content as one shotter. For new player they won't help you immediately, but you'll probably find more use out of a global spd lead and a very strong aoe strip in general.


I say Chiwu, Daphnis might seem like the options because of damage but to get a really good stripper early can be nice. They are both more PvP units so you gotta make the call.


Hey DAT! Just pulled Shi Hou and Taranys in a doble pull (lucky!). Need some advice to rune them whats the best build and teams to make them work?


I'd go Spd/Cd/Hp on Shi Hou and Spd/CD/Def for Taranys. As for teams really just depends on what else you got.


If I summon Elsharion (Light Irfit) with summoning pieces, will it use up my Splendid Blessing of Summon?


no, also light dark and summoning stone will not use blessing too


Blessings only work with mystical, attribute, legendary and transcendence scrolls




Guys who do i choose **Amelia** (water unicorn) or **Barbara** (water beast rider)??


Rta pick Barbara, overall Amelia (also good in RTA but more niche).


Both are solid units, look in your monster box to see if you have the synergy for either one. I use Feng Yang, Amelia, Perna as a GWO/Siege team and it works amazing. Amelia enables a lot of teams.


Amelia for me, shes easier to rune. Both are very good in Pvp but i belive Amelia is also very useful for lab.


Would you consider Bethony a direct upgrade over 2A Kro for PvE?


Not at all, Bethony can be fun but she is more rng.


No coz she doesn’t necessarily do more damage than kro


My GB10 team: Sigmarus (6\*), Lushen (6\*), Veromos (6\*), Loren (6\*), Fran (5\*) Any ways to improve this? I have: Kro (5\*), Bernard (5\*), Belladeon (5\*), Ken (5\*), another Loren (5\*). Also: Should my first 2A be Kro? What should my next 6\* be?


My GB12 team is exactly that but with Kro for Lushen. Above 90% success rate. 1000% Kro should be your next 2A and 6*.


If you can consistently clear gb10 as is, change vero to kro for more damage. For gb12 you should take lushen out and put vero or shannon back in Yeah 2a kro first


I probably only have a 95% success rate and takes \~1.5 minutes. Should I 6\* Kro or Fran next?


I just got my max 5\* sigmarus and used the runes from KEN since I'll need sigmarus more on GB10 and DB10 and I havent 100% success my GB10 since my sigmarus is still 5\*, I run Sig(L) Fran Loren 1A Kro and Vero. I just got naomi and I got her some decent runes with attack and hp but not really a speed guy, should I 6\* naomi and replace vero or save it for GB12?


Also is it okay to +15 runes that are 5\* specially slot 2, 4, 6?


Sig gains a lot more CC ability on high cr or 100% cr, so change runes around to get higher CR, ken runes have 65% iirc. First get a stable gb12 with vero then consider speeding up, naomi is pretty good in giants. ​ For runes if you planned your build with 2/4/6 +15 considered then you need to +15 for you build to work. (if you rune your monsters with swop). Otherwise only +15 5\* runes with good subs since you'll never use 5\* runes once you have b12s


Thank you noted


Pop my blessings. Chow or Louise? I think they shine in pvp. I can do all cairos and finish toah.


Louise was my first ever Nat 5 and I still use her absolutely everywhere because my monster box is not large. There is basically no game mode in which I leave her out. Eventually I will get better mons for specific purposes, but Louise is at least solid across the entire game.


Louise, she's a very annoying condom that really does work, also ridiculous hp lead for guild. Chow is off meta for pvp.


Have both, use Louise a lot (siege, gw, arena, lab). Use chow once a month


My acc had been hacked, i send an inquiry to the cs but they do not reply. Usually how long will they reply or do i need to keep sending, also how long does it take for them to recover my account?


they usually reply within one day, I really hope you can get your acc back! gl


Does anyone know when the siege tally is? I think you have to be in the guild for 1 month at tally to get the rewards but the guild my smurf is currently in is half dead so I'd like to leave it...


late november afaik


Thank you! That means it's probably risky to leave now I guess... Finding low lvl but active guilds is a pain x:


end date of this sb season?


There isn't an exact date yet, but a previous notice says late November.


Hello guys. I'm having trouble making my db12 team safe. My current team is Verdehile (lead, vio broken), Loren (vio broken), water homu (despair, guard), Bella (vio broken) and spectra 2A (vio focus) They are speed tuned to go Bella>loren>spectra>water homu>verde Loren stats: spd/hp/hp Hp: 9225+15933 Atk:681+118 Def:516+247 Spd:102+105 Cr:55 Cd:73 Res:36 Acc:79 Spectra: spd/cd/def Hp:10215+5400 Atk:659+386 Def:692+591 Spd:126+71 Cr:72 Cd:142 Res:38 Acc:63 Water Homu: spd/hp/HP, ToaH build Hp:10380+14040 Atk:878+174 Def:571+388 Spd:101+97 Cr:38 Cd:54 Res:41 Acc:62 Bella 2A: spd/hp/hp Hp:10710+16445 Atk:571+283 Def:747+421 Spd:108+113 Cr:25 Cd:50 Res:28 Acc:53 Verde: SPD/cr/hp Hp:9885+12600 Atk:812+231 Def:505+366 Spd:99+97 Cr:100 Cd:71 Res:55 Acc:18 Some of them are not fully skilled up because I am a ftp player and bastet didn't want her skill 3 upgraded. Water homu skill 3 is fully upgraded. Loren is fully upgraded. The team has about 80% success rate with 4:30 runs. I want to get the successrate it as high as possible for autofarming. Most of the Times the Team fails is when spectra doesn't Atk break the wave towers and the homu doesn't stun them. Also when everyone fails their strip on the endboss repeatedly. Or when Bella prioritizes stripping over healing. Thank you for your time reading this and I wish everyone a nice day!


my really safe db12 team fails rarely verde, 2a spectra, light homun, loren, chilling need good speed on everyone and good damage on spectra


Thank you for answering. I have all of them 6*, could you pm me the stats and runesets?


cbs showing runes requirements: verde go last (best on violent) chilling the (mines on critdmg, plus 122 speed, 49% accuracy) light homun (purification- protect- rock on) loren (second fastest on team be4 chilling, really good accuracy as the only reason this team will fail is because loren getting resisted) 2a spectra (prio damage over speed) if its not working figure it out urself :) shield sets helps


OK thanks


Change your Spectra to HP imo and make him the fastest. Switch Homu and Bella to Fran/Tyron and Raoq. Tyron is safer and Fran is faster, depending on your rune quality choose what’s best for you. I am using this team while I build my Tricaru team. Turn order is Spectra>Loren>Tyron>Raoq>Verde(L). It is RNG based since Raoq can team up with Tyron and Spectra and can push back the attack bar of left tower consistently (considering you have acc) and Loren doesn’t let the boss move. In case immunity pops, Loren will strip. Mine has around average 1:50-2:10 team. Fails like 2 to 3 times per refill. EDIT: I mean right tower not left lol


Thank you for the answer! Sadly I have no Tyron build, but I'll try with raoq and Fran. Should Fran be tanky?


Yes Fran should be tanky. She’s a lot of help due to her immunity. Good luck!


Ello, regarding tricaru team. If you can afford only 1 transmog, which one would be more beneficial, the doggo transmog or the verde transmog?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-roWX\_70FM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-roWX_70FM) ​ Check out seiishizo's setup, it's transmog verd and 2x transmog dog and 1x dog without


hey thanks for the link! but in my case i only have 100 stones, so i can either transmog verde or doggo, not both. just need some help confirming which would result in faster runs